TNI CHEROKEE SCOUT oad CLAY COUNTY PROGRESS I ' Humbling Jh Clay ' By Mrs. Neil R. Kitchens The Sheriff and 1 were de lighted to hear that a former Clay Patrolman and a good friend. Bud Ensley, has Seen chosen as chaeuffer for Gov ernor-elect Dan K. Moore. We feel that Governor Moore could not have found a better man for the job. Bud is acon scentious, friendly, court eous and will be a fine man to have around the Capitol build ing in Raleigh. Congratulations, and best wishes, Bud! ? ? * ? ? Silvey Penland says it pays to use the classified ads in the Clay Progress and Cherokee Scout. He uses it quite often and says every time he has put an ad in it he has sold a stove or appliance of some type. 1 hear a lot of our people say they wait for die paper to come out on Thursday to check the B & T ad before buying gro ceries. They wait to check the | bargains. Advertising pays in any business. ? ? ? ? ? Heard Mrs. Alma Swaim, Morris Spivey and Frank Swanson say they were well pleased with their tobacco sales this year. Tobacco is one of the best cash crops in Clay. It means a lot of hard work, but it is always good to know the crops were pro fitable. ? ? ? ? ? Hadn't seen Ron Scroggs of the Shooting Creek section for several months. He stopped in one day last week. He lean ed up against one of the desks. He says the modern generation is killing themselves with the food they eat. Mostly sand - wiches and rich foods. . .just too many knlck-nacks. About that time Fred Green came in. FOR SALE Repossessed 3 Bed Room a, I Acre Lot. .ocated In Martin Creek Area $100.00 I Down and Very low Monthly Pay ments. This Is a Chance to Own a new Home tor Someone. Call Collect Atlanta, Georgia For Dave Pearce - 794-7641. Ron reached in his pocket, pul led out ? twist of homemade tobacco and cut off enough for about a half-dozen chews. Ron said: "Fred, I set out 140 plants, three different times this spring and never got but three to live. Shuford Scroggs gave me this twist. They both had a good chuckle over the way they learned to mix the sweet tobacco with the strong twist when they were little boys together. Ron got back to the subject of food again. He said he liked ham, pickled beans, kraut and stuff that would stick to a man's ribs. He trundled out of the office. I believed him for he surely didn't look like a man that is t undernourished. ? ? ? ? ? The Clay County employees at the court house decided not to draw names this year and exchange gifts, but to combira the amount they would spend and add some extra to give to home was recently burned. This little gift is given with the true Christmas spirit. ? ? ? ? ? It is a real joy to see the way the little faces light up now at the mention of Santa Claus. It is a magic word and never fails to bring a smile. Till this day one of my cherished childhood memories is waking up on Christmas morning and seeing a beautiful china doll peeking from the top of my stocking. There was a bit fire roaring up die chimney and I tip-toed in to see what Santa had brought us. The dolls at that time were china and if they were dropped it meant they were smashed. They came fastened to the box and many little girls cherised them so much, they never un tied them from the gox. They just raised the lid and looked at them. I played with mine but was careful. ? ? ? ? ? Speech Club To Present Program Dec. 14 HAYESVILLE - The Speech Club of the Hayesville High School, under the direction of Mrs. Hildred Smith, will pre sent "The Characters of Christmas Speak", by Mari lyn Heiliger, Monday night, December 14, at 7:30 p.m. The program is being spon sored by the Hayesville Parent -Teacher Association. Grammar grades will assist in the presentation. -CC The Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Free Davis were Ptl. and Mrs. But Ensley, Gay, Kathy and Rickej of Murphy. -cc Engagement Announced tOJ 1 otf Sa HAYESVLLLE - The en gagement of Miss Patti Di anne Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Davis of Winlock, Wash., to Cecil E. Williams, also of Winlock, was announced at a party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Davis' wedding anniversary recently. Miss Davis is the grand frj CHURCH NOTES The Myers Chapel W.S.C.S. held their November meeting at the Shooting Creek parson age. Mrs. Cline McClure gave the devotional. The program "The Young American Moth er" was presented by Mrs. Carmen Anderson, Mrs. Bob Ashe, Mrs. Carroll McClure, Mrs. Alma Swaim and Mrs. Harold McClure. Mrs. Hartsfield, the pas tor's wife, served cof ee and cake at the close of the even ing. The ladies of the Myers Chapel community honored Mrs. Johnny Beal, a recent bride, with a surprise house hold shower, Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Narvie Hall. Mrs. Beal received many nice gifts. Approxim ately twenty -five attended. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Don Waldroup, Mrs. Mrs. Bob Ashe and Mrs. Hoke McClure in serving cake, mints, coffee and cocoa to those present. Francis Powell entertained number of friends at the home of his brother, Terrance Powell, Saturday night. ' Those attending were: El 1 aine Hill, Ka thy Brackens, Car - ' ol Nicholson, Donna McClure, Carolyn Martin, Alice Howell, Edward Ashe, Brent Carter, AND MORI t BAROMETERS SUNBEAM MULTI-COOKER FRYPANS OtHtUi - 0?* ARK GUARDS FAMOUS SKAT BIKES AND All SIZES REGUIAR BIKES' ?WRl S1MHUSS S11H ?? D tOOKWyi^S? H0?*? CHRISTMAS LIGHTS-INDOOR & OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS I FLOODLIGHT HOLDERS MURPHY HARDWARE CO. TENNESSEE STREET MURPHY, N. C Ca daughter of Mr. andMrs. Clif- ,n ton Parker andMrs. Lena Pat terson, all of Hayes ville. Lt Mr. Winlock is the son of _ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Wil liams of Winlock. Miss Davis is a senior at Winlock and her fiance is at tending Centralia College. No date has been set for mi th< th< wi the wedding. toj er Tommy Passmore, Keith re Crawford, Chipper Scroggs, t),, and Hal McClure. Refreshments of cookies, cokes and potato chips were served by Mrs. Terrence Powell. He tic hi) wi The Lottie Moon offering pe will be received at the Truett co Memorial Baptist Church on ei Sunday, December 13. Thean- c< nual WMS Week of Prayer is being held this week for the at! members of this church. Mon- p, day night the group met at the Pastorium with Mrs. Ruth Hall ci in charge of the program; Gi Tuesday night the meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Gene Carter with Mrs. Russell Saltz program leader; Wednesday night the meeting was at the church with Mrs. Edith Cabe program leader; Thursday night (tonight) the group will meet at the home of Miss Mary Bill Allison, with Mrs. Ruby Wimpey in charge of the program; Friday night the meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Andrew Moore with Mrs. Don Turner in charge of the program. The goal for this church for foreign missions has been set at *600.00. ? ? ? ? ? "A Gift For The King Of Glory" will be the text for the Christmas message at the Ledford's Chapel Church on Sunday, December 20, by the Rev. Ellsworth Hartsfield. The regular meeting of the WSCS was held at the parson age for the Ledfords Chapel Church last night. A Christmas program and a Christmas treat will be held at this church Wednesday, Dec. 23, at 7:30 p.m. ? ?? ? ? A team of Pioneers For Christ, a personal witnessing team from Lee College, will be visiting the Hayesvllle Church of God this week. They will be conducting a revival by door to door personal wit nessing and holding services at the church each night. The first service will be held at the Tusquittee Church of God, Friday, Dec. 12, for Hayes ville District Fellow ship meeting. All other ser vices will be at the Hayesvllle Church of God beginning nightly at 7:30 p.m. Every - one is invited to attend. ? ? ? ? ? The Willing Workers of the Tusquittee Church of God gave ? shower for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the par sonage. The Parker home was recently burned. They receiv ed many nice, useful gifts. -CC Mrs. Chub Wilhide andMrs. C. L. Smith visited Mrs. Mag gie Moore and Mrs. Cress Moss Sunday. -cc Rev. Bur line Thomason and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Ledford. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Arvll Ledford and Mrs. Albert Derochie Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Derochie was seriously Injured in an acci dent some time ago. She is still unable to walk. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore and daughters spent Sunday pan. with his perents, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Moore at Tus McGlamery Attends Dinner Meeting HAYESV1LLE - Wiley A." McGlamery, elected to the State House of Represen tatives November 3. recently attended a meeting at Western Carolina College, Cullowhee, where Governor elect Dan K. Moore, the Board of Trustees of Western Carolina College and other members of die House of Representatives and Senate were entertained at a dinner meeting. President Paul Reid cited the needs of an extended build ing program at the college in order to take care of the in crease of college applicants. After the dinner, die repre sentatives held a meeting to discuss the most important needs of the coming legislat ure. The group listed roads, education and finance in the t tai^urjr. McGlamery attended an ler meeting at Lake Logan turday night. Western North rolina will not be forgotten key committee assignments the 1965 General Assembly, . Governor - elect Robert ott and Anson County Rep esentative Pat Taylor pro ised. Scott and Taylor are t next presiding officers of ; State House and- Senate. Scott, who as Lt. Governor 11 preside over the Senate, Id the group that the west n part of the state would ceive fair representation in i assignments. Scott expressed apprecia in for the big majority given m in the western counties the November 3 election, j credited Cherokee County th giving him the largest rcentage majority of any unty in the state. He ree ved an 82% vote in Cherokee >unty. Others from this area who tended included Senator rank Forsyth, Mrs. Mary lye Brumby of Cherokee aunty, and W. V. Cooper of raham County. eiay County Personal Mention Mrs. N??l K itckaat ? Wim IM44II m lll-ttl) Junior Class ro Present Comedy Dec. 10 HAYESVOXE - The Junior :1ass of the Hayes v tile High School will present a three id comedy "TheBig Blowup" in the school auditorium Dec ember 10, at 7:30 p.m. The play is under the direction of Mrs. Hildred Smith. Proceeds ?rill be used for the junior ban* quet. Admission is adults, 50#; children 28$. The cast is as follows: El len parker, landlady, Zandra Eller; Beans Parker, 17 year old boy, Dennis Powell; Katie Lee, typical high school girl, Patricia Mease; Terry King, a detective, Ronnie Beal; Mugsy Morris, a prisoner, in disguise, Bobby Sams; Cora Johnston, Mugsy 's half - sister, Judy Stewart; Me - linda, a lazy maid, Joan Hoff man; Sandra Field, a 19 year old- girl, Dorothy Moore; Douglas Blake, a young lover, Bill Murray; Margaret Rich ards, an heiress in disguise, Dina Moore; Mr. Field, San dra's father, Bill Ledford; and Mrs. Field, Sandra's mother, Barbara Henson. Happy Mountain 4-H Club Meets HAYESVILLE - The Happy Mountain 4-H Club held their December meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patt Miller. Officers elected for 1966 are: Joy Smart, president; Georgia Spurr, Vice-presi dent; Marsha Smart, secre tary and treasurer; Kenny Smart, reporter; Lynn Chambers and Rex Smart, song leaders; Mary Evelyn Spurr, devotional leader; Con nie Murray, pledge leader; Larry Chambers, recreation leader; Ray Chambers, pro gram leader; Ben Spurr, re freshment leader. Following the business meeting the group enjoyed singing Christmas carols. Mrs. Miller served re freshments at the close of the evening. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden of Chattanooga, Tenn., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander. -CC -I*. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Mc Clure and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Horace McOure and Mr. and Mrs. Howard McQure and Brent spent the week end In Atlanta. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Beal spent the past few days visit ing his brother. Frank Hall, in St. Petersburg. Fla., and his sister, Mrs. Hettie Davis in Tallahassee. Florida. -cc Mr. and Mrs. Don Waldroup and Jef. attended funeral ser vices for Mrs. Aster Wald roup in Knoxville, Tenn., Sat urday. -cc Miss Lila Ashe of Atlanta, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mary Lou Ashe. -CC Mr. and Mrs. George Jar rett of Asheville spent the weekend at their home in Clay County. -CC Wayne Spivey returned to his home at Shooting Creek Saturday after spending a week in High Shoals, N. C., with the Cliff Spivey family. -CC Mrs. Peggy Zimmerman spent the Thanksgiving holi days with her daughter Miss Sandy Zimmerman, who is a student at Berea College. She also visited her sister and family, the R. A. Snodens in Miamsburg, Ohio. -CC Douglas Dickerson, who is stationed at Cape Kennedy, Fla., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Dick erson. -CC Harold Ronnie Bracken has enlisted in the U. S. Air Force and is now stationed at Lack land Air Force Base, Texas. -CC The Rock Hound Club met at Brasstown Clubhouse Sat urday with 26 present. New officers were elected for the year. -CC Robert Green of the Brass town section has returned from the Augusta Vetrans Hospital where he had a check up. -CC Miss Jessie Lovin was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sales at Brass town. -cc Mr. and Mrs. HermanEstes have spent the past four weeks at Cherokee Indian Reservation where Mr. Estes has been teaching wood work craft. CC To Elect Conservation Supervisor HAYESVILLE - An election will be held in Clay County on December 15, 1964, to elect one supervisor for the Clay County Soil and Water Conservation District for a three-year term beginning January 1, M. H. Payne, who is chairman of the Clay Soil and Water Conservation Dis trict, announced today. All qualified voters resid ing in the county will be eli gible to vote in this election. Candidates for this owice are M. H. Payne, Warne; Jer ome Smith, Hayes ville. Polling places will be lo cated at: Caldwell's Store, Brasstown; Woodard's Store, Lick Log and Elf; ASC Of fice, Hayes ville; Roy Payne's Store, Pine Log; Clifton Pen land's Store, Shooting Creek; Charlie Hill's Store, Sweet water; Ben Phillips' Store, Tusquittee; and Max Chamb ers' Store, Warne. Jets Club Organized HAYESVILLE - The Jets Club has been organized at the Hayes ville High SchooL The purpose of the club is to assist students who are inter ested in engineering careers. The club is sponsored by R. L. Gifford, instructor at Hayesville High School, and Mac McCall, an electronics technician at Young Harris College/ The officers elected are Rusy Curtis, president; John Moore, vice-president; War ren Woodard, treasurer; Kenny Martin, secretary, and Julia Wheeler, Librarian. The club Is nationally af filiated and will make various trips to observe die work of certain types of engineers. Dan McGlamery, a student at WCC, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley McGlamery. -cc Mrs. Kate S til well and children spent Sunday after noon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swanson. 12 oz Jar 39C Baking Hens Oven Ready 39C lb Smoked Picnics 33t lb Bacon Swl,,', 5 lb B0* SUGAR 5 lb Bag W /Order 49t ^ Gingham Girl In Gingham Print Bagj ALLSWEET FLOUR 25 lb Self Rising 1.89 I MARGARINE All Flavors |C ? ^1?? ROYAL GELATIN 3'?r 29t^? 1 - HAIR SPRAY Dream Set (Reg. 1.38 Size) 88t ^ I Swansdown White, Cake MlXo-Food or Yeilow) 99C 10 oz Jar W /Order $1.29 Windshield (By Simoniz) De-icer Re8FJl;"49< JELLIES & JAMS Pure By Garner 4 Jars 89* Northern TOWELS Jumbo Roll 29* WAX PAPER Cut-Rite 125 ft Roll 27t WASHING POWDERS Trend 2 for 39t Pan Redl SHRIMP Frozen 10 oz Pkg. 59C Pan Real HUSH PUPPY'S (16 oz Pkfl) 39t Sunshine Hydrox COOKIES 43* B&T SUPER MARKE HAYESVIUi. H.C.