til's Ciritr! Wy l?|Uy STJfSi fdi?7 want D (It bo far ttaJly I art* i ao'a I ootid git enrolled or tuck In. Whan I dad dad op a all mint I callad ig> this Doc Mr and Bid Mm how sick I ao ho*d think 1'a pretty Ho must* balsavad ma ho Bio mo B git on tgt wtd chack la at this hoe wMtoo mo. . Thoy waited oo mo alrtta. The first thing thoy InslsBd on was that I gat In my pajamas and said for mo B push a lit tle burnt for room service soon as I got la 'am. . .Well. 1 did and la lesson a mtnuw two of tham nurses come a prancing in dtare m while one of 'em hod my attention a talking b her the others, for I knowed what wuz a taking place, slipped aroistd b my back end I cat tell you this ?M UK Ut at teflM. lCkM?Sl a'rf They hi id In Thai fifths of " Boated In The Ban" tey^a, 11 mii< 1M try md ? Thay 'tnaadno ar Km way dtey*a a give It D me. Than I aat' tf I't gonna gat anything a> MIX It with, that I Juat wasn't seed a> It trait. epedally tinea I couithi'tgit no chasers. Thay Uuda sutggtied a little and told ma to "Shut id. an git ig> there on that had." It wuz one of the highest badt I ever aaan an that worried me. do, ctuaa 1 hnowtd that whan I had 2/5 of that 100* proof stiff In ma I'd be abort D wobble off Aat bad and maybe git hurt when I hit the floor. But thay dUh't aaam a Mt worried or ooocarnt about none of this aid Did ma I'd probiy paaa out fore I got thru with bo A botdaa full, I never doubt ed Aat a tall. Why, I've pat ted out many a time on a lot leaaen Aat. Than I found out how they'a aiming d give me that audi an I'm here D tall you 1 don't recommend this method of tak ing a abort snort ? or along snort, either, Durned tf*n they dlthi't job ma in the crook of my arm wlA a needle rod than they boohed ig> a taction of NOTICE Due To The Increase In Cost Of Materials And Labor, The Fol lowing Murphy Service Stations Will Charge $2.00 for CAR WASH Effective Monday, Job. 21st Murphy 66 Station Hick's Gulf Service Davit Esto Servicenter Wimpey A Mull Gulf Service Murphy Texaco Service Station Charles White 's Sinclair Station ScroggsABerrong Sinolair Service Trudy's Clearance!^ Childreis WINTER COATS Sire* 4 through 11 Only Ten Left Reg. Price 15.98 to 20.90 Pr'fc.MO" Ladies I CAR COATS IColor Beige Only 4 Left | Reg. Price 9.98 ?He. V Ladies WINTER COATS (jr?atty IQcJuctJ Oat lack Ladits DRESSES & JACKETS Rag. Price 8.96 to 12.98 ^a'? ten Price *5" One Table LADIES SHOES Sandler of Boston Fashion Craft and Connie Rea. Price 8.98 to 9.98 Sale $4" & $5" Price Ladies Koret of California Cottoa KNIT SUITS Sizes 10-12-14-16 Reg. Price 18.98 to 21.98 Sale tin. Price *12" All Wilier SKIRTS & SWEATERS g,.attt m.du c*J Lidies White FELT HATS Reg. Price 6.98 Prlc? S2'? 0?t Rick Lid its WINTER DRESSES Famous Name Brands Nelly Don, Jonathan Logan Babbie Brooks Reg. Price 15.96 to 25.98 St. S10M Bo Sure To Soo Our Toblo of Merchandise' I v - ? ?' ? * Backward Glance SO YEARS AGO JANUARY 20. 1933 oI Asbevtlle la ?M mat of Mr. Mrs. Hu-Gil hart Aberna thy of CopperhUl, TRa, was a visitor la laat Saturday. Mrs. Sbsrtdaa Dickey m tertMned wlA a party of laat Thursday, Jan. 12, la honor of bar Utbs detainer's. Jaw. birthday. Many (araoa and ooMaats vara enjoyed by all present. The dUxhng room was daooraiad la piafc and whim. The color ocbetne waa car ried out la (he refreshmaats. The boaoraa received many nice gifts. The boaisaa aerv ad cafes, cocoa, and ralats. Invltsd were; Little Misses Mary Portsr Palo, Mary Helen and Carolyn Ballay, Kathar ine Howell, Ch arietta and Wanda Bowles, Petty Fain. Malba Holder, Annie Ruth Carrlagar and Edward Dickey. Mr. Percy B. F are bee of Andrews was a business visi tor in Murphy on Tuesday of this < 20 YEARS AGO JANUARY 21, 1943 Mrs. Dale Lee will return home Saturday from a two week's trip is New York. Misses Opal Decker and Katharine Howell JolnedRlch ard Howell, who U stationed at Ft. McCellan. Ala., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. BUI Pinker ton in Chattanooga dur ing the weekend. Miss BUa Jean Wells left Tuesday for Charlotte she re ?he wUl take nurses training. hose to It en the hose run up to the bottle. They had this here bottle a hanging on a limb of a sa>b they had drove ig> in the floor. I told 'em K> open the spickst tg> full blest that the way that thing wuz a drip pin I never would get nary ? kick out*n it a tall. They had they own way of doing every thing so I soon seen they wasn't no use hardy of offering no suggestions. I done my best, though to try so git 'em a> let me Just drank them 2/5 down but they said "No, you ain't in no sh^je to." This was the first time I ever knowed my shape had anything to do with that. I mid 'em so, too, an then they explained m me that the reason they liked m do it this s wsy wuz becsuse it saved ? lot of wear an tear on a feller's swaUerlng apparatus. I flggered this was the first sensible thing they'd said an 1 went along with 'em ? ouchlngly. Well, sir, they*s rim, I did pass out ? at least, a dozen times. An I still don't under stand that cause anytime I had ever passed out before I'd ?Uue got reel happy like en ?11, but I guess this stiff ef fects you a lot different when ever they're hosing It Into you Instead of Just swallerlng It down. 1 know that must be It cause the next morning 1 never had no hangover. There's ? heep more to this story but I guess it'll hafts welt til next week. Pred Joknaon was a buel aas visitor la AshtvUle laat Mr*. ipurg# Christopher of Adaota wUl arrlv* Sunday lor ? visit ?M friends ad rela dvos la Murphy. ?5- hy^Dr^ ?d a her boms la Admta. 10 YEARS AGO JANUARY IS, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamp ton left last Wettaesday for w assarted trip wast. They will spsad the greater part of the dm* with bar brother. J. O. Uttta. and family of Clara moat, Calif. Mr*. Vivian Gantry became the bride of Frank Hanalay Friday night. Doc. 26, la a ceremony at McC ayes villa. Following a wedding trip through several southwestern states, die ooupl* will reside in Portland, Or*g? where be Is employed with the Baldwin Lima - Hamilton Corp., of Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. S. C. Burgess left od Monday for Chattanooga, where she took a plane for Chicago on a business trip. Mrs. H. R. Zlterousr of At lanta, Oa^ la visiting Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer here. Dr. and Mrs. Dyer have a new son,' William Rand, who was born Dec. 22, In Murphy Gen eral Hospital. Mrs. J. D. McDonald and baby, Gwends, left Sunday for their home in Chattanooga. She haa been here with her mother, Mrs. Clyde Brannon for the peat tlx weeks. Mr*. Bob Bault left Wed nesday for Durham where she trill be a speaker on the program of a vocational guidance program there. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald David son have returned to Pensa cola, Fla., where he la sta tioned. They had been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Davidson of Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sparks of Copperhill, Tenn. ?4/1 On^a^?mi/i( Stnnounccd MINERAL BLUFF, GA. - Mr. and Mrs. Hubsrt L. Dean of Mineral Blttff, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Joyce Ann Dean, to Mr. Tommy B. Bryant, aon of Mrs. Beatrice Bryant of Culberson. N. C. Mlsa Dean Is a senior at Bast Fannin High School and Mr. Bryant is a senior at Hiwassee Dam High School, Hlwassee Dam, N. C. A fall wedding la planned. Cherokee Scout h Clay County Progress, Thurs., Jan. 17, 1963 Nuts Sl Bolts Recoipe This recipe was sent In to The Scout with the Shoal Creek News by Mrs. Beulah Slaughter, who says It Is delicious. NUTS AND BOLTS I MEDIUM Pkg. Cheerlos; 1 pkg. Rice Chex; 1 pkg. Pretzels (small ones); 1/2 lb. Pecans or Walnuts andpesnuts (unsalted); Melt three sticks of oleo. Add 4 tablespoons Worchester shlre sauce, 1 teaspoon celery salt; 1 teaspoon onion salt, 1 teaspoon garlic salt. Pour the mixture of liquids and salts over the nuts and cereal and mix well. Place In large pan and bake In a 200 degree oven for two hours, stirring three or four times. Tar Heel... PEOPLE and ISSUES By Cliff Blue BONNER - The (act that Rep. Herbert C. Bonner far ed well after having gone It alone among the Tar Heel representatives in Congress and sqpported President Ken nedy's proposal to Increase the rules committee two years ago, no doubt was a factor in the decision of three ad ditional ones, Cooley, Taylor, and Henderson to vote to con tinue the rules committee at 15. Two years ago the Tar Heel delegation voted U 'to one against the president; this year the vote was seven to four against the president. PAUL KITCHIN - No doubt former Rep. A. Paul Kltchin did right much thinking before deciding to accept the position as counsel for the Senate judi ciary committee at the Invi tation of Senator Ervln. Kit chin lacks only about 18 months having enough service in with the Federal Govern ment to qualify him for a right nice retirement. It was for this reason rather than having been bitten by the "Potomic fever" that caused him to return to Washington rather than resume the practice of law In Wades bo ro. Remaining in Washington does not bring him back close to the main stream of Tar Heel polltlcsl Anyway, the three men who vied to represent the 8th dis trict in Washington ? Paul Kltchin, John Kennedy, and Charlie Jonas will all be in the nation's capital with fed eral jobs ?Kennedy and Kit chen by appointment, and Jonas by popular vote. LITERACY -GovernorSan ford says that "between 20 and 25 percent of the adults of our state are mable to read or write well enough to copy a number out of a phone book" and we are the great progressive state of the South. KENNEDY -PresidentKen nedy appears to be gaining a little stronger hand with the Democrats in Congress than be had two years ago when be entered the White House. NEWSPAPERS - One or more grmps of non-daily newspaper publishers in North Carolina have been consider ing the possibility of a cen tral newsp^ier plant to cope with modern ? day printing methods and costs. Central newsp^wr printing plants have been established In sev eral stales of the union. GOLDWATER - SenatorGold water says that ha is not the least bit interested in the Vice Presidential nomination. Goldwawr points to Presi dent Kennedy as a "magician" for having made Vice Presi dent Lyndon Johnson disap pear from the po"dcal scene. Goldwaar is qtdia right. Lyndon Johnson spears to have taken a back seat since being elected Vice President. But Goldwater is now talk ing lust like Lyndon Johnson did More he lost the Presi dential nomination and than glad ?> get the VP somi te i Goldwawr's term in will be tg> in *64 but ha could rui for re-election as well ae for Vice President ? same m Lyndon did In >60. ROCKEFELLER axl KEN NEDY . The people would lack pick from should receive the GOP te la 1964. Both are liberals. And our guess Is that these will be the candidates. RACE RELATIONS - The Rev. Dr. Dow Klrkpatrlck, a Methodist minister, who hai served both Northern and Southern pastorates says: "1 think the race problem will be solved In the South before It Is In the North. Why7 Primar ily because Southern people have a warm, person - to - person relationship with the Negroes that I do not find In the North ... I heard more snide remarks about the Negro and the Jews in the first few weeks I was back North than I beard all the time I lived in Georgia." STEWARDSHIP - We feel i strongly that the government - suae as well as federal - should guard closely how it spends the taxpayers money. When this is properly done, a Justified tax reduction might be in the realm of suaesman ship in Washington. C. B. DEANE ? Woulcb't surprise us to seeC.B.Deane enter the race for congress in the 8th district in 1964. Murph,', Own ?!'!?; f,rri"?" i? Gi.st ?Wfir_Sr?ft|o*y Visit MURPHY ? Wtlar C Jtof ?r of Murphy aid Ham York City will la KUMt aololit for Carolina Nonfi Carolina Llctla ? . _ _ symphony ooocart Tburaday, Fob. 28. *tvo woo bagun byttwCb.ro hm County dupar of the Symphony Society last wank " will contlnus dtn??h Jwu SS. T?il?r Of Tales !? Honored By National Mafasine MURPHY - Node* has been ?JcMvwl that the "HooastAbe be?,w?rd 21? ^yC-Besley. author of die "Cur's Corner" series <??? appears regularly In (his ?**y?pw. This sward was by Argosy Magazine, a ?toofial magazine. award 1b made "to *pln die best yarns. The award is the ?atf#d BuU'* With die Winking Eye." Also ?long with the award. Bagiey of$5 0? " ?heCkta "nount B?gt?y received the award ? J* ** foHowlog yarn ?bout how he stumbled onto ? pretty clever way ? fl,h. Ah. ri "yone exc^?t "onset Abe Clubbers, the story I am ?bout null you would sound tmreasowbU. ^rhap, even !? ?**? by telling It here. tterePIJfrCtly there will not be a shadow of doubt in any member's mind. One day while fishing. I rsn out of bsit sod w?p^_ paring k> go home, when I SZ ?n^lf W,Ck "n*Jce *ltha Jrog In his mouth. Immedia tely 1 conceived die lfea of W" ?od taking his Si *rrlb'e ?bout having rob ?der ? "" me*1' bi order to compensate him in me measure for this un ... ??*ui tms un sportsmanlike conduct. I mnt Jrom my pocket, and before !llm' 1 Poured ? generoua slug of it down his throat and away he scamp '! Iud. Ju?t resumed my fishing when I felt something ng my elbow. To my Mtonlshraen,; there was the mouth. ?nother frog in his ? "N?Otteliy. I realized the ,^-riL! c?mp?nion. so ?took Mm home with me and my problem of searching for bait was solved for a long time. I suppose it would have been solved for all dme. but isj fortunately, "Ole Blsclde' be- 1 IT**" ?'nobollc, ?nd I almost < S.'^ ~~ 1,0 WB h0* h"d ' CoS.,Sm7rd We are sending you here T~ ?J!!.of_the grt!itestbon ore diet mortal man can bestow upon Ms fellow - seek ers of the truth at any price. the drive m dm en. Mr*. Bd Rey Mcfiwain Warner, Jr. and Bd lUy ?. Holland !? chapter preeldent. Over >1,000 rouat faa raland so bring the Symphony hnra for two cooorti ? on evening performance and a fraa coo cart (or school children In the county. Stgprt for the chlldrao'a concert cotnea from dm aalo erf adult mem bership*. Metnberahlpa are: >1.00for student membership (evening); >3.00 (or single membership; >5.00 (or Joint (mo at one ea dresa) membership; >10.00 for active membership; >25.00 ship; and >100 and over "patron." THE CHEROKEE SCOUT and Clay County Progress N. J erne Babb.. Publisher Phyllla B. Babb. . JSdltor Jack Owens. . Production Supervisor Published Every Thursday at 117 Hickory Street. Mur phy. N. C. Second Class Postage Paid at Murphy, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing addresses In Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties, N. C.; Towns, Union and Fannin Count lea, Ga.; and Polk County, Tenn. 1 Year ? >3.00 6 Months - $1.75 ALL OTHER AREAS 1 Year ? $5.00 6 Months - $3.00 On all subscriptions de livered In North Carolina, add the sum's three per cent sales tax. To you goes this unique ?tonor. The Soiled Bull's Head With the Winking Bye - ARGOSY Magazine's Honest Abe Club Trophy - in response to your very excellent story published In my column ap pearing In the January 1963 Issue of ARG06Y magazine which is now on the news i tends. This memento is un doubtedly regarded as the ultimate of all trophies In the entire domain of sport. After all. where else In the world can you find so many honest people communing truthfully with one another every month? So with the compliments of ARGOSY Magazine, here Is pour Honest Abe Club Trophy ? significant recognition of the unalterable fact that you ire a person willing to swear m a stack of ARGOSYS that ?11 of your hunting and fishing I lories are Just as truthful as those of every other fellow members. Incidentally, that $5.00 check we promised for publication Is also enclosed. Honestly yours. "...she had so many children she didn't know what to do!" BUT SHE DIDN'T HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF A CITIZENS BANK HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN I CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. ht?b?i *i<ml D^mII Umi?f Cwpiiillw Hirpky ? HaytsvilU ? Aiiriws ? Rihiisvilli ? Sylva Sirviif Snthwistara Kirtl Ciriliu

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