unj C/ciy County Progress 74 . "? "?<-? t , Nurtr, C jfv ? '? r V. . . 4 P -,(??? T ?. ? ??? Fair's Opening Colorful Spectacle 1 HIS l'NTJS" AL NIGH'I -tur.e exposure -.how The roK-r excitement ot the annual Cherokee Coxi'y Fair, whe h ope here Monda) and wil* r i:: through San.r la . night, C*ooc wt at the : rst two day^ ol the we- k trc ight c-.it large r v, : I [I r ct \ t r (i ( > ii tn ? - (I n Ian Count\ Football learns Open Season On Home Fields This lrida\ Ni^lil Kootbali, 19b 3 .-tyle, ome. to Cheroke' County rrida. night as both Murphy ano And rews High ^ r id squads get the season underway with Home games. A third area game is o: tap at Hayesville, the second outing for the Yellow;ackets. Murphy's Bulldogs meet Copper Basin, which scored a order ej:ce opponent i (.lay- A divi w.., bmsv ille'- hi Jt Dt' v i j . Ha. e-v.lle, zi't r rr : r .showing las! Friday l;< r. .1 \:\g East Fatimr., Oa. ....-I' will tace probably their stern est test of the year a* they Elfll 6 Jd- Q' tackle. ONE PLATOON OF Bulldogs looking ready tor z< r-.or *u i .d- :J -erne- 1 -Hi Ja. k ( r,w ford, Bill Graves, Steve Waldroup, David White ire;:u-r i ?' ?a r > l*-ar- ??:*? , ? m r . . : W . - , Hill; Wayne Watsor:, Of-, 7ony He::.rree, Rh, : .llha; k I :::? P-.i (Scoutfoto by Freddie Davis, Editor '$ Note-Hook Slip Of The Tongue Master ol < eremonies Da?r I ownson sure got a rise on: ol the crowd at the Hiwas et Lake Campground dedkatioi ceremony Sunday when he in troduced P. B. Ferehee a 'Mayor of Murphy'. Mr. Towns on apologized, when corrected, and the And rews mayor gra. lously al lowed as how being < ailed Murphy's mayor wa ? ,in honor. Best Laid Plans. The Forest service < rew had all in readiness Sunday for Congressman Taylor's visit; even watered down the dusty road. But wouldn't you know that a generator motor furnishing power for the pub lic address system ran out of gas before the speech was over. Good Job A tip of the hat is due to the Cherokee County Rescue Squad for a good job of park ing cars Sunday at the camp ground* Too Soon To Know Most Democratic observers In Cherokee and Clay agre* that It's too early to say how much support Judge Dan Moore of Canton will have here In his bid for the Demo cratic nomination for gover nor. His announcement last week surprised a few party workers, but he Is expected to make a strong bid for the office. A Nice Addition V :?-]!, w , ' 1 'or all. Reappointed Charles Forri-ter, V-. ? of the Ranker urangr an.: -i te^a her ar Murphy Elemri :a r ? has he?n reappointed Chair - rn an ot the F d.j< atior; ( .on - rrinee for the 36th anm.ai C. State Orange Convrr :un States vi lie in October. Caught A Few Congressman I a. lor a <' a par'y which in< l i.Jed hi ?- wilr and right-hand man romMal loner <-pem Saturday night at Fires Creek in f lay Counry and got in a little fishing and a trip to Pot Rock Knob he fore coming to Murphy Sunda , . Tickets Here Tickets have been receive*! by Democratic party chair men in Cherokee and (.lay lor the third annual $25 a plate Vance-Aycock Dinner in Asheville, Oct. 26. Wall St. News Common stock of Indian Head Milis, Inc., parent cor poration of Rim co here, was approved for listing on the New York Stock Exchange this week. Masonic Meet Masons from this area will meet Thursday (ro ? ? ; . , ' , ip;x a ?- r a T p r . ? : f ? r ?? : r i . i ' 1 a/r -r 1 ? . \C?- , L.a^ra:;yt', ? One Last Word ?: ro ver hi r err. Sa\tor : '..a ? ? i i 1 ? i ^ r i ri ! t,*< i * * : ' ? w r ' ' 1" . i ' ( 1 t i * .(* r ]:< a CORN BR I \D W' f K IN Nt R i ( MU 'I IN A . Ralph Rayfield Joins Staff Of Funeral Home M'-RPHY - Ralph R.r. - field has joined rhe raj! ol the I ownson funeral Home, when he will a .--i t oi rhr funerals and ambulance t vn c and he 1 1 ' < harge ol rhr Wec-rrn Carolina Mutual Bur ial Association. Mr. Rayfield is a narivr of (>astoma wtiere he was pin ployed by the Rayfield and Stewart Machine Shop prior to moving to Murphy In 1 9 fS2 . During World War II he served with the Army in Italy, F rancf , and Germany. For the past year he has been employ ed by the Allied Insurance Company of Charlotte, work ing in Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties. For his insurarwre work he was recently awarded a free Friends Seeking Change Of Luck For Amos Family I ,l ? Arrk-s tamilv once, auai: Mr 'RPHY :^er! talks u ron .-,t ew H i - ? ' ? r-'i: i Perfect Weatherjir_eet$ Congressman Rep. Taylor Speaks At Uampground Dedication pe ?\ r ?-.! . ? r!t-< : a: d^itr reeled ^re.- 1 1 1 j ' iayie-r i: he ar ?'J v t-f' ' t v t ' ? r. mon> , vs. L. w ?, . pre- ?=; ? r ? , i;.istcr el pre fer t^:e ??ver.r, tin! ,? r ? ?? : I ijiiT w.: ? ' r ???i k eu' !" ; .state Senator - i k 1 . t ? r f': .'i Murph . . - w re- r ea:;e\ ar - .t ? elepe J N 'hf . *. r* ' ser > re ;mk: i ?= ip ? : ' . v?.:H , 3 : :: ew tw; - i'. '????? read. ! ae;iite -1' : ip: '?>' wi-r ?? ?? . : r [ la. e , , -.-?o,'. !- , r 1- - i Is:: t:: . ! r * fw Hiw.is see re r-.-. - jr^a, the ( o'l^re.s rr ' "r*>rr? ra:'-"' . r ?- 1- ? r t a i 1 1 > . " their p,.t!. n. f r-< / ; I ? ' r ' - 1 ? ! - a : : T . Mai - er ?; fsheville, \ - 1 1 r ^ w - yor FJrr v h. Kerchf, ?>. ' t Develop -?? : r . rp., -.: .d thf Rev. R. -r - ttt Pc*:<.r , pa- 'or ??: ( h ir- \.t wfi. '? 1. 'v reo the r wayb are hein^ pldnriec i : . We-ter': North ( ere'ur.a, west I i . e V ! 1 1 ti. Ht- revealed Vi Wa^or ; ra:;i road troi: lelliro F 1 3 ? : . , i err.. ' Kohbmsville ?:a hte:. approved r J ic tow ..i.' -tatfe* 1 '-.t roke*. ? , , ; 'i- A [ id "??? t'.r- i : i d i . a ? i r also r ?- ?? ? ,.u-c truT $2- i. .000 .V - . <-tK-r y.ttc P ?rl.-. Vvorks tunds jlk'Ttc- u :Ji -^av: and Nanta ?; jl.-. '???iTiOTial ' (.rests ior de vt'lopr; i er !* :orest: re : a :? 1 1 1 t i e ? will hf spent ir: Clay, : '.t-ru.Kc** ,i'.c ? rraham ( Oi.MTlt' . I odd \\ t'ccc N amed \s Scon t M a na?n n u M i t()r P c* - .. . WMle ? ? " ? . 1 ? * r - . " i , Mr. rVpfre wa ? I. - I; : "T i. 1 1 Pf- I K .ippa ? ? - i i I :r .iter- r\ , and tlT i pro:?s -lonal i . :? i war -is i t il: r: ei: - ? ? r ' : r h : ;r< ] i ' Vrvc ? i , r -i ? wel. i . ? ,ir 1 f : r r ' \ > -,drpv Mr. ' i' , ?- in^lr, am: ?h ' i fji ' rr i ij ; irM Methodist f .r v ?! \ idr^w^. He i? cur rffitl) serving President ol Andrews Rotary f.luh. TODD REECE Managing Editor \ ? '[ Vr . W. A. Nevce ? : A ? dr "w 1 the late Mr. t\ Pt't , Thf '*v. Sc OUt" ; r ? : I'nt' :our ot i t:ve duty w ?' 'he (? iar l at Kort Jarkson, S. ( .a 1960-6L 1 ' r ' ? ' t * f hur- rn: ?lir MilifT F\Ui\ po I fhr A ' t ? r r n a-i I epiori. Mr a r r led m iho fornipr I.o Monrs of Ctirroker f.oun and ihey arc presriirjy makir rfiPir home on Pro< rrr Sir? in Murphy. ihmhi Date High Low Perc Aug. 29 79 62 2.0 10 33 62 .11 32 5fi Se^i. 1 R1 50 2 31 55 3 R 1 57 0 4 85 60 0.C ! orr?st: Thursday, seal lered to broken cloudines *v\ ; ? v: ' vallev rlow } is v; ' >r r e 'tfir.ed i.llow y I t>< ji ! ivpre r j Members Attend IK b( Directors Meet Ml 'R PHY - A Dinner Me* t ;n^ of rhe Twelfth District of the North Carolina Funeral tv Directors Association was ^ held Tuesday, Au^, 27, at the Normandy Restaurant in F ranklin. Those attending from Mur Iphy were: W. D. Townson, Mr . and Mrs. Peyton Ivie, Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hembree, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Donald Carter, Fred West 0 and Ralph Rayfleld. 0 0 ? 0 Friday, Saturday, ?nd Sun day, scattered to broken 13 cloudiness with scattered thunder showers mostnumer s: ous on Sunday. Looks and Books SfPTtMBER 1963 I S M T W T f I ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2R 29 30 LIVE MODERN WITH LOW COST LP GAS! Enjoy the pleasure* of today s modern conven >ences powered by LP gos Calt us for delivery SMOKY MOUNTAIN GAS, INC. Phw,. 137 21 11 Murphy, N.C MISS SEPTEMBER Miss Bobbie Odom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. Odom