igjoht Lisaiai MJBESZ I 0 SAKFLI The Cherokee Scout Aa?l?lay?oHB ty Progress Valvaa 7) ? Number 36 MurpKy, Nartfc Carcllaa. April 4, 1963 12 Pagas This Waak Publlshad Weakly sccond ccaaa aoaraai aaio AT MURPHY. MONTH CAROLINA Seaay Poiat Groep Eaters WHC Developmoat Program SUNNY PONT - I | at inoarantad atimaAol the Sunny Point ?t tfao Rsngar School and vot ed 10 organise o Community Club and par North drtpaia In Iha Waal Carolina Community Devalop mant Program. Tha following officers war* ?lactad: Praaldaot - Oillard McAfaa; Vice-President. Psul Curtis; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr*. Paul Curtis; Reporter Mrs. Loualla Nawman; Re creaOonal Dtrec?r, Randall Shlalda. It was decided id begin work on mo projects Immediately, namely, cleaning qp road ? aides'and establishing a trash dump tor lha community. The nan meeting was an nounced ? be held attbehome at Mr. and Mrs. Paul Curtis at 7:30 pjn. Monday, April 8. It Is planned to appoint members to the various com mittees at thia meeting and plan work to be stariad. Murphy Society Mr*. S, N. Bote returned last Wednesday night after W>e"tong several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Naal Hughe a and family of Jacksonville, Fla. -M Mlss Praalda Martin of Clleem, N- c- spost several days bars last weak visltiac friands. g -M Mr. and Mrs. Raid Rumple and chiltfcwe spent several days this week rial dag rela tives la High Pout. gM Mrs. Thomas King aed Mrs. Judy LovUgoqd end daughter Donee. ?pant Friday and Sat wtUy in Atlanta. -M Kay Sims of MaryvtUa, Team., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. BUla Sims. -M Mrs. Dora Kay and daugh ter, Carol, spent Monday in Chatunooga, Than. -M Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ray and daughter of A a ha villa were weekend guests of their aunts. Misses Kate sad Leila Hayes. -M Mr. end Mrs. Ray Kilpa trick and daughter, of Atlanta, Ga., wars weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Kilpa trick. -M Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheeler of Gulf Shores, Ala., were weekend guests of their aunt, Mrs. Elian Wheeler, and Miss Thalma Wheeler. -M Mlss Thelma Wheeler at tended a District Meeting for Home Agsnts held at Battery Park Hotel on last Friday in Ashe villa. -M Mlss Anna Bruce, student at Carson Newman College in Jefferson City, Tenn., spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bruce. Other guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce was his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Bruce of Ntota, Teen. ?da Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kaylor and daughter, Diane spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fuller of Hene gar, Ala. -M L. D. Schuyler, Reid Rumple, Dale Green. andHar old Duncan attended the stock car races held in Bristol, Tenn., on Sunday. -M Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Lehman of Asbevllla, Mrs. Nora Tay lor and family of E1Ujay, Ga., were guests Stmday of Mrs. Lehmamt's mother, Mrs. Ves ta Hensley. -M Mrs. J. B. Gray left on Wednesday for Hickory where she will visit SPG and Mrs. Bub Brown and family. -M Mrs. Wills Bell Posey of Moetsvallo, Ala., arrived on Monday for a visit here. -M Bobby Weaver, student at Clemson College. Clemson, S. C? spent the weekend here with Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver. -M Mrs. Winona Hughes is spending this week with her Oau^hmr and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John Cannos of Chat Mrs. Richard Forrest and children of New York tevw arrived for a visit with her Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mrs. Johasle Nina has re turned home after a visit with her daughter, Miss Blata Nnm of Wiast ~ DtUglae B urges a, who has heefc visiting Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Burgnse left Monday tor Atlanta. -M Those from toe Mwphy Presbyterian Church who at tended toe District Womat MMtof of toe Presbyterian Chwch held in Bryson City Ua Snub. Mn. DMWIto? STCtiAtrC: R. A. Pothr. -Al itor. and Mrs. L. W. SMelto Mrs. P. C. Mc Mr*. Bruce uoctery was > no red with a stork shower i Friday evening, March 29, t the home of Mrs. Harve rant with Mrs. Bile Mas regory and Miss Nancy h?as hostesses. After lines ware played and gifts are opened, refreshments ere served to many friends t Mrs. Dochery. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Howell id children of Bryson City ?re viators in town Satur ly. While here they attended e installation of officers of lurphy Chapter No. 10 Order Eastern Star In the Masonic all that night. Mrs. Margie Wltherspoon eturned home last Monday fter spending several weeks 1th hr son-in-law and daugh ?r, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown f Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mr*. Ernest Decker f Marietta, Ga.,Mr. and Mrs. -eonard Decker and Mr. and (rs. Claude Decker and child en, Jimmy and Kay, of Gas onla were weekend gueste of heir brothers-in-law and sls ers, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vllson and Mr. and Mrs. llchard Howell. -M Mrs. George Tbwnson, Mrs. Idward Town son and daughter, larah. spent last Thursday n Chattanooga, Tenn. -M Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wll liams and son. Terry, spent Tuesday in Atlanta. -M Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Whim and daughter. Sherry and Mrs. W. S. Dickey spent lastSatur day in Asbevllle. Mrs. Nell Sneed left on Tuesday for Decatur, Ga., where she will visit her sis ters, Mrs. W, T. Smalley and Mrs. D. G. Montroy. -M Mr. and Mrs. Bobble Hughes of Smyrna, Ga., were weekend guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Bo bo. -M Chrls Decker of Marietta, Ga., were weekend guests of his cousin, Steve Howell. -M Mr. and Mrs. Hans Beer kens have returned home after spending several days in New York. J ack Owens spent the week end with relatives in Spartan burg, S. C. He was accompan ied home by his wife and children who have been visit ing for the past two weeks in Spartanburg. -M Ur. and Mrs. John Bavlesa The Murphy Dust Bowl-Can Anything Be Done? U. S. Hwy. 64 West Of Merphy-1913 or 1963? Dust, Dust Everywhere, And Lots Of People Are Disgusted! spent several days last week in Memphis where Mr. Bay less attended a TV A meeting. -M Mrs. B. W. Whitfield. Mrs. Don Witherspoon and Mrs. Francis Bourne, Sr., spent last Thursday in Ashevllle. -M Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Easley are spending several days In Atlanta this week. -M Mrs. H. A. Mattox and Mrs. Ho bar t McKeever spent last Thursday in Atlanta with Mrs. Mattox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper and Mrs. McKeever's mother, Mrs. Clarence Butler. -M Mrs. Gladys Hinton and sons, Mike and Gus, spent Sunday with their daughter and sister, Mrs. R. W. Wig gins, Mr. Wiggins and child ren of Atlanta. Mrs. Hinton was accompanied home by her daughter and children. Pam and Mark who will visit with her for several weeks. -M Miss Elda Queen of Atlanta, Ga., was the weekend guest of her sister. Miss Beulah Queen. -M Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sneed of Copperfaill, Tenn., were visitors in town Sunday. -M Mr. Clyde Sneed who is em ployed at Badin, N. C? spent the weekend here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hens ley and daughter, Debbie, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Vesta Hensley. -M Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Car ringer of Atlanta were week end guests of his grandmother, Mrs. D. V. Carrlnger. -M Those from WCC, Cullo whee, sho spent the weekend here with their parents, were David A1 verso n, Ben K1111 an and Elizabeth Glbbs. -M Messrs. C. L. Alverson, J. H. Duncan, andW.F.Town son spent last Thursday In Raleigh on business. -M Frank Mauney and the Rev. A. S. Maxwell of Charlotte left Monday for Augusta, Ga., to attend the Golf Game. -M Mrs. W. A. Bell has return ed home after spending the past week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.BellaxandJimmy of Ashevllle. -M Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Town son spent the weekend in At lanta. -M Ben Palmer and daughter, Mrs. Joe Fowler and sons, David and Carlton, spent last Saturday in Ashevllle. -M Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lov lngood of Gasionia spent last weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam L.David son spent Monday InAshevllle with their son-in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Goforth, and sons. -M Mr. and Mrs. Junior Stew art and son, Eddie, speatSun i In Way day with relatives In Waynes - vllle. -M Mr. and Mrs. Jim BdHugh es and sons spent theweekead with relatives and friends in Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hens ley of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Vesta Hensley. Mr. Hensley returned to Oak Ridge and from there he went to Hurt, Va., where be will be for several months. Mrs. Hensley remained here for a longer visit. 1st Degree Meeting MURPHY - 1st meeting of Cherokee Lodge Number 146 will be held on Saturday night, April 6, at 7:30 p.m. Traffic Deaths RALEIGH - The Motor Ve hicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 awn. Monday, April 1, 1963: Killed to Date 246 Killed To Date Last Year 262 WEATHE DATE H L PBRC. Mar. 27 68 46 0 28 72 40 0.02 29 78 32 0 30 80 34 0 31 83 36 0 1 83 42 0 2 80 44 0 3 81 44 0 Forecaac Thursday, broken cloudlaesa, scattered afternoo and evening showers. Friday, chance of few showers le the morelag. Saturday aadSuaday, pardy cloudy. Oa April 1 reading time was changed from 4 p.m. to 8 e.m. Bake Sale ANDREWS - Employees of Owenby Manufacturing Co. sponsored a Bake Sale all day on Saturday with proceeds to be used for purchasing books for the new High School Lib rary. Approximately $150.00was made during the day. Superior Court term Is Underway MURPHY - Be it remem bered (hat the court of law is opeaed aad held for Couaty of Cherokee, Stale of North Caroliea at the Courthouse la Murphy oa the lat day of April, 1963, with the Hoaor able Fraak H us Id as with the 30th Judicial District, pre seat aad presldtag. The followlag was trsas acted through boob Weches day, April 3: Lewis Kllllaa - Assault with Deadly Weapoa with Iataat to Kill - Coadaued to aext term of court. Heary Matthew Career - improper Parkiag - Not Guilty. Mercer Scroggs - Forgery aad Utterlag Forged Papers Pled Guilty - Seateace sus peaded for five years. Must remala sober aad aot buy, sell, (raasport or drlak aay lalDXlcatlBg beverages. Re pay mosey aad pay court costs. William H, Jeaklas - Es caplag while servlag feloay seateace - Seateaced to serve six moaths uader the super vlsioa of the State Prlsoa Departmeat after the expl radoa of the 5-7 year sea teace aow la effect. Chrlsdae Gallioa -vs-Jack ie Lee Gallioa - Divorce was gr sated. James Ralph Tlptoa - Maa slaughter - Coadaued to aext term of Sigterlor Court. Katrlae Jacksoa aad Leoa Hardla - Maaslaughter aad Aldlag aad Abetdag - Coa daued to aext term of court. Verlia Dockery - Escape aad Breaklag aad Eateriag Pled Guilty. Seateaced to serve aot less thaa 2 aor more thaa S years uader the super vlsioa of the Stale Prlsoa De partmeat. Oscar Blackwell - Assault - Pled Guilty. Seateaced to serve aot less thaa 18 moaths aor more thaa 24 moaths ua der the sigtervlsloa of the State Prlsoa Departmeat. Shotguas beloaglag to Blackwell aad Claude Eller to be sold at public aucdoa and the money tuned over K> Cherokee County School Fued. W. L. Moadeth - Commoa Law Robbery - Not leaa thaa 2 years aor more thaa S years id be servpd uader the aiqjer vlsloa of the Sum Prlsoa De partment. Pled Guilty. William Messer - Commoa Law Robbery - Pled Gallty - Seateace suspeaded for S years oa probadoa. Be may Harold Westmorw laad - Commoa Law Robbery - Pled Guilty - Seateaced a> serve aot less thaa 2 aor mora thaa C years id work uader the State Prlsoa Department. Mel via Payne - Commoa Law Robbery - Pled Guilty - Seateaced id serve aot less thaa 2 years aor more thaa S years under the supervis ion of the Sute Prlsoa De partment. Jack Hughes - Robbery - Nol Pros with leave. Students Awarded Letter* For Scholastic Averages HA YESV1LLE -How does It feel id earn a letter for mak ing straight A's In school?Tea students at Hayesvllle High School can answer that quest Ion for you. Mr. Hugh S. Beal. superintendent, presented the letters t> Rachel Dills, Bill Gray, Lucy Rozler.JoannCof fey. Linda Moss, John Moore, Walter Kelley, Rudy Curtis, and Wade Patterson. Julia Wheeler, also awarded one, was unable to be present. In presenting the letters, Mr. Beal stressed the feet that scholarship Is important. That one who makes good grades Is aot a "square." He commended each of the students for their achieve ment. This Is the fifth year that Hayesvllle High has awarded scholastic letters. The letters are black on a gold background and a gold bar Is added for each additional year with an A average. He Will Be Missed ANDREWS - Revere* J J ames Truett died oa Suaday evealag la a Church pulpit, '-lltag of Christ aad His love for people. He will be missed la the Aadrews commuaity. Thoughtful of others, cheerful aad wllliag to help others, he was a valu able citlzea. Despite poor health, that might have discouraged others, he always made aa effort to preach a> the people who called him. He especially eajoyed eacouraglBg youag people. la his quiet way Rev. J ames Truett helped earlch the life of Westers North Carollaa. He made a flee coatributioB. He will be missed. - Lucy Laughter Retr. Truett, 74, Dies In Pulpit Of Heart Attack MURPHY - The Rev.James L. Truett, 74, well-known Cherokee Couaty minister, died of a heart attack at 8:10 p.m. Sueday, March 31 In the pulpit while preaching the evening service at Upper Peach tree Baptist Church. Mr. Truett was a son of the late William and Lizzie Pat terson Truett of Cherokee County. For 39 years he had served as pas or of several churches in Cherokee County. Services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Second Baptist Church of Andrews. The Rev. Frank Lee and the Rev. Frank Ledford officiated and burial was In Valleytown Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Nola Creasman Truett: five daughters, Mrs. Roy How ard, Mrs. Howard Kilpa trick. Mrs. Wayne Bradley, and Mrs. Woodrow Hembree of Murphy; four sons. Lowin, Edwin and Keubea of Aadrews, ud Bea soi of Lexiagma; ud thru sisters, Mrs. JoAnHolloway of Top toe, Mrs. Laura Bar wood of Aedrews aed Mrs. Mlnle Moss of Marble. Towmsoa Fiaeral Home wu la charts. YOUR BIOOD IS NEEDEE Be a donor Give now Bloodmobile To Be Here Monday MURPHY -The Uloodmobtle la scheduled to be In Murphy again on Monday, April 8. The Bloodmobile will be at the Murphy Power Board Building from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. The goal this time la ISO pints, so why not make an all out effort to make this visit successful, asks Hobert Mc Keever, Chairman, Murphy Blood Program. Peach tree Plant Reopen* On April Fool's Day PBACHTREE - The Textured Yard Co., Inc., plant at Poach tree bag an recalling worhera laid off during January on April Fool'a Day, Monday. April 1. Ronald Raeeri, plat manager, laid aome difficulty wan by d? pereonnal aaff aa key attauytad to call beck a> work. Many nmk the call ao M April Fool'a take. Mr. Reaeel raportod, however, that all ware at air old Jobo Tuaeday. Appro alma loly one year' ago. Textured Yam Co, Inc., purchased the plant Md pcqnorty that waa formerly dw Duffy SUk Co, Md later Hemco. The Murphy plant, pictured above, la om of eeveral plaeca opera ad by Taxarod Yarn Co, in *e Uatad Satan and abroad. Other plana are In Pee taylvaiila, Maryland. Md Puerto Rice. The Murphy plant la located in ttw Piichm auction of Cfcarohae County on Poachtroo Valley Road. Textured Yarn Company*! Murphy plant apart atlaao in pro ducing nxtured nylon yarn for uaa in foe rug and carpet indue try. "Tycora** la dm trademark of da oompany under nhfcfc la marketed a variety of yarne for the 1 carpet, mi other laduacrlaa. Accordag B Mr. Reaaal. who returned B Murphy B I I ant mm agar, foe plant aaw haa ^proximately 79 dap ; at 79g edacity. I of Mtn-phy, Gaarga Planting Am. 1963 t M T W T t $ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ? 9 10 n 12 13 14 IS M 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 27 123 29 30 - * - Hoy, many 3c qiq"onnunh^' jJilU!' v'U It all depends oa the floor plan oI your homo and the size of your family, Perils you nood w ipstalrs bedroom phone, or oae la the kitchen, or in the basement. You Just name the place, and well In phones in te busy spots af your bo ma. color make wonderful gifts. WESTCO TELEPHONE COMPANY MBS APRIL mm DotU Harper, of Mr and jafca Haipar. April Skowtrs

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