THESE EXCELLENT TOMATOES picked last week at Claude SUXes farm In Peach tree prove that some of the finest tomatoes of the year can be grown In this area well Into October. Some of the finest fruit of the year Is being harvested now oo farms where growers have done a good jab ot disease and Insect control. Cloy ASCS News By June C. Waldroup Office Manager HAYESVILLE - Farmers In Clay County find the programs administered by the ASC county committee of much value In their farming ope rations. According to the records In the A5CS office approximately 900 persons are classified as farmers In the county. Of this number practically all take part In one or more of the ASCS programs at some time during the year. Cost share through the Agricultural Con servation Program is applied for and approved each year on an average of TOfc of these farms. Federal funds to share the cost with farmers to carry out conservation practices on their farms total approxi mately $46,000 each year. Since the Inception of the Feed Grain Program In 1961, payments to farmers to divert their land from the production of corn and wheat to a con servation use have averaged $38,000 annually. Payments under the Soil Bank CR program are $8,000 annually. Wool growers re ceive incentive payments on their products of $500 each marketing year. Tobacco growers receive an average of $100,000 each year from the sale of their product. The control program admlnis tered by the ASC committee Is directly responsible for the high income received from the sale of tobacco. Each year ap proximately $20,000 is al located to the county to pay the cost of administering the ASC programs. We in ASCS think of these programs in terms of conser vation achieved, reduction of crops in surplus and, in the case of wool an incentive to produce more of a produce of which there is not enough to meet the demand. But looking at these figures, dollar and cent wise, we cannot take them too lightly. In a county the size of Clay and with it's comparatively small cash income - this is big business. ABSOLUTELY FREE Scout Want Ads for Individuals who wish to give away anything FREE. The free ads will be scheduled for three weeks and should be canceled as soon as results are obtained. The free ads will appear under proper classification pertaining to the Free item being given away. The only requirement is that anything offered must be free to people or person replying to a Free Ad. READ THE WANT ADS "The NEWS. JBEHIND THE NEWS DIAL 837-2222. Cherokee County ASCS News By L. L. Klsselburg At the regular county com mittee meeting Oct. 4. the county committee extended the seeding due for sowing gras ses *nd legumes for pasture or hay through October 18. This means that the county of - flee can issue approvals and purrbs*e orders through Oct. 18 and It also means that the purchase order for the mater ia will expire October 18. Fanners having , need {or conservation materials should be advised to contact the county office and get in their request by this date. ???? The county committee and county manager will attend an Area Meeting in Asheville on Oct. 15 and 16, for the pur Pose of indoctrination of new committeemen and get their recommendations for needs of changes to make the pro grams ASCS administers bet ter if possible. Since we have two new county committeemen this year. Paul Lance and Ear nest Cook, we trust that they wUl gain some knowledge and information by attending this meeting. The county office will be understaffed while the manager and committee are attending the meeting, Mrs. Bonnie Kimsey will be in charge of the office while we are away. ???* We are calling your atten tion to notice that all purchase orders for seed with the ex ception of rye, will expire Oct. | 18. and the county office does I not have the authority to ex- i tend the date for these orders I to be filled. Bellvfew 4-H Club Plans Campaign And Party BELLVIEW - Plans for a Red Cross campaign and a Haloween parth were finalized at a meeting of the Bell view 4-H Club Monday night, Oct. 14, in the Bell view Community Building. Marilyn Anderson, presi dent, led the discussion of plans for upcoming projects. The Haloween party was set for Oct. 30 at the Community Building. Twenty-six club members, parents and leaders attended the meeting. We are glad to inform you that Mrs. Evelyn Sudderth, who la a patient In Womans Hospital in Chattanooga, Tenn. where she underwent surgery is improving satisfactorily and will soon be out of the hospital we hope. We wish her a speedy recovery, hoping she will be well soon. We would like to pay our respects to T. L. Martin and Victor Raxter, who have been county and community com mitteemen for many years, were not re-elected due to the fact that they are over 70 years of age. I feel confident that the delegates to die convention would have re-elected Mr. Martin and Mr. Raxter since they have been men who took a lot of interest in ASCS for the farmers in Cherokee County while they were com mitteemen and they have as sured me they will continue to do so, even though they are no longer on the committee. They will be remembered by their friends for this service they have rendered in the past. ANOTHER GIANT VEGETABLE, believe it or not. These are squash. They were grown by Mrs. Willis Johnson of Murphy. She said that they were known as candy roasters, a big squash originating in Germany. ?mh mm nw i -5 Some of the finest corn ever grown for silage on Billy K. Howell's farm in Martin's Creek was harvested recently. The tractor and harvester were furnished by the John C. Campbell Folk School. WITH WOMEN IN CLAY By Justine Rozter Home Demonstration Club women in Clay County will hold their annual Achievement Day Tuesday, Nov.5,atTruett Memorial Church in Hayes ville. Mrs. Frank Phillips of Spruce Pine, will be the guest speaker. She will give a re port on her trip last year to Melbourne, Australia to at tend a meeting of the Associa ted Country Women of the World. She has colorful slides, which she will show to Illustrate her talk. Club women are asked to bring any hand made items they would like to exhibit ? sewing, knitting, or other craft Items are acceptable. The meeting begins with registra tion at 9:30 and includes a covered dish luncheon. ???* You haven't seen anything until you've seen Mrs. Elmer Greene's "hogwasher". This unique garment resembles overalls, but has a skirt. It is made of heavy denim, and has all the usual pockets and loops found on overalls. Mrs. Greene finds it equally suit able for wear while weeding strawberries or making draperies. ???? Mrs. Ruth Hawkins brought to her club meeting recently a smooth dried gourd which had been her grandmother's darning egg. It was extremely light, but strong, and of a per feet shape for darning the toe of a sock. We're still trying to find out Its exact name. Last month while discus sing home laundry problems, we realized that some women are still using water too warm In washing sweaters. For the best luck in washing wool sweaters, use water which feels chilly to your hands, and a liquid detergent. You will find several detergents, es pecially designed for woolens, available in Hayesville. Al * ways wash wool sweaters by hand, and gently squeeze the water out of them. Don't wring. ???? Home Demonstration Club women from Clay County who attended the Citizenship Con ference In Murphy recently were: Mrs. Glenn Swanson, Mrs. Elmer Greene, Mrs. Fred O. Scroggs, Mrs. Bass Hyan, Mrs. A. C. Murray, Mrs. Charles Barnard, Mrs. Wiley McGlamery, Mrs. Mae Hollifleld, Mrs. Alma Swalm, and Mrs. Cline McClure, and Home Economics Extension Agents Freida Dean Morgan and Justine Rozier. Where's Everybody? They preferred the performance in full banking service at Bank Of HIAWASSEE We star at meeting all your banking needs to perfection. where everybody goes for full banking service Bank of Hiawassee Hiawatsee, Ga Member F.I.D.C. DAYTON TRACTOR TIRES 20% MORI DRAWBAR ..PUIS ? Nsitivt Salf-Cluaiaf Actiwi ? Laagar Tlrt lift ? hM Opwsttag Cwt ??SHIELD SERVICE GUARANTEE* PGRAVES TIRE CO. 837-2181 Four Security far the Future FEEDS-FERTILIZER SEEDS - INSECTICIDES WAYNE'S FEED STORE Feeds and Hatching Eggs PHONE 837-2710 MURPHY, N. C. Farmers Mutual Exchange Phone 745-4301 Blairsville, Ga. PHILHEAT INSURED EVEN PAYMENT PLAN gives you these benefits: ? Clean, Comfortable Heat ? Convenient, Even Monthly Payments? With No Interest or Carrying Charge ? Paid Up Life Insurance At No Extra Cost ? Dependable, "keep full' Delivery Service DUNCAN OIL COMPANY Phone 837-2666 RCA VICTOR TV GUIDE w Walter Coleman Appliance Store Daytime Monday thru Friday Channel 3 7j00 The Today Show 106 Today In Chattanooga 7:30 The Today Show 8:25 Today In Chattanooga 8:30 The Today Show 9i00 Today With Morris 9:30 Cartoon Time IOiOO Say When 10:26 NBC News 10 JO Play Tour Hunch 11:00 Concentration 11:30 Missing Link 12i00 Tour First Impression 12:30 Truth or Consequences 12:66 NBC News 1:00 Beet ef Groucho 1|90 Bulletin 2:00 People WU1 Talk 2:26 f?C News 2:30 The Doctors SiOO Loretta Young Theatre SiSO Tou Don't Say 4|00 The Match Game 4(26 NBC News 4t30 Make Room For Daddy 6|00 Sugarfoot 8:06 Local News 606 Weedier 8:26 Sports Channel 9 8i00 Jack LaLame 8i30 Chattanooga Public Schools 9i00 Funtime 10:16 The Upward Look 10:30 The Morning Mww lliOO Price Is Right 11:30 Seven Keys 12:00 Tam. Ernie Ford flmr 12:30 Father Knows Best liOO General Hoepital 1:30 Adventures in ParadU 2:30 Day In Court 2iA4 Uss Howard News 3>00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 Major Adams, Trail master 5 .-00 Bob Brandy Chonnel 12 7:25 0?Uy Word 7:30 The Country Show 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Woman's Whirl 9:30 Circus Boy 10i00 Mike Wallace News 10:30 1 Love Lucy 11(00 The McCoys 11:30 Pete and Gladys 12(00 Love Of Life 1255 Harry Reasoner News 12t30 Search for Tomorrow 12*5 Guiding Light 1(00 Lunch 'n Fun 1:30 As The World Turns 2:00 Password 2:30 Houseparty 3(00 To Tell Hie Truth 3i25 Doug Edwards News Si30 Edge of Night 4(00 Secret Storm 4:30 Hawaiian Eye 6(30 Astro Boy 6:00 Early Weather 64)6 Early Sports 6(16 Early News THURSDAY Channel 3 6:30 Huntley - Brinkley 7:00 EvergUdcs 7t30 Temple Houston ?(30 Or. Kildare 9t30 Hazel 10(00 An Experiment In Excellence 1 11(00 Bulletin - Late Edition 11(30 The Tonight Show 1(00 Sign Off Channel 9 StOO Maverick 7(00 Ron Cochran W/News 7(16 -7(16 Edition W/ Dick Swaneon 7(30 FUmateoes 8(00 Dealt Reed Show 8(30 My Three Sons 9?00 Jimmy Daen Show 10:00 Sid Caesar /Edie Adams 11:00 Murphy Martin W/News 11:10 Roaring 20's Channel 12 6:30 Walter Cronkite News 7:00 Amos and Andy 7:30 Password 8:00 Rawhide 9:00 Perry Mason 11:00 Late News 11:1S Late Show Channel 3 FRIDAY 6:30 Huntley * Brlnkley 7KX) Rlpcord 7:30 International Showtime 8:30 Sing Along With Mitch 9:30 Harry's Girls - 10:00 Jack Paar Show 11:00 Bulletin - Late Edition 11(30 The Tonight Show 1)00 Sign Off Channel 9 6:00 Cheyenne 7:00 Ron Cochran W/News 7:16-7:16 Edition W / Dick Swans on 7:30 Siroet Strip 8t30 Burkes Law 9:30 Farmers Daughter 10:00 Fight of the Week 10)46 Make That Spare 11(00 Murphy Martin W/News 11(10 Films of the 60's Channel 12 6:30 Walter Cronkite News 7:00 Amos and Andy 7:30 Great Adventure 8:30 Route 66 9(30 Twilight Zone 10:00 Alfred Hitchcock Hour 11(00 Late News 11(16 Late Show Saturday Channel 3 7(30 Autry-Rogers Theatre 8(30 Cartoob Time * DENOTES COLOR a:3U Kuti ana Keaay 10:00 Sharie Lewis Show 10:30 King Leo and Short Subjects 11:00 Fury 11:30 Make Room For Daddy 12:00 Mr. Wizard 12:30 The Bullwinkle Show lKIO Sat. Afternoon Movies 4:00 Cannon Ball 4:30 Wrestling 6:00 Wllburn Brothers 6:30 Flatt and Scruggs 7:00 Porter Wagoner 7:30 The Lieutenant 8:30 Joey Bishop 9:00 Saturday Night Movie 11:10 Checkmate 12:00 Sign Off Channal 9 7:30 The Growing South 8:00 Tombstone Territory 8:30 Cartoon Carnival 9:00 My Friend Flick* 9:30 Bugs Bunny 10:00 Magic Land Of Alla kasam 10:30 The Jetsons 11. -00 Cartoonies 11:30 Beany * Cecil 12:00 Mull Singing Convention 1:00 Word of God School 1:30 American Bandstand 2:30 Saturday Cinema 4:00 Pre -Olympic Show 4 130 AFL Highlights ABC's Wide World of Sports 6:30 Football Scoreboard 7(00 Hootenanny 7:30 Sea Hum 8(00 Manhunt 8:30 Lawrence Welk 9:30 Jerry Lewis Show 11(90 Science Fiction Theatre Channel 12 7(00 Country Boy Eddie Your RCA VICTOR Dealer In Murphy, N. C. 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10:00 The Alvin Show 10:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 Adventures of Rin Tin Tin 11:30 Roy Rogers 12:00 News - Mike Wallace 12:30 Do You Know 1:00 Football 3:45 Football Scoreboard 4:00 Championship Bowling 5:00 Wire Service 6:15 Country Boy Eddie 7:00 Grand Ole Opry Stars 7:30 Lucy-Desi Show 8:30 The Defenders 9:30 Have Gun-Will Travel 10:00 Gunsmoke 11:00 Late Show SUNDAY Channel 3 8:30 The Living Word 8:45 The Oulstophers 9:00 Her. id of Truth 9:30 Faith For Today 10:00 Adventure Theatre 12:00 Showcsse of Sure 12:30 J aycee Question 1:00 NBC Major League Baee 4:00 Sisidey Afternoon Movie 5:30 The Bull winkle Show 6:00 Meet The Press ??? 6:30 The Dsputy 7:00 Ensign O "Tools 7:30 Wonderful World of Color ??? 8:30 Grinds ??? 9:00 Boosnzs *** lOtfO Ths Dupont Show ??? UiOO Sunday Night Movie 12:00 Sign OS Channel 9 8*00 Allen Revival Hour 8i30 Gospel Caravan 9i30 Christophers 9M Social Security UH00 Light Unto My Path lllOO Cartoons HiSO Discovery '83 i*:uu aunaay Linema 12:30 Discovery '63 IsOO Know Your Bible 1:30 Oral Roberts 2:00 Issues and Answers 2:30 Stage 9 3:00 League of Women Voters 3:30 AFL Football 6:30 Rescue 8 7:00 Sea Hunt 7:30 Travels of Jamie Mc Pheeters 8:30 Arrest and Trial 10:00 100 Grand 10:30 ABC News Reports 11:00 Five Fingers Channel 12 9:00 Children's Gospel Hour 9:90 Sunrise Semester 10:00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10:30 Look Up and Live 11:00 Camera Three 11:30 This Is The Life 12.00 Homestead USA 12:30 Cartoons 12*46 Pro Football Kickoff 1:00 Football Game 4:00 U. T. Football Film 5c 30 America Wants To Know 6:00 20th Century 7:00 Lassie 7:30 Dennis The Menace 8:00 Lincoln Center Day 9 <00 The Real McCoys 9:30 True Theatre 10:00 Candid Camera 10:90 What's My Line 11:00 Harry Reasotter News 11:15 Late Show MONDAY Channel 3 6:30 Huodey - Brlnkley 7:00 Pioneer* 7J30 Monday Night At The Movie 9:30 Sword of Freedom 10:00 l-oyal Oppoaidon Y 10:30 Big Story 11:00 Bulletin-Late Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show ??? 1:00 Sign Off Channel 9 6:00 Maverick 7:00 Ron Cochran W A lews 7:15 Newswatch Gil Norwood & Bill McAfee 7:30 Combat 8:30 Wagon Train 10:00 Breaking Point 11KX> Murphy Martin W/News 11:10 The Outlaws Channel 12 6:30 waiter Cronkite 7:00 Amos and Andy 7:30 To Tell The Truth 8:00 I've Got A Secret 8:30 Vacation Playhouse 9HX) Gen. Foods Opening Nite 10:00 East Side/West Side 11:00 Late News 11:15 Late Show TUESDAY Channel 3 6:30 Huntley - Brlnkley 7:00 M -Squad 7:30 Laramie ??? 8:30 Bmplre ??? 9:30 Dick Powell Theatre 10:30 A Chance To Achieve 11:00 Bulletin -Lata Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show ??? 1:00 Sign Off Channel 9 6(00 Maverick 7:00 Ron Cochran W/News 7tl5 Newswatch Gil Norwood k BUI McAfee 7t30 Combat 8:30 Mchales Navy 9i00 Greatest Show On Earth 10(00 The Fugitive lltOO Murphy Martin W/News '^"KSZTu 6:30 Walter Cronkite New* 7?00 Amos and Andy 7:80 Taney Derringer 8:00 Red Skelton Ow, BCAVtTORTV l^nA^Odwr KM OwTjl ?TV ? I Hare's Contemporary itylln? ?(K "big set" performance ?? a bud get-pleasing price. Big ptcturi table model In emart ' ?natal cabinet aM Petticoat Junction 9:30 Jack Benny 10:00 Garry Moore 11:00 Late News 11:15 Late Show WEDNESDAY Channel 3 6:30 Hundey - Brlnkley 7:00 Dragnet 7:30 The Virginian ?" 9:00 Kraft Mystery Theatre 10:00 The Eleven Ih Hour 11:00 Bulletin -Lata Edition 11:30 The Tonight Show *?* 1:00 Sign OS Channel 9 7:00 Ron Cochran W/N ews 7:15 Newswatch CU Norwood k BUI McAfee 7s30 Ozzie and Harriett 8 .00 Patty Duke 8:30 Price U Right 9:00 Ben Cisey IOiOO Charming UiOO Murphy Martin W/News 11:10 Surf aide SI* Channel 12 Si90 Walter Cronklte 7:00 Amos and Andy 7 JO CBS Report 8td0 Glvnis 9O0 Beverly Hillbillies 9:30 Dick Van Dyke lOtOO Danny Kaye Stow 11:001

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