N.C. Drivers To Rocolvo Mow Typo Rom wo I Applications OPERATOR S APflKATIM FN IFIEVU. IF NIITI MRILIM IBITU'S LICENSE KCEIPT EXAMINE I EXAMINE I ' PKa^iu? NUMftEt DISTRICT NUMftER STATION NUMftEl NAMf STKEET CITY EXPIRATION DATE MO. OAY m. RACE WEIGHT CODE COiOt HAS LICENSE NO. ' BIRTH DATE. MO OAV VW SEX EST ISSUE CATC IMPORTANT: M ORDER TO RENEW YOUR N. C. DRIVER'S LICENSE. TAKE THIS CARO TO THE EXAMINER ON OR 0^ OWE. ' THE EXPIRATION DATE INOICATCO BY ARROW DO HOT FOLD OH MUTILATE THIS CARD l HAVI YOU ANY PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENTS! DISC MAE . nt WAVI YOU IVI1 SUFFERED I ROM EPILEPSY. HEART 77 TROUALE. PARALYSIS. FAINTING. DIZZY SPIUS BEEN . ADCHCTED TO NARCOTIC DRUGS OR INTOXICATING UOUOR9 STATI WHICH ARE YOU NOW CURED!. H nS. HAVE YOU EVER IEEN COMMITTED TO OR ENTEREO a m AN INSTITUTION FOR ALCOHOLISM OR AS A MENTAL PATIENT! WHEN! NAME OP INSTITUTION AND LOCATION WERE YOU DISCHARGED AS CURED! . SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT HE AROVE SIGNED APPLICANT STATES THAT THE INfOTtMATION GIVEN CREIN IS TRUE SWORN AND SURSCRISED TO RE FORE ME THIS DAY OF 196 EXAMlNEA-NOTAJtY PU0UC--C O NEW RENEWAL APPLICATION - A (ample erf the new North Carolina application for renewal of a driver's lic ense la shown above. The data on the new card will be processed by electronic mechines. The card Is similar to Government checks and must not be folded or mutilated. Driver's will start receiving the new type cards on Wed nesday, Jan. 2, 1963, as their old license expire. Van Horn And Snow Win Ontslanding Players' Trophies For "Most The entire Murphy "Bull V dog" football team wasencr talned with a banquet give by the Quarterback Club a the Regal Hotel, Saturday December IS. Dr. W. A. Hoover Intro duced the speaker, Beattli Feathers, assistant coach a Wake Forest College. Mr Minor's Host Baptist Choir Mr. and Mrs. Bob Minor were hosts to the choir of the First Baptist Church, fol lowing the Cantata Sunday evening at their home on the Ranger Road. The Christmas motif was carried out throughout the house, and a recording of the cantata was played by Mr. J. Thompson. Mrs. Minor, assisted by Mrs. Doyle C. Burch and Mrs. Alvln Buchanan, served re freshments to the thirty-five guests present. * Feathers has coached at other - colleges and was s "pro" (oot n ball player. He substituted t for Billy Htlderbrand, head . coach at Wafce Forest, who was unable ?> attend the ban quet. He spoke about some 8 ol his recruiting experiences, t Mr. Feathers then pre ? sen ted the trophies to John Snow for "most valuable line man", and John Van Horn for "most outstanding back." Paul Rldenbour, master of ceremonies, then presented Coach McConnell with the keys to a 1963 Bel-Air Chevrolet. WRITING CAROLS Men from many walks of life have contributed to the Christmas chorus of carols. Francis 8cott Key was not only a lawyer and the author of the Star Spangled Banner; he also wrote carols. And the com edian, Harpo Marx, authored a carol now sung In many churches, "Guardian Angels." Yule Is Time For Customs As the world grows smaller, Christmas observances In dif ferent countries grow more similar. Santa Claus In red suit and white beard drives his reindeer-drawn sleigh to North, Central and South America and to many other countries as well. In fact, when the first ex plorer lands on Mars, he shouldn't be too surprised to discover that Santa, and even Rudolph, got there first. Sharing of Christmas cus toms, however, only serves to point up the fact that this Is a holiday for everyone, and a holiday which draws Ideas from all lands and times, unit ing them In both religious and secular observances of the season. In Mexico Celebrating the posada Is a Mexican custom focused on the Nativity. "Posada" means "lodging" or "Inn," and for the nine "posada" days from December 10 to 25, churches, hotels, social groups and families through out Mexico act out the story of the Nativity. A procession of pilgrims comes to the place where the celebration is scheduled. They carry clay figures of Mary and Joseph, and they seek shelter from the "Innkeepers" within. At first the innkeepers re fuse, then they admit the pil grims to feast and rejoice. Fig ures representing Mary and Joseph are placed In a replica of the manger. On Christmas Eve, the figure representing Jesus Is added. In Holland Gifting season In Holland traditionally begins on De cember 5 and is called "8troo ivand" or "strewing night." Children place their shoes by the fireplace, filled with car rots and hay for St. Nicholas' horse ? in the expectation that on the morrow the shoes will contain candy, fruits and toys. ? ? * In Scotland Christmas feast favorites in Scotland Include shortbread a rich cake or cookie, and hag gis, a kind of pudding. New Year's Eve, or Hogmanay, is the principal day for gifts and greetings, when children go singing from house to house, in hopes of a treat. New Year's visits are paid ? and it's cus tomary for the visitor to bring along a pocketful of coal. In Portugal Christmas Is the occasion for a family celebration among the Portuguese. Families gath er on Christmas Eve for din ner at the home of the oldest living relative. After the chil dren have gone to bed, a crib or creche Is placed before the fireplace, and around It are grouped the children's shoes, which serve the same function as Christmas stockings. in Germany Many modern Christmas customs come from Germany, Including the lighted ever green tree. Appropriately, glft choosing season In West Ger many today starts after Christmas bonuses are distri buted on December 1. Carols Are Of Ancient Origin An ancient and lovely cuatom ol the yuletide season Is1 the singing of Christmas Carols, and ltdatea back 0 r*?e days of old when carols were amg in the street by waits and minstrels. While the yule log burned brightly in the fire, and the holly and mistletoe gleamed brightly among the Crlstmas candles, wassail songs made glad the festive and joyful Chrlstmastlde. We like 0 think that the very first carol ever sung was by the angel chorus on that first Christmas eve, nearly two thousand years ago. But, it was not until the thirteenth century that we find the beginning or the true Christmas carol and Italy la Its birthplace. From Italy, the carol spread 0 Spain, Prance, England, and other European countries, where It retained in folk-song qualities or legendary lore and childlike simplicity with a strange mingling of reverence and genial mirthfulness. The beginning of the eighmenth century marks the trans ition from the true carol 0 the more dlgnlgled and aolemn Christmas hymn. The nineteenth century brought the beauti ful "Silent Night, Holy Night," and also "O Little Town of Bethlehem" written by our own Phillips Brooks and in spired by a Christmas eve spent by him in Bethlehem. Thus our beautiful Christmas carols have lived on for rr j OpJb ^CtL ?VUHfC y "tiu/ yyJuout CHRISTMAS JMAtO/ / Dickiry NumitCi. ChrUtmaa In Murphy By Sally Bault U the most wonderful dm* of dm year, md Murphy Is dts moatwond erftd plan B be at this dm, la das storss sad on das streets, people cm ba saaa hustling md bus dine doing last mlnuta shopping. Saint Nick, a Jolly old fallow, Ba crowded l la In Ba crowdad *?wn giving sticks of csady K> all daa boys md girls. At noon chlmaa cm bo board from dao donao of dm Modaodlst Church. Ttaaro la a hint of snow In dao air a coxy small which, when mentioned, makes das children Jtanp for Joy. In the cafe the men have gathered gossiping and tailing das latest news, while their wives are shopping for K>yi and goodies for the little ones. When an occasional snow does fall, the square is full of children ? doing what but i snowballing each other. Hyde's i ?1111. Warner's HU1 and < the laundry hill are full of I children, and growing*, too. I sith their sleds. The click!ty t clack of chain* la haard i tha can plow through I While all of thia la goli on outalda, Inside (hare la d a mall of roaat turkey ? pumpkin pta coming from 4 oven. Staler - a till In hi pajamaa - la sitting at Ik table peeling orangea for an broala while mother ? granthna are making cake cookiea, and other goodies ft frlenda and nelghbo ra." J ln(C Bella" and other carola ci be heard on tha radio, addb to the Joya of the In the den t there are bowl paper and bonea waiting l> b wr vped if a minute of a per time can be found. The tra la lighted and ruining ovei with glfta. It la beautifully da corated with an angel aa oil aa the oldest child at the D| looking over all. Tha amckliqp are hung by the chimney - all waiting for Santa. Everyone mown that he will aoon be here ind not a person will be mlaaed lot In the town of Murphy. Murphy Christmas Parade Highlights ?? I H ?! ? ? ANDREWS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL QUEEN h \ f ? * ??????????WKtKmSBBM THE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY FLOAT IURPHY CIVITAN CLUB FLOAT Before you buy any chain saw! check MCCULLOCH'S new 250 direct drive \ More futures-more power-more value ? Push button primer ? Full 1G" welded tip bar ? High performance muffler ? Reborable cylinder ? Famous McCulloch engineering ? Weatherproof ignition Hush cut handle with plastic (rip Famous McCulloch Fingertip controls Horizontal piston Fully enclosed carbue Only $169.95 Tha 250 offer* fe*tur*s navc" bofor* available on a taw In lb: price rang*. When you *hop for a new taw use this check list and make aura you get your money-* worth! ^ For ? limited urn* with the purchase of a new Mc Culloch 250, you may purchase a $22.13 retail value chain maintenance Ut tor only $4.95 (suggested special price). This Mec-Pac includes the wortd-famous Nygran File N' Joint, McCulloch Bar Guard, Depth Gauge Tool, and 2 McCulloch Files ? for precision chain sharpening and protection. Wilson Tractor Co Andrews Rood Murphy, N. C. Presbyterian* To Observe Lord's Supper Annuel Christmas Eva ob i of the UrTiSifpr by candellght at Murphy Presbyterian Church la being arranged for 7:30 Monday night, Dec. 34. Other friends In no community, along with members, are Invited k> the (ham* of Robert A. Potaer, minister Is "The Comings of Christ.'' Miss Jerry Ruih Smith will be guest soloist (or the service. Mrs. Jemes H. Gibfas is srrsnging As de corations (or the ssnctuary. Because of the Christmas Eve worship, there will be no Simdsy night service at the church. lDEAi. CHRISTMAS GIFT Buy your Garden Club Cook Book at Scout Office. = 'C<*soyy$ ?cHvi^5 We extend to you our sincere thanks for your loyal patronage and our best wishes for a holiday season that spreads good cheer all through your house! y Raye s Auto Parts Andrews Road - Andrews, N. C. need money? GET CASH without delay! m? -and y Phon. 837-3686 FINANCE CORPORATION In Murphy Hiwanee St. Opposite Post Office r ORBITINGS and bait w i i h ? ? to you this holiday taaton I SCROGGS& BERRONG SINCLAIR SERVICE SlHlT?giK APPLIANCES Put the happy gleam of Christmas in her eyes with a gleaming new appliance! RREE DELIVERY (^/xme cutd yet it! UMwtfpoot DRYER RCA WHIRLPOOL automatic alactric dryar (Specifications ... GD-40.) Full-Width Console ? Now, one-piece modern high con sole, finished in aluminum and charcoal with white accents, has convenient Control Center at right. Cental Panel?In smart aluminum, charcoal and white, framed in chrome. Cabinet ? One-piece, wrap-around. Flo-Coated and finished with Lifecoat acrylic enamel on chemically treated steel for rust prevention. Tumbler ? Satin smooth with durable enamel finish on chemically treated metal for rust prevention. Satin smooth, can't snag or tear clothes. Scientific design pre vents clothes from tangling or matting. Rotates 45 r.p.m. Perforations only at back of drum for air circulation. Air Circulation ? High-velocity 8" exhaust fan for most efficient drying. Temperature ? Infinite selection with three marked settings: hot, med and warm. Safety thermostat auto matically shuts off electric element if temperature is ive; restores operation when temperature drops to safe level. Heat is off during last 10 minutes of cycle free drying. On 230-V. operation, wash 'n for wrinkle-free wears will dry wrinkle free. Automatic Door SKutoff ? Tumbler and heat turn off when door is opened during operation ... automatically resume when door is closed. Top-Sids Lint Scroan ? Built-in, located on cabinet top. i Insulation ? Moving air stream keeps cabinet cool. Seal around back of drum and against bulkhead around drum opening against cabinet front keeps heat in. ? Highest quality heat element carried by ceramic bushings mounted to heat-resistant frame. Murphy,N.C. Smoky Mountain Gas,lnc.