INSURANCE TIPS! iw.m HYDE AGENCY AUTO INSURANCE POLICIES PROVIDE COVERAGE PGR MEDICAL EXPENSES la a car pool aaka: my auao Insurance pay the medical Mils tar my paa iwgira U dwy were injur ed In an automobile accident that la my fault?" Yea, If medical payments ge la purchased with automobile Lnaura your automobile Insurance. Thla coverage pays medical bills for the passengers rid ing In your car, and also. It pay* the bills for you and all member a of your Immediate family, whether you are rid ing In the family car or la any other auto. Under the arms of die policy, the lnstrance company agrees to pay all reasonable expenses. Incurred within one year of the accident, for nec essary medical, surgical. X ray and dental services, am bulance. hospital, and also professional nursing and (lateral services, tg> B> the limits declared In the policy. Payment Is made regardless of wbo Is at fault. The choice of limits ranges from 1500 to 15.000 for each person Injured. The cost Is surprisingly low. You should check with your Insurance agent or broker to determine the antoimt of coverage 4> proprlate for you. and Its cost. This column wtll be glad id answer questions you may have about property and cas ualty Insurance. Send them to Hyde Insurance Agency, Murphy, North Carolina. Cuz's Corner! by Bag ley If 1 trip awty from homo I'm ( take ma a feather pillow aloof. I'll (all you why later on. You know I'a waling you how 1 mast a lot of people la my glad-handiag hare at the dam and alao about how ao many of 'am mil me B coma a aaa ?am If I'm ever la their part of the country? Wall. If I'd uaod my head years ago, I coulda really mada a good thing outta that. All 1 woulda had m do would have beeo B keep a little notebook la my pocket and wrlB their aamea gave ma thoaa lavltattoaa. Like I Bid you, though. I juat never re allied any of 'em ac tually meant it. That la. until I visited the UddaU'i la Cam den, Ala. Well. If I'd kept this Utile book (1 have one NOW) I could have planned trips B nearly any place la the U. S. pretty cheap. I've had In vita dons from folks aU over the coun try and I could eaaUy have arranged my traveling m put me In one of their dtlea each night. Aa 1 alao explained m you before: (he traveling la not expenalve for me anymore on account of I've got a Renault (Sardine Can on wheels). It's the stopping that runs InB money pretty fast. So, If I'd lust kept that little notebook I could have been practically a FREE LANCE RIDER years ago. That plan sure worked out fine the first dme 1 tried It and It took me m the Will LlddeUs in Camden. Ala. Now, afmr you have go tarn B their house there la a scheme you have m employ in order B bring 'em around B asking you B spend the night with 'em. And this is the way you work thac Along about 8:00 or 8:30 you yawn a small yawn. This takes a Utile practice B perfect. And In case you wants use this plan of mine, I would advise that you get this down to a "T" before you start out. If you make a mess out ol that first Utile yawn then you might be outta luck on ac count of they might see through your scheme. If the little yawn don't get the desired results, wait a few minutes and do a big one, you know, one that Just gets away from you altogether. This Is your trump card, your ACE In THE HOLE, and If it don't turn the trick you might as weU find It out early so you'll have dme B go b a hotel?-or go sleep in your car. In my case the Ucde yawn failed because I had got so good with It that It escaped *em completely. This made mc a little nervous but I sdU hat the big one b go. I waited a bout five minutes and let 'ei Hp. That did It. Mrs. Liddel says. "You're going to spenc the night with us; aren't you?* Now you can't say "Yea. in deed" right off the bat Whai you say li. "Ob, no. Mam. 1 wouldn't think of putting you to all that trouble?I'll just go down b the hotel." Now thla Is a big lie, and you know it, and she does too, but man ners demand that you beat around the bush a little bit first. So, b this hotel bit she ?ays. "Why. you will nod We wouldn't dream of allowing you B do THAT; would we. Will?" Now husband will be trapped and be knows it and he has to agree with her thai you can't possibly go to the total. Then you've got It made and you can kick off your shoes and socka and start scratch ing between your toes with die toes of your other foot. But, don't use your fingera as this don't look bo good, ?nd, besides, you don't know 'em that well ? yet. Any. way you are all set b enjoy Deadline For Labor Survey Is Saturday MURPHY ? The deadline lor the iefaor aurvey being con ducted In the Murphy - Cherokee County area Is Saturday, Jro 29. The labor survey quest ionnaires have been dlstrl buted by the Murphy Chamber of Commerce within a 30-mile radius of the cointy seat, ac cording ?> W. D. Townson, Deaths, MRS. OX1E ORR ROB BINS VILLE-Mr*. Dixie Orr, M, former resident of Robblnsvllle, died Wednesday morning, June 19, In the home of a eon, the Rev. Joe L. Orr of Seymour. Surviving in addition K> the son are six daughters, Mrs. Wayne Phillips, Mrs. DUlard Orr, Mrs. Mack Dltmore, Mrs, Pat Phillips and Mrs. Henry Collins of Robhlnsvllle and Mrs. Earl Orr of Maryvllle, Teen.; a brother, C. B. Mill saps of Robbtnsvllle; 65 grand children, nlney great - grandchildren, and thirty-six great-great grandchildren. Service* were held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. The Rev. Otis Orr and the Rev. Tom Wells of Maryvllle, Tenn., officiated and burial was In the church cemetery. Townson Funeral Home was In charge. CAL CABLE ROBBINSVILLE-Cal Cable. 80, of Robbinsvllle, died in a Swain Coiaty hospital at 9 a.m. Wednesday, June 19, after a long Illness. He was a native of Graham Coimty and a son of the lets Ben and Elizabeth Woodard Cable. He was a member of Tuskeegee Baptist Church. Services were beldat2p.m. Friday In Tuskeegee Baptist Church. The Rev. J ack Bryson offi ciated and burial was in Yel low Branch Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Suzie Jenkins Cable; a daughter, Mrs. Carlos Smith of Robbinsvllle; three sons, Merlin and Carl, both of Rob binsvllle, and Otis of Gestosis; a sister, Mrs. Tilda Jenkins ofSyiva; a brother, Phil Cable of Hendersonvllle; five grand children and a great-grand child. Townaon Funeral Home was In charge. CHARLES FLOYD, JR. MURPHY - Services for Charles Gilbert Floyd, Jr., 2-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Floyd of Rush ton, Fla., who died Thursday, J ine 13, was held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Reld's Chapel Methodist Church here. The Rev. Edward Lee offi ciated and burial was In the church cemetery. The family moved to Florida ten months ago. Surviving besides the par ents are a brother, Charles Edward, and three sisters, Mellsss, Mary Jane, andBett) Ann Floyd all of the home, a long evening with some fine folks. . But watch 'em close and at soon as you see either of "en yawn, big or little, you oughti ask about taking a bath be; fore retiring. That Is, If the. haven't already tow you when the bathroom was when yoi began scratching between you; toes. In my case they neve ?aid a word about that, pro bably on account of they al ways done the same thin when they were by them KlVC8? Anyhow I got showed to th bathroom and then my bed room and they left me to it own devices. And there I wi spending the night In the Gov error's Mansion ? forme Governor, I mean. Now if you was to ever et pertence a experience 111 this, here's what to do If yt don't need a all over bat and I didn't cause I'd had oi down in Florida. You put d stopper In the tub, turn on d water, sit on the side of d tub, and you wash your fe (you csn wash one foot wi the other one). This will he relieve 'emfrom Itching. Tb you wslt around about 4 or minutes, and then pull t stopper out. They will he the water running out becau they are down stairs whe they can bear everything, a they think: "What a CLE/ guest we have." Then 1 went to bed. Foi rubber plllowsll The aborr nation of mankind! 11 Did y ever By to gat one fixed Ji right7 Sure as you do a wiggle your bead the let bit the durn thing snaps ri| back like It was to begin wi ?>d you have to start all ov again. Then, on top of tha mocking bird start faltttb* off rite outside t window. 1 think he rausta be on a BINGE. Stayed on It night long, bo. Wall, whan I woke ip t next limiting after a cot pietaly sleepless night I c tall yon there were two pa erf idly sleepy people at I UddeU's house. Me and d <hn mocking bird. So, If I ever go off U that if ?a 111 take one of i old fashioned feadwr Billot I'll lie and tail 'em I'm i lerglc B foem rubber, haven't decided what wot he beet b do about At mocking birde. If any of y have any ideee, 1 do wi yoa*d wriB and lot mo ka cnn I*n almAy plant president of the Chamber. The quMttoimairs sheet is cap tioned with lbs words "500 Worksrs Nssdsd - Would You Take A Job la A New Indus trial PJant Located lo The Murphy - Cherokee County Area?" The Murphy ares is being considered as a location of a new manufacturing plant. Fvierals Bseses and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Floyd and Mr. and Mra. Levi Forrester, all of Rt. 4, Murphy. Townson Funeral Home was in charge. MRS. MAGGIE CRIBBLE ROBBINSVILLE - Mrs. Maggie Cody Grlbfale, 71, of Rt. 2, died Monday night, June 10 in a Swain County hospital after an illness of several weeks. She was a native of Graham County, a daughter of Bill and Carolina Hyde Cody. She was a member of Stecoah Baptist Church. Services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Tuakeegee Bap tist Church. The mamdacturwr must Oral know bow many workers would be available for production Jobs. Questionnaires are avail able at the Murphy Chamber of Commerce office, the em ployment office In Murphy, any Citlaana Bank and Trust Co. office, all post offices In Cherokee County, and atcom Cherokee Scout fc Clay County Progress, Thin. June 27, 1963 The Rev. Donald Colvard officiated and biaial was In Blankenship Cemetery. Surviving are the husband, Jake Cribble; two daughters, Mrs. Valerie Jenkins and Mrs. F rankle Holder, both of Rob bins vllle; two sons. Dock of Chicago and Carter Cribble of Newport News, Vs.; four sisters, Mrs. Woody Hyde, Robbinsville, Mrs. Mary Green of Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs. Clara Crisp of Whit mire, S. C? and Mrs. Vina Radcllff of Kannapolis; three brothers, BonofStecoah,Herb of Gastonla. and John Cody of Morganton; 14 grandchild ren, four great-grandchildren. Townson Funeral Home was in charge. mwlty iDru throughout the All queatioonaires must bo recalvod no later than Satur day, June 29. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT and Clay County Progress N. Jarue Babb.. .Publisher Phyllis B. Babb. . .Editor Jack Owens. . production Supervisor Published Bvory Thursday at 117 Hickory Street, Mur phy. N. C. Second Class Postage Paid at Murphy, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing addresses In Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties, N. C.; Towns, Union and Fannin Comit ies, Ga.; and Polk County, Tenn. 1 Year ? $3.00 6 Months - $1.75 ALL OTHER AREAS 1 Year ? $5.00 6 .Months ? $3.00 On all subscriptions de livered in North Carolina, add the state's three per cent sales tax. Clin Here' ANTISEPTIC NASAL D? coofMtMil. NBO-VADR1N. A prompt and loaf laSOn* antt raUat s?juj&K? ssr-^ ?J Buy now collect! Live Modem Live Cool WITX ELECTRIC Air Conditioning cash bonus Visit our store for full details' UMuitCpoot Window Air Conditioning Units Smoky Mountain Gas, Inc. Andrew* Hwy. Murphy, N. C. 500 WORKERS NEEDED From Cherokee, Clay, Graham Counties, N. C. and Nantahala, N. C.; Towns, Union, Fannin Counties, Ga.; and Polk County, Tenn. Would You Take A Job If A New Industrial Plant Is Located In The Murphy-Cherokee County Area? IF SO: PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAIL THIS FORM TODAY An industry considering our County as the location for a new manufacturing plant must first know how many workers would be available for production Jobs. The Murphy Chamber of Commerce and the Employment Security Commission office is conducting this survey of available workers. You can help in gathering the needed information. If you are a man or woman who would take a production job in a new plant in the Murphy-Cherokee County area PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM IMMEDIATELY. This information will be kept strictly confidential. ?FILL OUT?MAIL THIS FORM TODAY?(SEE ADDRESS BELOW) Name Last Name First Name Middle Name Mailing Address Telephone No Town County HOW FAR DO YOU UVE MY AGE IN YEARS SCHOOLING MARITAL STATUS WORK STATUS FROM MURPHY IS BETWEEN I. Now Working I. Grammar Grades i. Married 1. In Murphy 1. 18-24 Years 2. Have Worked In 2, Some High School 2. Single Past But Not 2. Outside - Under 10 miles 2. 25-35 Years Working at Present I 3. High School Graduate 3. Other F 3. 10-14 Miles 3. 36-44 Years 3. Never Held a Job 4. College 4. Number of children 4. 15-24 Miles 4. 45-60 Years " SEX AND COLOR 5. Other - Show Type 5. Ages of children at 1. Male White 5. 25 Miles and Over 5. Over 60 Years Below home _ Height: Ft. In. 2. Female Whim Weight: Lbs. 3. Male Nonwhlte 4. Female Nonwhlte If You Are Now Working. Or Have Ever Worked, Please Check The Industry Below, And Give The Job Name(s). INDUSTRY NAME 00 J00 HOW LONG HELD 1. Metal or Machinery Products 2. Hosiery . 3. Farm Work 4. Garment, or apparel Manufacturing 5. Lumber and Wood 6. Textile 7. Mining 8. Construction 9. Store Or Other Trade Firms i 10. Government ? 11. Furniture, Woodworking . 12. Electrical or Electronics _______ 13. Other Type Firms ? If You Are Now Working, Name Yow Presit Job (neme of industry) (name of job) DELIVER OR MAIL THIS FORM NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1963 TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PLACES Any Citizens Bank and Trust Co. Office Any Poet Office in Cherokee, Clay, or Graham Counties, N. C. Employment Security Commission, P. 0. Box 368, Murphy, N. C. Murphy Chamber of Commerce Office, Now located In the Murphy Town Hall, Murphy, N.C. r Thrilling, Picturesque ^ Drama of j THE CHEROKEES ] Unto ' i These Hills // History retold under the stars ... an emotional ex Rerience vividly portrayed, eel Cherokee Indians in an experienced cast of 130. Perfect acoustics amidst natural beauty of Moun tainside Theatre, Cherokee, N. C. Performances 8 p.m., night ly except Mondays. 14th season?Ju-e 25 through "ept 1. R served seats available at $1.50, *2.00, $2.25, $3.00. For re?vations, call or write "UNTO THESE HILLS" Cherokee, N. C. Phone HYatt 7-2111 See Us For FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS In HAYWOOD, SWAIN, JACKSON, MACON, CHEROKEE, 6RAHAM, & CLAY COUNTIES LONG TERMS-LOW COST LOANS AVAILABLE >?120 YEARS UP TO On 6ood Brick Construction |HAYW00D^SB3~ SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Contact Our Attorneys Leonard Lloyd, Robblnsvllle, N. C., for Graham Canity McKeever & Edwards, Murphy, N. C., for Cherokee County Gray & Carter, Hayesvllle, N. C., tor Clay County

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