STAGE PERFORMANCE PRAISED BY CRITICS - Murphy's Charlton H. Holder, Jr., drew reviews of "very creditable" end "good performance" from newspaper critics for his part in the Island Players recent production of the play * at Anna Maria City, Manatee County, Florida. Holder, the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Holder of Murphy, played the part of Gaston LaChallle, Gigl's suitor, in the romantic comedy of an entrancing child-woman. The play opened April 4 and was acclaimed another hit for the Island Players in the Tampa and Sarasota, Fla., news papers. At the time Holder was a disc jockey for WBRD radio station in Bradenton, Fla. He has been a radio announcer and disc jockey for several years. He began his radio career with Murphy radio station WCVP while still a student at Murphy High. He is a graduate of Elkin's School of Radio Engineering in Atlanta, Ga. Holder lists his hobbies as including skydiving, ham radio, water skiing and skin diving. He is now beck with radio station WMOC in Chattanooga. He worked in Chattanooga before going to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jack WUson have moved to Ashevtlle. Mr. Wilson has been employed here with the unemployment office and was transferred to the Ashevllle office. -M Johnny Chapman of Gaines ville, Ga., was the weekend guest of Bill McKeever. -M Mr. and Mrs. John Young and son. Lane of Atlanta, Ga., spent the weekend here. -M Mrs. C. L. Alverson and Miss Mary Helen Hate he tt spent last Tuesday In Ashe vllle. -M Mr. and Mrs. Mayes Behr man left WednesdayforWash lngton, D. C., id attend a meeting. While there they will visit Mr. Behrmsn's son. Dr. J ack Behrman. -M Guests over the weekend of Mrs. George Townson and Mrs. Clara Mae Adams were: S/Sgt. Jack Adams of Savan nah, Ga? and Misses Sherry and Ann Spence of Greenville, S. C. and Miss Mary Janice Lunsford of Hendersonvllle, and Mrs. Ruel White of Hayes - vllle. -M Mr. C. L. Alverson spent several days last week In Mobile, Ala. While there he visited his mother, Mrs. C. D. Alverson. J. C. Townson spent sev eral days last week attending a coroner school In Chapel Hill. Watch This Newspaper To See How Too Can Be COOL This Summer!!! Murphy Electric Power Board, Murphy, N. C. NEED A NEW MR ??? 2607 JUIY'62 M P 26 Is your "old faithful" car beginning to show (and act) its age (and miles)? Time for a change to a spanking new model? Don't let lack of ready cash delay the long-overdue change-overl You con get the cash you need promptly on an auto loan from us. And your own comparisons will prove that financing a car costs LESS at our low bank rates. Terms will be arranged to suit your convenience. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. kU-W F^r.1 D?fo?M ?-?.?-?. CvpmHm Sirviii Southwestern North Carolina Murphy ? Nayisiilli ? Andrews ? libbiisville ? Sylva ^he^Woman' s HATTIC PALMER JOCIETY EtMTOR PH0M1 M7-WM Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swain and son. Stephen of Marietta. Ga.. spent several days last weak visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sim mons and daughter, Cindy, of Cleveland. Tenn.. spent the weekend here with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ray and daughter of AshevUle were weekend guests of their aunts. Misses Rata and Leila Hayes. Mrs. Charles Hyatt and children spent Friday night and Saturday with her mother. Mrs. Hoke Phillips of Rob btnsvllle. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Phil lips who will visit them for a while. -M Jimmy Parker, who has been a patient in Emory Hos pital, Atlanta, returned home Monday. He was accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. Parker, who has been with Mm. -M Mrs. Ethel Leatherwood of Arlington, Vs., visited rela tives here last week. -M Mr. and Mrs. Holland Mc Swaln spent the weekend in Winston-Salem visiting Mrs. McSwain's sister-in-law, Mrs Barrlnger, who is a patient In the hospital there. -M Mrs. W. A. Hoover spent the weekend with her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gar Haney.Jr., and son, Mark, of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Alters and son, Eddie, of Knoxvllle, Tent spent Sunday with their aunts. Miss Addle Leatherwood. -M Mrs. Ed Evans of Chatta nooga, Tenn., was overnight guest of Mrs. Roy Fuller on Friday. -M Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kay and daughter, Carol, spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Hendersonville. Mr. Babe Cole of Bryson City is visiting his sister, Mrs. Paschal Hughes this week. -M Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Styles of Knoxvllle spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Radcllff. -M Mrs. E. L. Shields left on Monday for Raleigh for a visit, She was accompanied on the trip by her two grandchildren, Ann Heath and Wenn Browr who have been visiting their grandparents. -M Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ed wards and children spentSun day with relatives in Bryson City. -M Douglas Burgess and Bill Rhodes of Atlanta, Ga., were weekend guests of Mr. Bur rss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burgess. -M Wc amay* ^Announctd CULBERSON - Mr. and Mr*. DUlard McAfee of Rc 2. Culberson, announce die marriage of their daughter. Miss Sue McAfee, to Robert Peereon, Jr., son of Mr. Rob ert Peerson. Sr., of Bnms wlck. Ga. The bride, given In mar riage by her brother-in-law, Andy Kaylor, Jr., was attired In a pink silk organza dress, featuring a sabrlna neckline, with white accessories. Her flowers were white mums on a prayer book. Mrs. Lois Kaylor served her sister as matronof hooor.Har dress was of mint green taf feta brocade with green ac cessories. The organist at the Druid Hills Methodist Church fur nished a background of nuptial music, "Because" and "I Love You Truly." Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of close friends, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. The bride Is a 1960 graduate of HlwasseeDamHlghSchool and Is presently employed with the Underwood Corporation in Atlanta. Mr. Peerson Is part owner and operator in a furniture discount house In Atlanta. After a short wedding trip, the couple are at home on Palafox Drive in Atlanta. Mrs. Paul Curtis enter tained with a household shower for Mrs. Sue Peerson, the former Miss Sue McAfee. Mrs. Doris MoGUl was co hostess. After games were played, refreshments served, the honoree opened her many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Noah James of Atlanta visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. James of Rt. 3, Murphy over the weekend. -M John Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. James Stnday. -M Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watson and Mr. and Mrs. BUI Wat son and famUy of Marble, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. James on Siatday. -M Kid? Tour Plant MURPHY - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brumby entertained the kindergarten class Tues day morning. May 7, show ing them the machinery and methods of making T-shirts. Each of the 34 chUdren was given a T-shirt by Mrs. Brumby. Stewart Child la Christened 1 MURPHY -Charlotia Eliza beth, eleven-month old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, was christened on Sunday, May 12, by the Rev. Clark Benson, pastor of the First Methodist Church during the morning services. Cherokee Scout li Clay County Progress, Thm, May 16,1963 Deed Transfers J. Doyle and Mildred C. Burch to Mitchell and Lula Raper Stiles, property In Cherokee Coiaity. Cherokee County to J. Doyle and Mildred C. Burch, pro perty in Cherokee County. Aud and Birdie Loue Gar land to J. R. and Nettle Wright, property In Cherokee County. Brvln and Barbara and Bobby Jones to Brvln Jones, F. B. Johnson, and Charles Forrester, property la Hot House Township. Ruth Sutton Lewis to Ben and Pauline Palmer, property In Murphy Township. Joseph C. and Sua G. Morrow id Ronald V. and Re no ta Meek, property la I Clarence and Vera Simoads ?> Arvll A. sad Mary Sua Williamson. Jr? property in Hot House Township. WUlard and Bawds Las Whltaker to Jamas Harrison i Almond Whl taker, property In Valleytown Town J. C. Walls to J. C. and Amanda Duchstt Walls, pro perty In Cherokee County. J. C. Walls to J. C. and Amanda Duchstt Walls, pro party la Cherokee County. " ' H. and Nannie D. Wells Mr. and Mr*. Johnny Car at Atlanta. Ga? ^ent wi* Mr grand Mr*. D. V. Carrlng *r. While bara tey vtallnd Mr. and Mr*. Prank Baraood of Copperhlll on Suday. -M' Mr. and Mr*. Charlea Hag wood and aon. Scotty.of Aaba vllla apaot te naikinrt bara wldi bar mater. Mr*. W. H. Rush. Thay alao vlalMd her later, W. H. Rite, teo la a pedant In an Antkew* boe pltal. Mr. and Mr*. Hubart Mal *>n of Akron. Ohio, kaw ra turnad id telr bom* afiar visiting Mr. and Mr*. Homer Rlcka. Mr. and Mr*. Tom Leather - wood and aon. Maynard, of Akron. Ohio, and Johnny Lea tharood of Graanvllla, S. C? baa* returned id teir home* after vial ting her parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Maynard Palmar. Mr*. Prank Henaley and Mr*. Ruby StUea apant laat Wedneaday In Chattanooga. , R. M. Whin left Monday for Charlotte where be will atted the finaral TUeaday of hi* atmt, Mr*. O. B. Robinson. ? -M Miaa SarahEasley,student at University of Georgia. In Athens, G a., spent te weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. R. W. Easley, Jr. Tha Rev. H. C. Wltnr spent laat week a tending the Bpia copal convention held In Tbe Oaks at Black Mountain. -M Stork Market Report MORGAN A son, Clinton Walter, to Mr. and Mrs. James Walter Morgan of Rt. 1, Murphy, May 8, at Providence Hospital. Mrs. Morgan Is the former Miss Frances Eugene Clark. MCDONALD A son, to Mr. and Mrs. Win ton McDonald, of Rt. 2, Mur phy, at Providence Hoapttal, May 10. Mrs. McDonald is the former Miss Hazel Carroll. COFFEY A daughter, Donna Reid, to Mr. and Mr a. March Win. Coffey of Murphy, May 7, at Providence Hospital. Mrs. Coffey Is the former Miss Stella Mae Crisp. CHASTAIN TWINS " A son. Phillip Alan, and a daughter, Phyllis Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Chastaln, of Rt. 2, Murphy, May 3, at Providence Hospital. Mr*. Chastaln is the former Miss Nina Ann Coleman. Shoal Crook Mows By Beulah Slaughter Mrs. Win. Johnson is home after spending three weeks vdth her daughter, Mrs.Char les Dralle in Akron, Ohio. -SC Mrs. Ruth Hamby of At lanta, Ga? spent the weekend with ber perenta, Mr. and Mrs. S. D.Jones. Mr. andMrs.WillardTrew hitt and daughter, Barbara of Himtsvllle, Ala., were weekend guests of their par ents. -SC Mr. and Mrs. Fred John son of Akron, OMo, are spend ing two weeks with Mrs. Wil liam Johnson and friends and relatives In the commiadty. -V Mrs. Ada Ledford, a for mer resident of this commun ity, and daughter, Bvelyn, wets seriously injured In a car ac cident In New Jersey. The daughter's husband and son -SC Mrs. Amanda Wilson and Mrs. Jean Codd of Ontario, Calif., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brown. They will spend the next week with friends hers. -SC Mr. and Mrs. Kemery DUls and son, Edward, are spending the weekend with Mr. andMrs. Willie Cook of Smyrna, Ga. -SC Mrs. Sally Akers. Ray, and Peggy of Akron, Ohio, are two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sltughmr. laughs -SC Morrls Hamby and Mr. Dot son Turdanaa of Birmingham. Ala., spent Simday with Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brown. -SC Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Wil son of Murphy were visitors hereStmdey. -SC Mrs. Emma Qutan will be van a card shower at foe unday Morning Serslos at i Shoal Creek Baptist oelebra She will be 90th btrthdsy this Sixiday, May 19. Mrs. Qufon U one of the original members of foe -8C- >V Mrs. J. B. Slaughter has entered Copper Baste Hoe Stal for obersvadon rssult g from a fall to bar home. We sincerely wish her a the is foe Creek. Mrs. N. J. Laurla sad bro ther, Prenk Maiaay, art vlelt tag their brother-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chrlaa>pber of Atlanta. Ga? Ala sank. Chris Oackar of Mariana. G?.. was dw washand guest of Steve Howell. Mr. ?d Mrs. V. L. WUsoo speat last attksnl la Rob Mnsvllle as (usat of Mr. and Mrs. Harlsy Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Brneat Deck er of Marietta. Ga? wars die washand guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wilson. Mrs. B. A. Browning left Monday for a visit with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Browning and children of Durham. Mr*. OUls Barnstt has re turned home after spending several weeks with her daugh ter. Mrs. Grace Mynatt and granddaughter, Mrs. Betty A. Dins of Knox "1 Coins of Knoxvllla. Tenn. She also spent the past steak with her son. Jack Barnstt of Cul Mrs. Joe Nonls of Savan nah. Ga.. and Miss Jane Cook of Atlanta were last weekend guests of their parents. Mr. at Mrs. Edwin Cook and Johnny. -M Mrs. W. M. Lay and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson were guests of Mrs. Lay's brother, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred of Daysm, Tetm., on last Sunday. Mrs. Lay and Mrs. Anderson were observing De coration Day in Dayton where their mother and father, the late William Joseph and Mettle Hodges Lowry were buried. -M Cadet Bo Dreher made the Eagle Roll (honor roll) at the GMA school where he Is a student for the last quarter. Bo la the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Atlanta. -M Weekend guests of Mrs. Roy Puller were their son end daughter-in-law, Mr. end Mrs. Roy Puller, Jr., of Chatta nooga, Tenn., Mies Bell Ful ler and Mr. and Mrs. William Soforth and son. Bill, of Pico - let Mills, S. C. -M Mrs. P. L. As bury has re turned home after spending the winter months In St. Petersburg, Fla. -M Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom spent Sunday with relatives In BlalrsvUle, Ga. Mr. andMrs.L.A.Frasch are vacationing In Florida this week. -M Mrs. Grady Carrlnger and eon, Sammy, spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. John Daniles, of Young Harris,Sunday. -M Capt. and Mrs. Richard Brown and children of Athens, 3a? have returned to their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart. -M Mr. and Mrs. Clifford El liott and children, Sammy and Janet spent the weekend In Nashville, Tenn., with their son and brother, Ray Elliott. -M Aioi| Tk? Sick MURPHY - Patients admit ted to Providence Hospital on May 3 through May 10 were: Carl Edwards, Rt. 4, Hayes ville; Mrs. Inez Morrow, Far ner, Tenn.; Bertha Ann Cross, Rt. 4, Hayesvllle; Wayne How Ington, Gainesville, Ga.; Mrs. Donald Woodard, Rt. 1, Hayes vllle; Jimmy Darrell Gifaby, Andrews; Mrs. George Car roll, Rt. 3. Murphy; Mrs. John loudermllk. Murphy; Mrs. Bobby Phillips, Murphy; Aga tha Beavers, Rt. 2, Murphy; Mrs. B. T. Sanders, Rt. 4, Murphy; Rev. J. D. Moses, Murphy; and James Arthur Penland, Hayesvllle. Teaeher Of The Week JOHN A. MORRIS Those from Murphy who at tended the Dletrlct One Fed eration of Home Demonstra tion meeting held lest Wednesday In Hlnton Me morial Center at Hayeevllle were: Mrs. Ruby Hill, Mrs. C. L. Alverson, Mrs. Nell Sneed, Mrs. W. P. Odom, Mrs. W. M. Lay, Mrs. R. D. Chandler, Misses Hattte Pal mer and Thelma Wheeler. Home Agent. . -M Hubert Walker is attend ing North Carolina F lateral Director Association meeting being held at the City Audi torium In Ashevtlle this week. -M Mrs. Winona Hughes and nephew, Carey Hall, spent the weekend In Chattanooga with her son-in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Shields spent Sunday in Hayesvllle with Glenn and Mary Bell Al lison. -M Mlss Ann Hill of Roanoke, Va., Is visiting relatives here this week. -M Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Rec tor of Chattanooga, Tenn? spent Mother's Day with his mother, Mrs. Lewis Hodges. -M Mr. W. D. Townson Is at tending the North Carolina Funeral Director A' >ocladon being held in Ash llle in the City Auditorium dils week. Mrs. Blanche Garren and son, Jerry of Ashevllle, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barton. -M Mr. and Mrs. Herman Akin and sons, Jerry and Johnny of Ocoee, Tenn., spent Sim day with his mother, Mrs. R. A. Akin. -M Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowe of High Point is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lily Leather wood. -M Mr. and Mrs. David Jen nings of Jacksonville, FU., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mar tin of Hickory spent Saturday with his sister. -M Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bates and son and miss Carolyn Bates of Atlanta, Ga., spent the weekend here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates. -M Mr. and Mrs. William J. Canata and son, Dennis of Chattanooga, spent Mother's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Chandler. -M Mrs. Eric Town son and son of Ashevllle spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumby. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of Fayettevllle, N. C., spent the weekend here. -M Howard Moody spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. N. Moody, also his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody of Raleigh. -M Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shin lever and children of Knox vtlle spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lloyd. -M John Aim Mortis as history, English, and phy-fs steal educational Murphy High School. Born In Grvenvllls,? South Carolina, ha monad a> Murphy with his parse is when* ha was fins. Ho sanded the Murphy schools and was Ind us led from Murphy High School la 1968. An ouatandlng foot hall ptayor, ha lad his teams* to many vlctortoa. In 1962 was gradual*! ' from Waka Forest College f with a major In history. In collage, as in high school,, ha was recognised as a fins football player. There he* earned his Senior Life Sav ing Certificate as well. He wis ' a member of lbs Monogram Club and Sigma Phi Bpsllon social framrnity. , Mr. Morris uses id sp=u" his spare Urns skiing. f?Hlng. ? or playing tennis. He hopes some day n return s> college to enter Law School. He re sides In Andrews with his mother, who Is a teacher In Murphy Elementary School. Mr. end Mrs. Leon Talley of Charlotte and J sck Hughes student at WCC, Cullowhee, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Paschal Hughes. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT and Clay County Progress N. Jerue Babb.. .Publisher Phyllis B. Babb. . .Editor Jack Owens. . .Production Sigiervlsor Published Every Thursday at 117 HlckoryStreet, Mur phy. N. C. Second Class Postage Paid at Murphy, NorthCarollna. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing addresses in Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties, N. C.; Towns, Union and Fannin Comit ies, Ga.; and Polk County, Tenn. 1 Year ? $3.00 6 Months - $1.75 ALL OTHER AREAS 1 Year ? $5.00 6 Months - $3.00 On all subscriptions de livered In North Carolina, add the state's three per cent sales tax. ?mm FASHION Stylish Permonent Practical ALUMINUM AWNIN6S Decorative, ruffed Colorweld awninf* are made from Reyn old* Aluminum with a baited on Dupont finish that mat crack or peeL Your room* win be 16* cooler in summer and you'U have year-'round protec tion for home and by shieidinf yourarindowsfirom sun or weather. Can today for a Free 1 MURPHY Awning Co. Behind The Dickey ESSO Oil Co. In Murphy. N.C. There's a BULOVA for everyone in the GRADUATING CLASS more styles to Ql / more quality choose from (yWfor your money ? ?. C. MOORE JEWELERS St. Murphy, N.C. t*--'