Christ's Mass Highlight Of Holy Day Colohratioa Chrt?t*i Mas* ?tChrtf tmai will bethahlghllftitof iheholt <uy. ***5^ li Wllllans Catholic Chapel m the* Join In contributing *> 1 vb2*? celebration of An birthday ?< J*"*" Christ. Sev tral annual aventa ar? on che schedule lor ?M Catholic peo pl? of the ??. members of local Proiaatant churches will ba mora than welcome an mU. Chlaf amor* the events wUl be the Mhhttght Maaa and aervlcea K> ba haldChrlatmaa Eve imdar the dlractloo of the pastor, Father Raymond. The asalatant-paamr. Father Ellle, will help with the aer vlcea at the altar and the Crib, the decorative arrangements of which are belt* sigervleed by Brother Martin Vertaaalc. Parlahloners will elnf the .acred chanta and enroll thro ugh t the Maaa, aided by the Catholic Sls?rs from Hayes - vllle. A Birthday Party for lesus will foUow immediately in the pariah hall and foe usual number of vlaltora. Catholic and Pro tea tan t alike, are ex pected, and welcome, ?> be on t^nd for the Maaa aervlcea and social acdvltlea after "?^day. Dec. 23. will wit ness the Christmas Party for the Kindergarten class at the Catholic Mission In Texana. The teacher. Miss Hazel Cress, welcomes one and all B attend; the party starts at 7:00 p.m. The following Sunday, the children of the parish RhUg ious - Instruction Classes will strut forth In mo Christmas season productions. One groip will render a choral presen tation of the Christmas Story, while a second entertains with a play on "The Legend of the Christmas Rose." The children's teachers. Sister Esther Marie, and Sis ter Mary Martin, are In charge of the production. An Epiphany Party Is sche duled for Thursday, J anuary 3, at the Clinic In Hayesvllle for the children of Clay Coiaity attending Bible and Religious Classes there. The pre-Christmas season of Advent was ushered In by parish participation In the Mur phy Christinas Parade.Afloat showing the Virgin Mary being told of her being chosen as God's Mother was the work of parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Han Beerkens, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil James, and Mr. James Sprung. Theme for the float came from Father Raymond and backdrop art work was carried out by Sister Mary Martin of the Hayesvllle Clinic - Convent. Miss Pam Herbert portrayed Mary, Bobby Hughes was the angelic messenger of God. A photo story on this event will ap pear in this week's issue of the official diocesan news paper printed In Raleigh. Peggy Smart Is 6 Years Old Mr. and Mrs. John Smart entertained with a party at their home on Saturday after noon. Dec. IS, from 2 dl 4 honoring their daughter, Peggy, on her sixth birthday. Miss Elizabeth Martin led the children In games, after which they were Invited Into the dining room where the table was covered wlthawhlte cloth and centered with a birthday cake, surrounded by holly and red candles. After the children ate. they record ed their voices and heard themselves recite. Before leaving, the children opened a treasure box, and each child selected something to take home with him. Those attending were: Teresa Palmer, Teresa Moore, Nancy Ann Whltener, Bobby Whltener, Jeff Stewart, Donna Lovlngood, Cynthia Dodson, Diane Palmer, Jeni fer Dodson, and Belinda Smart. Murphy Library To Close Murphy Carnegie Library will be closed Chrtstma week, December 25-29. Itwll open again Wednesday, Jan.2 Library hours are Tuesday Saturday, 9-12 a.m., 2-5 p.m. Tuesday evening 7-9 pjn. MRS. rVA CHAMBERS ANDREWS - Mr*. Iva Chamber*. 99, died at 10 a.m. Tuesday, December 7, In a local bo apt tel. Sh* was a native of Chero kea County, and a daughter at the law William Jason and Martha Abernathy Solas bee. She waa a member of die Hanging Dog Baptist Church. Services were held at 10 a.m. Thursday in Andrews Second Baptist Church. The Rev. James Trustt and the Rev. WeldonGUl officiated and burial was in Valley town Cemetery. Surviving are a son. J. L. Chambers of Andrews; a sis ter, Mrs. Tina CDell, of Rt 3, Murphy; three brothers, Jerry Solesbse of Dorena, Ore.; John Soles bee of Ft. Bragg, and William Soles bee of Ajuhwws. I vie Finer al Home was in charge of arrangements. W. J. PALMER ANDREWS - William Jona than Palme, 93, of Andrews, died Thursday, Dec. 13, In an Andrew* Hospital after a short illness. Mr. Palmer was a native of Cherokee Cowty, a son of the late Ball and Sal lie McDon ald Palmer. He was a member of Marble Springs B^itlst Church. He had been an active Mason for more than 40 years. Surviving are four daugh ters, Mrs. Fannin Fancher, Mrs. Ethel Watts, Mrs. Addle Queen, and Mrs. Myrtle Bla Joe Ray Thanks Patrons "While It's too late to talk . about early mailing of Christ mas gifts and cards," Post master Joe Ray said today, "I am grateful for your ex cellent cooperation to date , on my 'MailEariyForChrlst mas' Campaign." "Time means everything now." he continued - "Even a few hours delay In getting your cards and gifts mailed may mean disappointment to your friends and loved ones on Christmas Day." With the Christmas mall load now hitting Its peak, here are a few of the postmaster's Important reminders - Don't mall money in Christmas cards or parcels. - Use pos tal money orders or checks. Be sure to Include full name and address, postal zone num bers and YOUR return address either written or printed on every card and package. - Parcels of real value should be Insured, and if they contain delicate gifts, mark them "Fragile", and foodstuffs subject to spoilage should be marked "Perishable." The Postmaster suggests that last minute mailers use Air Mail for their Christmas cards and gifts that are going out of town. There Is still time fo local delivery, but all Christmas cards should be sent by First Class mail. The Postmaster said."Now that we are coming to the end of the big rush, let's all keep up the good work so that we can have every mall bag empty and every Post Office em ployee relaxing at home on Christmas Eve." Carringer, Murphy Tenor, To Giye Concert HENDBRSONVILLE - Tenor Waller Carringer will be die featured artist in the second season presentation of the Henderson County, Mutual Concert Assn., according to James E. Lenz, president. He will sing at 8 p.m. Jan uary 8, In Hendersonvllle High School Auditorium. Carrlnger's appearance brings to four the total of con certs scheduled for the sea son, Lenz said. Carringer, a native of Mur phy, la a veteran of World War II, during which he ap peared in USO shows and bond Burs. After discharge, he studied a year at Western Carolina College in Cullo whee, then went to New York City and studied atColunbia University, obtaining his B.S. in music there. For three years be was soloist with the famed Robert Shaw Chorale. He went to London in 1958. Admission will be by mem bership, Lenz said, except for out of town guests of mem Cberohse Scout li Clay Couaty Progress, Thurs? Dec. 20, 1962 Grape Creek HD Club Sponsors Open House Gr^e Creek Home Dem onstration Club sponsored an Open house at lbs new store of Bill nad Pearl Carroll on Joe Brown Road, Rt. 8, Murphy, Wethtasday night, Dec. 12. Friends mi neighbors of the Carrolis ware invited and despite the bittsr cold, a great many cams with gifts of money mi other things for the Car rolls new venture. Grspe Creek Club woman served refreshments u> those present and all depend with a wish for success in the new amra. if vie Funeral Home ? r * Murphy-Audrtws-Haytsvillt lock, all of Andrews; a son, Wealey of Andrews; wo sla ters. Mr.. Molly Murphy of West Virginia, and Mra. Anna 0*0all of Murphy; a brother, Rollln of Androwa; 12 grand children and 37 great-grand children , Servlcea ware held at 2 p.m. Saturday In Marble Springs Baptist Church. The Rev. Arvel Swafford and the Rev. Jim Truss of flclamd and burial was In Moss Cemetery with grave side rims conducted by the Masons. Pallbearers were: Horace Hembree, John Gar rett; Jack and Wayne Smith. Lloyd Mlllsaps, and James Coffey. Granddaughters were flower bearers. Ivle Funeral Home was In charge. MRS. NAOMI SEXTON Mrs. Naomi Sexton of At lanta. Ga., sister of Peyton Ivle of Murphy, died Tues day afternoon. Dec. 11, In an Atlanta hospital following a short Illness. Services were held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday In Ward Fun eral Home Chapel In Decatur. Burial was in Wesley Church Cemetery. Surviving In addition to the brother are a son, Charles Sexton of Atlanta; the father, P. R. Ivle of Cornelia, Ga.; seven sisters, Mrs. Robert Ferguson of Cornelia, Mrs. prank Haslett of Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. Rex Elldns of Dalton, Ga., Mrs. T. C. Christian. Mrs. Ralph Christ Ian, Mrs. Ernest T. Barnes and Mrs. Clarence Allen of Atlanta; two brothers, John of Commerce, Ga., and Ronald Ivle of Manning, S. C.; and three grandchildren. MRS. BUCHANAN Mrs. Maggie Woody Buch anan. SO, of Murphy, died Wethesday night, Dec. 12, in a Murphy hospital after a short Illness. Mrs. Buchanan was a nat ive of Madison County and was the widow of W. H. Buchanan. She was a member of the Christian Church. Surviving are the sister, Mrs. J. R. Parker of Hot Springs; and three brothers, Burnette Woody of Ashevtlle, and Hal and John Woody of Hot Springs. Services were held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Green Cove Methodist Church with the Rev. Carl Cunningham of ficiating and burial was In Green Cove Cemetery. Ivle Funeral Home was In charge of arrangement. G. G. ANDERSON G. G. Anderson of Etowah. Tenn., a native of Cherokee County, died Sunday morning, Dec, 16, In an Etoway hospital after a short Illness. Mr. Anderson was a mem ber of Shady Grove Baptist Church, but had resided In Etowah for the past 40 years. He was employed by the L & N Railroad and was a son of J. M. Anderson of Route 2, Culberson, and lbs Ua Bliss Arp Anderson. Afar services In Cog HOI Baptist Church In Etowah, a brief service was held at 2:90 p.m. Wetbesday in Shady Grove B^xlst Church near Murphy. The Rev. John Gibson. nep hew of Mr. Anderson, offi ciated and burial was In die family plot of die church cemetery. Surviving In addldon K> the father are the widow, Mrs. Grace Donaldson Anderson; four daughters. Miss Betsy Andsrson of the home, and Mrs. Mildred McNeley, Mrs. Marjorle Rice, and Mrs. Mary Lou McKlnney of Etowah; five sons, J. B. of Youngstown, Ohio, and James, Sam, Steve, and Stanley Anderson all of Etowah; six brothers, Ralph of Youngstown. D. H? Jim, Verlon, Wade and Harvey And erson of Culberson; five sis ters, Mrs. Edith Gibson, Mrs. Zsy Martin,Mrs.KatePlckle slmer, Mrs. Reathel Robin son of Culberson, and Mrs. Ore Martin of Murphy. The body remained at the home In Etowah until time for the service. MRS. STIZZY FERGUSON Mrs, S tizzy Berry Fergu son, 76, of Murphy, died early Thursday morning, Dec. 13, In a local hospital after a long Illness. Mrs. Ferguson was anadve of Towns County, Ga., daugh ter of the late Bill and Re becca Shook Berry. Surviving are three daugh ters, Mrs. Ruby Hyatt and Mrs. Maude Slagle of Mur phy, and Mrs. Ruth Smith of Young Harris, Ga.; a son, John Ferguson, Jr., of Mur phy; two sisters, Mrs. Tiny McFalls and Mrs. Martha Christian of Cullowhee; a bro ther, Jim Berry of Blalrs vtlle, Ga.; eight grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2 pjn. Saturday In Calvary Bap tist Church. The Rev. Mlllford Garrett and the Rev. Ernie Young of ficiated and burial was In Sunset Cemetery. I vie Funeral Home was In charge. ALLEN INFANT Jane Lee Allen, nine-month old daughter of Chester and Patricia Moore Allen of Mur phy, died Tuesday morning, Dec. 18, In a Murphy hospi tal, after a short Illness. Services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Texana Baptist Church. The Rev. Joe Perry offi ciated and burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving In addition to the parents are two sisters, Mary Helen and Patricia Allen; two brothers, John and Raymond Allen, of the home; the mater nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith of Murphy; and the paternal grandfather, Luther Allen of Murphy. I vie Funeral Home was in charge. ssssssssssssseeseessgss TO WISH YOU ALL THE , JOYS OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Slack - Murphy Parts Sincere Good. "SZSZislies We with everyone a holiday filled with joy and pleasure. Murphy Hardware Co. dlltk Uppiwi mIj, lALbk com Parker's Drug Store II J^s we hark back in reverence to a night of wonder and holy joy, nearly two thousand years ago, may the spiritual blessings of that first Christmas be with us all. Blue Ridge Electric Association f We \ wish wish for you and your family .. all of the 3log and 4fapptn?0H of the CfvuAtmaA SeaAan Murphy Electric... Power Board MerrV Christmas Here comes Santa with a pock of Christmas wishes To All Our Good Friends and Customers Davis(***?>Servi( m-i. #w_ V/ v J&7 *.:.v5i? /4*Uc*mc in the hush oI that Holy Night, so long ago. may the wonder of the Christmas miracle once more fill your heart with a transcendent joyl W.C. Kinney & Sons, Inc. " Tout Good Gulf Distributor " T17-2523 Murbhy.l.C. ?Noe?,Noe? Let the joyful sound of bells ring out our sincere best wishes to oil our friends, for a very Merry Christmas! TIGERS Hayesville, N. C. Special C,hriitmai lYj eaaye This is a special Christmas message from Noah Lovingood, owner of Murphy Supply Company We have been permitted to enjoy the blessings of another Christmas Season. As we pause here at Murphy Supply Company to celebrate Christmas, 1961, we have many blessings to be thankful for and we count them one by one. For all of them we are very grateful. To our many friends and customers we are grateful for yOur friendship, loyalty and pleasant business relations. All of them have helped ease the pathway of life. To you we are thankful. For the year 1962 we promise to strive harder to merit your friendship. To you and yours, my family and I and the employees of Murphy Supply Company sincerely wish each and every one of you health, happiness, and a very Merry Christmas. Noah Lovingood MURPHY SUPPLY COMPANY Murphy, N. C. i !8SaS^!SS^%^!S!Sisj!ir!J

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