ANDREWS .1 Lucj Loi gl *? St a if Correspondent Phon* 101-W Andrtw; H.C Lodge To Confer MasterDegrei ANDREWS - Andrews Lodge No. ? Af t AM hu u emergent communication for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason degree on Sat urday, Feb. X, at 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Lodge will be held Monday, Feb. 3, at 7:30 p.m. A color film of the 1963 World Ser ies will be shown. All mem bers and visiting Masons are invited to attend. -A Mrs. (Catherine Brallier of Franklin, Ky., is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. W. Swan. -A ELIZABETH / RICHARD TAYLOR / BURTON LOWE JOWMMH ELBA MAHT1NEL1J MAR8ARET RUTHERFORD MA88IE 8MITH ROD TAYLOR AND 0R80N WELLES. The V.I.Ps PANAVlSfON Mil DETROCMMI HENN THEATRE Sun., Mch\, Tue., Wed., Thur., Feb. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Expert. . SHOE films HAVE YOU HEAkO THE NEWJ J Gantry Shoo Repair1* LUCKY 7 ClyV Go By and Join Today. Tki Lucky 7 Club I ? Tito Easy ? *?yr To Cirt Down On Your SKoo See Our Large Selection of Name Brand New and Rebuilt DISCOUNT SHOES Close out Prices on Mens and Ladies BOOTS See Us First ARMY SURPLUS GENTRY SHOE REPAIR 113 Tenn. St. Ph. 837-2626 MEET YOUR DODGE DEPENDABLES the dealer: RAE MOORE A business built on reputation? a reputation buitt on dependability. Dependable deals, dependable prices, dependable cars. In short, a man you can depend upon. the can 1964 Dodge 440 Four-door Sedan Thi* it the luxury car in the low-priced field. Priced right in line with Ford and Chevy, this Dodge it your chance to step up irT quality. Exclusive Unitized construction means extra room and comfort ? chair hifcti seats for added luxury and better visi bility. What's more, standard or optional, snbr V8. Dodge packs more power per pound than most any car around. Inspect the '64 Dodge today? the low-priced car that doesn't look or act like one! Our Golden Anniversary is your Golden Opportunity Come in and see the Dependables E. C. MOORE COMPANY Dealer No. 600 207 Valley liver Ave. Merphy,N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Martin Miss Ki I bourn Js Wed Zo flack K. Martin ANDREWS - Miss Lillian May Kilbourn, daughter of Mrs. Harbld Eldridge of Win sted. Conn., and Jack R. Mar tin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Martin of Andrews were mar ried December 7 at the First Church in Wins ted with Rev. Granville Greenwold officiat ing. For her wedding the bride wore a formal gown of chan tilly lace featuring a bouffant tiered skirt with a full chapel train. Her veil was fastened to a crown of seed pearls and crystals and she carried a bouquet of white roses. A reception was neia, 101 lowlng the ceremony, at the Riverton firehouse with 100 guests attending. On their wedding trip Mrs. Martin traveled in a white wool suit with red and white accessories. They are now residing at 38 Rock Street.Winsted, Conn. The bridegroom is employ ed with the Square and Marra Construction Company. Heat tended Andrews High School and the bride attended the Gil bert School. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mayfield and children, Ed die, Tommy, and Mary, of Sylva, visited friends during the weekend. -A Ranger Speaker At Garden Club Meeting ANDREWS - Helton Car mlchael, Assistant Ranger of the Tusqulttee District of U. S. Forest Service, talked to Val ley River Garden Club mem bers and guests on Thursday afternoon at Sumy Corner, home of Mrs. John Whis en hunt. It was the Club's first meeting of the year. Mr. Carmlchael told of the Tree Improvement Pro gram, using a chart to il lustrate processes involved in the seeding nursery and ex plained the long range pro Certificate Honors Memory Of ^ Joseph A Rogers ANDREWS - A certificate signed by President John F. Kennedy shortly before his death last November, was re ceived last week by Mrs. Bertha Rogers of Andrews. The certificate was award ed to honor the memory of Mrs. Rogers' husband, the late Joseph A. Rogers, for bis military service during WWL The certificate was signed by President Kennedy on Nov. 14, 1963, just eight days be fore he was killed in Dallas. Mr. Rogers spent eleven months overseas during World War I, serving with the famed 30th 'Old Hickory Division. He died September 8, 1932. The certificate read: "The United States of America honors the memory of Joseph A. Rogers. This certificate is awarded by a grateful nation in recognition of devoted and selfless con secration to the service of our country in the Armed Forces of the United States. Signed, John F. Kennedy, President of the U. S., Nov. 14, 1963 Other members of Mr. Rog ers' family include two daugh ters, Mrs. Norma Best and Mrs. Stella Tatham of And rews, and three sons, Paul Rogers and Harold Rogers of Raleigh, and Boyd Rogers of Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. William Pitt Waker, III Miss DeVore Js Wed Zo Pitt Walker, /// ANDREWS - Mr. and Mrs. W. A. DeVore of Roswell, Ga. announce the marriage of their daughter, Nancy Diane De Vore to Pvt. William Pitt Walker in, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pin Walker of Andrews. The wedding was solemn ized at the home of the bride in Roswell on December 26 at 8 o'clock p.m. The Rev. Edward Wood performed the double ring ceremony. The bride attended Young Harris College, Young Har ris, Ga., and is now employ ed by Southern Bell Tele - phone and Telegraps Company in Atlanta. Pvt. Walker also attended Young Harris College for two years. He volunteered for the U. S. Army in early Septem ber and on completing his training January 34 at Fort Knox, Ky., will be stationed in Germany. Valleytown HD Club Meets With Mr*. Ellis ANDREWS - The Valleytown Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Luke El lis this week. Mrs. Ellis, president, presided. The collect was read in unison followed by the de votional given by Mrs. Mary Carter. A program on stain removal was presented by Miss Thelma Wheeler. Mans were made for a food sale combined with an apron sale to be held In March. Project leaders and club committee chairmen were named. Twenty -two were present Including three new members, Mrs. Lloyd Bents, Mr*. H. R. Ethridge, and Mrs. Jack Her bert. Cherokee Scout jTTIay'coimn' Progreea, Thin., Jan. SO, 1964 gram for local areas. Mrs. G. W. Cover, who in troduced (he speaker, laid af her visit to the foreets of Germany and Austria, and a comparison discussion fol lowed. In closing Mr. Car mi chad related the legend of Standing Indian Mountain. Mrs. A1 Brown, Sr., pre sided in the absence of the President, Mrs. Rowland Day. Following reports from var ious committees, plans were announced for several mem bers to plant bulbs on the cemetery grounds on Satur day. Mrs. Lloyd Bentz, co ? hostess, assisted Mrs. Whl senhunt in serving refresh ments to members and five guests, Mrs. Louise White house, Mrs. C. E. Holder, Mrs. S. J. Gernert, Mrs. Lucy Laughter and Mrs. Katherine BraUlier. Purser Accepts Teaching Position At Norwood, N. C. ANDREWS - Jerry Pur ser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alder Purser accepted ? posi tion as agriculture teacher in the Norwood High School, Nor wood, N. C., Monday. Mr. Purser recently grad uated from State College and completed his practice teach ing this past week at Coats, N. C. He is married totheformer Miss Jane Carver and they have one son, Frankie, age 2. 0& s M aiv AN Mr. Whitaker W.D. Whitaker Promoted To Shrine Divan Post ANDREWS - W. D. "Bill' W hi taker, whose membership in the Shrine dates back to 1921, has been elected to one of die highest positions in the Oasis Temple of the Shrine in North Carolina, which takes in all of the state from Char lotte west, with some 8,000 members. Mr. Whi taker was promot ed to one of the 10 posts on the Divan, the governing body of the Potentate. He formerly served in the post of Ambassador. His promotion to the Divan came at the regular meeting of the Shrine in the Oasis Temple at Charlotte Jan. 18. Mr. Whitaker has been a Shriner by both approaches, both the York Rite and the Scottish Rite, since 1921, and he is one of the top members of the Divan in years of ser vice. Mr. Whitaker has long been a civic leader in Andrews and an active member of the Mas onic Lodge here. He is a charter member and past president of die Mrs. Cuver Awarded 1 Certificate ANDREWS - Mrs. G. W. f Cover has received ? certl- ' flcate from the Carolin* Char ter Tercentenary Commission awarded in grateful recog- ? nitlon of her assistance and support in the program ob serving the Tercentenary of the Carolina Charter of 1663. Mrs. Cover returned from Raleigh this past week where she was reappointed to the North Carolina Confederate i Centennial Commission. Miss Brenda Stover, daugh- ? ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stover, has been swarded the Julia Baxter Cramer Scholar- < ship for the second semester i at Lee's - McRae College. ' This is an academic scholar ship. Miss Stover was award ed the Sullivan Scholarship at the beginning of the fall semester. -A Andrews Rotary Club, a past president of the Smoky Moun tain Shrine Club, Immediate past commander of the 81st Wildcat Division ofWWIfame, past Master of the Masonic Lodge, and a former Mayor of Andrews. He is presently vice presi dent of the N. C. Crippled Children's Association, s Trustee of the Ashevllle Or thopedic Hospital, senior vice president and secretary of Citizens Bank and Trust Co., is Included in Who's Who In the Southeast and 'Lives Of North Carolina', Is Chairman of the town Planning Board, and is a civic leader In all endeavors of the town. Townson Funeral Home MURPHY? ROBBINS VILLE ~Seri/inp tliii ea j or ov ^Jliird of -s4 C^entu ry . Home of The Western Carolina Mutual Burial Association er SAUSAGE " Tibs 72' PORK LIVER 72* Ground Fresh Daily , HAMBURGER 3 lbs 1.00 CARROTTSI# 10.*., TOMATOES 10L COOKIES Sunshine Choc Chip ^25C MILK BALLS Brack Malted 10 02 390 PURE LARD 8 lb Bucket 95$ FLOUR Polar Bear V 25 lb 1.75 \ XFpIesauce y*43t( CHEESE Velveeta 2lb 79( TISSUE Northern Toilet 4 Roll Pack 35C COCOA 8 oz Her they 270 MARGARINE I lb Blue Bonnet 2for 49( 2 o* Inttant ^ _ y JORDAN'S MARKET Coiner 1st An J Locust Strwts Phone 147 + + Andrews, N.C + +