LIBBA3X ? i??61110 sum* The Cherokee Scout AndClay Coun ly Progress Volume 73 - Numbor 47 Murphy, North Corolina, Thursday, Juno 20, 1^63 14 Pogos This Wook Publlshod Weekly sccono class postage paid AT MURSHV. NORTH CAROLINA Cherokee Has Big Delegation At State Teen-Dem Convention By Jan Davidson Tean-Oem Reporter 11th Congressional District MURPHY - The Cherokee County Teen - Dem Club was well represented at the sec ond annual statewide conven tion held on the campus of N. C. State In Raleigh J una 14-15. After registration on Fri day, June 14, a banquet honor ing the delegates and attended by sta* party leaders was held in the college wion ball room. After remarks by Mrs. Herbert McKay, national com mlttaewoman and Mrs. Her bert Cromarde, Y. D. C. vice chairman, the speaker was In troduced by Bert Bennett, state prrty chairman. The spe cial guest speaker was Mr. - i WUi Henry Hall Wilson, assistant to President Kennedy. In his speech, Mr. Wilson com mended the Teen-Demi for their bard work and progress snd urged the delegates a> continue active stqiport of President Kennedy. The delegates from the 11th district were assigned a caucus room after the banquet, and at this meeting, the follow ing officers were elected: Bill Forsyth of Cherokee, chair man; James Byrd of Macon, vice-chairman; BUI Medford of Transylvania, treasurer; Reba Dalton of Polk, secre tary; and Jan Davidson of Cherokee, reporter. A dance was held on Friday night In the college ballroom and was attended by all the delegates. * Bill Forsyth Heads Teen-Dems In 11th District RALEIGH - BUI Forsyth of Murphy was named chairman of the llthCongresalonal Dis trict at the fai annual Sate Teen - Dem Convention held here at N.C.Sute College last weekend. The new district officers will begin their duties Im mediately and will handle Teen-Dem affairs in their own district until their term ex pires at the next state con vention. Over 200 teen-age members of the youngest State Demo cratic organization heard Gov ernor Terry Sanford, presi dential assistant Henry Hall Wilson, Secretary of State Thad Eure and party officers, held party work sessions and ran their own convention pat terned after the national party conventions. ZIP Code Number To Speed Mail MURPHY - Our five-digit Zip (Zone improvement pro gram) Code is 28906, Post master Joe E. -Ray announced today. "Everyone in Murphy, N. C? will use this Zip Code on all their correspondence e> speed mall deliveries and reduce the chance of mla sent mall," Postmaster Ray said. Zip Code, the Post Office Department's revolutionary new system of Improved mall dispatch and delivery, goes in to effect nationally on July 1, Postmaster Ray stressed the Importance of all citizens of Murphy, N. C, learning this city's Zip Code and using it in their return addresses on all correspondence. In ans swering mall, he said, Zlj Codes taken from return ad dresses on incoming mat should be used. "The Zip Code is literally the last word in mail addres sing." Mr. Ray Said. "1 should FOLLOW the city ani state in addresses." He died this example of the proper use of Zip Code: Joe B. Ray Postmaster U. S. Post Office, Murphy, N. C. 28906 , The new Zip Cods plan, Mr Ray said, for the first dm will permit the Post Offlc Department t> short-cut re peated address readii?. "The address on mall itaui often be read as many a eight oT ten times by posti employees, to gat it to lb proper destination," Mr. Ra * said. "Bach handing slow As process of mall dlspatc * and adds yieopportunityfo "With Zip Cods, a cler needs only to glance at th cods X> know lmmedteialy 1 a what national area, stats an post office tha tetter U dee * dned, and ts speed it on it way, cutting tg> to 24 hour * off the time between daposf and dsllvry." Mr. Ray said that whs Zip Cods la in full swli*, A ' United States will have "A system of ma aid delivery i Saturday morning the dele gations mat again by districts and heard distinguished speak ers from various parts of the stale as a prelude m the actual convention session which began at 2 o'clock and was honored by a brief visit from Gov ernor SsJrford. When parliamentary dis putes and voting debates were cleared i?, the nominations for state Teen-Dem officers was carried out followed by the election which produced these results: Tommy Ttft of Polk, president; Peggy Bond of Robeson, eastern - vice president; Allen Moser of Forsyth, central vice-presi dent; Dennis Ducber of Trans versa, western vice-presi dent; Mary Weston of Bertie, secretary; and Jtme Hooker of Surry, treasurer. Following the convention session, the delegates attend ed a banquet and beard a speech by Hon. Thad Sure, Secretary of the State. The last activity of the con vention was a dance held on Saturday night in the college ballroom with music by a fine grnp called the Tassels. Cherokee Comity's delegat ion was one of the largest at the convention and repre sented the largest Teen-Dem Club In the state. The dele gates were Patsy Klips trick, sponsored by the Democratic Executive Committee; Janet Burnette, sponsored by the Valley?wn Democratic Club; Mary Ruth Barton, sponsored by the Cherokee County Wo men's Democrat Club, and J en Davidson, sponsored by the Democratic Executive Com mittee. Other delegates were Charlotte Stalcup, Philip Brauer, Tommy Palmer.John Fleming, Tommy Curds, and Bill Forsyth. Ca/.nJ. at THURSDAY, JUNE 20 6:15 a.m. - Mass at Provi dence Hospital Chapel. 10:00 a.m. - Grape Creek Home Demons (ration Club to meet with Mrs. B. J. Grler. 7:00 p.m. - Womans Club to meet with Mrs. Bub Pen land with a covered dish dinner. FRIDAY, JUNE 21 6:15 a.m. - Mass at Provi dence Hospital Chapel. SATURDAY, JUNE 22 6:15 a.m. ? Mass at Provi dence Hospital Chapel. SUNDAY, JUNE 23 11:00 a.m. - Services at the First Methodist. First Bap tist. and Free Methodist Churches and Episcopal Church of Messiah. Mass at St. Williams Catho lic Church. 6:06 p.m. - MYF at First Methodist Church. MONDAY, JUNE 24 6:15 a.m. - Mass at Provi dence Hospital Chapel. Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - Baptist Vacation Bible School Mission (Beat Town). 6:30 p.m. - Rotary Club at Family Restaurant. 7:45 p.m. - Women of Presby terian Church to meet In Assembly Room. 8:00 p.m. - Wesley an Ser vice Guild First Methodist Church to meet in Men's Bible Class of Church. The hostesses are Mrs. Tom Mauney and Mrs. H. G. Elldns, Sr. Esther Stmday School Class of First Baptist Church to meet with Mrs. Everett English. Rebecca Sunday School Class of First Baptist Church to meet with Mrs. W. T. Brown. TUESDAY, JUNE 25 6:15 a.m. - Mass at Provi dence Hospital Chapel. 1:30 p.m. - Bell Home De monstration Club to meet at Co mm mi ty Building. 2:30 p.m. - Lottie Moon Cir cle of First Baptist Church to meet with Mrs. W. A. Bell. Mae Perry Circle of First Baptist Church to meet with Mrs. Bessie Deweese. 6:30 p.m. - Lions Club to meet Fellowship Hall of First Methodist Church. 24 through 28: Senior High officers work shop at First Methodist Church to be held st Laloa Jmaluska. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 6:15 a.m. - Mass at Provl Hospital Chaoel. 10:00 a.m. ? Murphy Home Demonstration Club work shop at Murphy Power Board Bulldti*, Mrs. Nell Sneed hostess. This will be a covered dish lincheon. 2:00 p.m. - Valleytown Home Demonstration Club to meet at home of Mrs. Luke Car ver. * 7:20 p.m. - Midweek set vices at Presbyterian Church. fcOO p.m. ? Choir rehearsal at Presbyterian Church. Hour of Power at First Bqxlst Church. 8:45 pjn. - Choir at First Bqttlst Church, J Intermodule and CHEROKEE COUNTY DELEGATES to the statewide Teen-Dem convention held In Raleigh ast weekend were clockwise, beginning In the igiper left corner, Billy Forsyth, Patsy KU istrlck. Mary Ruth Barton, Philip Brauer, John Fleming, Tommy Curtis, J anett Burnette, lharlotae Stalcup, Tommy Palmer and Jan Davidson. Henry Hall Wilson, assistant to Presi dent Kennedy, shown at center above, was the guest speaker at the convention. UTH DISTRICT TEEN-DEM OFFICERS elected et the Raleigh convention are seated left B right, Sam Couch, state western district vice-president; Jane Byrd of Franklin, vice - chairman; Reba Daltnn of Mills Springs, secretary; Bill Forsyth of Murphy, chairman; and standing, left tn right, BUI Medford of Brevard, treasurer, and J an Davidson of Murphy, reporter. Marble Zip Code MARBLE - Our five - digit ZIP Code Is 28905, Postmaster Giles Bryson announced today. "Everyone in Marble, N.C. will use this ZIP Code on all their correspondence to speed mail deliveries and reduce the chance of mis - sent mail," Postmaster Bryson said. "The Zip Code is literally the last word in mall ad dressing," Mr. Bryson said. "It ahould FOLLOW the city and state in addresses." He cited this example of the proper use of ZIP Code: Giles Bryson, Postmaster, U. S. Post Office Marble, N. C.. 28905 Nantahala Zip Code Aeeifned NANTAHALA - Our five digit ZIP Code is 28759, Post master Kenneth H. Grant an nounced today. "Everyone In Nantahala, N. C. will uee this ZIP Code on all their correspondence to speed mall deliveries and reduce the chance of mis sent mall," Postmaster Grant He dtad this example of the roper uee of ZIP Coda: Kane* H. Grant U. S. Poet Office, 1 Nantahala, N. C? 28759 f fejgilejj [MVfl DATE L H PERC. 13 53 78 0 14 61 83 0.16 15 53 83 0 16 60 83 0.69 17 52 72 0.51 18 61 75 0.05 19 62 72 0.04 Forcasc Thursday, Friday, Saturday, broken to scattered cloudiness with scattered thunder showers; Sunday, partly cloudy. Traffic Dtalks RALEIGH - The Motor Ve hicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 a.m. Monday, J me 17, 1963: Killed To Dale 525 Killed To Data Last Year 524 Auxiliary Meets MURPHY ? The American Legion Auxiliary met last Monday night, J me 11, at the of Mrs. R. H. Foard. Aftar the was bald durlni which ttma Mra. Foard ser ved a salad oourse. Trucks Wreck Near Murphy MURPHY - Two trucks col lided In the middle of U. S. 64 here early Monday, June 17, seriously Injuring one of the drivers. Hospitalized was James V, Ford of Hayesville, driver for Wayne's Feed Store ol Murphy. He has head and bacl injuries, according to towr policeman William (Pete; Stalctg), who Investigated. The other driver, Calvlr Carter of Westminster, S. C. was only slightly hurt. Hit truck Is owned by Americai Bakeries Co., of Anderson S. C, James Upton of Mur phy, a rider with Fori^ wai treated for minor bruises am cuts at a Murphy hospital am released. The accident occured abou 6:45 a.m. inside the town Urn its on the Hayesville Highway According to Stalcup, th partially loaded bread true was two feet across the cen ter line on the wrong side c the road headed towards Mur phy. It appears that the lei front wheels of both truck were sheared by the lmpac Stalcip added. The 1963 feed truck was total loss. This truck wa loaded with 8-10 tons of feet Damages were set at $8,001 Charges have been flit against Carter for recklet driving and driving left of 0 centertine. An estlmatt damage report of $2,300 wi made on the tractor-tralle: An estimated $250 damagi occured to the hay field (shot above) where the trucks can ? re at and a> the wlephoi company lines and pole (shown at right). The tractor-trailer trave ed 120 feet Mter impact ai went off the road on the dr ear's left. The feed truck traveled I feet afar impact and went < the road on da driver's rig! The feed track and feed bi and Mower were a total lot The bread truck (klvar w Resolution Favoring Intergration "Where Necessary" Adopted SPECIAL TO SCOUT By Robert A. Potter HAYESVILLE - Trl-County ministers meeting Tuesday at Hilton Center, Hayesvllle, called upon people of the area to work for better race re lations, and admonished Christians, In light of the recent Supreme Court de cision concerning Bible read ing and the Lord's Prayer In the public schools, to pray more In their churches and homes. The association adopted a resolution bespeaking just treatment of people of every race. Including such integra tion as necessary to bring this about. Clark W. Benson, First Methodist minister of Murphy, was named president of the body for the coming year. Other officers chosen were: William J. Thompson,Murphy First Baptist, vice-president; Joel T. Key, Andrews First Methodist, secretary - treas urer; and Robert A. Potter, Murphy Presbyterian, pro gram chairman. John Jordan, chairman of Murphy summer recreation program told of the "why" of recreation and phases of the program, and answered any questions concerning. A season of prayer was held with various ministers parti cipating. Nantahala Rate Hike May Fall RALEIGH - Opponents of a controversial power rate In crease placed into effect under bond July 16, 1961, by Nanta hala Power and Light Com pany apparently scored a stun ning upset victory in action Tuesday by the House on a massive bill revising the state's utility laws. Included in the bill, already passed by the Senate, Is an amendment introduced by Sen. W.Frank Forsyth of Chero kee County, that terminates any bonded rate Increases after they have been in ef fect for one year without a decision by the State Utlli tlles Commission. Although the major portion of the bill is not effective im mediately, Forsyth's amend ment would go into effect on I July 1. This is given the general interpretation in legislative circles as meaning that NP &L must stop collecting the higher rates ?which on the average are 33 and a third per cent higher than its old rates ? as of July 1. According to some reports, Nantahala has acquiesced and is expecting to halt the bond ed rates at that time. Actually, the victory, if it proves to be that ? came In a meeting of the House Utili ties Committee last week when an attempt to beat down Forsyth's amendment was made and failed. As it turn i ed out Tuesday, the attempt I was not renewed on the floor during consideration by the i full House. , The House also approved a i provision that woult^ in the i future, limit the amount by , which a utility could raise its rates under bond to 15 i per cent. The original bill I called for a ceiling of 20 I per cent. Nantahala's rate increase ; application, meanwhile, is still In the Utilities Commis , slon where no decision has i ever been given. The sale ; case Is before the Supreme ? Court on appeal by opponents ! from a Superior Court de ? dslon upholding the SUC t order approving the sale. Ex i pedidous settlement of the , case has been urged repeat edly by Governor Sanford. i Arguments were heard last I month, with the next opinion L da? ijr the high court set for ). Ju?y ? B&PW Club Meet* MURPHY - The regular monthly meeting of the Mur phy Business and Professional Woman's Club was held at the home of Mrs. G. W. Cover of Andrews on last Monday evening, J in 10. A btrffet dinner was served to the 30 members present. A brief business session was held by the new presi dent. Mrs. Margaret Bruce, At toll 16 officers to seres dining toe iff year were ypotnssd. The next it. regular meeting will be held as jJy tto, and Mutative plans m. have bsen mads to meet at ae Woodervtew Ins, near Hayes vllle. The resolution adopted is as ollows: Recent events in our national life strongly summon is of the Christian faith to nend our ways and deepen jut devotion to Jesus Christ ind His kingdom. In view of the critical racial situation over the nation, the rrl-County Ministerial As sociation urges people of our area to manifest In racial matters ? as in all things else ? the spirit of Christ. We believe the Bible teach es there are no sigwrlor or Inferior races, that all men are beloved of Christ, and hence worthy of our respect and love. We advocate that people of Ball Club : ti Sponsors j Wrestling MURPHY -One of the year's I top wrestling cards has been signed by Matchmakers Nick Gulas, Roy Welch and Harry " Thornton to be presented Fri day night. June 21, 8:15 p.m. at Old Rock Gym, Murphy, e sponsored by Murphy Base- " ball Club. On the main event, four of the nation's top wrestlers and TV stirs will meet In an action packed tag battle when the 1 rough and tough team of Mike and Joe Romano, one of the roughest team combinations In the nation have beer, signed to battle the popular team, the Bavarian Boys, hailing from Bavaria In the Alps and mak ing their debut. This will also be the debut of the Romano Brothers, hailing from Pitts burg, Pa., weighing a total of 460 lbs. The Bavarian Boys asked to meet the Romano Bros. In this tag match. These teams have had many rugged battles in the past. The Romano Bros, are rated one of the top ranking rough and tough teams to come South In a long time and they have been wrestling through out the East and mid-West with great success. This could be the wildest tag match witnes sed here in some time. The Bavarian Boys In de manding this tag match claim they will retaliate with the same rough punishment as they receive from Mike and Joe Romano and will give them one of the toughest battles of their wrestling career. This tag battle will be pack ed with action from start to finish, and will be 2 out of 3 falls, one hour. For the first match, two top lady wrestlers and TV stars have been signed for this big card when Miss Cora Combs, pretty lady wrestler from Nashville, meets Miss Judy Grable, at tractive blonde from Florida. Miss Combs has been wrest ling for many, many years and is regarded one of the top ten lady wrestlers in the nation, and Miss Grable has long been rated one of the top five lady wrestlers. In the country. She has been wrestling for a long time?holding victories over many of the top lady wrest lers throughout the nation. Miss Grable and Miss Combs are highly recommen ded and both are very Impres sive In the ring. They each have a large following and should make a big hit with the fans. This match will be 2 out of 3 falls, one hour, and action packed. First match 8:15 p.m. Fri day night, June 21,atOidRock Gym, Murphy, N. C. Prices: Ringside: $1.50, General Ad mission $1.00, Children isider 12.50*. Stalcup Reunion MURPHY - The Stalctg) re union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bd Owen by on Si*iday. J ism 16, with the fol lowing attending: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen by andchll*en.BddU,Jackie, Lee. and Rhonda of Moss Point, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. Quentln Robertson and daugh ter, Connie, of Waynesvtlle; PPC Waller Owenby of Ft. Bragg, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owentw and daughter, Jeanne tie of Blairsvllle, Go.; end Mr. andMrs.GtviaiOwen by and son. Dennis. Mr, ^ Mrs. Clyde Stalctg) and c A"fM, Mr. Claude Stalctg) and u Tare and JeanjMr.i Harry Stalcup and chlldrag 'od oi Murptiy, rcry race receive their Just Lghts and equal treatment, herever integration is nec tsary for this id be brought bout we favor such inter ration. In our personal association 1th Negroes and all peoples [ different race let us show Mtudes pleasing to the Sav ior. We urge all living in our res to speak with respect bout people of every race. We should ever call to mind le words of our Lord: "What oever ye would that men hould do unto you, even so o ye also unto them." Regardless of the decision f the Supreme Court rela ive to reading the Bible and raying the Lord's Prayer in uhlic schools It now becomes lore needful for followers of ihrist to pray more ardently nd faithfully in our homes and ii our churches which should ideed be "houses of prayer or all people." Well, Have You? MURPHY - Filled out that labor survey blank yet? Or, If you're employed and aren't Interested In a change of jobs, do you have a friend or relatives who might he Interested In filling one out? A blank may be found In this issue; or at stores over most of the county. Sponsored by the Murphy Chamber of Commerce, the survey Is the first conducted here and its purpose Is to provide up-to-date informat ion for Industrial prospects. Anyone here or away who is interested In an industrial job, or changing their .pre sent employment for an In dustrial position. Is asked to fill out a blank and return It Immediately. The survey will continue through Saturday, June 29.In formation received will be compiled by the chamber of commerce by the Employment Securities Commission, at the request of die former. Martina Creek Club Meets MURPHY - The Martin's Creek Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Paul Martin on last Tues day at 1:30 p.m. In the absence of the chair man, Miss Thelma Wheeler presided over the business session, at which time of ficers for the Incoming year were elected as follows: Mrs. A. J. Martin, chair man; Mrs. Vaughn Ricks, vice - chairman; and Miss Ethel Penland, secretary and treasurer. After this Miss Wheeler gave a program on "Landscaping." During the social hour the hostess served refreshments to the following: Mrs. Dtllard Carrlnger, Mrs. Howard Mar tin, Mrs. Vaughn Ricks, Mrs. Verdie Penland, Mrs. Tobe Stale up. Misses Ethel Pen land and Thelma Wheeler. Man On Vacation Brought Rain, So He Says GRAND VIBW-Dee While the eon of Mr*. Flmmle White, Is visiting his mother this week. Mr. White now resides at New Middle own. Ohio and Is In own on vacation. He came by the Scout of fice Tuesday and subscrib ed to the newspaper, "So I can keep tg> with how many stills are bused ig> down Mr. While mk out a two year subscription for him self. His mother i snewad bar Scout last weak for a nother year. Mr. Whlw remarked about Sm weather. It every time ha ( m it starts ra Ha arrived Saturday ea a beautiful, dear day but awoke Sunday, Monday, I Tuesday a> either Idas. If la oraa. I k

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