The and Clay County Progress Volume 74 ? Number 41 Murphy, North Carolina, Thursday, May 7, 1964 12 Pagas Thl. Waak Published Weekly IICONO CUAM rOITilK ?? AT HUH'H*. MOUTH CMOUM The Hiwassee Lake water level Is to remain high un til July 4. TV A officials say they will begin dropping the water level at that time. -J Hlgh water doesn't seem to be affecting die fishing. A look at this week's Scout proves that some nice ones are being caught from the area lakes. -J W. T. Brown, Jr., has re cently purchased a register ed Angus bull from J. W. Stewart of Andrews. -J A placement test for pro spective Peace Corps volun teers will be held Saturday, May 9, at 8:30 a.m. in Room 4 of the Sylva Courthouse. -J Camp grounds and concess ion facilities in the Smoky Mountains are now open for the season. -J The Cherokee Democratic Woman's Club will have a supper Saturday night. May 9, at 6:30 p.m. In the Mur phy Elementary School lunch room. -J Local talent will provide country music at a cake walk to be held at the White Church School Thursday night, May 12, 7:30 p.m. The public is invited. -J Murphy School Band, under the direction of Ed Reynolds will present their spring con cert Sunday, May 10, at 3:00 p.m. at Murphy Grammar school Auditorium. The pub lic Is invited to attend. No admission will be charged. -J Harry Bagley, author of the Scout's "Cuz's Corner," was admitted today(Thursday) to Providence Hospital for sur gery. Cuz will probably tell of this adventure in a later column. -J For Movie Fans: The Mur phy 64 Drlve-In will be open full time beginning May 7. The Valley Drive-In will be open on weekends beginning Friday, May 8. -J Last week at least three local golfers gave up the put ter for rod and reel to try their luck on Hiwassee Lake. Their fishing was like their golfing, way over' par. In fact they didn't catch any. As luck would have it, the motor quit, and these three anxious anglers had to row for 4 1/2 hours, walk for a mile, and hitchhike back to the boat dock. Maybe golf will be the game again this week. It's just naturally bad luck to go on a trip with these fellows. Bill, Blaine, and George (Doc) also seem to have gotten lost on a hunt ing trip this past season. -J Judge Hyde of Murphy was overheard giving some advice to those who are unfortunate to get lost in the mountains. "Keep in mind," said Judge Hyde', "that all rocks are pointed northeast and south west. All you have to do is find out which end is which." Scoutlet Notes This exclud es round rocks, of course. Democratic Convention To Be Held MURPHY- The Cherokee County Democratic convention will be held at the court house Saturday May 9th at 2 PM. Chairman H. E. Bishop states that there are sever al matters of Importance to attend to Including the sel ection of a candidate for SUM representative. All delegates and other Interested democrats are urged to attend. "See How They Run" To Be Presented By Young Harris College rOUNG HARRIS" On May 8th and 9th. the Delta Gamma Drama Society will present "See How They Run", a farce In three acta by the British playwright. Philip King. This rib -tickling comedy will be ? fitting dimes to a very iuc cesaful season for Delta Gam ma. MRS. WILLIAMS SIXTH GRADE CLASS is pictured above just before leaving for a field trip and picnic. Left to right, first row, Juanita McDonald, Linda Cornwell, Carmon Thom ason, Evelyn Johnson, Judy Rogers, Judy Kirkland, Nancy Cook, Barbara Lee, Sherry Sat terfleld, Judy Crisp, and Donna Frankum; second row, Margaret Hall, Lana Radford,Nan cy Haigler, Euretha Ashe, Sandra McDonald, Frances Crawford, Maureen Graves, Shirl ey Roberson, Linda Palmer, and Susie Cornwell; third row, Johnny Foster, Billy Trantham, Ronnie Stiles, Steve Stiles, Jimmy West, Charlie Sims, Robert Womble. Dennis Stevens, Boyd Smith and Wick Peyer; fourth row, Mrs. Williams, Steve Thrasher, Charles Hunter, JAMES Messer and Wallace Panther. !nd Grade Has 00% Attendance MURPHY - For the first me In several years an en Lre class attended the Mur hy Grammar School one lonth without an absence. This was accomplished by 4rs. Williams' sixth grade. An epidemic of measles roke perfect attendence re ords for twenty of the pup Is during the sixth and sev :nth months. Juanita McDon ld, Barbara Lee, Evelyn ohnsoa, Jimmy West, Boyd mith. Wick Peyer, and Den ils Stevens still have per ect attendance records for he year. Dennis Stevens is the only ine with perfect attendance lince entering the first grade. Two Polk County Men Killed In 1 Car Accident POLK COUNTY. TENN." Two men were killed in a one car accident within 200 yards of North Carolina, Tue sday, May 5, at 12:35 a.m. They were traveling east on U. S. Highway #64 coming into North Carolina. Killed was Sonny Ledford, 34, and Frank Wilbur(Bub) Dale, 24, both of Polk Coun ty. Death was attributed to extreme lacerations and bro ken bones. The accident occured when they attempted to make the curve just before crossing into North Carolina. Accord Postmaster Announces Local Service Changes MURPHY - The majority 5f the residents of Murphy will not be affected by the re :ently announced adjust ments in parcel post and post sflice window service Post master Joe E. Ray said to lay. The Murphy Post Office and stations will continue to issue money orders as usual, also rural carriers will accept money order applications on Saturdays, and the orders will De dispatched the same day. Many of the local people who send mail to other points may tie interested in the following national findings on the over all effect of the adjustments. Parcel post deliveries are not affected at all on "mount ed" carrier routes, rural de livery routes, and all "star" routes delivering mail. On city delivery foot routes par cels up to two pounds (and not bigger than a shoe box), will be delivered, about one-fourth of all parcel post packages are two pounds or less. The only principal service affected by the consolidation of window services on Satur day mornings at the larger offices is domestic money or der service. Money order sales on Sat urday will with very few ex ceptions continue in about 7,000 "contract" postal sta tions (typically located insur burban shopping centers, drug stores, and other suitable locations) providing domestic money order service in vir tually every city where ord ers are not sold at the post office on Saturday. These changes also apply to Culberson, Suit, Marble, and Andrews Post Offices in Cherokee County and to Hay esville Post Office in Clay. Murphy Jaycees Sponsor Hillbillies Here May 8 MURPHY - Willie andSlim, the Scufflin' Hillbillies, face i big test Friday, May 8, when wrestling is presented at the Old Rock Gym. Accompanied by their man ager, Cousin Alford, the Hill billies will be opposed by for mer world tag team champ ions, Corsica Joe and Jean. The Frenchmen are busily campaigning for another shot at the title they once held and to date have been most suc cessful. However, a setback at- the hand* of the Hillbillies will greatly harm their chan ce*. This big match will be sup ported by a dual bout which pits Rowdy Red Roberts a gainst the young French - Canadian, Steve Kovac. Sponsored by the Murphy J aycees with Roy Welch, Nick Gulas and Harry Thornton, the matchmakers, the card is ex pected to attract one of the largest crowds to ever see a local wrestling match. The first match will be gin at 8:15 p.m. and popular prices will again previal. Admissions are $1.50 for ringside seats, $1 for general admission and 50 cents for children under 12 years ol ?ge McKeever ? Kitchens Named Chairmen Of Kennedy Library Fund MURPHY - Governor Terry Sanford appointed NealR. Kit chens and Hobart McKeever for Clay County and Cherokee County chairmen to help raise funds for the John Fltsgerald Kennedy Library. A chairman for each of the 100 counties In the state has been named. The project is n on -political and will be a memorial where both Demo crats and R publicans can make united contributions for die purpose of paving tribute to the late President John F. Kennedy. Among state commlttemen appointed are members of both political parties. Among th< group is L. Y. Ballentine Charles R. Jonas, Rev. BUI) Graham, B. Everett Jordan and J. E. Broyhlll. Anyone who would like t< contribute to this fund is re quested to make checks ti Kennedy Library Fund am mail or leave with Sherlf Kitchens In Hayesville 01 Hobart McKeever in Chero kee County. Contributions ft the Library have bean rulei tax decutable. The deadline for makln{ contributions la May IS. Al county funds must be mallei to the Governors Office li Raleigh by this date. ing to investigating officers, * 11 the left back tire blew out, P and the car was traveling l' at such a high rate of speed, " the driver lost control. The car traveled some 250 to 300 z yards on the left edge of the * road shoulder before finally ? overturning and landing top Jj down in a deep, rock filled ^ ravine. Mr. Dale was pin- e ned underneath the car. Investigating officers were Kenneth Cherry and R. M. I* Morrow, both Polk County < Sheriff's Patrols. The acci-l " dent was reported by a tour-lj^ is from Albany, Ga. Mr. Ledford is the son jof Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lod? ford of Polk County and Trf* addition to his parents is saft, vived by a daughter, Tere?* Anne Ledford, two sistj&T' and one brother. He was employed as a draftsman by the Tennessee Copper Company for thirteen years. Services will be held in Zion Hill Baptist Church at 2 KM) p.m. Thursday(today) with the Rev. Arthur Dale iating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Frank Wilbur Dale is the son of Mrs. Beulah Cutcher of Postelle, Tenn. and Os car J. Dale, also of Post elle. He married former Miss Pat Kaylor of McCay sville, Ga. He is also sur vived by two sons, Frank Wilbur, Jr. and Willian Scott, and one sister. Miss Lavada Dale, of Postelle. Mr. Dale graduated in 1957 from Copper Basin High Sch ool and attended the Univer sity of Tennessee. He was discharged from the Army six weeks ago and was also employed by the Tennessee Copper Company. Funeral services will be held in Mt. Zion Baptist Church at 4:00 p.m. Thurs day (today) with the Rev. Ed gar Cheatham officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Sabin'Make-Up'Week Dates Announced MURPHY - A Sabin Oral Vaccine make-up week will >e held beginning Monday 18 hrough Saturday, May 23. The make-up station will >e in the office of Dr. Geo rge F. Size at the Murphy General Hospital. 'Make-up Week' will be opr srated the same as the 'Sa rin Sundays' sponsored by the Murphy Junior Chamber of Commerce. The vaccine is jiven free, but those who Lake it are asked to make a :ontribution of at least a quarter. Those who cannot :ontribute will be given the vaccine free. The vaccine is given to i sveryone over three months >f age and Is completely asteless and leaves no it er effects. It offers complete, ltfe ime protection against polio md the danger of carrying :he germ. All three types of vaccine ?rill be available for those who may have missed any jne of the 'Sabin Sunday' feedings. Everyone sho missed a Sun day feeding is urged to get the dose they missed during this make-up week. Contributions will go to the Murphy Jaycee Polio Fund. Housing Inspection To Begin Here Today MURPHY- Mack Gee, Mur- t hy Housing Inspector, will egin an inspection of homes i the city limits of Murphy )day. This inspection is i compliance with the Hous ig Code Standards of the own of Murphy. A higher standard of homes u Murphy from the view oint of health and safety is le goal set with the launch ng of this inspection. In a meeting of the citi ens' advisory committee Monday night, C. E. Johnson, own manager, pointed out that ot only will the inspection ? helpful for better living ooditions In Murphy, but it rill be a rewarding activity n re-certifying Murphy for urther federal aid. Included in the inspection ly Mr. Gee will be plumb ng, ventilatiMt^tectricity, lealting, sani*ti?i ud coo rol of Insects and rodmts. The citizens' advisory com-; nittee plans to tour the city in Thursday afternoon, May 4, with a view of learning I suggested improvements to \ ecommend to the planning I >oard and the town council, k movie will be made on his tour. Jack Owens, chairman of he citizens' advisory comm ttee, presided at the meet ng Monday night. Bob Pot er was named secretary of he committee, succeeding rulian Suggs, who moved a *ay recently. Other members attending he meeting were: Mrs. Fran ks Bourne, Jr., Mrs. S. C. 3urgess, Mrs. John Carrin >er, Mrs. Donald Carter and 3unch A. Nugent. Mrs. Lou ise Bayless attended the meet - ng as an Asheville Citizen reporter. rri-Coun ty [Ministers TakeP Stand On ^ote Buying ANDREWS- A strong stand against the selling and buy ing of votes was taken by the Tri-County Ministers' Association at its May meet ing Tuesday, May 5. In view of the coming pri mary and Federal election the ministers adopted a res olution declaring that such conduct blights the Christian witness of those within the church and "damages the cause of Jesus Christ." The resolution reads as follows: "In light of the fact that this is an election year, and party primaries are soon to be held, the Tri-County Min isterial Association would hereby speak an emphatic word for clean elections. "We strongly urge all pol itical leaders of any party of faction within a party to refrain from all vote-buy ing. Most right-thinking people are agreed that it is a contemptible thing to sell one's vote; if so, It is like wise contemptible to buy another's vote. This is a saying: 'The wo rst is the corruption of the best.' Surely if this order is to take the privileges of Stonewall Mtg. Company Locates At Peachtree PEACHTREE - The Stone wall Manufacturing Company has chosen Peachtree as the location for their plant. They are located in the old Peach tree Farm and Home Build ing, across from the elem entary school. They are manufacturers of Quartzset, which is used in the production of ash trays, counter tops, wall coverings, and table tops. Jay Qrefe of Athens, Ga., is president of the new firm. His wife, Helen, and two children. Jay, Jr. ,10, and ? Court Of Awards To Be Held ANDREWS- A Court of Aw ards for Girl Scout's Brownie Troop #210, Jr. Troop#216 and Cadette Troop #21 7 will be held on Tuesday, May 12, at the Berkshire picnic area at 6 p.m. The program will be a Flag j Ceremony Including pledges and songs. . Awards will be presented j by the leader at each troop. d A pot-luck supper for par n ems and guests will be served preceding the program. Christina Antorua,8, plan to move here at the end of this school term. Earl Stevens of Winder ,Ga. has been named plant mana ger. At present the company Is filling contract orders for the N. C. furniture industry. The manufacture of Quartz set is a chemical process with the ingredients mixed to die consistency of asphalt, then poured Into molds. Mr. Grefe stated that when the plant is in full operation It will employ approximately 60 local people. WEATHE DATE Apr. 29 Apr. 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May B HIGH 75 71 ?n 78 60 75 78 LOW 46 36 SB 48 51 40 44 PREC 0.97 0 0 0 0.90 0 0 FORECAST! Thursday.Uirj Friday, cloudy: Saturday and Sunday, showers and thunder showers. free and democratic gover nment and besmirch them by the manipulation of votes through money. "For those in the fellow ship of the church to do so blights their Christian witness and damages the cause of Jesue Christ. "We pray to our Father and plead to all of our tri county area for honest elect ions. The prgram upon the theme "The Minister and Christian Social and Community Action" was led by the Rev. Joe Law of the Hayesville Methodist circuit. The Rev. Sam Aus tin of Hayesville Presbyter ian Church gave the devotion al. The Rev. Clark Benson of the Murphy First Methodist Church named the Rev. Joel T. Key, Jesse Bailey and Glenn Rhodes, as a comm ittee to report at the June meeting. Murphy PTA To Sponsor Variety Show, May 8 MURPHY- Murphy P.T.A. will sponsor a Variety Show Firday night, May 8, at 7:3? at the High School Gym. A large number of talented per formers have already reg istered to participate. There will include popular and gos pel singing, folk (''ncing, re citations, instrumental mus ic and others. Advance tickets are now being sold by elementary an< high school students at fl.OC for adults and $.50 for stu dents. Concession stands will be open during inter mis' sion. If you fall to get ai advance ticket, they can b< obtained at the door. Com< and bring the whole family There will be fun and enf ertainment for all. Mrs. W. T. Brown .genera chairman of arrangements am Mr. Don Ramsey, preslden of Murphy P.T.A. extend t< you a most cordial invitat ion to attend this variety1 talent show and ask your help in making this one o the most successful under takings of this year. Brownie Troop 210 Takes 3 Mile Hike ANDREWS - On Saturda afternoon at 3 p.m. Browni Troop 2X0 and their leade Betty Sue Best and Edwin Wolfe hiked to the Brlttai Creek Picnic Area. Following the throe mil hike each Brownie enjoyed no** bag lunch. OFFICERS FOR DISTRICT I FEDERATION OF HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUBS from row. left to right. Mrs. Wiley McGlamery, second vice-president; Mrs. Lloyd V. Black, chairman; Mrs. Hugh Allen, historian; second row, Mrs. C. L. Alverson, secretary -treasurer; Mrs. Hugh Beasley, first vice-chairman. Annual District One Home Demonstration Club Meeting Held MURPHY- The annual s meeting of Distric One Fed- s eratton of Home Demonstrat- t idu Clubs was held at the 0 Murphy First Baptist Church, v I on Monday, April 29, with s l Cherokee County as host c | county. s Coff ee hour was observed ? frum 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the assembly room of the ( church and guests were reg- t istered in the vestibule prior j to the formal opening oif the | meeting in the church sane- i tuary. , Mrs. Dock Sudderth play ed the organ during this per iod and the organ music set 1 the tempo for the day's pro- ' gram with Mrs. Lloyd V. ' Black, District I Chairman ] presiding throughout the day. Mrs. Carl West of the 1 Valleytown Home Demonstra tion Club gave the devotional using as the thought "What is in Thy Hand." Her Bib lical reference describing the home-maker was taken from Proverbs. She stressed that the home-maker makes the most of all that come her way and that the quality of ' the world we live in can be j no better than the quality of the homes. 1 Mrs. S. J. Gernert recog nized the guests. Mrs. Ken neth Johnson, State Co-ord inating Treasurer brought greetings from the State Ex ecutive Board. James M. Stewart, Jr., Cherokee County Extension Chairman, introduced Dr. George Hyatt, Jr., Director of the North Carolina Ext en Williams Elected Lion President MURPHY- Willy Will lams was elected president of the Murphy Lions Club Tuesday, April 28, for the 1964-66 term. Other officers elected were: James Stewart, 1st vlce-pres I idem; Tommy Gentry, 2nd ) vice-president; L. J. Phill ? ips, 3rd vice-president; Pete McKeon, secretary; Boyd ? Davis, treasurers Larry Bla i ck, tall twister; John Fleming, ? Lion tamer; Doyle Burch, s Roscoe Williams, Charlie Hughes, directors. New officers will be instal led Tuesday, June 23. 1 1 t Revival Service* ! To Begin Sunday ? At Upper Peachtree f PEAVHTREE - Revival services will begin Sunday, May 10, 7:00 p.m. at Upper Peachtree Baptist Church. Guest speaker for the re vival service* will be the y Rev. Homer Wilson. Pastor , of the church la Rev. Har _ old Anderson. a The Killian Quartet will ? furnish special music on Sunday night. A spokesman for the church said the public la In vited to attend. ion Service, Raleigh, who poke on the theme "Stand all, Home-maker." Through iut his talk he challenged die romen to assume leadership, tressing the fact that every :lub woman has some leader ship ability and that leader ship is developed. He stressed that the role )f the club women in the three counties of District I is to spread out through con tinued education, upgrading [heir own skills and getting jut of the rut of complacency. The parting thought he left *as the verse from St. Mat lew "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see four good works, and glor ify your Father which is in leaven." Mrs. H. W. Miller, Burns ville, Western District Music Chairman, was recognized ind announced and urged the :lub women to participate in the State Music Workshop in Sreensboro in June. Mr. C. H. Townson, Assi stant Director of Nantahala Regional Library spoke brie Fly to the group about using library facilities, stating that each one keep open doors and that books are "open doors." Members with 25 or more /ears in Home Demostration Club work were recognized and presented with corsages. They are as follows: Clay County, Mrs. W. C. Ander son; Graham County, Mrs. Elva McClung and Mrs. J.F. Hyde; Cherokee County, Mrs. Ben Warner, Sr., and Mrs. Clyde McNabb. Following lunch a member of each club from the three counties modeled an apron depicting some demonstration that they particularly enjoy ed. This served primarily as an "attention getter" but it did show much orginality and versatility. Mrs. Henry Key, District III Federation Chairman from Horse Shoe, N. C. reported on the National Home Dem onstration Council meeting held at Little Rock, Arkan sas this past October. In her discussion she In jected some of her own phil osophy. She said we should have humility and cherish It. We must give attention to our youth and their education. We need to be more discerning and have a basic for our faith and we must not for get discipline by applying it first to ourselves and last ly we must not become so engrossed in what is wrong that we undermine what Is right. Mrs. Callia C. Hardwlck, Western District Home Eco nomics Agent Installed the new officers! chairman, Mrs. W. A McGlamery, Clay Oowxyi se cond vice chairman, Mrs. C. L. Alverson, Cherokee Co unty! secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Alle, Graham Co unty} historian, Mrs. Eula Miller, day County. Invitation from Graham Co unty was extended for IMC meeting to be held in Rob bins ville.