Marpky Ready-Mix (Mcrtf* C$mpany SAVE Time, Labor, Moaey 837-3506 ICMFI9I I A&P Brand Frozen, Concentrated All Varieties, Froten Orange Juice 2 ^ 49c '^45c Morton Cream Pies 3 te S1 fSSTtftnA w^~b atbp 0sT^ht?li;rket sty1' Pork POKK LOINS 2KurLb 45c BACK BONES 33,. pWda'act loin 2ujeL*iKUt" CenUr Cut Rib PORK ROAST end ^ 33c PORK CHOPS "> 55c ? JESSE JEWELL FROZEN BEEF, TURKEY OR CHICKEN POT PIES 4 59c ALLCOOD BRAND NO. 1 SLICED NO LIMIT 1-LB. PKG 39* Campfire Supersoft /% ,![, JP. 1 MARSHMALLOWS L Pk??. 4uC ^ BUY AHEAD FOR HALLOWEEN, YELLOW A&P POPCORN 2 ss 49c WORTHMORE HARVEST i-Lb QCa INDIAN " Ox. AA MIX Bar 03C CORN Pk* 00b Assorted Fruit Flavored Hard W CANDY BALLS 100 . 55c Assorted or Candy Corn Individual HAND-OUTS 20 .85c Red or GoJden Delicious APPLES 2 Lbs. 29c Florida 252 Size * Oranges Do1 39c J Roosted Peanuts AJkP 3 1-Lb. frl flfl BRAND 3Batrs$I.W DEL-MONTE CLING PEACHES '6^ 29c GOLDEN CORN 2^; 35c TOMATO CATSUP 2 '?? 37c PINEAPPLE JUICE 3^^ $1.00 For Men and Women ? Herlin Volumes 1-2-3-4-6-6-8-9 & 16 ? Now on Sale 0% WATCHESss>,'yr?rd$8.952sf;"l$15.95 Colden Book Encyclopedias E? 99C JANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED FOODS ANGEL FOOD CAKE 39c PUMPKIN PIES ^ 39c I JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKES 1 Va-Lb. tor $1 .49 3 '<? $2-89 DC AMQIfl/t DlHNuv?I(Jv MILD WISCONSIN CHEDDAR CHEESE ff Lb. 45c MARCAL PAPER NAPKINS 40-<t. Pkfl 1U NAM INI 60-ct. oka 10? NAPKINS . _ i 80-ct C*(H M? ninil WKAP 50-*? Holt ?*? V& 1&8KS - 100-Ft Roll Mc T?VuTCTM?l Roll 1*1 3-Lb.-1Vi Ox. Pkg. CAD I CORONET rH? paper TOWELS 1210 <fcr 25c A-JAX CLEANER l-ft.-12-Ox. 69c 4 CENTS OFF LABEL DEALS ? YOU PAY ONLY KLEENEX TISSUE KLEENEX TOWELS SOO-Ct. 2- Ply Packaic? 167-Ct. Economy Roll 35c 29c SOAKY BUBBLE BATH 69c 10-0*. Bot. FLORIENT 59c SUPER SUDS 2 - 47c - 57c ? 40-0x.| 7-Om Cm VEL LIQUID ? O* Bot. 63c A-JAX , CLEANSER 2'^ 47c AS The Pastor SEES IT By Rev. Fred B. Lunsford, Pastor, Little Brustovn Baptist Church THE CURSE OF NEUTRALITY Scripture: Judges 633: Curse ye Merox, Mid the angel of the Lard curse ye bitterly the inhabitants there of; because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the Mighty. The period of the Judges was a very strange period In the History of the Hebrews. Deborah chanted her song of triumph, one of the most famous battle odes ever sung. Then, there comes the curse upon Merox. Why was Merot cursed? It was not cursed because she decided to fight on die wrong side. Neither because she gave the enemies aide, or got rich selling war sup plies in time of a conflict. The thing that caused the curse upon the town was that its people did nothing. When the call came to fight they stayed at home. The sin of Meroz was the sin of In action. While neutrality may sometimes be virute, it is usually the mark of contemp tible cowardice. The banner of righteousness Ls a flag that cannot be car ried by weak-kneed neutrals. In the realm of the moral and spiritual not to decide for the right is to ally with wrong. Why didn't they take part In the conflict? I am sure that some re fused because they had no vital Interest as happens so many times today, then others may have said, as many do today, the time is not right, maybe some other time. So many things could have been die reasons as we think of the excuses that people of this day use when they fall to fol low the Lord in battle. Some t>ne may have said I don't like the leader or the long ised excuse I don't have time. "Oh, yes," somebody says, "I just don't believe in this inyway." So many times our people say, "I don't believe in Missions for they won't lear anyway or it will cost too much. Had our fore others reasoned thus, what would have been our own slt jation today? What is the curse? The curse of God that des : ended upon the community for Jut cowardly neutrality In the lay of conflict was three old. It was first of all a curse >f inactivity. Inactive people ire miserable. God blesses nil. God loves the toiler. Carlyle >nce said "To work is to irorship." You as a Christian *111 not be held guiltless when nactive. The lack of exercise *111 cause decease and finally ieath. Second the curse of friend less snobs. These people were lonely and desolate, as any people become that forget God ind fall to stand for Him in ?Ime of war as well as In time of peace and joy. I The third is the lack of joy in the victory. All of Israel except Meroz sang the songs of victory. To have no ?art In victory Is to know bitterness. If you want to be ? happy christian then you must wage die battle for the Lord Jesus Christ in a brave way. God is very much dis pleased with a shirker or one that wants to remain neutral when there is a job to be done for Him. There Is a great job for all of us to do In this day and in this country and abroad, it would be great If all of our mountain people would stand up and be counted for the battle for right, in so doing these things we must stand against the things that are wrong which so often try to creep into our country. Are you a soldier or a coward? Becky Renter Honored On 1 1th Birthday ANDREWS - Mrs. Gene Raxter entertained Saturday afternoon at her home for ber daughter . Rabecca , honor ing her on her eleventh birth day. A birthday cake centered the table. Favors ware cups of candy and nuts. Following game* and danc tag, refreshments war* serv ed to the following guaats: Charles Nichols, Phillip Rog ers, Kenneth Lambert, Mike Hawk, Fraida Ladd, iwn. Tatham, Janice Tatham, M*r el GUI, Debbie Crawford. Lola ModaUan, Gall Hogsed, and Gloria Jean conley. Uierohee Scout k Clay County Thurs, Oct. 26. 1963 duz i (^ornmr by Btgley Cuz Carved A Cleft In The 'Rock Of Ages' k 1*11 bet you dlcki't know that people sirffer from Hocf and Mouth DUeue the Mine as cattle. Thenr sure do. And fm living proof of the fact. I mink they shoot cows and burn their carcasses when this malady la discovered in a herd. I just hope that the same remedy doesn't become popular among people. If It does I've had It cause I'm forever opening my big mouth and doing my dead level best to cram both feet in it. I usually succeed. Let me give you an ex ample or two and you'll see what I mean. Not long ago I went to Church one Wectoesday night. Now I don't make a practice of going much on this particular night ? a lot of other people don't either. But there were ten or eight of us there. And you know how it is when there's just a handful. Everything is klnda informal. Everybody will do a lot of chattering In such an ionosphere. We didn't even have any body there to play the piano. So, you know how that is when you're trying to sing. If you're like me you need some klnda music to cover up an off-key voice like mine. But we never had nobody. And we were gonna try to sing one anyhow. We didrt have a song lead er either, but that wasn't any thing new, especially on Wed nesday nights. So our preacher says hell lead us. I was glad he volunteered cause he has a good, strong, loud voice and with him leading I knew I would be drowned out. So would everybody else. Anyhow he said, "Whatll we sing?" I suggested 'Rock of Ages' cause that's the only one in the book that I know the page number of. We waded into it and it come out pretty good considering we didn't all get started at the same time. I noticed too, that I usually got to the end of the verses before the rest of 'em did, but fd always wait for 'em when I finished first. When we came over this line, "Rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee" I was thinking that with such a little bitty bunch as we had there that night the old rock wouldn't have to be cleft very much to hide us. As soon as everybody got all through singing, for a few sec onds, there was utter silence. When the silence was at Its utter est I told 'em what I had been thinking. Everybody was real polite ---they all laughed and agreed with me. But before they were all through chuckling at this little wise-crack of mine the preacher says "Brother Bag well, (our preacher has a lot of trouble with my name), lead us in prayer. I was pretty sure he called on me only because I had open ed my big mouth. It took me several seconds beforelcould get my thoughts collected and try to sift something serious out of "etn to pray out loud ?bout. A *U?n prayer did occur to me ImmedUtely, however, "Lord, please help me to learn to keep my big mouth shut." Then here just theocher day I did It again? -opened my mouh and crammed both feet in lu I mi getOag ready 10 go to work with about a minimum of time for getting dressed. I took a clean shirt out of the drawer and began affix ing all the necessary accouterments to it, such as name plate, badge, and foun tain pen in the pocket. When I tried to button die collar button it came apart in the middle and fell off. That laundry! I If I've told 'em once I've told 'em a hundred times not to send my shirts back with the collar buttons busted. Of all the things that needle me, this does the most. Probably on account of when I try to sew on buttons I usually stick my finger three or four times before I get the job done. So I'm blowing fuses right and left and the things I'm say ing about this laundry for doing this to melll There ain't no use for me to write none of 'em down here cause pap ers wouldn't prim it nohow. While I'm still pretty work ed up I decided to call said laundry and give 'em a piece of my mind. I realized that if I gave 'etn a piece of it I wouldn't have much left but I was sure in a mood to share it with 'em. I called 'em. The softest gentlest lady's voice answer ed. I thought to myself: She is practicing that business of a soft answer turneth away wrath. But I was determined that it wasn't gonna turneth away MY wrath. 1 said "Listen here, Mrs. Mulli gan, I want you to know just how prevaricating ? PRE IAR.rA?r-?" My "E XASPE RATING"/* Bui (hare It ?w. And all the idHi I'd plannad to aay ao emphatically ? wall, 1 aald tone o( 'on bn a lot laaa heatedly than I had ori ? Intended, cauae by le I got through swap ping PREVARICATING for EXASPERATING she probab ly thought I waa lying about the cocleeyed button anyhow* Just another example of the Hoof and Mouth Disease I told you that I was s offering from. BIBLE QUESTIONS * ANSWERS By Tom Ledbetter Andrews Church of Christ Question: la it til right to do anything that la "Good" In religious prac tices? Answer: The writer of Proverbs says that there is a way that seems right to man, but the ends there of art the ways of death. (Pro. 14:13) It is not left to man's Judgement to guide his own steps CJer. 10:23) ao we cannot devise what is good and bad as far as religious practices are concerned. Paul tells us that God's word completely furnishes a man (II Tim. 3:17) ao we need no other guide. We have a very strict warning not to add to or take away from the word of God (Rev. 22:18-19). We have an example in the life of King Saul that stresses this idea. He waa told to destroy everything among the Amlekites, but he chose to disobey and bring back the best to sac rifice. Because of this unapproved change, even though nice, he was reject ed by God from being king. (I Sam. 15:1-23) Radio programs on WKRK: Sunday 7:30; 8:30. Church services in Andrews: Sunday 10:00 11:00; 7:00 pun.; Wed nesday 7:00 pjn. Gentry's Drapery And Curtain Shop Come In And Let Mrs. Gentry Assist You In Selecting Drapes Or Curtains For Your Problem Win dows. We carry the Curtains made by Owemby Mfg. Co. Large Assortment Of Rugs And Bath Room Sets SPECIAL PRICE on a 9x12 Nylon Rug With Foam Padding.. . .$14.59 Also 4x6 Wool & Nylon Rugs $4.99 3x5 Rugs $3.98 Throw Rugs As Low As 25C LOCATED ON CHURCH STREET MURPHY, N. C. If itfc newer looking than our '64 Fbrds,ife still on the drawing board ! Solid, silent Super Torque Ford for 1964 -hundreds of pound! hw*w, It's stronger, smoother end steadier 1964 Fnrtint-ttflvty iiji room ind ipofti-ctf Fftirtoo*'* proved by ovtr a bMon own*f dnv?n mil#* 1964 Fafcon-al naw Mf-car tfytinfl Th. pluitwst rKta avar buM Mo a compact* 3*m* famous Fatcon acowowy. Arerit they beautiful ! Announcing a whole new line of bom winners ... all with a totally new look of beauty . . . and a totally new feel at the wheel. And all built for total performance. That's Ford's new breed of ride, response, ruggedness . . . bom in rallies, races and economy runs. Different? Wbrds can't describe It. Only a test drive can! fM( 1RY AMI PERFORMANCE 64 VSFORD DEAIER'S BURCH MOTORS Dealer No. 698 837-2121 Murphy, N. C.

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