Lucy Loughtvf Staff Correspondent Phone 101-W Andrews, N.C Mrs. Oaarga Copeiy of ClurlMM, S. C? la spend tag this ?Mk with har mother. Mr*. Mm MdFalla. ?A. Mr. tad Mrs. Ray Plater and son, Phillip Ray, of Char - loot, vara imihml guaata of Mr. and Mra. Rirfua Raaca. -A Prt. Baity Jaan Griffith. a 1963 Aixkrawa High School grsduaM, who tea finished baalc training a( P arris Is land. S. C.. Is spending a 15 day leave with relatives and (rlaoda. FoUowlng laava she will raturn B P arris Island wtere ate la presently a urtnn?d, day party on Tuaaday at bar bar grao*noSarTk4ra. Bob AUisoa. bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lambert. and Mr. and Mr*. Jim Allison aad da ugh - ar, Susy, Mr*. Lacy Laugh ter. Mrs. BtbaJ Hall. Mrs. Dicky Hlgdon and Stave Hlgdon. -A Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pen nington aad grandaoa. Kenny Panning inn gt Indianapolis, Indiana aad Mrs. Mary Par rotx of LaF aliens, Tenn? were guests of Mrs. Evi Barton this Mr. iDdMri. C.M.LSferd " at Maria ctk, Ga? have been guests of their m, Houenu, and family this walk. On Sat urday. Mr. and Mra. J ate J ami sod and family o I Frank lin joined ite Ledforde for a apedal dinner. Tte occasion being (be ISA birthday of SaaA-a, who later vial ad tte County Fair, accompanied by several girlfriends. ?K Y3C Maxlna Wteeler of U. S. Naval Air S tattoo. La Moore. Califs who was called borne due K> tte death of bar falter, Clyde Wteeler. Is spending a month with her iimliv. A District By* bank work ?hop will be beldSunday. Sepc 22, M Pli|ik View Ranch, ?t C. Braar, argn aU Llona and In Bra* *d peraona to attend and bacoma better Informed at lha work of By* Bank and at iha securing of aye wllla. -A Training Union members of Valley River Baptist Church met on Saturday evening St Berkshire Picnic Ares tor annual picnic. Following da games, spot luck supper wss served to ap proximately 60 a (Sending. -A "??r T-BONES-CLUBS BEEf SIRLIONS 85t lb Lean BONELESS STEW 49t lb SHORT RIBS 35t lb SAUSAGE 27 ( lb flOURH" 25 1.99 or S/R MARGARINE ?. ? 2 lb 27* PEACHES 2 1/2 Si?Con. 2 for 49( MEAL Home Ground 25 lb Bag 1.10 BUYS Lays Circle WIENERS Gst 39t lb (S TREND Powder 2 for 390 COOKIES I Sunshine Hydrox I l6oz- 430 I COFFEE Maxwell House i ib eat 890 TREND Liquid 2 for 590 PUREX 1/2 001 450 COMET Cleanser (9C CAMAY 3Bar OE^ Pack JJV [TOILET TISSUE Northern 4 For 39( TIDE Giant Size 75C JORDAN'MARKET Comer 1st And Locust Streets Phone 147 Andrews, N.G L ANDREWS WILDCAT halfback Terry Marr, 21, with the bell, plunged o*er from (he two yard line, upending Robbinsville's Gary McMonigle, 11, for ? second period ally Frifey night. Wildcats Win Opener 20-6 Over Robbinsville ANDREWS - Coach Hi?h Hamilton speaking of hia Wild cat's 20-6 victory over Rob blnsvllle High here Friday night said, "I liked the way we hit but we suffered some from first-game-ltus." The Wildcats made a strong showing in this opening game, moving well on die ground and passing. Andrews plays at home a gain this week, facing a Frank lin squad that has been de scribed as an "unknown quality" this year with a new coach and new players. In Friday's game the Wildcats got started by fumb ling the opening klckoff. They held Robblnsvllle on their 24 however, and took over on downs. A 76-yard touchdown drive ensued, with a 29 yard pass from quarterback J lmmy Wat kins to end Butch Sursavage and a 16 yard jaunt by half back Mike Sheidy sparking the march. Watkins passed 13 yards to end John Gernert for (he score. Gernert's kick for the point was wide. In the second period, Rob binivllle was saved from a fourth down punting situation by a IS yard penalty on the Wildcats. Kenny Adams pick ed up i first, and Kenneth Gar land went over from the six CD score. The conversion failed. Early In the second half Gernert recovered a Blue Devil fumble for Andrews, and Watklns broke loose on the next play for 41 yards to Rob btna vllle's 20. Marr gained seven more andWaddns lofted a second TD pass to Gernert. Gernert kicked the point. STATISTICS Andrews Robbtns. First Downs 10 13 Rush. Ydg. 140 175 Pass. Ydg. 148 66 Pass. Attempt. 17 14 Passes Com. 10 3 Punts 3-32 7-26 Penalties 55 65 Miss Phillips Receives Diploma ANDREWS - Miss Geneva Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Nellie Phillips, was among the 24 members receiving di plomas during exercises of the graAiatim class of the Memorial Mission Hospital School of Nursing on Satur day night. The event took place in the First Presbyterian Church of Asheville. Miss Jane Phillips, Mrs. Nellie Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Orlsnd West attended the gra&iadon. Grants Approved For Two Andrews APW Projects ANDREWS - Large federal grants have been approved for a sewage disposal plant and a community center for Andrews. The grants were approved through the Accelerated Public Works program. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare appro priated $148,000 to be applied to a sewage disposal plant, which is estimated to cost $213,000. This estimate also includes cost of land that must be ac quired for construction of the sewage plant. A second grant of $42,000 through the Community F aci Utles Administration was also announced this week. This money will be applied toward construction of a com munity center. Total cost of the community center Is estimated it $65,000. In order to receive the grants, the town must provide the remaining funds necessary for construction. Andrews Mayor Percy B. Fere bee told this week that the town has employed Reed, Hoyt, Washburn, and Mc Caethy, a legal firm in New York. N. Y? and that the firm has already started proceed ing for calling an election 1 to vote bonds to finance the I town's share of the cost. Sewage bonds of $70,000, water works bonds to oiling $25,000 and commiaiity and recreational bonds of $25,000 will be voted on in town to provide the matching funds necessary (o get the grants. Notice of the action Is being published to a local paper this week, and the election date will be set at ? later time, the mayor explained. The $25,000 water works bonds will not be Issued un less It Is determined lhat the installment of the sewage dis posal plant will require Im provements of the water shed of the filter plant now In use by the town, according to the mayor. Bidding Begins ANDREWS - The Andrews Board of Education this week announced that bids for con struction of the second wing of the new high school build ing will be opened September 18. The new wing will contain a gymnasium and cafeteria. Om of o*n reladvea aaand taf fineral aervloea for Clyde Wheeler, who died laat Than - dey, bald at 2 pjn. Sunday la Ankvwi Second Bapdst Church, were Mr. Cart Whaalar. Oxford. Ala.: Tharla Aahavllla; Mr. and Mra. DU llard Maahburn, Wayneavllle, Mr. and Mra. Jimmy Day and ?on. Jamea, PooAac, Mlch^ Mr. and Mra. Wayne Day and family, Mr. and Mra. Rd Day and family, Mr. and Mra. Joa Day and family, all ot Nanta hala, Mr. and Mra. OTJaU Jacoba and family, Mr. and Mra. Charlaa Owenty, Frank lin; PFC and Mra. Ray EUla, Port Bannlnfa. Ga., Mra. Ann Full am. Patty and Johnny, ot Ad and, Mr. aod Mra. Sttva Whaalar and family, Atlanta, and Carol McFalla, Adanta. -A Mils Tony Howell has ra turaad D her home in At lanta, Gau. afttr spending the week with bar aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mra. Blm Bradley. -A- , Mr. and Mra.KannethJooea Kid family of Cullowhea vlslt td their paraott. Mr. andMra. Pann Jones andMra. Bob Alli son and other relatives during M watwi. Health Center Plans Complete At Andrews ANDREWS - Mayor Percy B. Fere bee announced this week that plans for a new health center for the town are complete and have been for warded lo the Medical Care Commlaalon In Raleigh for approval. He explained that the plans are expected to be approved In time to advertise for bids for construction of the new health center by the last of September. A one acre tract of land has been rtoeded to the county by District Memorial Hospital of Southwestern N. C., Inc., as a site for the center, the mayor said. S. J. Gernert Police, Fire Commissioner ANDREWS -S.J. Gernert, Andrews Alderman, was elected Police and Fire Com missioner by the full Board at a meeting Monday night in City Hall. Board members said that they felt the new post was de sirable *> provide supervision of the Police and Fire De partment by ooe member of the Board. They pointed out that the Commissioner would provide closer contact between the two departments and the Board and also maintain higher efficiency. -A Rev. France Postell left Sunday for Valdese where be will be conducting revival ser vices this week st Mount Zkm Baptist Church. Mrs. PoskU plans id Join him on Friday and be present for services (hiring the weekend. -A Mrs. Marvin Pullium has returned from Chariot!* Me morial Hospital where she hss been s patient for a week. Her friends will be glad that she is better. RCA VICTOR TV GUIDE Daytime Monday thru F riday Channel 3 7:00 The Today Show 7:25 Today In Chattanooga 7:30 The Today Show 8:25 Today In Chattanooga 8:30 The Today Show 9:00 Today With Morris 9:30 Cartoon Time 10:00 Say When 10:25 NBC News 10:30 Play Your Hunch ' 11:00 Concentration 11:30 Missing Link 1 12:00 First Impression*** 12:30 Truth or Consequent 12:55 NBC News 1:00 Best of Groucho 1:30 Bulletin 2rt0 People WiU Talk ? 2:25 NBC News 2:30 The Doctors 3:00 Lorstta Young Theat 3:30 You Don't Say ??? 4:00 Match Game 4:25 NBC News 4:30 Make Room For Dei 5(00 Sugarfoot 6:00 Local News 6:15 Weather 6:25 Sports Chonnel 9 8t30 Jack LaLanne 9:00 Fintlme 10:14 The Upward Look 10t30 The Morning Show 11:00 Price Is Right 11(30 Seven Keys 12i00 Tennessee Ernie F< Show 12(30 Father Knows Best 1(00 General Hospital 1(30 Adventures In Paradl 2t30 Day In Court 2*4 Lisa Howard News 3 100 Queen For A Day 3t30 Who Do Tou Trust 4*00 Major Adams, Trsilmi 5:00 Bob Brandy 6:00 Don Cochran with News 6:15 Edition With Dick Swanson 6:25 Weathervane Channel 12 7:25 Daily Word 7:30 The Country Show 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Woman's Whirl 9:30 Circus Boy 10:00 Mite Wallace News 10:30 I Love Lucy 11:00 The McCoys 11:30 Pete and Gladys 12K? Love of Life 12:25 Harry Reaaoner News 12:30 Search For Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Light 1.-00 Lunch *n Fun 1:30 Ae The World Turns 2:00 Password 2:30 Houseperty 3:00 To TeU The Truth 3:25 Doug Edwards News 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Secret Storm 4:30 Early Show "Lost Volcano" 5:30 Astro Boy MX) Barly Weather MK Early 6:15 Early SET THURSDAY Oiann*l 3 6:30 Huntley - Brtnkley 7:00 Bverglades 7:30 Temple Houston 8:30 Dr. KUdare 9:30 Haael ??? 10KD An Experiment In Bx Excellence 11:00 Bulletin - Late Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show ??? 1:00 Sign OS Chonntl 9 6:30 Oudews 7:30 Ocde end Harriett fcOO Done Reed Show 8:30 L?m It Tb I 9K)0 My Three Sons 9:30 Michalee Navy 10rt? Billy Graham 11:00 Murphy Martin W/Newe Night Owl ' 11:101 "Always In My Heart" Channel 12 6:30 Walter Cronklce News 7:00 Amos and Andy 7:30 Fair Exchange 8:00 Perry Mason 9:00 Twilight Zone 10:00 The Nurse 11:00 Late News 11:15 Late Show "Fighting Father Dunne" Channel 3 FRIDAY 6:30 Hrntley - Brinkley 7:00 Rlpoord 7:30 International Showtime 8:30 Sing Along With Mitch*" 9:30 Harry's Girl* 10:00 J ack Paar Show 11:00 Bulletin - Late Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show ??? 1:00 Sign Off Channel 9 6:30 Maverick 7:30 Billy Graham 8:30 Fllntskmei 9:00 I'm Dickens, He's Fenster 9:30 77 Sweet Strip 10:30 The Rebel 11:00 Murphy Martin W/News 11:10 Night Owl Theatre "Knute Roc ken, AUAmerl cen" Channel 12 6:30 Walter Cronklte Newt 7 Amos and Andy 7:30 Rawhide 8*30 Routt 66 9:30 Alfred Hitchcock Hour 10:30 Portrait 11:00 Laa News 11:1S Lea Show "King Kong" SATURDAY Oiannel 3 7:30 A utry -Rogers Theatre 8:30 Cartooa Time 9>J0 Ibrff k Reddy "? 10:00 Sharie Lewie Shew Walter Coleman Appliance Store Your RCA VICTOR Dealer In Murphy, N. C. *** nFwnTF* rni no Brought To You By 10:30 King Leo k Short Sub], 11:00 Fury 11:30 Make Room For Daddy 12:00 Mr. Wizard 12:30 The Bull winkle Show 1:00 Saturday Evening Movies 4:00 Cannon Ball 4:30 Wrestling 6:00 W 11 burn Brothers 6:30 Flatt and Scruggs 7:00 Porter Wagoner 7:30 The Lieutenant 8:30 Joey Bishop 9:00 Saturday Night Movie* ?? 11:10 Checkmate 12:00 Sign Off Channel 9 7:30 The Growing South 8:00 Red Ryder 9:00 My Friend Fllcka 9:30 Si^er Car UfcOO Magic Land Of Alla kazam 10:30 Bugs Bunny 11:00 Carwonies 11:30 Beany and Cecil 12&0 Mull's Singing Con vention 1:00 Word of God School 1:30 American Bandstand 2:30 Saturday Cinema "Fugitive From Justice" "Daredevil Drivers" 4:30 APL Highlights 5rf? ABC's Wide World Of lescue 8 7:00 Hootsnanay 7:30 Gallant Man 8:30 Manhtnt 9:00 Lawrence Welk 10:00 Fight of the Week 10:45 Make That Spare 11)00 Films of the 30*s "The Searchers" Channel 12 7:00 Country Boy Eddie 9i00 Captain Kangaroo 10KX) The Alvin Show 10t30 Mighty Mouse Playhouae 11:00 Rin Tin Tin 11:30 Iter Rogers . irts 12:30 Football with Dietzel and Parseghlan 12:45 Florida -vs- Ga. Tech 3:15 Football Scoreboard 3:30 Ticket For Action 3:45 Dizzy Dean Show 3:55 Lot Angeles -vi- Phila delphia 6:30 Country Boy Eddie 7:30 Lucy-Deal Show 8:30 The Defenders 9:30 Have Gin-Will Travel 10:00 Guns moke 11:00 Late Show "Affair With A Stranger" SUNDAY Channel 3 8:30 The Living Word 8:45 The Christophers *00 Hearld of Truth 9:30 Faith For Today 10:00 Adventure Theatre 1 - "Seven Were Saved" 2 - "Special Agent" 12:00 Showcase of Stars 12:30 Jsycee Question 1:00 NBC Major League Base ball - San Francisco At Pittsburg. 4:00 Sinday Afternoon Movie "Menace By The Night" 5:30 The Bull winkle Show 6:00 Meet The Press 6:30 The Deputy 7:00 Ensign OToole 7:30 Wonderful World of Color ??? 8:90 Grinds ??? 9:00 Bonanza *** 10:00 The Dupont Show ??? 11 KM Sunday Night Movie "Tripoli" 12:00 Sign Off Channel 9 8:00 Allen Revival Hour 8:30 Gospel Cars van 9:30 Christopher* 9:45 Social Security 10:00 Light Una> My Path UL00 Cartoons 11:30 Dtscowsry '63 1 2KX) Sunday Cinema "Bon For Trouble" l no Know Your Bible ? fe.J 1:30 Oral Roberts 2:00 The Answer 2:30 Issues and Answers 3:00 League Of Women Voters 3:30 APL Football Buffalo -vs- Oakland 6:30 Rescue 8 7:00 Sea Hunt 7:30 Travels of J almie Mc P heelers 8:30 Arrest and Trial 10:00 100 Grand 10:30 ABC News Reports 11:00 Five Fingers Channel 12 9:00 Children's Gospel Hour 9:30 Homestead USA 10:00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10:30 Look Up And Live 11:00 Camera Three 11:30 This Is The Life 12:00 The Big Picture 12:30 Cartoons 12:45 Pro Football Kickoff 1:00 New York -vs- Balti more Coin 4:00 Picture For A Sunday Afternoon - "Bomba and The Hidden City" 5:00 Point of View 5:30 Peter Gun 6:00 20(h Century 6:30 Mister Bd 7:00 Lassie 7:30 Dennis Tin Menace 8.-00 Bd Sullivan Show 9:00 Real McCoys 9:30 True Theatre 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30 Whef s My Line II. "00 Harry Reasoner News 11:13 Late Show "Bqjerimsm Perilous" MONDAY Channel 3 6:30 Huntley - Brinkley 74)0 Pioneers 7:30 Monday Night At The Movie - "Lovw la A Many Spleodored Thing" "4 9:30 Sword of Freedom 10:00 Loyal Opposition 10:30 Big Story 11:00 Bulletin -Lace Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show ??? 1:00 Sign OS Channel 9 6:00 Cheyenne 7:00 Ron Cochran W/News 7:15 News W/Dick Swaneon 7:30 Outer Umlta 8:30 Wagon Train 10:00 Breaking Point 11:00 Murphy Martin W/Newi 11:10 The Outlaws Channel 12 6:30 Walter Cronkits 7:00 Amos and Andy 7:30 To Tell The Truth 8:00 I've Cot A Secret 8:30 Vacation Playbouee 9:00 Comedy Hour Special lOrfX) Password 10:30 Yancy Derringer 11:00 Late News 11:15 Lata Show "French Line" TUESDAY Channal 3 6:30 Huntley - Brlnkley 7:00 M-8qued 7:30 Laramie 8:30 Empire ??? 9:30 Dick PoweU Theatre 10:30 A Chance To Achieve 11:00 Bulletin -Laa Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show ??? 1:00 Sign Uu Channel 9 6:00 Meverlck 7:00 Roe Cochran W/*lews 7:15 News W/Dick Swanson 7:30 Combat 8:30 Mlcheles Navy feOO Greeieet Show On Berth 10:00 The Fugltfve 11:00 Murphy Mertln W/*lews 11:10 I7eh Precinct Channel 12 6:30 Walter Croatia Newe 7i00 Amoe and Andy Here's Contemporary stylingsrwl "W? se<" performen