ifjvsa i o The Cherokee Scout AndClay Conn ty Progress felwM 73 ? N??k? 24 Mwphr, N*rth CotIIm, TWU?y. immmy 10. 1M3 12 Papu Thl. WMk Public ?Mbly Wa ANDREWS MASONIC LODGE #529 INSTALLS OFFICE RS Andrews Masonic Lodge #529 installed the elected and ap polnted officers for (he year 1963 on Monday evening, Jan. 7. Pictured above are the officers for the coming year. Front row, left to right, DUly Raxaar, treasurer; Herbert Sbeldy, Junior warden; John Bills, master; Sam Hartman, senior warden; Clyde Rector, secretary; second row, Harve Muihey, chaplain; Charles Frarier, senior deacon; Lyle Bryaon. Jisiior deacon; Vincent Hardin, senior Stewart; John Bellman, Junior Stewart; and Burke Wood, tyler. The lnstal ling officer was Gordon L. Butler with Kelly Hooper es In stalling marsh all. The retiring master, not shown In the picture, is S.J. Gernert. Galusha Pulllum is the retiring secretary after 24 years of continuous service In that office. The Installation ceremony was open to the public and several visiting Masons were present along with other guests of the Andrews Lodge. Refreshments were served to those present by members of the Andrews Chapter of the Eastern Star. (Photo by Smlley's Studio.) County, Murphy School Units To ReceiTe Bids MURPHY - The Cherokee County and Murphy School units will receive bids for school building construction on Thursday, Jan. 24. The bids Include con struction of a classroom - lunchroom combination at the Murp .iy Elementary School and a lunchroom-home economics bulldli)g at Murphy High School. In the County system, a cafeteria building will be built at Hlwassee Dam School; a gymtorium at Ranger School, and a multi-purpose room at White Church School. As of Friday morning, J an. 4, seven general contractors had asked for the building schools, plus five plumbing and heating subcontractors. k FIRST AH) i RUCTION CHAT J FIRST AID CLASS - A Red Cross first aid instruction class began in Murphy Monday night, Jan. 7. The class will continue through the remainder of this week. Shown above, Charlie Johnson, left, is applying a cravet open hand bandage to fellow classmate, John Fleming, right. ' on are Jack Bvans, state director of Red Cross, and his assistant, C. J. Beck, from the N. C. Highway Department, Sylva. Members of the Cherokee County Rescue Squad and nersonnel of the U. S. Forestry Service make tg> the class. (Scout Phokt) WEATHER Dan High 54 55 53 48 45 43 Low 16 16 25 27 26 28 18 Pare. .00 .00 .00 trace .00 trace .00 Forecast: Thursday, partly cloudy; Friday and Saturday, rain; Sinday, fair. Adopt Baby Girl MURPHY - Mr. and Mrs. Hobart MdCeever announced Monday, Jan. 7, the adoption of a baby daughter, Christina. Farmers Home Lending At Record High In 1962 HAYESVILLE - F aimers Home Administration lending in 1962 reached the highest level for any 12-month period in the agency's history. An estimated $754 million in loans were made by FHA during the year ? 50 percent more than In 1961 and 120 per cent more than In 1960. About 214,000 farm and other rural families used cre dit from Farmers Home Ad ministration during 1962. This was a 17 percent Increase over the number of borrowers in 1961, and 24 per cent above 1960. Three of the FHA programs showed substantial Increases In dollars loans during the year. Loans to fanners for the purchase of, development or enlargement of family sized farms Increased 135 percent. The amount of credit extend ed for construction and Im provement of rural homes and other buildings more than than doubled. And loans to in dividuals and small towns and other groigis to build on-farm and rural community water systems end finance other water development and con servation measures rose about 90 percent. The Pood and Agriculture Act of 1962 added a number of new loan authorizations to the FHA program of super vised credit. Farm ownership and opeatlng loans were broadened to Include the fin ancing of recreational and for estry enterprises to sup plement farmer's Incomes. The Senior Citizens Housing Act of 1962 established a program of loans to build rental housing or Individual bull ding or reno vating of housing for people over 62. All FHA loans are accom panied by tecnhlcal advice on I farm and financial manage . ment. Loans are made only *> J applicants who are unable to obtain needed credit from con ventional lenders. Planning i Week-end Accident? JoO J - ? V\ Bloodmoblle In Murphy - Wednesday, Jan. 16 - 12:30-5:90 Power Board Bloodmoblle In Hayesvllle - Thurs., Jan. 17, 1-6:00 p.m., Methodist Church County Deeds Land Behind Library To Town Of Murphy New Fire Station To Be Constructed MURPHY - The Cherokee County Board of Commission era met in a regular session on Monday, Jan. 7. Present at the meeting was chairman W. A. Hoover, LesterN.Cole, W. T.Moore, and J. E.Graves, clerk. A mo don made, seconded, and approved was to deed to the Town of Murphy 20 x 70 feet of land; said property being back of the library; that a two-story building be builton this property and used for fire trucks. Rescue Squad am bulance, and other equipment to be i used in this line of work. W. T. Moore made amotion which was seconded by L. N. Cole and unanimously passed to approve the bond in the a mount of $1,000.00 for Virgil Hogsed, county constable, with the United States Fire In surance Co.. Surety. A motion was made by W. T. Moore, seconded by L. N. Cole, to give the N. C. Vet erans Commission $1,000.00 per year, effective January 1, 1963, and was unanimously passed. This is to be paid to Frank Swan for service rend ered from time to time. It is to continue through Dec. 31, 1966, and is half the a mount to be paid to Frank Swan, the other half to be paid bv the North Carolina Veterans' Commission - the salary to be paid $2,000.00. A motion was also passed that John Donley, Tax Super visor, value all new homes and buildings at 50% of the building cost. The commissioner* passed on a motion B> pay expenses for Donald Ramsey, Clerk of Court, and Carlyle Matheson, Accountant, to go to Chapel Hill for Business Courses. The final motion passed was to place on the map 8/10 mile of road In Murphy Township known as the Fred Amos Road. At the finish of the business, the meeting was adjourned. Ranger Grange RANGER - The Ranger Grange held Its regular meet ing at Ranger Elementary School on January 7, 1963, at 7:30 p.m. The Grange considered and endorsed the LeglsladvePro gram drawn up by the State Grange. Monday, January 28, 1963, will be the next meeting date for the Grange. Cilbtrsoi Htws Mrs. Bonnie Cearley and her granddaughter, Pamela Church, were lour day visitors In Atlanta with Chuck and Joan Cearley. -C Mr. and Mrs. Gene Arp have returned home n> Rt. 2, Culberson. They have been living In Idaho Palls, Idaho, for the past four months. Mr. Arp was employed there. On their return home they visit ed Mrs. Arp's niece, Mrs. Annls Payne Van Dyke, of Salt Lake City, Utah, during foe Christmas holidays. -C Mr. and Mrs. J ames Dock ery and children have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jenk ins of Epworth visited rela tives and friends here this weekend. -C John Rush returned to Bob Jones University, Greenville, S. C.. after spending Christ mas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rush. He also spent a couple of days In Ashevllle with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haywood, his sister and brother-in-law. CM m NICKEL POSTAGE - A* of Monday, January 7, you nod on* of dMM on ? firet-claoe low. Tho Washington (tamp la on sale now. The flag stamp, which la manual bocauao It baara no words, wUl be avail able K> the public January 9. The Monro# a tamp haa bow la uoo a long time and mil not be la First Phase Of $50,000 Forest Program Completed MURPHY - The first phase of the accelerated public works program that was signed inn lew by President Kennedy on September 14, 1962 came n an end Decem ber 31, 1962, on the Tusqult tee Ranger District. The Area Development Ad ministration of the Depart ment of Commerce in cooperation with the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture allotted (50,000 for Improvement of roads, firebreaks, hellspots, build ings, and trails on National Forest land In Cherokee and Clay Counties In order u help provide Immediate useful work for the unemployed and tnder employed In this area of labor suiplus. Tusqutttse District Ranger, Bunch A. Nugent, reports the following accomplishments In Clay and Cherokee Counties: Awarding of a contract to DUlard Construction Com pany of Sylva. N. C? to build a new warehouse for the For est Service Work Center in Murphy. Awarding of a con tract t> Harold Walls of Mur phy to construct the Hanging Dog Road which will serve the proposed Hlwassee Lake Recreation area. This con tract Included (15.000 of AA To Meet HAYESV1LLE - At the Jn uary 13 meeting of Alcoholic Anynomous, which will be held at Hlnton Rural Life Center, Hayesvllle, N. C? Smille M. from Hendersonvllle, N. C? will be speaker. A covered dish dinner and fellowship will begin at 1:00 pjn. K. P. W. money to supplement regular finds approprlstedfor this road. New service buildings have been constructed at BlgStamp and Panther Top Lookout Tow ers. Two hell spots (helicop ter lending spots) have also been constructed near these towers. Three and one - half miles of firebreaks have been re-worked and approximately 22 miles of Forest Service Road shoulders have been brushed. Approximately four miles of Forest Service roads have been graveled. All of this work has furnish ed temporary employment di rectly by the Forest Service to 19 local men. In addition, numerous workers will be furnished employment through work contracts awarded. The Forest Service in anti cipating additional funds inder the Accelerated Public Works program to furnish furthet employment through June, 1963. To date, no additional finds have been allotted. Dale Lee, Murphy Merchant, Home From Hospital MURPHY - Dale Lee, 60, popular Murphy clothing store )pernor, returned home Moo lay night, Jan. 7, after under going extensive teata for a malignant tumor at an Emory University hospital In Atlanta. Mr. Lea was at his desk In the rear of Candler'a Tues day morning busily catching tg> with correspondence tax reports that had piled ip during Ma absence last week. He must return 0 Emory Thursday, Jan. 10, for a ser ies of X-ray treatments and Mr. Lee is aider the care of Dr. Oiso Abbott, a famed CanaMaai doctor who has bean dn operating physician for the Royal Family of England. He will remain In Atlanta for a period of 20 days during which time he will receive Mr. Lee said, "I fool fb? have caSMtta la my Emory. They have In Ma world right CONGRATULATIONS The erection of large, attractive highway eigne on all major highway* leading Into Murphy i* another amp for ward in advertising the Murphy area to tha ever growing number of Burlsts visiting North Carolina each Recently, the Family Reataurant in Mtcpby erected on U. S. Highway 19 - 129 from Bl*rtvUle, U. S. Highway 64 from Copperhill, and two eigne on U. S. 19 from Ashe vllle. One of thaee signs la 40 miles from Mtvphy, this aide of Bryeon City. All these eigne advertise the restaurant awl secondly, the motel accommodations in Murphy. The word MOTH. "Virtf]T0*DeuT owner^esTop?-a*Mr*of "this reel I* to be congrandated for tMa ' WEND ALL WILLARD LOVINGOOD, JR? 33 year old tailor, was promoted to Lt. J. G. In the U. S. Navy on December 30, 1962. He entered the Navy In June. 1948. Lt. Lovlngood Is presently stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. Prior to this assignment, be served for two years on the Air Craft Carrier RANDOLPH. For twelve years he was on sub marine duty. Lt. Lovlngood Is the son o4 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell W. Lovln good. and at one time attended Andrews High School. Reuben Battle And Ed Garrison Nominated For Morebead Scholarships CHAPEL HILL - iwenty flve high school male seniors, nominated from counties In this area for consideration for More he ad Scholarships id the University of North Carolina, will be interviewed by the More head Scholarship Dis trict VI Committee at the Battery Park Hotel, Ashe ville, January 16. The nominees from District VI are being interviewed in statewide competition with 1S6 boys from the other slxMore head Scholarship Districts in the state. Morehead Scholarships pro vide a four-year all - expense paid undergraduate college education to recipients. They were established in 1951 by John Motley Morehead, UNC graduate and native North Carolinian who lives in Rye, N. Y. Mr. Morehead la chair man of the John Motley More head Foundation. Morehead Scholarship Dls trlce VI is composed of the following 17 counties: Avery, Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Hender son, Jackson, Macon, Madi son, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Yancey. Among the nominees for district interviews from these counties were Reuben Brian Battle of Andrews, Cherokee County; Edwin Bud Garrison of Hayesvllle, Clay County; Wi Cat. urpky Jo endar THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 :00 p.m. - Cancer Clinic At Health Department. 1:30 pjn. - Peachtree Home Demonstration Club id meet with Mrs. Aud Sudderth. 1:15 p.m. - Cherub and Junior Choirs to meet at First Methodist Church. 7:00 p.m. - Rescue Squad *> meet at Murphy Power Board Building. 7:30 pjn. - Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order of Baa tarn Star to meet in Masonic Hall. AAUW K> meet with Mrs. J. Alton Morris, Andrews. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 7:00 pjn. -Swain -vs-Murphy basketball game at Bryson City. Rescue Squad First Aid Class at Murphy Power Board Building. SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 6:15 p.m. - Mass at Provi dence Chapel. 11:00 a.m. - Holy Mass at St. Williams Chapel. 5:30 p.m. - MYF at First Methodist Church. MONDAY, JANUARY 14 6:30 p.m. - Rotary Club to meet at Family Restaurant. B h PW Club to meet at Regal Hotel. 7:30 p.m. - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine officers and committee meeting at the St. Williams Catholic Church. TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 lOrtO a.m. - Circle No. 4 of First Methodist Church ? meet with Mrs. Brooce Breland. 2:30 pjn. - Circle No. 9 of First Methodist Church to meet with Mrs. W.P.Odom. 4:00 pjn. - Teachers NCSA Area conference to be held In RobfctnsvlUe School at Robbtnevtlle. 6:30 pjn. - Clvttan to moat at Family Raataurent. 7:30 pjn. - Circle No. 1 of First MethodUt Church m meat with Mrs. Hataa Dlchey. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1* 7:15 pjn. - T at First T 7:90 pjn. - Bo at Presbyterian < 7:90 en. at Pisa kOO pjn. - ChMr at Ptssbytarlaa < Tar Heel Restaurant Opens At Murphy MURPHY - The town's new est resuurant opened Tues day, J anuary 8, under the name of the Tar Heel Restaurant. The Restaurant, formerly known as Tracy's Restaurant, la owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. SonnyGUlesple, both Murphy natives. The restaurant opened fol lowing extensive redecorating and repairs. Including a bright new paint job and a colorful neon sign that beckons to the tourists. The restaurant la located on Valley River Avenug, three doors down from the square. Mr. wad Mrs. Gillespie bought the restaurant from ?o. Mr. Gillespie was associated with Ms parents In Mrs. Gillespie was formerly a legal aaci etai y Prod O. Chrism Bo th will devott full V! Murphy *? .JS ,--.m

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