ORLD WITH n lEGAl NOTICES Clay and Cherokee Counties FOR SAU i JUST ARRIVED - Nn 1963 Handy Hang Wallpaper pat Unu Praoisied and ort trimmed. Wide selection. ?lv bjg room. hall, bath. kitchen patterns. Ready ?> hang. Car olina Hardware Co., Mirphy. 68-tfn ' FOR SALE - Jeep Truck. 1948 Modal - Good Condition. A good price. Fred Smith, Brasstown. Phone 837-2274. tt-3tp Get your Christmas trees live for transplanting after Christmas. Norway Spruce Is < favorite. Also available are cedar and white pine. Fred Smith, Brasstown. Phone 837 2274. 19-3q> FOR SALE - I960 Ford - 6 Cylinder * 4 Door Sedan. Good Condition. Priced right. Automatic shift - White. H. E. Bishop. Phone 837-2682, Peachtree. 19-4tp ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE - We have a nice assortment of service age bulls from 12 to 18 months old. Priced rea sonably. Ready for delivery. Bishop Farm, Phone 837 2682, Peachtree Section. 19-8tp FOR SALE - Good mixed hardwood split firewood by pick-up load. Delivered $5.00 - See or write R. A. (Bob) Thompson, Rt. 4, Hayesville. 19-3qp FOR SALE - Beautiful hand knit sweaters. P 837-2379. 19- It Come and see tho^fbst new "Thrift Shoo". yf retry suits, skirts, sweaufe^eoats and beautiful holiday dresses. At my heme, 121 Valley River Avenue, next to Ue First Methodist Church. P)$ne837 2403, Kathleen Davidson. 19-31 FOR SALE - Portable Straight Stitch Singer Sewing Machine - Cheap. See Mrs. tUrie Chamberlain, RL 4, Box 114, Murphy, N. C. Just off ttghway 294 (Oak Park Com n unity), on TV A Access High ray, going to Hiwassee Dam. L8-2tc FOR SALE - Hayesville U1 household furniture, in cluding gas and electrical ippliaoces. Have moved into a jailer. Call 389-2X30 or see Mrs. btyrtle Lowe, Hayesville, N. C. (Trailer parked across itreet from Arthur Jone$ 18-3tp FOR SALE * 142 seres stock farm, seven miles from Mur phy. 4. C. in little Brasstown Valley. Good bottom laod and plenty of water. See Mrs. D. V. Car ringer, 106 Church Street, Murphy, N. C. 17-?tp FOR SALE - Fruit and Nut rees, grape vines, shade Tees, Florebunda roses, aza eas - all colors. Call phone i-4700 or write and we will >ring by what you want to see Mfore you buy it. We're in rfurphy most every Tuesday. T. M. Webb. E 111 jay, Ga. L6-6tp For easy, quick carpet sleaning rent Electric Sham >ooer only $1 per day with >ur chase of Blue Lustre. Cherokee Furn. Uc FOR SALE - Shetland pon tes. 10 fine Christmas ponies |S0 to $100. Buy now. We will laid and deliver Christinas. Beetle - All Colors. W. H. j Dowis. Young Harris. Ga. Tussy WIND k WEATHER Lotion or Cream. 1/2 Price Sale. Mauney Drug Store. Murphy, N. C. FOR SALE 1964 Model Ford 1/2 Ton ?lckup Truck - One owner. Am Mileage. 1968 Model Ford Car - V-6 ? Straight Shift. Best series flth good Ores. 1957 Model Hart house - railer - 2 bedrooms, regula ralier air conditioning. Ex client condition. ; For Information call 837 386 or see F. L. Abernathy. 4arble. N. C* 9-3tp CARD OF THANKS The family of Norvell Hun ucker wish to express their iany thanks to friends and elatlves far klMfoess shown uring the sickness and death oved father and We are grateful to Sisters and staff of Pro* ldence Hospital. Or. Hill. Father Raymond. For hose who brought food and M beautiful floral offerings, fe're especially grateful to fill Johnson and family who by with open hearts and May God bless you. le Hunsucker and Terry West and Family HELP WANTED Would like to correspond with descendant of Saul Rhea and wife, Elizabeth Clark Rhea. Some of their children were John William, Thomas, Pleas. Osias, Lorenzo Dow, and Maggie. Mrs. Fred L. Jones, 2KB King sport -Bris tol Boulevard, Johnson dry, Tennessee. 17-4tp HELP WANTED - Wanted at Once: Rawleigh Dealer in East Cherokee County. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCL 200-3, Richmond, Va. 19-3tc HELP WANTED - Es tablished Rawleigh Business available in Clay County. Good time to start while big crops being marketed. No capital required. For details and help see Rawleigh Dealer W. C. Evans, RFD 1, Box 256, Rob bins ville. Phone GR 9-3346 or write Rawlelgh's Dept., NCL 220-843, Richmond, Va. 19-3tp OUR SALESWOMEN earn fine weekly incomes, plus Sav ings Bonds. Earn your Holiday expense money with Avon. Write P. O. Box 1676, Hen dersonville, N. C. or phone 837-2220, Murphy, Mrs. Ruth Blake. lip ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES Get those Christmas bills off your mind. A few open ings now available in neigh borhood territories. We train you to show Avon Cosmetics. For interview write P. O. Box 1676, Hendersonville, N. C., or phone 831-2220, Murphy, Mrs. Ruth Blake. ltp FOR RENT FOR RENT - Furnished apartment. Living room, bed room, kitchen and bath. Heat ed. Now vacant. Call 144- J, Andrews, N. C. It FOR RENT - 5 room house in city limits. Seigler oil heat er, electric range, T. V. an tennae, equipped for automatic washer. Contact Silvey Pen land. P. O. Box 71, Hayes - ville. 18-3t FOR RENT - 4 room bouse, bath, hot water, near town. Mrs. J. K. Godfrey. 837-2795. For Sale - Used windows, 2 sizes * plumbing materials and fixtures. l7-3tp FOR RENT - or Sale - Can Finance - 3 Bedroom, new condition, near Marble. Ben Palmer, 837-3113. tfn FOR RENT - Modern house with 16 acre farm. House is availahle without the farm. Call Virgil O'Dell at The Family Restaurant, 837 3419, Murphy. 17 FOR RENT - 1 efficiency apartment. Electric heat. Ben Palmer. 837-3113. FOR RENT - House, 2 bed rooms. Good condition. Ben Palmer. 837-3113. tin CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation for the donat ions, food, flowers, and other expression of kindness that was shown during die Illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. Gordon King and Boys It M & J Finance Corp. 1968 Ford SUteion Wagon 4 -Door - 6 Passenger - V-8 Automatic - Power Steering Radio and Heater. 1965 Lincoln - 2 Door - Hardtop - V-8- Straight Drive - Radio and Heater. 1967 Chevrolet - 2 Door V-8 Automatic - Radio and A LITTLE ROUGH BUT PRICED TO SELL llll 1965 Ford - 4-Door - V-8 Automatic. 1966 Buick - 4 Door - V-8 Automatic. 1966 Buick - 4-Door - V-8 Automatic. 1965 Buick -2 Door Hardtop. 1964 OldsmobUe - 4 Door V-8 - Automatic. 1966 OUtotnoblle ? 4Door V-6 - Automatic. M HOUR Vrickir Sirvici Ed Townson Auto Co. On mm* w-ini w-iMi hoae electrically Hove your needs outgrown your present horn* electric system? let us check your home for outlets and proper wiring. We'll do ail the work required at modest cost. R06ERS ELECTRIC SERVICE Electrical Contracting And Repel r> Dey 837-2425 Nlfkt 837-2(76 HERMANN'S TRAILER SALES Ucmm No. 17S3 PWom U or M-J Andrew.. N. C. Crawford & Mingus Supply Pho?. 349-2432 Hoyesville, N. C. Plumbing, Points, S##d? Building Materials Wont o now home? Re tirement ploce? Vacation hide-oway? Total finan cing, turn-key jobs, pay ment. a* low o. *49.50 monthly. 4 KEY TO IOTS O'LIVIN' DICK RICHARDS. REAL ESTATE SALES-RENTALS LEASES Phone VE 7-2612 Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. 38tfn A Realtor Dona North & Sons SIGNS NEON - ALL OTHER TYPES Call 837-2123 Refri gerotion-H eati n g let Installations and repairs by experts 24-HOUR SERVICE Cherokee MFIItUiTM il CHII mut ?urn ^Corporation. Dial 837-2737 Andrews Rd. -Murphy, N. C. HU6HES Electric Shop ELECTRICAL WIRING AND REPAIRS 837-2240 Night 837-3227 For Conplete INSURANCE AUTO-FIRE LIFE-HEALTH Call 837-2612 8I4?. DICK M>r,N.e. RICHARDS, Agent * Trailwaya Bus Schedule From Murphy LEAVING DAILY AahevUla 5:40 ?.m., 1:25 p.m., 5:35 p.m., 9:50 pan. Knoxvllle 5:40 a.m., 7:30 a.rru, 1:25 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Atlanta 7:30 a.m.. 10:50 aj*., 7:25 p.m. Chattanooga 3:00 jjiv 10:50 a.m. 4 KM pjn. 7;25 I M?. NOTICES Shoal Creek Township Cherokee County North Carolina Notioe is hereby given that this property is posted. Anyone caught hunting, fish ing, or cutting timber or tresspassing in any way will be prosecuted. This property is known as Abraham Elrod and John El rod land, and part of the Will Bryant land. Part of the Lon anza Burger land and a part of the T. N. Elrod land. This property joins the fields of the Wood property and other landowners properties. This land is and has been owned by H. B. Elrod for a number of years. H. B. ELROD 415 Floyd Sweet Danville, Va. 17-2tp LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA N-O-T-I-C-E Applied Plastics, Inc., has filed Articles of Dissolution with the Secretary of State, Raleigh, North Carolina, and the corporation is in the pro cess of being dissolved. This the 14th day of November, 1963. APPLIED PLASTICS, INC. Murphy, North Carolina H-4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned having qualified as Executrix of Wal ter Harold Wood, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the under signed Norma E. Wood on or before May 14, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned at | Route 1, Turtletown, Tenn. This the 12th day of Novem ber, 1963. Norma E. Wood, Executrix 16-4tp LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAR OLINA. COUNTY OF CHERO KEE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FORREST B. JOHNSON. II Plaintiff vs. IV A MAE MELLON JOHNSON Defendant TO: IV A MAE MELLON JOHNSON TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is an absolute annul ment of your marriage to the above named Plaintiff. You are required to make a defense to such pleading not later than the 20th day of December, 1863 and upon your failure to do so, the Party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 7th day of November, 1963. Donald W. Ramsey, Clerk Superior Court 16-4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION There will be a special Gen eral Election which will be held state wide, January 14, 1964, for the purpose of voting on what Is known as the Little Federal Bill, which Is an am endment to the Constitution of the State. All Registrars are hereby notified to be at their regular precincts on Dec. 21 and 28, 1963 and on Jan. 4, 1964, for the purposecf regis tering persons oi voting age and any other person who Is legally qualified who has not registered for any other pre vious election. Jan. 11, 1964 will be challenge day. Election laws will guide registrars as to the time of day the books shall open and close on regis tering days as well as challenge day. On Jan. 14. 1964 all registrars and judges shall appear at said precincts and assist in conducting and pro cessing returns of said elec tion to the Cherokee County Board of Elections as pre scribed by law. Hayes Leather wood, Chairman Cherokee County Board of Elections FOR RENTAL Dickey Theatre Building For Store Will Remodel To Suit Renter. See P. J. Hem. LH3AL notice CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned having qualified as Administratrix of J ulia Hampton, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed Carrie M.Carrlnger on or before May 26. 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned at Murphy, N. C. This the 22nd day of November, 1963. Carrie M. Carringer 18-4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF RESULT OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE TOWN OF MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA ON NOVEMBER 18, 1963. WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Murphy, in the State of North Csrolina, a special election was duly cal led and held in said Town on November 19, 1963, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Town the question of whether the qualified voters of said Town shall approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said Town of the maximum principal amount of $215,000 to finance the recon struction, extension and en largement of the sanitary sewer system of said Town, and a tax therefor, and also the bond ordinances adopted by the Board of Commission ers of said Town on October 14, 1963, which authorized the issuance of said bonds for such purpose and the levy of such tax, and the question of whether the qualified voters of said Town shall approve the indebtedness to be incur red by the issuance of bonds of said Town of the maximum princi pal amount of $80,000 to fin ance the extension and en largement of the water supply system of said Town, and a tax therefor, and also the bond ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said Town on October 14, 1963, which authorized the is suance of said bonds for such purpose and the levy of such tax, and the said Board of Commissioners has Ally can vassed the return of the Regis trars and Judges of Election appointed to hold said elect' ion and has determined the re sult of said election to be as hereinafter stated: NOW, THEREFORE. Said Board of Commission ers hereby makes the fol lowing statement of the result of said special elecuon pur suant to the Municipal Finance Act, 1921. of North Carolina: (1) The number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said election was 1.318. (2) The number of votes cast at said election "For the ordinance authorizing $215,000 of bonds to finance the reconstruction, extension and enlargement of the sani tary sewer system maintain ed by the Town by the recon struction of sewage collection lines and the construction of a sewage treatment plant, in cluding the installation of interceptor sewers, outfall lines and pumping stations, to gether with the acquisition jnd installation of^the equipment, machine*^ and apparatus required therefor and the ac quisition of any lands or rights - in - land necessary therefor" was 304. The total number of votes cast against said bonds and tax was 20. Said bonds and tax were ap proved by the affirmative vote of a majority of those who vot ed on said bonds and tax at said election. (3) The number of votes cast at said election "For the ordinance authorizing $80,000 of bonds to finance the exten sion and enlargement of the water supply system main wined by the Town to provide a supply of water to said Town and its inhabitants by the con struction of a ground storage reservior. the extension of water mains, the installation of hydrants and meters and the acquisition and installation of equipment, machinery, and apparatus required therefor, including the acquisition of any lands or rights-in-land required therefor, and a tax therefor" was 301. The total number of votes cast against said bonds and tax was 21. Said bonds and tax were ap proved by the affirmative vo?e of a majority of those who vot ed on said bonds and tax at said election. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we. the undersigned members of the Board of Commission ers of the Town of Murphy, have hereunto set our hands this 2nd day of December, 1963. Jerry Hatchett F . C. Bourne, Jr. W. A. Singleton John Jordan Kenneth Godfrey Members, Board of Com missioners 19-ltc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PISTOLS AND GUNS - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - COUNTY OF CHEROKEE Under and by virtue of orders of the Judge of Superior and Recorder's Courts of Chero kee County, in criminal pro ceedings tried therein confis cating and ordering the following described pistols and guns turned over to the clerk of said courts to be sold as provided by G. S. 14-269, the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County and Ex-oflicio Clerk of the Recorder's Court, of said county, will on Saturday the 14th day of December, 1963, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Mur phy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., the following described pistols and guns, to-wit: One 22 Pistol #208483 One 22 Pistol, Target, H&R922 One 22 Pistol, Made in Italy, #22687 - One 38 Pistol, Special Colt, #816986 - One 38 Pistol. Special, S & W, #2388 ? One 32 Pistol, S 4 W, Lemon Squeezer - One 32 Pistol, Owl Head, Model 1900 - One 8 mm Pistol, #437E - One 16 guage Shot Gun, 5 shot, Bolt Action - One 12 guage Shot Gun, single shot. This the 4th day of Decem ber, 1963. Donald W. Ramsey Clerk of Superior Court Ex-Officio Clerk Recorder's Court. WaoUd f WANTED - 20,000 fur skins - Top market prices. See J.- ' P. Trull, six miles east of". Murphy on Andrews Hwy. P. . O. Marble, N. C. Phone 831 2902. 18-10t SERVICES WELL DRILLING - Water systems Sales and Service. Licensed Plumbers. E.G. Van Horn Associated, Box 9, Mur phy. Phone 837-2048. 19- I3tp SIGNS PAINTED ? Mrs. Marie W. Chamberlain, c/o Arvel Williamson, Route 4, Bo* 214, Murphy, N. C. Just off Highway 294 on TVA Ac cess Highway going to Hlwas see Dam, and across from Oak Park Grocery. 18-4tc LICENSED WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR, Statewide lic ence No. 63. F3.Rogers, Ph. LA 4-3136, Franklin, N.C., Macon Pump and Well Co. 6-8 in. wells, Member of N. C. Well Drillers Association, tfn We wish to thank all our neighbors and friends for all the kindnesses shown during the illness and death of our beloved mother. Horace and Helen McLelland -~-w ?-?? -*ii iivfiin - "" SNOW USE Putting Off Winter PROTECTION Don't wait until the little worn an gets you up at midnight to close out those cold winter drafts Fix yourself some low cost storm windows out of Warp's FLEXO-CI.ASS. It's egsy! Just cut with shears . . . tack aMk with double-bar foe* ?uard Hel m* >? scarlet wtih whit* fu. f o?>de? m lately lor playtn. I' DC2 362 --Sandalwood (19.99 | (l? UViLATtOM MUNTIMG COAT browo Army dvcfc. fvll wwl bth ?ok? iugt 'Libb*"ttd drop M?' 94m# b*f. 'awo Urga ffOM (K?N poc*?H corduroy coM?r - MM , 4M1 I H ?n 4CCM5J ? latr* Urfl, 4441 ? ? ? MURPHY, N.C. Western Flyer Deluxe Trikee Pick ? S.M Pick ? Pr?c* Pick ? We?rr? Flyer S'wi^rd T??k#? *? rvQ g?d O-ftoM* *>?M. Km> 'Wm 'He rovgfcMl r.dwg ?? ?indt' Twbul* tie* <'*? MftfMn* '?? mppUn t?? ??Ud *" M**l h?f?l !?*>?' ?>* color ?vl bUiIx grip*. Ilk" wmi-BtwwHK pwMC'vr* proo* 'ubU- IW feil bMrmg ??0"? ?r>9M Kub cape ed MddU Htgfc >mp?ct pirn** p*6*4? JPCIttl-IO" Ptm? T- fee, MNh $ 97$ wci?n-ir hw*, r* I**' n xs aKt?*-ir- p??m. ir* W iui M) MViUnOM IMSUtATfO MNH SUIT. T.n KfMwWfM Nyloo ?iwH with km* coU$t tm4 cuM? itppcrtrom i*ck*< tnaui?*o*r >00% Ou Pont ??r OligM tondcd Dacron :3 Of ; ??*?t>ng *rit>tntii No' bulky, cumbrtowi WtSTfftN MYIR POWd T1AC TIACTO* 37" long ff' w?w and 79" h.?h fticycl* lypt th?m drive wi* tylor> b??tnfl construct .on for HM< podol ?ng front fork l? SK14M ?1*J? IQttlfl .11 c ?L UU $!.? MmxmI LP Alkww Wimm4 T**m M SlM *.???? H? |InM< ?!?*??? WramMmk IM