THE CHEROKEE SCOUT oad CLAY COUNTY PROGRESS 150 Expected For First WSCS district Meet At Hinton Center * HAYESVILLE - The Way nesville District Woman's So ciety of Methodist Churches will be held at the Hinton Rural Life Center, Friday, April 24, beginning at 10:00 The ladies are requested to bring sandwiches for lunch. The ladies of the Western Sub-District wili serve as the hostesses and will furnish coffee, tea, and dessert. Ladies of the Murphy and Clay Rescue Squad Elects Officers, Plans Ball Games HAYESVILLE - A group of twenty - four men met with Capt. Jimmy Rogers at the City County Health Center and elected the following officers for the Rescue Squad C. D. for the Rescue Squad: C. D. Moses, Secretary; Bob Cun ningham, 1st Lieutenant; Har old Norton, 2nd Lieutenant; Howard Martin, Sergeant; Ray Rogers and John Cantrell, radio dispatcher. A business committee was elected. Bill Bradley will serve as chairman. Others who will serve with him are Roel Smart, Paul Mease, Joe Padgett, Jack Woods, Ralph Allison, George Martin and Warren Ripley. The following ladies were appointed as an auxiliary to help with phone calls and other messages: Mrs. Jimmy Rog ers, Mrs. Bob Cunningham, Mrs. C. D. Moses, Mrs. Paul Mease, Mrs. Harold Norton, Mrs. Don Weaver, and Mrs. Howard Martin. The Rescue Squad plans to meet at the Clay Health Center once each month. The next meeting Is scheduled for April 30 at 7:30 p.m. The station wagon that was recently purchased will be kept at Wallace Crawford's Service Station near the town square. The group discussed plans for other equipment. They decided to buy rain wear for sixteen members. The twenty - four present gave $67.23 to be used for supplies. One member of the squad will go to Raleigh in the near future to see about supplies that will be needed. Frank Galloway was named to keep all equip ment in working order. The Rescue Squad is spon soring two basketball games. Friday night April 24 there will be one at the Hayes ville School gym, beginning at 7:30. One game will be die Rescue Squad members - vs- theHay esville Faculty, the other game will be the Hayesville All Stars -vs- Nantahala All Stars. Proceeds will be used to buy equipment for the squad. Andrews churches will fur nish the dessert, the Rob binsville group will furnish plates and cups, the Hayes ville and Shooting Creek cir cuits will be responsible for the 9:30 coffee hour. Hayes-, ville First Church will fur nish coffee Md tea for lunch. This is the first time the Waynes ville District meeting has been held in the Hlnton C enter. At least 100 persons are expected to attend. Hix Byers has been a pat ient in Mission Memorial Hos pital, Asheville, for some time as a result of a broken leg he sustained in an accident. -cc SP/5 Grady Hughes, son of Mrs. Ruby Hughes of Warne is spending two weeks at home. He has been stationed in France where he married a French girl. She will meet him in New York and they will go to California where he will be stationed. ????? Rev. Jimmy Rogers of Warne is in a revival at Cand ler this week. Rev. Sam Aus tin preached at Mt. Pisgah on Sunday night. ??>>? Mrs. Herman Ford recently had surgery in the Andrews hospital. She is at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wayne Queen in Murphy, recover ing. -cc Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hen derson of Canton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Manns at Warne. Clay Cancer Crusade Chairman Appointed HAYESVILLE - The ap pointment of Mrs. William T. Groves to lead the Ameri can Cancer Society's 1964 - Crusade in Clay County was announced this week by the Society's Clay Chapter. Unit President Howard Martin, in naming the new chairman, said that "under the vigorous leadership of Mrs. Groves we hope to have our most successful educa tional and fund-raising Cru sade ever." In accepting the top Cru sade post in this area, the chairman called on everyone "to do his part in the fight against cancer." She noted that the disease will even tually strike some 48,000,000 Americans now living, ac cording to present rates. "All of us," she said, "ei ther directly or indirectly are destined to be touched by the suffering caused by cancer. Therefore all of us must unite against the disease." The fund-raising aspect of the Crusade, she said, pro vides the support for the So ciety's programs of re - search, education and ser vice to cancer patients. To assure the success of the 1964 Crusade she ap pealed for a record number of volunteers to join her in the work of organizing and conducting the campaign. Sh urged those who would like to serve as volunteers to call her at 389-2570 in Hayesville. Clay Democratic Precinct, Convention Dates Listed HAYESV1LLE -Clay County Precinct meetings will be held Saturday, April 25, Democra tic Chairman Vernon F. Mar tin said this week. The precincts are: Hiawas see, Hayesville No. 1, Hay esville No.2,Brasstown,Tus qulttee, Sweetwater and Shoot ing Creek. Meetings will be held at regular voting place in each precinct. Each pre cinct Chairman will set the hour for the meeting. In each Precinct there shall be an Executive Committee consisting of five active Democrats, at least two of whom shall be women and at least two of whom shall be men. The Precinct Committee so elected shall elect from its membership a Chairman. Vice Chairman, one of whom shall j be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, and a Sec retary - Treasurer. The Ovairmin and Vice - Chairman of the several Pre cinct Commltteea, the Presl- . HEATING Iron Fireman Custom Mark ? Warm Air Furnacea Installed and serviced by personnel with over 30 years of combined experience. Duct work designed according to National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, of which we are a member. F.H-A- and V.A. approved. Up to three years to pay. Each job engineered and installed by Franklin Sheet Metal Go. For information of free estimate, contact Mr. Dayton at Dayton OU Co. Box 303 Hayesville, N.C. Clay Corny Rspreaentative dent of the Democratic Wo man's Club and die immediate Past Chairman of the County Executive Committee shall compose the County Executive Committee. The County Executive Com mittee shall meet May 9th and elect a Chairman, Vice Chair man and Secretary - Treasur er. All Democrats are urged to attend the Precinct meet ings April 25 and die County Convention which will be held at the Clay County Court - house. May 9 at 2:00 p.m. Superior Court In Cloy Opens Monday HAYESVILLE -Clay County Superior Court spring term will convene in Hayesville, Monday, April 27. Judge J. Will Pless, Jr., of Marlon will be the presiding Ju^ge. The following is a list of the jurors who will serve. Lee Chastain, Clyde Day ton, James A. Cabe, Edwin Ltdseen, Ray Mease, Frank G. Coleman, Glenn Reynolds, Fred Phillips, Lester Bal - lard, E. G. Smith, C. IX Led ford, H. S. Thornburg, A. J. doer, Harley J. Martin, Claude Garrison, John Moss, Ruel Hall, Kenneth Woodard, Richard Bristol, James V. Ledford, Oliver Deitz, Ernest Ashe, C. L. Ford, J. N. Alex ander, Jerald F. Phillips. R. L. McGlamery, Truen Hog sed, Frank Hog ted, William Mull, Fred Curtis, Wayne L. Anderson, Joseph N. Hogsed, Donald Dailey, Thurman Nel son, Fred Woodard, Robert J. Martin, Sr., Clinton Brad shaw. Perry McClure, Ed Anderson, Charlie Robinson, Frank Groves, Vaughn Gib son, William Nelms, Vor rest Ford. Harlie Hicks, Hor ace Lyons, Burton Sate, and Boyd Scroggs. MBS MAUREEN LYNN HOFFMAN, daugtaer of Capt. and Mrs. Martin Hoffman, Jr., celebrated her third birthday April 3 in Kaiserslautern, Germany. She is the granddaugh ter of Col. and Mrs. Wayne G. West of Warne, and has been in Germany since she was seven months old. In her three short years, Maureen has travelled through eleven states as well as the European countries of France, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Lichtenstein and Germany. She is looking forward to returning to the States in August. Her little sister, Ellen, who is shown with Maureen above, is 16 months old and was born in Germany. She has also traveled in several European countries and will soon be making her first trip to the States. -cc Mr. and Mrs. Wayne West recently spent the week in Washington, D. C. While there they attended the Cherry Blos som Festival. They went to the Rotunda of the Capitol Build ing where the late General McArthur's body was in State and also went by the late President Kennedy's grave at Arlington Cemetery. -cc Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook were Mr. and Mrs. William Haney and Billy, Mrs. J. C. Payne and children, Mrs. J. A. Payne and Mrs. John Med dling all of Roinsville. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Rass Martin visited Mrs. Arthur Martin Sunday afternoon. -cc Mlss Cheryl Rogers and Brenda Moss spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. James V. Ledford. -cc Mrs. Everen Holland and son of Gastonla spent the weekend at Tusquittee with the Fred Garrison family. -cc Those who enjoyed a fam ily birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore honoring Mr. Moore on his birthday Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rogers and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mack McCorkle and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mrs. Ben Phillips. -cc Clay County Personal Mention Mr*. Neal Kitchen. ? Phone 389-2431 or 389-2193 Hayesville WSCS Officers Elected At Supper Meeting HAYESVILLE - The WSCS of the HayesvilleFirstMetho dist Church met Thursday night at the Health Center for ? covered dish supper. Following the supper Mrs. J. Guy Padgett, president, presided at the business meet ing. Mrs. Grady Burgin acted ?s secretary in the absence of Mrs. J. D. Ryder. Plans were completed for the WSCS District meet ing that is being held at the Hinton Center Friday, Apr. 24. The Mission pledge was set at $90.00 for 1964-65. Mrs. Mae Hollifield was elected delegate to the Annual Con ference of WSCS to be held at Lake Junaluska, June 16-18. The following officers for 1964-65 were elected: presi dent, Mrs. J. Guy Padgett; vice - president, Mrs. Her man Thornburg; recording secretary, Mrs. J. D. Ryder; treasurer, Mrs. Pearl C. Scroggs; secretary of child ren's work, Mrs. Wade Pal mer; Christian social relat ions, Mrs. Alex Bradley; sec retary of literature and publi cations, Mrs. Robert Gibson; secretary of Mission educat ion and service, Mrs. J. B. Bailey; secretary of promot ion, Mrs. W. Grady Burgin; secretary of spiritual life, Mrs. Mae Hollifield; secre tary of student work, Mrs. W ilburn Mingus; secretary of supply work and secretary of youth work, Mrs. Dewey Dick erson; chairman of local church activities, Mrs. Mamie Anderson. The nominating committee is Mrs. Gline Tiger, Mrs. Wade Palmer, and Mrs. Wil burn Mingus who will serve during 1965-66. All the of ficers will be installed in May and start their duties in June. Mrs. Glen Prater was in charge of the program "Our Later Years - A Time For Responsible Living." The purpose of the program was to help every one to think of the older persons as indivi duals, with their own person ality, and set of circumstan ces. To encourage older adults to think through their needs and talents and to make plans accordingly. To help the youn ger adults to realize the need for preparing for old age. Others who assisted Mrs. Prater in this panel were Mrs. Mae Hollifieid, Mrs. Alex Bradley and Mrs. Dewey Dickerson. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gib son recently moved to the farm owned by Mrs. W. T. Moore. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc Clure and children and Miss Linda Sue McClure of At lanta spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arlin McClure at Shooting Creek. -cc Mrs. Bud L. Brown and son, Larry visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Browii Sunday p.m. Math Leatherwood and John Curtis of Peachtree visited them on Thursday. -cc Robert Gibson has been a patient in Hall County Hos pital and has returned to his home in West Hayesville and is feeling better. HAYESVTLLE- Pvt. John W. Thurman has completed his basic training at Fort Gordon, Ga. He has been reassigned to the 7th Howitzer Battalion at Ft. Bragg C. He recent ly spent a fourteen day leave with his mother Mrs. Jose phine Thurman. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pen land and Marisa of Marietta, Ga., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pen land at Shooting Creek and Mrs. Bernice Berrong at Bell Creek. -cc L. R. Moore is recovering nicely after having surgery a few weeks ago. He is spend ing this week with the Fred Moores. -cc Mrs. Flora Ledford of Hay esville visited friends in Murph^last week. NOW OPEN Factory Outlet Dress Shop Full Line of Dresses, Dusters, Capri Pants. Shorts. & Maternity Suits. Values to $14.95 Priced From all Merchandise ,2-?? 10 ,5"09 Factory Outlet Dress Shop 2 1/2 miles West of Hiawassee, Ga. on Hwy. 76. Mrs. Stella Berrong Owner \STOCKYOURFREEZER AT THESE ROCK BOTTOM PRICEI TEA Upton's 1/4 lb 39t TEA BAGS Upton's 100 Count | 09 BEEF SIDES CUT T0 ms! 43 & CHUCK ROASTS ? 39 i GROUND BEEF-"""?" 35 ?. BACON Big Buy Sliced Bacon ( JIM Wjeat Jit iS&'O J)i (guaranteed Ureih ?x Daity CRISCO 69* j'EUY INSTANT TEA Upton's I 1/2 oz Size 44C TEA BAGS Upton's 48 Count 59C " BABY FOOD Gerbers Strained 5 Jar? ,590 TINY TINS SALE stokley"! Mix or Match 99( Beans, Peas, Corn, Kraut, Peas & Carrots, Beets, etc. BISCUITS, W ith 5.00 Order ? COCA-COLA 29s PEACHES'"-"*" 29* RINSO BLUE With Order i 5 Large Boxes Em 69$ PIES Pet-Ritz Frozen 3,or 98< MILK POWDER Carnation 1.15 BLEACH Purex 1/2 Gal 39C COFFEE MATE Carnation 6 oz Jar 430 VANILLA WAFERS Sunshine La. 12 oz. Box 29C TISSUE Delsey Toilet 2 Roll Pack 231 SUPER MARKET HAYESVILLE, M.C. .?