MDBFSI I 0 S4KHJ . WrAi..'. , 1 ' ? ? ? The Cherokee Scout AiiClayCoaa ty Progress L I 78 ? *?*?? M Mwphy, Mar* CmIIm, TWi^r, March U. IN) U Pmm This Wash Pahll.h.4 V^kU hcmdclai. pmtmi *a,o Development Finn Approved For Ckerokee WASHINGTON - The Area If? fa' n? Own iia tnct Congressmen Roy A. Taylor. Ajgnovil af do to -? eligible a> ap*Tfor af federal On Rotarians Seek Bowling Alley For Mnrpky Area MURPHY - The Rotary CIito told is regular meeting at toe Family Restaurant Mon day night, March 11. New of w were elected. They era follows: Virgil O'DeU. ; JlmHnghee.Vloe t Deeglaa Smith, secretary; Lleyd Hantolx. Don Carter, Hareet Kins and Paid Ledford, BoardafOirecmrs. The Rotary National Can all parte of toe world. The tnmrnadonal Prealdant, Nlt hls Laharry of Calcutta, India, '?a main apei" During toe i lag alley waa Murphy. Any information on a bulldlik ^proximately I JO feet toy, 73 feet wide. (12 lanaa) will to appreciated. You may contact any Rotation. Attending toe meeting from Murphy were Holland Mc Swata. Lloyd Hendrlx, and Virgil ODaU. First Baptist Elects Deacons MURPHY - Laat Sunday, the mamfaera of the FlratBap dat Church alectad five new 'toy0? ? a 3 year term of office. A rotating deacon aya ?n la attgdoyad at toe church. Elected ware Mr.R.D.Bruce. Mr. Jeaa Barclay. Mr. Her yhel Mashbern, Mr. W. T. Brown. Jr. and Mr. Donald W. Romany. Mr. Bruce, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Rameey have served aa deacone In the Mur phy church before. Mr. Bar day haa earned In e Baptist chinch In another town before rawing U> Murphy. Mr. Meah bern never has aerred a term aa a deacon before and a date will be eat for his ordination later. Thoee whoee terms expire April let, 1963, and will re tire from toe active dlaoon ate for at leaat a year are Mr. j. B? Hall. Mr. John Savage,. Mr. Ralph McCon nell. Mr. R. D. ChandUr, and Mr. Cheaar Laweoe, pceeent chairmen of the deacons. The dlaconatt In Southern Baptist Churches constots of ? g"W ?f counaelora elected by too local congregation and ordained by a council to as sist the pastor in eervlnf ton local church. Ranger Grange Views Community Development Film RANGER - The Ranger School with Charlee la to ha bald at Mr. and Mrs. 1 Porriatar on Monday, Marth It, at 7t30 pjn. for " ia apon ity De GOP Woman Gbtomet laat Thursday night, Mrs. John Dickey. m =3E i L fhse. z * as 2.51 I ? 25 s ! 9 a 0 ? a OjM 10 OS 30 o jn It m 35 13 M M m em. m ?JU ,!?l- ^ ?3, - \ 6 -k h TT [a ELL Macfc Cattf.ll Charged In Double Killing R08BINSVIIXE ? Authorities here have charged Mack Cornell. 51, of Stecoah. with first degree murder and robbery la the sho?tm slaying Friday, March 8. of two elderly brothers, Charlie Dan, 71, and his brother Fred, 69, of the Tuskeegee Section of Graham County. ?fcerBf O. B. Banner said Sunday Cottrell had confessed to robbing the two man, who lived in a bouse packed with cash and government bonds sank about $16,000. But, said the sheriff, Cottrell claimed that he had not shot ths brothers. Ha implicated mother man. but the other man had an unassailable alibi for the time of the shooting Friday afternoon. Brewer said. Cottrell was convicted about 15 years ago of robbing the tun brothers of $1,500 and given a sentence of 3 to 5 years. Brewer said the victims' bodies, lying sight feet apart, were found about 5 p.m. Friday by a neighbor boy who saw them and Investigated whan they failed a> respond to his bail. A nelghhor woman, whom ha did not identify, said she had bawd what sounded like five shots about 2:30 pjn. Friday. Cottrell, who was riding la a pick-up truck driven by Harold Jenkins, was arras tad about 7:30 p.m. Friday byState Trooper Charles S troupe. Strotpe and die sheriff quoted Jenkins as saying Cottrell had ^jqpached his father, who agreed to transport him to Tennessee for $15, but said the boy would drive. Young Jenkins, who had not wanted to go alone, had stopped on dta road to Fon tana to pick tq> a friend. He told Stroupe that when he returned to the truck, Cottrell was standing at a pigpen looking at animals. A later search of the area turned tg> a 12 gauge shotgun believed to have been used to kill lbs Dean brothers. Brewer said. Brewer reported Saturday that three discharged 12 gauge sheila had been foimd in an abandoned building about a quarter mils from the scene. He said he believed the shells had been the ones used In the slaying. Charles Dam had bean wounded twice; his brother had been shot once, tha sheriff reported. Both bad been shot In the back from a distance of some 63 feat, according to a coroner's inquest report Saturday. whan arras lad, Cornell's suitcase held a powdered milk carton Into which had been stifled $1,400. the sheriff reported. Ha quoted Cottrell as saying he "dltki't know how the money got there." Tha Dam brothers' mo nay was turned over to Superior Court Clerk Will Sherrlll, who estimated their total wealth at soma $30,000, soma in cash, soma In banks In Murphy and Maryvllla, Tena., and soma In U. S. Government bonds. Mrs. CXIls Harris Celebrates 90th Birthday LIBERTY - Mrs.OUieHar trls celebrated tor ?Oth birth day tore Wednesday. Feh. 27, ?t Dm ton* of * Three of tor cMlcfcen i present: Ed Harris. Mr*. Mary Leu Hoik Holloway. mti Mrs. Mania Bnw. Mrs Winds Moore was the only child ?naMe ? attend. Mra. Harrla waa born on Fab. 27. 1S73, at Andrews, daufhter of As laa Samuel aid LydUWhltaker Wakefield, and is one of the few In tor a dll living. She After a heart failure last r, Mrs. Harris has Lay's 5 & 10 Marks 38th Anniversary With Big Sale MURPHY - Lay's 5 and 10 bars will celebrate the 38th ?adversary of the founding of the parent company with a nine day sale beginning Thursday, March 14, and running through Saturday, March 23, Troy Fleming Is the mana ger of the Murphy store. Check the company's ad in this Issue of the Scout for the many bargains being offered this year. ANDREWS - Due to the prevalence of Asiatic In fluenza, visiting In District Memo rl si Hospital has tem porarily bean discontinued isuil further notice. This measure has been taken in the general Interest of the patients and others In R. W. Pegram. Adminis trate, said, "The contin ued co - operation of ova will bo ^predated." American Legion Auxiliary Meets MURPHY - Mrs.CecU Bur Legion Auxiliary In her home on Monday Aamdtag vers Mrs. Fran Davidson. Mrs. Louisa Bay las a, Mrs. Bertha Roberts, Mil, Mirfarvi wiruer, mis, AaMa Lee Foard, and Mrs. Kate Mauney. Mrs. Exposure Caused Death Of Mrs. Emma Shields, Autopsy Report Reveals Andrews Hospital Receives $1,064 In Duke Funds CHARLOTTE - Trustees of The Duke Endowment today annotmiced in appropriation of $313,555 id 44 North Carolina and South Carolina hospitals to aaaiat them In charity care for the flacal year ended Sept. 30, 1962. Thli appropriation. Chair man Thomas L. Perkins of The Endowment explained, la In addition to the $1,374,165.33 the amount appropriated to such Institutions by The En dowment this year. In the 38 consecutive years It has bean aiding Carolina's hospitals and child care Institutions, The Endowment has distributed to d>em a grand total of $35,325 873, Mr. Perkins said. District Memorial Hospital of Southwestern North Car olina In Andrews shared In grants from The Endowment for a total of $1,064. which compared with $1,572 the hos pital was given the previous year. 1st Cooperative Stocker Cattle Sale Scheduled HAYBSV1LLB - The first Cooperative Spring Stacker Cattle Sale between breeders and the N. C. Department of Agriculture and N. C. Exten sion Service, wtu be held in AshevlUe on April 23. Ap proximately 700 animals are ?xpsctad to be In this sale. Included will be both heifers and steers that weigh from 300 to 800 lbs. Cattlemen in Clay County who antici pate a surplus of grass this spring and summer would do well to take advantage of this sale to Increase their animals to be fed out this summer. The light weight steers and heifers In this sale could be grazed all summer and sold as feeders this fall, or If grass is available they would be ready for the feed lot by Oct ober. The heavy steers and heifers would work well as cattle to put on grass and market as finished cattle In August or September. There will be a good num ber of heifers In this sale Some of theae will be good enough to use for breeding purposes, but most of the heifers should be finished for market on pasture and limited grain, or on pasture the entire grazing seeaon and fed in dry lot for 60 dayt be fore marketing. A copy of the rules and regulations governing this Spring Sale Is available from the Agricultural Extension OfBce. If say breeder wants to consign ? this Sals, come by the Extension Office and AH out ? consignment blank. Mrs. Lena Hall Celebrates Her 80th Birthday MURPHY - Mrs. Lena Fore Hell was honored with a sur prise birthday party at the home of a daughter. Mra. Grant Stllea, on Sunday after noon. March 3. Mrs. Hall was 80 years old Tuesday. March 5. Attending the party were Mrs. Mobile Lee (93 - year old ?later of Mrs. Hall; Janie, John and Howard Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stiles and Joyce; Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall, Judy, Sue, and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carter; Mra. Ralph Hall and grmd eon. Terry Dan. and grand <Uugh?-.GIaoda;Mr.?d Mrs, W, A. Ashe and Harold; Mr. and Mra. Daw Hall and Cindy; Mr. and Mra. Junior Carroll and David; and Rwdy '"jf* who waa born on Mra. Hall'a birthday. After the gifts war* open ad, everyone was served cokes. Ice-cream, and ?id they enjoyed watching ptc ?nres made with a movie earners and projector. Poem Published MURPHY -NoraCobbSpon cer*a poem "Tla r " appeared la the Baa tar lantM of IDEALS magazine. The Ism Mra. Spencer area a well-known native ofC tee County. She lived lar ? of Sm * had a *Mry TOB SATUel IY BVBN1NG POST In t Episcopal Minister Is Ordained MURPHY -SpecialService* were held at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah Thurs day night; March 7, for tfaa dedication of the Hubert And erson Bourne Memorial, the Bmlly M. and Lester W. Sea mon Memorial, and the ordi nation 10 the priesthood of the Rev. Hamilton Clark Wit The Rev. Witter w as ordain ed by the Rt. Rev. M. George Henry. Bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina. Other ministers participating in the ceremony were the Rev. Bruce Green of Copperhill. the Rev. Mark Jenkins of Fletcher, and the Rev. Rifus Morgan of Franklin. The Rev. Witter has been rector of the church since last spring. He thus became the second man in the history of the church to be ordained a deacon and a priest In this church. Mr. Morgan, a native of Murphy, was ordained a deacon June 8, 1913. W?at Cherokee Red Croat Drive Underway MURPHY - Red Cross ttrlve Is now in progress la West Cherokee County, Homer Ricks is the 1963 Drive Chalr Mr. Ricks says the Drive is underway and he hopes edththe help of each of you $2,000 will be raised, which Is needed to hasp the Blood Program Home Service. Mr. Ricks also Says, "We need more voltataer work ers for the business district. Won't you be willing to give some of your time tor such a worthy cause? The Red Cross ts always there to help." With 100 years of work, you know a lot of good has been done. WuraL Cat. ?"*??* ?ntlat THURSDAY, MARCH 14 10:00 ajn. - Murphy, And rews, and Robhtnsvllle Church masting to he held in First Methodist Church, Murphy. Guest speaker Dr. Garland Stafford. Sec. of Town and Coin try Com mission. 1:00 p.m. - Cancer cum.. Health Office. 7:30 pjn. through 24 - Re vival services at First Bap- ? tiat Church. AAUW mast with Mrs. C. L. Alveraon. Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order of Bastsrn Star Masonic Hall. Rescue Squad at Murphy Power Board BuUdbv. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH IS, 16 8:0> p.m. - Senior play at Elementary School Audi torium. SUfDAY, MARCH 17 6:15 ajn. - Mass at Provt dene* Ch^Mi. 11:00 turn. - Services at St. Williams Catholic Church. 7:30 pjn. - Revival services at First Baptist Church. MARCH 17 aid 18 7?00 pjn. - Methodist Lea ^kwrohae. Clay, and Ora rewa, N. C. MONDAY, I j MARCH It 3:30 pjn.-Agrlcattv* Work ers Cwadl Mitil^ la taSOpja. ? _ Family Restaurant. 7130 |MB - PTA School. . TLHSDAY, MARCH It HMO ejn. - Circle No. First Mekuilat Chwth i ?wt with Mrs. Dyer. USQ , Bid* Opened For New Fire Truck, Perking Meters MURPHY -Bide for Mur phy*! now fire truck and park - IOC metars wore opened mi tabulated at the regular meet lng^rf^theTown Bo erd Monday, J*?*? awarded. The board plana to analyze and atudy the bide before arriving at a decision. A apodal meet ing this month, within the next two weeks, is planned. In other business, two Mur phy residents appeared before the board to discuss drainage pro hi ems. Student* Move Into New HI0i School Building ANDRBWS - Andrews High School students moved Into new quarters last Thursday sftsr attending classes for a year and fourteen days in makeshift classrooms. The new classroom bulldtiu la located on a new sits near the old school groiaids. It Is 340 feet long and contains some 25,000 square fast of floor space. New facilities Include classrooms, library, administrative offices. and Modern in every *e butldtag has a f loot tipRMnr with floor. Student lockers are built in on each side of tho corridor wall, ml electrical ly cooled drinking fotst tains are located conveniently in the corridor. Include sd borae economics, and ? foreign languages, with ade quate classroom space for English, social stadias, and other i Interior and exterior walls of a light on brick, and tha Interior trim Is light green. Classroom furniture and cabinet work was sel ected to bland with the color of the walls. Construction of St socood wing of tho bmidtng Win begin In the near funee. Aaoif Tlit Sick MURPHY - Patients ad mitted to Providence Hospi tal March 1 through March ?. wwrei Mrs. B.C7 Woods, Murphy; Petri Loudermllk. Rt 3. Mwphy; Charlie Cr rtngw. Rt. 2. Murphy; Tho mas Truatt, Murphy; Mrs. Phyllis Lixiaford, Rt. 1, Mur phy; Moore S. (Dick) R1 chart*. Rt 2, Murphy; Mrs. Bva Nell SHy* Mrs. RaMsw Lands. Hayesville; Murphy, Mrs. Pat Leney. WBttani Joyce Mir lit Rt 2. Murphy. .. ?* Don Reavta, Murphy; Donald Garrett. Cul berson; WlUiam L. Scott. Murphy: Mrs. Bessie Moon villa: William <BUi;> jtto aon. Murphy; Arnold Kllpat sSss Murphy; Mrs. Burtotl Kll Rt 3. Murphy; Robert Halter, Rt. 2, Murphy; Mrs. Credy Nix, Rt. 2, Murphy Democrat Woman Plan Jefferson, Jack eon Dinner HAYBSVSXJi - Clay Cota D?SCI* Wif'a Club wU \ssr - The cast will be fljOOpaa MURPHY - Mrs. Emma Lou Shields dlad of exposure. Ac cording k> Cherokee County Coronar J. C. Townaon this ww fos finding of Dr. John C. Rosea, a nottd patholo gist, from Morgwnin. oho performad ihs autopsy on Mrs. Shialda. Coronar Townaon recalvad tha vorbal raport from Dr. Raaca Tuaaday. March 5. Dr. Rases has bodt a stats and a prlvaw practloa in Morgan ton. Mrs. Shialda autopsy was per formad at Grace Hospital In Morgan ton. Accordtag to Coronar Townaon. Mrs. Shialda' sto mach was empty and no visible or internal marks were found on lbs body that could have r silted her death. Townaon added that tha case la not closed tattll a coroner's jury masts. Tha Jury cannot be called until tha official written report la recalvad. "It could be thirty days be fore tha written report la received," he added. Townaon said that the fam ily of the 76-year old woman wae notified of Dr. Raaca's findings Immediately. The body of Mrs. Shialda wss found by aearchers In an area that already had bean tha scene of an Intensive hunt by several hundred man fat tha two days Mter Mrs. Shields disappeared. Baptist Revival New la Prepress MURPHY - Revival ser vices bagai at the Mwphy First Baptist Church last Monday night. Tha pastor of the church. Rev. William J. Thompson, has bean bringing dm inteetpss foe first va In place of foe usual cot ?ad friends of foe chtrchhava been maattag for a aeries of revival before foe arrival of the guest Monday, March 18, Or. W. A. Jones, paanr of foe First Baptist Church of Waltsrboro, S. C? will be e of foe revival. Special evangelistic sing ing la being provided by foe choirs and ensemble groipe from the local church imdsr tha direction of Julian Suggs. The services are being held nightly at 7:30 pjn. Prine Winning Film To Play At Local Theatre MURPHY - Tha wonderful songs of Rogers and Hart, plus the thrills and sxciw mant of foe circus Mg tap will coma to Murphy Stmday, March 17, for fores days whan tha Henn Theatre presents Billy Rose's fabulous "JUMBO." Jumbo stars Doris Day. Smpfaan Boyd, Jimmy Durante, md Martha Rays. Tha movie to rated as ex cellent for adults, yomg peo ple, and children by Patent's Magazine. The movie alao to foe winner of foe Family Medal award. SB IpnproToment Projects On Bonds Completed ROBBDCVDLLB - Highway r Tedjordsn re ef 55 t projects to , Osy, I Leant <U0 mile Patrick I 0J0 mUe River HU1 Ron* 0J0 mils THhr Road; 0JO Bums G^ 0.30 mils *****?*??? CULBERSON - Services for Mr?. Hinmi Shields. 76, of fcg <*?* Church. The Rev. Prank Ledford and the Rev. W. T. Truttt otfl damd and burial was in foe Cn flower-bearers. The body will remained at Townsoa Finer si Home uifll taken B the church for the services. Surviving are dureo daugh ters, Mrs. Bdna Bryant, Mrs. Edit- Anderson, and Mrs. MtucV Owenby. aU of Cul berson^ five aona, Cedl and Haydsn, both of Murphy, and Ode, Ola and Dennis, all at Culberson. Three slaters. Mrs. Bffie Stiles and Mrs. Flossie Shields, both at Cul berson and Mrs. Hazel Holme at Danville, Va^ four brothers. Hater Ware at Rt. 4, Murphy, Hermes see Ware of Marble ad John and William Ware, both of Ctdberson; and a number of grandchildren. Towneon Funeral Home *n In r* Andrews Baptist To Host Education Moat ANDREWS - On Thteedey, March >1. Wo Bapdst Staae a through Wo De : of Stewardship Do it will sponsor Wo Christian Education Advaca Dinner at Wo First B^dst Church, Andresrs, athdOpjn. The pa tor and several lay man from each BapdatChurch In Wis area have baa tmrlad to a Mod. Dr. Hoyt BlockwoU. preatdat of Mars Hill Collage and several at ihs faculty members of Mars Hill College will be present. Mr. Harold Colo, Aaafatat General Secretary -Treasur er of the South Carolina Ban dat Convention, will be the main speaker. Mr. Colo la Wa former Baocndve Sec retary of Wa Coadl a Chrlatla Education for Wa Baptist Stats Convention of North Carolina. The aim at Wa mating la t> give Woa la attradace In formation on our Cooperative World Mission Program wlih emphasis on our B^rdst Col "According B our tw aorvadoa at this Una, tea are ejecting arotard forty b fifty loadara in thia masting." said Tom Greene, Sociality of Cooperative Program Ad vance for Wa B^dat Staae Convention, who la in chaise at this program. Rev. Tom Christmas la paa Br of We First Bapdat Church of Andrwwa where Wa meeting will take place. Methodist Area Training School ANDREWS diet School for Cberokna, Clay, and Graham Cotmdas, will be hold In Andrwwa Ma Wo Hat Church March 17 Wtough 19. Tha school will constat at ? - . .? ^ PJB. Mrs. C. H. Browning of n^m I. Tomu, will teach Wa cameo. "Teaching Children la Tha Church." It U "ulgaail for ?n iwlWi 1*t C. L. L of Augueta. S. C?

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