ANDREWS ?? mm m PKT96KES Rev. Dowdle Takes Bent Creek Pelpit MARBLE - The Rev. Thad R. Dow die began his duties as pastor of the Bent Creek Bap tist Church this week. He came to AshevlUe from Marble Springs Baptist Church. While at Marble he was vice ? moderator of the Western North Carolina Bap tist Association and had been elected as the new president of the Tri-County Ministerial Association. He is a native of Franklin and is a graduate of New Or leans Baptist Theological Seminary. Mrs. Dowdle is the former Miss Shirley Smith of Clyde. They are residing in the parsonage on Stradley Mountain Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Emis of Erwin, N. C. were weekend guests of their son, Marion Ennis and family. -A Make it a Loverly CHRISTMAS Weekend HOLIDAY at the ATLANTA AMERICANA vi, hctk ? i. SPECIAL PLAN with each double room reservation 2 Tickets to iaDY / starting Dec. 26th SPECIAL HOTEL PLAn }''Ur ANY 2 NIGHTS & 2 DAYS I. ( hou r Includes: 1 NIGHTS ? 2 DAYS PLUS 2 DINNERS LUXURY BREAKFAST LATE CHECKOUT Children Under 12 (same room) % Price 20% Discount to Military Personnel V/li 25 ? rw fttSON (DOUltf occur ANCY) fltfajtf/h <$> im ts Distanc* Calls A tmicom MOTOR HOTEL SPNINS ST. ANO CAHNIOICWAY MUC ODE 404 ? PHONE ?M-MOO TWX 404-S1M3M MURPHY HIGH SCHOOL MAJORETTES lead the annual Andrews Christmas parade down Main Street in Andrews while more than five hundred spectators line the streets to view the floats, bands, and other participants. Over 5GG View Andrews Christmas Parade ANDREWS - More than 600 persons viewed the annual Christmas parade on Thurs day afternoon, Dec. 10, at 4:00 p.m. Year after year the young and old gather on the gayle decorated main street where the signs of Christmas are very much with them. Every where there's the hustle and bustle of the arrival of Santa Claus, followed by floats, bands, and horseback riders. Nearby town of Murphy and Robbinsville add to the suc cess of the parade by their participation. This year's parade was led by the Murphy Band and their majorettes, followed by the Junior Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Cadette Troop 217 and Andrews High School cheer leaders. The Annual Queen, Celia Wakefield, and Regina Rax ter, the Christmas Queen, were special entrants. The Western Auto float was followed by a real clown whose expert riding on a bicycle brought much cheer to the children. Other floats included the Youth Fellowship, combined with Methodist and Presby terian boys and girls, Brown ie Troop 210., Davis Drug Store, Murphy and Cherokee County Rescue Squads, And- " rews F ire Department, and the First Baptist Church float, depicting a minature church with a nativity scene on the lawn. Robbinsville and Andrews : bands joined together in play ing "Jingle Bells" during the parade. On came Berk shire, Reece Motors, and a wagon loaded with children, Nichols Department Store, and Jabaleys. Then came Mike Orr, riding his tricycle, and displaying the Christmas spirit throughout the parade, keeping just ahead of Santa. Ennis Hardware and Boring Chevrolet preceded a buggy driven by Gary Higdcil and five horseback riders. Santa, heavily loaded with candy for all, made many pro mises to good boys and girls. Eastern Star Has Christmas Party ANDREWS - The annual Eastern Star Christmas party was held on Monday night at the Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. Decorations included a large Christmas tree. The twenty - eight p^issent exchanged gifts. Refreshments of fruit cake and coffee were served. BEST WISHES to TEXTURED YARN CO., INC. The Addition To Your Plant Is A Fine Addition To Our Town ' Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Murphy, N. C. Andrews Rotations To Sponsor Torkey Shoot ANDREWS - The Andrews Rotary Club will sponsor their annual Christmas turkey shoot this Saturday, Decem ber 19, at the Andrews Airport. The event will start at 9:30 and continue until 4:00 p.m. All ammunition will be fur nished and dressed turkeys will be given as awards. -A Mr. and Mrs. T.Robert Hay of Greensobor announce the birth of a daughter, Holly De Jarnette, 8 pounds and 8 oun ces in Moses Cone Hospital, November 29. Mrs. Hay is the former Elizabeth De Jarnette of Princeton, W. Va. Mr. Hay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hay of Andrews. Cherokee Scout & Clay County Progress, Thurs. Dec. 17, 1964 JERRY ALLISON was taken on a pleasure trip when he "turned to Nantahala High School for a basketball game riday, December 4. . , Transportation was by ambulance, curtesy of Ivie Funeral Home. With Jerry is (L-R) Hu ert Walker, Mrs. Brenda Reece, and Thad May. Christmas Has Special Meaning For Jerry Allison By Lucy Laughter ANDREWS - Christmas takes on a special meaning this year for Jerry Allison. Jerry is a victim of cancer. Although he has spent much time in hospitals undergoing treatment since 1961, he has kept a cheerful outlook and al ways gives his visitors ad miration for his courage and understanding heart. Jerry, a graduate of Nantahala High School, is the first and only boy to be valedictorian of a graduating class at Nantahala. He play ed basketball three years and was manager of the team his senior year. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Odeen Alli son, and he has two brothers, Terry, 16 and Randy 9. His sister, Sandy, 14, is playing basketball this year for Nanta hala. This past week Jerry was taken on a pleasure trip, when he returned to Nantahala High School for a bsketball game. Sandy was one of the particular reasons that Jerry wanted to go to the game, as she was playing on the girl's team. Transportation from And rews District Memorial Hos pital where he is presently a patient, was by ambulance, courtesy of I vie Funeral Home. Hubert Walker, Mrs. Brenda Reece, a nurse who used her day off to care for Jerry at the game, and Thad May, accompanied him on the trip. Jerry's illness has made him realize that the joys of Christmas comes to men with love-filled souls. His experience has impres sed him with the fact that Christ's life makes a differ ence and he never fails to witness for Him. Christinas should always make a dif erence. It is a time for joyful sharing and that Is Jerry Allisons' daily life- - - The Christmas portions of Handel's "Messiah", will be given on Sunday evening Dec ember 20, at 7:30 p.m. by the special Christina* Choir at the First Methodist Church. -A Nathan Hall, a former mayor of Andrews and a one time member of the Andrews Masonic Lodge, died at the age of 100 Tuesday at his home following a period of declining health. Services were held in Lowedale Baptist Church in Sylva and burial was in Hill District 3 Of Nurses Assn. Elects Officers For 1965 ANDREWS - A general meeting o f District 23 of die North Carolina State Nurses Association was held at the Dining room of the District Memorial Hospital in Andrews Wednesday, December 9, at 3:30 p.m. Seven members and ten guests attended. The meeting was called to order by President Gertrude Newman. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Secre tary Martha Allison, and ac cepted as read. The treasur er's report was given by Sis ter Rachel of Hayesville. Reports of the North Car olina State Nurses Associa tion Convention held in Char lotte October 20-23, were given by Sister Rachel and Lodie C. Etheridge, delegates to the convention. Nomination and election of officers followed, with the new slate of officers for 1965 as follows: President, Mrs. Lodie C. Etheridge, Andrews; Vice - President, Mrs. Gladys M. Altland, Suit: Secretary, Miss Madge Branson, Sylva; Treas urer, Sister Rachel, Hayes ville: members at large, Mrs. Gertrude Newman, Bryson City and Mrs. Martha Alli son, Bryson City. It was voted to hold meet ings the third Wednesday of each month at 3:3? p.m. The next general meeting will be held in Andrews January 20, at 3:30 p.m. Following adjournment of the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Altland, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Perry and the Dietitians of the District Memorial Hospital. The din ing room was decorated with holly and nandina by Mrs. Herb Sheidy. W. G. Lail of New Elling ton, S. C. spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. G. E. Lail. On Sunday Mrs. Frank Forsyth visited them during the day. -A Dillard Blotk Co. of Sylvo , N.C. Takes Ploasere in Annoencing That Their New Felly AetOMttted Concrete Block Plaat At Sylva Is Now In Fell Operation. They Are Prodeclng Both Standard Weight and Ugh! Weight Blocks Of All Siios. Call 586-40 Call 586-4966 - Sylva, for prices sharing his personality and his God. BIG SAVINGS WEINERS 3 lbs 79? PICNICS 39t lb iOOOD ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CANDY ' ?GIFT /TIMS -NUTS -TREE DECORATIONS & ETC \ BACON lb PEACHES APPLES 5 lb Bag 39t ?? ORANGES 5 lb Bag 59* Chicken of The Sea TUNA Skinner* Slim SPAGETTI 29t Can 7 oz 2 for m Whipped Blue Bonnet MARGARINE 33C ? SILVER DUST W/Jglce Glass Reg. 3K 80 Ct. Northern NAPKINS 2 lor 25< HI Ho CRACKERS By Sunshine 37* PEACHTREE FARM & HOME SUPPLY ront Of P?ochtr? School Phont 837^8227

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