Secretary Nilliiit Ti Visit Cirri! ASHEV1LLE . Tom L. MaltooM, 11th Congressional District Secretary to Con gressman Roy A. Taylor, la now making scheduled visits to the cotaity aeats and other sections of the counties. On Friday, May J, he will be at the Town Hall. And rews, from 9rt? to 9:30 a.m.; the Power Board Office, Murphy, from 11:00 to 12:00 noon; and the Clay County Courthouse, Hayesvllle, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Any person who has plans or official business pertain ing to Congressional matters they wish ? discuss, la Invit ed to meet Mr. Mallonee at the above specified times. Rural Carrier Exam To Be Given At Murphy MURPHY - An examination for Rural Carrier for the Post Office at Murphy, N. C? will be open for acceptance of ap plications tsitll May 21, 1963, the commission announced today. Applicants must take a written test for this position. They must have resided with in the delivery of the office for one year immediately preceding the closing date of the examination. In addition, they must have reached their 18th birthday on the closing date for acceptance of appli cations. There Is no maximum age limit. However, persons who have passed the age of 70 may be considered only for temporary renewable ap pointments of one year. Complete Information about the examination requirements and instructions for filing ap plications may be obtained at the post office for which this examination Is be.lng announc ed. Application forms must be filed with the U. S. Civil Ser vice Commission, Washington 25, D. C? and must be re ceived or postmarked notlater than the closing date. Cherokee Scout fc Clay County Progress, Thurs., May 2, 1963 wr Teacher of The Week MURPHY - Teaching earth science and mathematics at Murphy High School to Ed win Hendrtx Is more than a profession ? It Is a family tradition. Mr. Hendrlx's fath er, Clarence Hendrlx, had taught for 45 years when he retired a few years ago as principal of Peachtree School. Besides three aunts who teach In Cherokee County Schools, Mr. Hendrlxhas a sister, Mrs. Gene Stewert, who holds a teaching position In Alabama, while his only brother, David, will graduate In March as a teacher from the University of Tennessee. In keeping with the family tradition, Mrs. Hendrlx, the former Miss Patsy Jones, returned to college and earned her teach er's certificate. After finishing Murphy High School In 1953, Edwin Hendrlx attended the University of Tennessee for two years and continued his education at Western Carolina College, where he graduated with a degree In science with a con centration In biology and chemistry. Not satisfied with minimum requirements, how ever, Mr. Hendrlx Is at the present pursuing a Master's Degree. Before he joined the Murphy High School teaching staff last fall, Mr. Hendrlx had taught biology, English, and general science for three years at Hlawassee Dam. His ability to motivate pupils was evi denced recently when his earth science class exhibited spec tacular collections of rocks and minerals. Outside of school, Mr. Hendrlx enjoys the out-of doors and spectator sports. Pre-School Clinic Dates Are Announced For Murphy MURPHY - The Murphy Elementary School pre-school clinic will be held In the music room of the rock building on the school grounds, Wednes day, May 8, from 9:00 ajn. to 12:00 and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The child must be six years old on or be fore October IS, 1963, In order to qualify for this clinic, ac cording to Mr. John Jordan, school principal. ARTHRITIS titmr Your doctor can tell you there is no known cure for these condi tions. However, good, foot relief from naf |in| pain attacks of minor arthritis, rheu matism, backaches and muscular aches can be yours when you taae fxuvo. i nere 1s nocning faster, safer or more effective, pauvo's medically proved formula has helped scores of men and women to lead happy and full lives. Buys trial size bottle. Take as directed. You must get wonderful results as thousands have, or we will refund your money. SAVI MONEY. Use the larger MAUMEY DRUG CO. MURPHY, N. C. itates that all the doctors rom Murphy are giving their ime during the day to ex amine the children. Also, the lurses from the Cherokee bounty Health Department ind mothers from the Mur phy PTA will be on hand to lend their assistance. He also stresses the fact that no immunizations will be given at this clinic, however. It * is recommended that parents use their family doc tor or the Cherokee County Health Department for this purpose. Diptheria, whooping cough, smallpox, tetanus, and polio shots are the required shots. This regulation that the children have these shots before entering school is set jp by the laws of the State >f North Carolina and the school officials state that no child will be allowed to enter school without having had all the required shots and a re cord showing the dates. You are urged by the school >fflclals to bring your child's lirth certificate and a record if his shots to the clinic on May 8, and follow him through so that you can get the in formation he needs in order to be physically fit to enter school next year. See Us For FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS HAYWOOD, SWAIN, JACKSON, MACON, CHEROKEE, GRAHAM, & CLAY COUNTIES LONG TERMS-LOW COST LOANS AVAILABLE Tu: 20 YEARS On Good Brick Construction HAYWOOD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Contact Our Attorneys Leonard Lloyd, Robblnsvllle, N. C., for Graham Cointy McKeever & Edwards, Murphy, N. C., for Cherokee County Gray & Carter, Hayesvllle, N. C., for Clay County Cuz's Corner! by Bag ley I told you last week about some ? just ao?. ot the trouble that cats has caused me nearly all my life. It just ?eema like they are destined ?> make my life a misery Irom here on out. The one at the house, the most worthless piece of fe ?esh 1 ever saw. Is solid "mite, with one blue eye, end one yellow one, and stone deef. He'll go and get lost my little girl'll insist Wen01?- 1^Ung ,or Mm Well, since he can't hear It thunder, it don't do no good to holler "here kitty. Utty." We just have id hunt him through the bushes and the briars. Ever time he gets lost 1 hope we won't find him end that he can't find his way back ? but. we've still got him. * The ones we had when I's a growing ig> all lived on table scraps, the rats and mice they caught, an a bate of fresh cow's milk ever once In a while. They all stayed sleek an fat on that diet. But this one, this ole white cat, won't touch none of that. No sir. Only the best, most expensive, canned cat food an canned milk for him. And I ve had to take the sorry piece of plunder to the cat doctor I just don't know at the times. And that's some thing you'da been laughedoutta the community for doing back when I's a boy. We never used a vet for nothing smaller*n a cow or a mule. An talking aboutourolecats getting a bate of fresh cows milk ever now an then, they got It a lot oftener than that. In fact, ever time I went to milk ever cat we had headed for the "?^wlth me, justa meowing and begging. Cats atour house never missed a milking. I'll never forget this ole mammy cat we had. She'd sit "P 00 her hind legs and open her mouth and I'd squirt the milk in her mouth. I got pretty good at that, too. I's pretty accurate, got so I could hit her in the mouth with about 3 outta 4 squirts. The rest of the cats I just hit them with It wherever I could. By the time I finished milking there was hardly a dry hair on a cat we had ? cept this one ole mammy cat. and then they all had a Ucldng good time. We had the finest looking, shin iest haired bunch of cats in the neighborhood. We shoulda after **'? how many cats will you find that has a fresh 3 milk shampoo twice a day? Evelyn, this cat loving sister of mine, used to say I s trying to drown 'em. I used to ask her If she's so worried about 'em that she wanted to do the milking. She wasn't THAT worried. I used id think that Toms would always leave id do their tom-cattln but this ole sorry one of ours don't. He invites 'em to his house, 1 mean MY house. That's the plain honest - l? - goodness truth. Can you remember what an eerie racket they used to make, when you were a kid, when they were flghtin?I reck on thafs what they were doing. Well, when 1 heard it I'd Just cover up head 'n ears. Thafs the racket I listen ed to last night from about 1:00 to 2:00 a.m., and it was in my basement. Back winter before last 1 had to cut a hole In the garage door for my ole cat, so he could get In and out. Well, he'd done taught his lady friend where that hole was, and thafs how she got in. This serenade didn t show any signs of lettin up so at 2:00 o'clock 1 got up to put a stop ID It. Soon as 1 opened the basement door here came Miss, I mean Mrs. Mammy cat up the steps. 1 grabbed my britches off a chair and threw "em at her, scattering my change, pocket knife, and keys all over the basement floor. She beat a hasty re treat. and I said a few words, but never mind what. I thought this would end all the fuss, flggering she'd go to her house and that Old Salf would go with her. Wrong both ways. So. I got my flash light and my hometown news paper. which 1 hadn't read, and headed for the basement. I rolled my newspaper tgt to swat 'em with and began look ing for 'em. They musta had guilty con sciences cause they both started running, an me rite after 'em. The first time a round Mrs. Cat run out the bole, but Old Salt passed rite on by. I kept swattln at.him with my paper and chasing him, and he's a naming an a squalling Ilka I's a killing him an I missed him ever time 1 swung at him. Finally, after about the six th rotaid he went out the hole nut gbeid of my nowspipor. Then 1 begin to assess the damage he'd caused: I had fall down twice and skint both knees. 1 had broken my flashlight whan I fell die first Ami, tore ?g> my hometown r, and there was one SO cent piece I never did find. 1 hobbled to the bathroom ,nd the medicine cabinet, pat ched ig> my knees, and went ?ck to bad. There wasn't a -nd asked ms If I era*.?peea * flUS. ? #"d*r CHEROKEE COUNTY RECORDER'S COURT MURPHY - The Cherokee County Recorder's Court met In regular session on Monday, April IS, 1963, with His Honor C. E.Hyde,Recorder,Present end presiding sndF.O. Chris topher, Solicitor, present and prosecuting. The following pro readings Were had on mat ters pending before the court: Case No. 4743 - State-vs Charles Gilbert Stiles, DO: It is the Judgement of the Court that the defendant be confined in the common Jail of Chero kee Coieity for a period of 6 months and assigned K> do work under the stgtervlsion of die State Prison Department and pay a fine of $150.00 and the cost of the action. The prison sentence Is suspended by and with the consent of the defendant given In open court for a period of 1 year igton the following conditions: 1) That the defendant pay the sum of $20 Into the office of the Clerk of Court on this day and that he pay the sum of $10.00 per week to apply on the fine and cost. First payment to be made Saturday, April 20,1963, and a like payment to be made on each following Saturday un til the entire fine and costs are paid in full. 2) That the defendant be of good behavior and not violate any of the laws of the State of North Carolina and particularly that he re frain from drinking any Intoxi cants. Case 4638 - State-vs- Fate Frankum - Defendant pleads guilty to driving upon the public highways of North Car olina In an intoxicated con dition. It Is the judgement of the Court that the defendant be confined in the common Jail of Cherokee County for a per iod of 4 months and assigned to do work under the supervision of theStatePrisonDepartment and pay a fine of $100.00 and the cost of the action. The pri son sentence Is suspended by and with the consent of the defendant given in open ooort ig?n the following condltlocs for ? period at 6 months: 1) That the defendant pay the fine and cost Imposed herein by paying $25.00 at this time and the sun of $20.00 per month. The first payment of $20.00 to be made on the 15th day of May, 1963, and a like payment of $20.00 K> be made on the 15th day of each suc ceeding month thereafter mill the entire fins and coats are paid In full. 2) Defendant will turn his driver's license over to the Clerk of Court. Case 4752 - State-vs-Bass Stiles - O) - The defendant pleads gidlty to driving igwn the public highways of North Carolina. It la the Judgement of the Court that the defendant pay a fine of $100.00 and the coats and be confined In the common Jail of Cherokee County for a period of 4 months and assigned to do work (aider the sigiervislon of the State Prison Department. The pri son sentence is suspended by and with the consent of the defendant given in open court for a period of 1 year upon the following conditions: 1) That the defendant pay In the office of the Clerk of Court at this time the sum of $40.00 and that he shall pay the sum of $20.00 per month. The first payment of $20.00 Is to be made on the 15th day of May. 1963, and a like pay ment of $20.00 on the 15th day of each succeeding month thereafter mtil the entire fine and cost are paid In full. The defendant will surrender his driver's license to the Clerk of Court to be forwarded to the Department of Motor Ve hicles' as required by law. Case No. 4753 - Suae -vs Llnda Ruth Poarch -Speeding: The defendant pleads guilty to speeding igmn the public high ways at the rate of 70 miles per hour in a 55 mile zone. It Is the Judgement of the court thai d? defendant pay the coot of tha action. Caaa No. 4754 . Sute -vs Geraldlne Caaa - Speeding The defendant plaada guilty to epssUng ig?n tha public highway* at lha raw of 70 mliea por how in s 55 mile zone. It la tha Judgement of the Court that tha defendant pay tha coat of tha action. Caaa No. 4755 - Sute-vs Lester BurreU - NOL: The defendant plaada guilty B> driving igxw the public hlgh waya of North Carolina with out a valid operator's llcenaa. It ia the judgement of the Court that the defendant pay a fine of $25.00 and the coat of the action. Caaa 4751 - Stale-va- Rob ert Brant Radcllff - Exeedlng Safe Spaed: The defendant pled not guilty id exceeding aafe speed tgxin the public hlgh waya. It is the judgement of the Court that the defendant pay the coat of the action. Court adjourns. C. E. HYDE, Recorder MURPHY - The Cherokee County Recorder's Court met in regular session onMonday, April 27^ 1963, with His Hooor, C. B. Hyde, Recorder, present and presiding andP.O.Chrts topher. Solicitor, present and prosecuting. The following proceedings were had on mat ters pending before the Court: Case 4758 -State-vs- Fred erick Lee Thompson - Speed ing 70 miles an hour in 55 mile zone - The defendant pleads guilty to speeding 70 miles an hour in a 55 mile zone. It is the judgement of the Court that the defendant pay the costs. Case 4691 - State-vs- Wil liam John Munro: The defend ant is called and failed. Judge ment Nisi Sd Fa and Capias. Case 4736 - Sute -vs-Wil liam J. Davis - Speeding: The defendant pleads guilty to speeding 70 miles per hour in ? 55 mil* 'an hour am. It la (be Judgement of the Court that the defendant pay the coat. Caaa 4747 - Stale -vs- Mr. lames Floyd Hodden - Non Stvporc The defendant was called and failed. Judgement Nisi Set Pa and Capias. Case 4756-State-vs-Hom er Ledfor-d-F ailing B Comply: This matser In continued In Cases 4761, 4762 - Sue -vs- S. J. KUpatrlck - Forci ble Trespass and Aesauit - The ten cases are consolidat ed for pwpoae of Judgement. The defendant pled not guilty. After bearing the evidence, it Is the judgement of the Court that the defendant Is gidlty. It la the judgement of the court that the defendant be confined In the common jail of Chero kee County for a period of 3 months and assigned to work under the aipervlslon of the Stale Prison Department and pay the cost of this action. The prison sentence is sus pended for a period of 2 years toon the following conditions: 1) That the defendant pay the cost at this term; 2) That the defendant be of good behavior and not violate any of the laws of the sum and pardcularly that he avoid contact with and difficulty with his toother, Franklin KUpatrlck, and his sister-in-law. Sue KUpatrlck, and the entire Anderson fam ily. Case 4763 - State-vs- W. M. KUpatrlck - Forcible Trespass: The defendant pled not guUty. After hearing the evidence, the court finds the defendant guilty as charged, it Is the judgementof the Court that the defendant be confined in the common jaU of Cherokee County for ? period of 2 months and assigned to do work under the sigtervlslon of the State Prison Department and pay the cost of the action. The prison sentence la suspended by and with the consent of given la court (or ? ported of 61 upon the following i 1) That tea defendant pay tea cost of tea action at tela dma; 2) That tea dafandaat bo of food bahavtor and not vio late My of tee laws of tea State and particularly teat ha avoid contact sad controversy with tea prosecuting witnesses in this case. Cans 4760, 4759 -State-vs Kansas IC11 pa trick - Slander and Forcible Treapaaa ? The defendant pleads not guilty. After hearing tea evidence, tee Court finds tea defendant guilty as charged. Prayer for judgement in the matter is continued on condition that the defendant pay tea cost of the action. Court Adjourns: C. E. HYDE, Recorder. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT and Clay County Progress N. Jerue Babb.. .Publisher Phyllis B. Babb. . .Editor Jack Owens. . .Production Supervisor Published Every Thursday at 117 Hickory Street. Mur phy. N. C. Second Class Postage Paid at Murphy, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing addresses in Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties, N. C.; Towns. Union and Fannin Cotmt ies, Ga.; and Polk County, Tetm. 1 Year ? $3.00 6 Months - $1.75 ALL OTHER AREAS 1 Year ? $5.00 6 Months - $3.00 On all subscriptions de livered in North Carolina, add the state's three per cent sales tax. Buick Motor Division is proud to announce a new authorized dealer Ed Towason Auto Co. HILL STREET, U. S. HIGHWAY 19 E MURPHY, N. C. P hen* 837-2322 D*ol*? No. 601 Now there is a new quality Buick dealership to serve your needs. Here, you will find thoroughly experienced personnel... the most up-to-date facilities for servicing your car... and an excellent selection of Double Checked used cars. You will also find the famous Buick line of quality automobiles ... the fabulous new Riviera ? the happy-medium size Buick Special... Buick Skylark?a very personal car... the bold, beau tiful full-size Buick LeSabre ... the Buick Electra 225?autodom's new standard of superior quality, quiet elegance and good taste .,. and the high-spirited Buick WILDCAT!?the family-size luxury sports car. Come in soon to see these beautiful Bukks, to talk trade, or simply to say "hello." You and your family are always welcome.

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