XJJOHT L THWART mmghi i o SAJCFLI The Cherokee Scout AndClay Coun tyProgress Velum* 73 ? Number 31 Murphy, North Carolina, Thursday, Fab. 21, 1943 12 Pop** This W**k Published Weekly 1 tCmumhy*"o?tmTc!?oun? 'Georgia Man Dies lln Truck-Car Crash MURPHY ? Loran Parks Turner, S4, of Mineral Blitf, Ga., well - known grocery wholesaler, was killed In a collision Monday afternoon, Feb. 25, 10 miles southwest of Murphy on N. C. 60 as ha was returning to Mineral Bit*. The front of the truck head ed northeast struck the car near the left front door kill ing Turner Instantly, Sute Trooper DonReavlssald. The accident occurred on a bridge crossing the Nodey ;Carringer Sings >Today With Symphony f MURPHY - Walter Car rlnger of Murphy and New ' York City will be the guest , soloist at the annual appear ance of the N. C. Little Sym . phony here today, Thursday, ; Feb. 28. The symphony, under the direction of Dr. Benjamin ' Swaltn, will give a free after L noon performance for school children In Cherokee County and an evening concert which will begin at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Carringer will also ap pear as soloist with the Little Symphony In Franklin and with the full symphony In Ashe vllle In May. The program Includes sel ections from Rossini, Mozart, Debussy, Dvorak, and other well-known classical compos ers. The symphony will also perform exerpts from the musical comedies "Kiss Me ? Kate," "Sweethearts," and '"Carousel." River, according to Investi gating officers. Frank Eugene Martin, 21, of Murphy, apparently escaped Injury when Ma two - ton truck and the Turner car collided. Trooper Reavisadded. Evidence Indicated that the Turner car was on the wrong side of the road, according ?> the patrolman. An Inquestwaa held at a Murphy funeral home by Coroner J. C. Town son and the coroner's Jury ruled death accidental. No charges were filed. Turner had been in Murphy n make Ma regular rounds of businesses with whom he dealt and was on Ms way home at the time of the accident, ac cording to the coroner. The body was taken toChas taln - Pack Funeral Home in Blue Ridge. Funeral services will be held at the Mineral Bluff Baptist Church at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 28. Both veMcles were declar ed a total loss. The two - ton truck driven by Martin, is owned by Frank Dickey of Murphy. Martin is employed as a driver for Dickey Supply, Co. New Pott Office OK'd For Andrews ANDREWS -Constructionof two Western North Carolina postoffice and federal build ing combinations got subcom mittee approval in the House of Representatives Wednesday in Washington under the Ac celerated Public Works pro gram. On the list of 86 towns are Andrews, N. C? $157,000 and Mars Hill, $153,000. Final authorization rests with the full public works com mittees of both the House and the Senate. Murphy To Get New Parking Meters, Fire Truck, Fire Station MURPHY - The Town of ' Murphy took a giant step toward obtaining three pro gressive improvements when C. E. Johnson, Town Clerk, announced that the parking meters now in use will be re placed with new meters, that sealed bids are being sought for a new fire truck, and the acquisition of a manned fire station to accomodate the pre sent fire truck, the new truck, and all fire fighting equipment. In addition, the board is seek ing ways to improve the fire alarm system. The three long sought and much discussed improve ments have been under study by the board for the past year. The present parking meters are starting their tenth year of service according to Mr. Johnson. Parking meter revenues are used m finance the police de partment, maintain the park ing meters and control parking. Meter revenues have amounted to $181,000.00 through J anuary 1963. The original cost was $14,000.00. Due to mechanical defects, receipts have dropped to a point which Justifies the re placement of the meters and the town board has authorized advertising for bids for new multiple coin meters. New meters will be paid for on a percentage of parking meter take plan, Mr. Johnson added. Garden Club Meet* MURPHY - The Murphy Garden Club will meet on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 28, at 3 p.m. in the Murphy Power Board Building. Guest speaker Iss Willie Bowman, will be Miss Home Economist with the TV A from Knoxville, who will speak on outdoor lighting. The public is invited. World Mission MURPHY - World Mission Night is being observed by Murphy Presbyterians In a congregational stgtppr gather ing and program at6:30Tues day night at the Westminster Building. A moving picture, "Taiwan Diary" will be shown. Those attending are requeswd to bring good used clothing for overseas relief. Morris L. Newton wss or dained and installed as a dea con of the church last Sunday. The first session of the pas tor's pre-Easter communi cants' class for girls and boys was held Monday rfter noon; the second meeting will be this Sunday afternoon V at 5:00. The board has authorized Mr. Johnson id advertise for sealed bids on the new fires truck. Through the co-operation of L. D. Murphy, Engineer, Southeastern Underwriting Assn., specifications meeting the National Board of Fire Underwriters, have been worked ig> by Fire Chief Rob ert M. White, Assistant Chief Edwin Cook, Captain Jim Ed Hughes, and C. E. Johnson, Town Clerk. The old fire ap paratus was purchased in 1945 and has given excellent ser vice, answering calls both in side and outside the city limit. Wear from years of use and changes in demand for usage, and Improvements in the new equipment, necessitate the purchase of a more up to date fire truck. The old fire truck will be re-conditioned and kept ready for services as re World Day Of Prayer Service Set MURPHY - Women of Mur phy will join with hundreds of thousands in services around the world Friday, Mar. 1, marking the 77th WorldDay of Prayer. The local observance will be held at the Messiah Epis copal Church at 3:00 pan. Representatives from the Baptist, Methodist, Free Methodist, Presbyterian, and Episcopal Churches of Mur phy will be present. Leading the local service will be Mrs. Merle Davis, Mrs. Max Blake mo re, Mrs. Holland McSwaln, Mrs. Wil liam Thompson, Mrs. Everett English, Miss Eunice Shields, and Mrs. Edgar , Harshaw, chairman of the program. Ministers from the local churches will also participate in the service. An offering will be taken at the service to help stgiport 12 Interdenominational Chris tian colleges in six countries, x> provide Christian literature for Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and to train Chris dan workers in these areas. It will also help the Migrant Ministry provide recreational centers, vocational ndhome maklng schools and day care The United States will be one of ISO areas in six conti nents In the world where some group will be ga?uwtu? at soma time during the entire 24-hour* to girdle the wo.Id with prayer*. quired. The new truck will be purchased with town funds. The Town Board further ap proved the renovation of the basement of the old Power Board Building at the rear of the Murphy Library for a fire station. The building is a brick structure, constructed by the electrical department, and joins the back of the Murphy Library. The basement Hiwassee Dam News By Charmia Jones Mrs. Elaine Voyles, Mrs. Georgia Voyles, Bruce, and Lori, were in Briston, Tenn. over the weekend to visit Elaine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Walker. -HD Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Floyd were in Cleveland, Tenn., one day last week on business. -HD Mrs. Joe Jones spent last week in Dalton, Ga., visiting relatives. -HD Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Floyd and Mrs. W. R. Price visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Campbell in Etowah last Sunday. -HD Thanks to Elaine Voyles for writing the news while I was out of town. -HD Larry Blackwell spent part of lastweeklnCleveland,Ten-^ -HD Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Talley of Chattanooga spent Monday at their new home in Hiwassee Lake. -HD Mrs. Howard Wynne has been in Atlmtafor the past two weeks. She is to return home Thursday. -HD Mr. and Mrs. Bert Black well of Cleveland, visited his mother, Mrs. Nellie Black well over the weekend. -HD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bagley and Sharon spent the weekend in Atlanta, Ga. -HD We are sorry that the David Ledford family is moving from out community. -HD The Hiwassee Dam 8th grade trill play the Murphy 8thGrade at Hiwassee Dam Friday night, at 6:30 p.m. Proceeds will go K> help buy bleachers for the Hiwassee Dam gym. -HD Gene Allan Palmer, who is stationed on the USS Sara toga CVS 60 in Mayport, Fla., will be home in til March 7th. -HD Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stiles and cMhkwn of Atlanta spent the wash end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Rapar. CHEROKEE COUNTY'S FIRST TRAFFIC FATALITY - Lor an Parks Turner, 54, grocery wholesaler, from Min eral Blirff, Ga., became the first traffic fatality of the two month old year In Cherokee County Monday, Feb, 25, when the car which he was driving collided with a two-ton truck driven by Frank Eugene Martin, 21, of Murphy. (Scout Photo) ANOTHER VIEW of the traffic accident thatclaimedTurner's life shows the Impact of the collision of the late model car and the two-ton truck. Both vehicles were declared a total loss. The accident occurred on the Notley River bridge on N. C. 60 about 10 miles from Murphy. (Scout Photo) measures 17 feet by 65 feet Inside and will require ceil ing overhead, plastering walls, concreting floor, low ering entrance, installing door at entrance, rewiring and lighting and approving ap proach to entrance. There will be sufficient room to house two fire trucks in the fire station and there will be quarters for a station attendant during the night hours. The board is also looking for an improved fire warning system. Many of the firemen fall to hear the present fire siren and it is the opinion of the board that better means of notifying the firemen is needed. Additional fire whist les and a special telephone system for calling firemen are being Investigated. Culberson Woman,76, Missing 8 Days, Is Presumed Murdered CULBERSON - A Cherokee County woman, Mrs. Lou Emma Ware Shields, age 76, has been missing from her home since Wednesday, Feb. 20. Her disappearance set off the largest and most in tensive missing - persons search in the history of Cherokee County. Rescue squads from Cherokee County, Polk County, Tenn., and Fannin County, Ga., plus hundreds of volunteers have combed the mountainous area near Culberson forelghtdays, with still no trace or clues as to her whereabouts. Local authorities arrested Mrs. Shields' son, Cecil, 44, who lived with his mother, for questioning on Monday, Feb. 25, about 1 p.m. The search for Mrs. Shields, which began Thursday, Feb. 21, was temporarily discon tinued after dark Monday pending developments in the questioning, Cherokee County Sheriff Claude Anderson said. Shotgun Blast Rips Man's Arm MURPHY - A Cherokee County man was seriously In jured Sunday night. Feb. 24, In the left arm by a shotgun blast which ended an argu ment that started in the afternoon, Cherokee County authorities reported. Claude Eller, about 32, of the Liberty section, was ad mitted id Copper Basin Hos pital in Copper Hill, Tenn., but was later transferred to a Cleveland, Tenn., hospital for surgery In an attempt id save the arm. Authorities were holding Oscar Blackwell, 44, also of the Liberty section, in the shooting. A hearing will be held after it is determined how badly injured Eller is, according id Sheriff Claude Anderson. Authorities gave this ac count: Eller and Blackwell began arguing in the afternoon in Eller's home, whereupon El ler got his shotgun and ordered Blackwell off the property. Blackwell went home, got his own shotgun, and came back about 6 p.m., when he shot Eller. Blackwell was arrested a bout 10 p.m. by Anderson, State Highway Patrolmen R. H. Ensley and Don Revls and State Bureau of Investigation Agent, M. G. Crawford. He made no resistance, the of ficials reported. ?aaaHMiHatMn VALENTINE KING AND QUEEN - Johnny Phillip*, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Phillips, sod Susie Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hughes, were ciowned Valentine King and Queen of Martins Creek schoon on Thursday, Feb. 14, 1963. Each class had Its own king and queen. The boy and girl having the most votes at one cant a vote, was selected king ?nd queen of the school* The ?>tal for the contest was 3107.00 which will ha used to buy playground equipment. "We would Uha to say thanks to each one that helped," a school spokesman said. The sheriff quoted Shields saying he had been drink { and had gone id sleep on tdnesday night after his other left the house about 30 p.m., and had no memory anything that happened ter she left until he awoke lursday. State Bureau of Invesdgat n agent M. G. Crawford ok Shields to Raleigh for e detector tests Tuesday. Also arrested Monday, eb. 25, in connection with e disappearance of Mrs. tields, is a Georgia man, alter Cole, 65, who is lod id in Clay County jail. He as picked up at Blue Ridge, a., according to Sheriff nderson. Anderson said Cole spent te night of Tuesday, Feb. 19, t the Shields' house at Cul erson, where the missing oman lived with her son, ecil. Cole was arrested after nderson found out that he had een with Shields at the house n the night prior to her dis ppearance. Both of the men ad been di inking, the sheriff aid, and Cole has also said e has no recollection of what appened. Cole was charged londay with murder, after laden Shields, Mrs. Shields' oungest son, had sworn out he warrant. Mrs. Shields is the widow if C as sidy Shields and has -esided in Cherokee County ill of her life. She is the nother of five sons, Otis, Dlin, Dennis, Haden, and 3ecll; and three daughters, Mrs. Jim Anderson, Mrs. Ross Owenb*, and Mrs, Wade Bryant. From the first. Sheriff Anderson said he suspected foul play in the disappearance of Mrs. Shields. No traces have been found of the 76-year old woman. 5he was last seen by her son, daden, at her home around 7:40 p.m. Wednesday night, -ecll, the son being held for questioning, lives in the home and said he did not take im -nediate notice of his mother's absence because he thought she had gone to stay with another relative. Several live within a few miles. The disappearance of Mrs. Shields was first discovered around 9 a.m., Thursday by Otis, another son, who came by his mother's home to check on her, a daily practice since her heart attack last year. Otis Shields first knocked on the thumb-bolted doors, when no one answered, he started around the house. Peering into a window, he saw his brother, Cecil, in bed with broken- glass strewn about the bedroom floor. He was successful in arousing Cecil, who told him that their mother was visiting Haden. Otis checked with Haden later In the day, and to his surprise found that their mother had not left home with Haden the night before. After a quick check of all of the relatives in the com munity, the Shields boys called the Cherokee County Rescue Squad and then noti fied law enforcementofflcers. The Rescue Squad members found broken glass, hair - pins, torn curtain and dis rumpled bed in Mrs. Shields' room. A daughter added that her mother's coat was mis sing and a pair of fur-lined boots. Mrs. Shields was reputed to have had several hundred dollars in cash from a recent timber sale plus her savings, her bank book and check book in a sweater usually kept in her closet. All are reported missing. A piece of Mrs. Shields' glasses was found in the front yard of her home. The search for Mrs. Shields was conducted in sub-freezing weather. Mrs. Shields, If ex posed to the elements, could not have lived through the night of Thursday, Feb. 21, when the recorded tempera ture plunged to minus 2 de grees. In addition, Mrs. Shields takes Digatalls, a medicine prescribed for heart padents. The medicine bottle was found In the home. A neighbor reported a car approached the Shields home around 9 o'clock Wednesday night and left a few minutes later. This single clue la all that law enforcement offi cers have to go on. Af?r eight days of careful Marching of the premises, and ?till no trace of Mrs. Shields, it is believed by authorities that she was transported from in a car. Mrs. Lou Emma Shields, Age 76 pg* SPORTS IN BRIEF HAYESVILLE -TheHayes ville girls and the Murphy girls clashed Wednesday night, Feb. 27, for the West em Division Girls Champion ship. The Andrews boys and the Nantahala boys met the same night to decide the Boys' Championship. Trophies for the outstanding players on both the boys and girls teams were presented following the final games on Wednesday. Results and pictures of Wednesday night's action and awards will appear next week. The Scout went to press this week before the games were played. James Harris To Head Red Cross ANDREWS - J ames Harris has been named chairman for 1963 Andrews Area Red Cross Chapter which includes terri tory from Topton to Marble. Other officers named were L. C. Broome and W. D. Whitaker as co - chairmen, Secretary-Treasurer Charles Delaney, Home Service - Sam Hartman, First Aid andWater Safety - Todd Reece, Gray Ladies - Mrs. Frank Wilhide, and Mrs. R. A. Dewar, Blood Bank - Rev. Edward Whitson, Fund Drive co - chairmen Rev. Tom Ledbetter and Mrs. Carl Barnett, Home Nursing Mrs. S. J. Gernert and Mrs. Wayne Battle. This year's quota for And rews Chapter is $975.00. Red Cross spent more than $300.00 in Andrews area since July 1962 for Blood Bank, Home Service, Service Men, and First Aid to Schools. Plans have been made to conduct a house to house canvass on March 8th, begin ning at 5:30 p.m. at Topton, completing the drive during the evening at Marble. Lee Nichols will canvass business section of Andrews. Volunteer workers are need ed ? For such a worthy cause, will you help In this drive with your contribution of money and time to help reach this quota? Date L H Pare. 20 27 57 traca 21 30 55 22 02 33 0 23 08 53 0 24 33 53 0.08 25 18 62 0 26 30 61 Foracaat - Thuraday aftar a ho vara. Friday, Saturday, at Sunday, scatfcmd cloudlneee, with chanoa of light rata by Sunday night. (en da r THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 1:00 p.m. - North Carolina Symphony at High School Gym for School children. 3:00 p.m. - Murphy Garden Club Bo meet In Murphy Power Board Building. 3:15 p.m. - Cherub and Junior Choirs at First Methodist Church. 7:00 p.m. - Veterans of World War I will have a meeting at Hlnton Memorial Center in Hayesvtlle. 7:30 p.m. - Murphy Chap" . No. 10 OES to meet In Masonic Hall. 8:00 p.m. - North Car.;, Symphony at High Sc' Gym. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 3:15 p.m. - World Day <. Prayer, Episcopal Church of Messiah. 7:30 p.m. - Martha Chapter No. 246 Order of Eastern Star will observe Friend ship night. Masonic Hall at Ranger. SUNDAY, MARCH 3 6:15 a.m. - Mass at Provi dence Hospital chapel. 5 p.m. - Communicants class at Presbyterian Church. 5:30 p.m. - MYF at First Methodist Church. MONDAY, MARCH 4 6:30 p.m. - Rotary Club at Family Restaurant. 7:30 p.m. - Cherokee Lodge No. 246 at Masonic Hall. Evening Circle id Meet In Westminister Hall, Presbyterian Church. Elizabeth Hale Circle, at First Baptist Church id meet with Mrs. Lloyd Ram sey. Fran kin Martin and Ruth Swan Circles of First Baptist Church with Mrs. John Carringer. BWC First Baptist Church with Mrs. Ruby Hill. MARCH 4 THROUGH 8 WMU Week of Prayer for Annie Armstrong Find at First Baptist Church. 8:00 p.m. - St. Jude Adult Education Study Club at St. Williams Catholic Church. ? . TUESDAY. MARCH 5 6:30 p.m. - Civltan meeting at Family Restaurant. World Mission Family Gathering and simper at Presbyterian Church. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 6:30 p.m. - Family Night at First Methodist Church Circle No. 3 will be host ess. Bishop To Visit MURPHY - The Rt. Rev.M. George Henry, Bishop of the Diocese of Western Nonfc Carolina, will visit the Mur phy Episcopal Church twice In March. On Saturday, March 2, he will have Confirmation at Messiah at 3K? p.m. On Thursday, March 7, at 7:30, the Bishop will ttedlcaie the Hubert Bourns Memorial, and will ordain * As Priesthood the Rev. H. C.

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