PROGRESS Voliane V Number 46 June 3, 1965 14 Pages This Week Pwbliah*4 W??klr ? Claa*,. Paid mi Murphy 1 '* Photo by Scout Studio FORESTERS DISCUSS facilities of the Jack Rabbit Campground with Congressman Roy A. Taylor at the dedication ceremonies Sunday. (L to R) James K. Vessey, Regional Forester of the Eleven Southern States; Congressman Taylor; Peter J. Hanlon, Supervisor of North Carolina National Forest; and Bunch A. Nugent, Tusguittee District Forest Ranger. Rep. Taylor Speaks At Campground Dedication HAYESVILLE - "I have been Impressed by the Clay County Development Pro gram. It Is one of the best in the area and I know that you are pleased with the de velopment of the Jack Rabbit Recreation Area here in one of the most beautiful sections of the Namahala National F or est," said Congressman Roy A. Taylor here Sunday as he spoke at the dedication of the new Jack Rabbit Mountain Re creation Campground. Perfect weather greeted Congressman Taylor as he arrived here for the cere mony, and some 500 persons were at the campground to hear his speech. Thomas C. Day, Chairman of the Clay County Planning Board, was master of cere 'Rambling Jh Clay' By: Mrs. Neal R. Kitchens I was talking to Mr. Edgar C. Grove one of our NEW COMERS to day County this - we?r~ nr Ts feHawiy?tf Miami, Fla. and is building a new year round home on the Wildlife Access Road near Ledfords Chapel, overlooking Lake Chatuge. I was telling him all about the beautiful Scenery in Clay County and I said "To me there is no place as pretty". He said "Do you want me to tell you a prettier place?" 1 stopped, kinda taken aback andhe star ted laughing. He said "Well f there ain't and put emphasis on the ain't. He continued "I have been all over North Carolina looking for a place for the past IS years, and 1 have found my UTOPIA here in Clay County, it has every thing I have ever hoped and dreamed of". Mr. Grove is a retired postal employee of Miami. One of the prettiest sights Iv'e seen is the red rambler rose that has twined itself almost to the top of the big white pine tree at the Horace Garrison home. Perfect cor sages could be picked from the limbs with the greenery already supplied. Speaking of roses aren't the ones in front of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colemans place just out of this world Every one who passes enjoys them and their sweet fragrance. Talk about someone with a green thumb, It's Mrs. Odell Shook (Gladys). Their whole place is a flame with flowers. The one spot I paticularly enjoy is the gorgeous petunias she planted down at the new U. S. Poet Office. Bet you didn't know that Gladys was the one who bought the plants furnished the rich dirt and chicken litter and then planted them. Martha Hoyle a post office employee helped to set them out. According to Gladys she had bought red, white and blue petunias to plant under the flag) but they turned out to be red, orchid and purple. Well they are simply beautiful and I fed that others share my feelings in saying "Thank You Qadys". Mrs. Shook is always putting bouquets of fresh dowers at the poet office and other business places for people to anjoy. * You know AustelU Miller pointed out something to me the other day that I was not aware of myself. She asked me II I wasn't more observant since I had been doing this Rambling column. After think ing about I realised this was quite true and that I get so much more out of life, because unconsciously 1 had become accustomed to looking at life more closely. Guaes many share my ex perience in navmg tne tele phone ring at the most in opportune times. Seems that I never fail to hear it when I am out side hanging clothes. l?st wSSk after I got hOtHC from work I had walked down to the mail box to take a close look at our petunia bed. The phone started ringing no sooner than I got down there. Seems the thing has a way of ringing louder and louder. I started up the steep concrete drive fast as I could, ran onto the front porch, gave the screen a yank, forgetting that I had left it hooked that morning when I went to work. 1 bounded round the house to the side entrance and started down the hall fast as I could. Hit a scatter rug and almost went down, but grabbed both sides of the hall and righted myself, just as I rounded the corner to the living room, I hit an other scatter rug (phone ringing all the time) and this time I went into a skid and landed just four paces short of the phone - you guessed it that phone became as silent as little boy caught invading the cookie jar. Now I'll get down to the business side of life - like addressing and mailing a tho usand "second tax notices" to all unpaid tax payers. ????????? Couldn't help but be amused at the typing error in last weeks edition. I had writted "The camp sights at Jack Rabbit are nestled among the majestic Oaks". It came out in the paper "The camp lights at Jack Rabbit are nestled among the majestic Coaks". Oh! Well. Mrs. LUlle Price of theOak Forest section spent last week with Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Price. -cc Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pen land and Da rid of Greenville, S. C. spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Penland at Oak Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Penland have both been ill for some time. They are doing very well at the present time. -CC Mrs. Penley LedfordofBell Creek and Mrs. French Cabe spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burch. -cc Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ledford, Sheila, Sharon and Mellisa attended the graduation of Mr. and Mrs. Ledfords son Rich ard Gene Ledford at Fort Jackson, S. C. last weekend. They also visited points of Interest in Columbia, S. C. They had to cancel plans for Myrtle Beach, S. C. due to rain. Richard returned home with them and will go to Ft. Knox, Ky. for advanced traln tng in the Armored Division after spending a 14 day furlough in Hayes villa. monies for the event and in troduced Congressman Tay lor. The new recreation area was developed by the U. S. Forest Service under the Acc elerated Public Works Pro gram. Facilities include 50 camping sites with table, fireplaces, garbage container, tent platforms and modern water and sanitary facilities with another 50 units to be completed by August 1 of this year. A fishing and boating access area has been con structed by the North Caro ina Wildlife Resources Commission. Mr. J. K. Vessey, Region al Forester of the eleven southern states, who was on hand for the ccremonies* spoke briefly, expressing his thanks to the people of this area for their patience about the completion of the area. "This ceremony Is a living symbol of the benefits result ing from an active partnership between local people and a government which responds to the expressed needs of the people," Mr. Vessey said. Other guests at the cere mony included Congressman Taylor's assistant, Tom Mal lonee of Asheville, Peter J. Hanlon, N. C. Forest Super visor, Bunch Nugent, Tusquit tee District Ranger, Senator W. Frank Forsyth of Murphy, Andrews Mayor Percy B. Ferebee, Clay County Repres entative Wiley A. McGlamery and Rev. G. W. Dalton who delivered the invocation. Killian To later WNC HAYESVILLE - Frank ' Killian Jr. Civics teacher at Hayesvllle High School, will attend the Institute of Civic Education held at die Univ ersity of N. C. beginning July - 4. Killian, son of Or. and Mrs. Frank Killian of Franklin, has ? taught In the Hayesvllle School | for the past year and a half. 1 His major is Social Studies. 1 He received his A. B. Degree J from the University of Georgia and is doing further study in , Education courses at Western < Carolina College -CC Mr. and Mrs. Gorman Kitchens of the Old Shooting Creek community have four [ granddaughters who are stud ents at HayesVllle High School. \ Diana Scroggs Berrong a Sen ior graduates tonight; Mary Jane Kitchens Is in the II grade, Phyllis Ann Scroggs is In the 10 grade and Carol Ann Kitchens in In the# grade. J oweri MRS. GEORGE BERRONG HAYESV1LLE - Mrs. George Berrong the former Miss Diana Scroggs. a recent bride was honored with a shower Saturday night. Mrs. Walter Scroggs of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Henry Martin and Mrs Cloe Kitchens were co- hos tesses at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scroggs in Hayes ville. Spring flowers were used as decorations. The serving table was over laid with a white lace cloth. The punch bowl was surroun ded with greenery and red rambler roses, tall white candles completed the table decorations. Refreshments of white bridal cakes decorated with pink roses, home made vanilla and strawberry ice cream and punch were served to approximately 45 guests who attended. MISS BILL ROGERS HAYESVILLE - Mrs. R. L. McGlamery, Mrs. Scott Beal, Mrs. Wallace Crawford, Mrs. Greeley Palmer and Mrs. Kil lian Carter were co-hostesses at the McGlamery home F riday night at a shower hon oring Mrs. Bill Rogers. Mrs. Rogers is the former Miss Gail Palmer and a recent bride. She was presented with a corsage of roses. Mrs. Wallace Crawford was in charge of thegamesession. Arrangements of roses and delphinium were used throu ghout the house. The serving table was overlaid with a white lace cloth over linen. The punch bowl was surrounded by greenery and flowers in shaded pinks and an arran gement of roses completed the table decorations. A color scheme of pink and white was used. Refreshments of individual bridal mints and punch were se rved to approx imately 35 guests McGlamery Elected 2nd Vice President HAYESVILLE - Dan Mc" Glamery, a rising Junior at Western Carolina College, has been elected 2 vice president of the Young Democrats Club. He Is also the circulating man ager of the College Democrat a State magazine published at Western Carolina College. McGlamery, majorta* In Business Adminstration, is a member of the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity which is a service ffratemity He will spend the Summer months with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wiley A. Mc Glamery. His father is a mem ber of the House of Repres entatives from Clay County. Eighth Grade Visits Lake WinnepesauKah HAYESVILLE - The 8 grade of Shooting Creek School from Hayes ville, North Carolina made their annual trip to Lake Wlmepesaukah Tuesday. May 26. Those In charge of the group were Mr. Bobby Burch and Carl Lyvers. Enjoying the outing to the amusement P?rk *** 1 1 Tommy Moore . David Mass. Johnny Hogsed, Newc^, V?" ford, Gary Rogers, Robert Deweese, Janie Patterson, leneal Burch.Bemie Bradley, Delores Hooper, Sandra Wigg ins, Margaret DeHart, Ber rice Money. Jay Woody and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. And arson andMr. and Mrs. KllUw Carter arxi .on wer e the ? guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kuberry last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tommy HU1 and grandchildren G?ry Re agent rule, Tem. ape* Hid with relatives In CUy Mr. and ?*? JtoTL^" droup and children of Wood Crawford Aifcerry- | Paving To Begin In Clay County HAYESVILLE - According to Wiley A. McGlamery, Clay County Representative, app roximately one mile of the Cold Branch Road has been set up at the present time for regrading and paving. McGlamery said the right of-ways have been obtained and construction and paving of 6 miles of the Pine Log Road is now ready to get under way. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woody spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aud Woody at Shooting Creek. -cc Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woody and children spent Saturday night with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry in Franklin. -cc Clay County Personal Mention* ^ * Mr. N..I KiUk?H . PkM* IM-MIl ? lll ltlt n ya yem en t HAYESV1LLE - Mr. and Mrs. Cline Ledford announce the engagement of their dau ghter Elizabeth to Tommy Paul Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore of Young Harris, Ga. Miss Ledford is a Senior at HayesvWe High School. Mr. Moore is a graduate of North Georgia Technical School, darksvllle, Ga. He is now employed with Scientific - Atlanta Inc. in Doraville, Ga. The wedding is planned for July 3. 7 From Clay Receive Degrees From WCC HAYESVTLLE - Clay County had seven wbo received their degrees from Western Carol ina College May 23. Tommie Alexander, Frank Galloway, Johnny Martin and Charles E. Reece received their B. S. Degrees in Business Admin istration. Miss Elizabeth Gar rison and Miss Vivian Patton received their B. S. Degrees in Education and Mrs. Charles E. Reece received her Degree in Biological Science. The USS Parsons has re turned to the state recently after an eight month cruise in the Western Pacific with the 7 Fleet. Phillip Ledford son of Mr. and Mrs. Odls Ledford of Clay was aboard this ship. While in the Far East the Parsons earned the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for her Vietnam service which included spending 43 consec utie days patrolling off the coast of Vietnam. -cc Decoration services were held at the Sweetwater Meth odist church last Sunday. A large crowd attended. New pews were recently installed in the church. The members Church News HAYESVILLE- On June 6 (this Sunday) Or. R. E. Mc Clure, executive -secretary of Asheville Presbytery will de Mver the sermon and sacra ment of communion. Or. McClure is well and affectionately known to the Presbyterian congregation In Hayes ville and has many friends among other faiths throughout Clay County. Dur ing his service as executive secretary of the Presbytery over twenty years, he has preached many times In the Hayes ville Church. A spec ial invitation is extended to all to hear Or. McClure'? message. On June 13, Mr. David Rus sell of Waynes ville will begin his ministry of the Hayes ville Church and he and Mrs. Rus sell will occupy the Presby terian manse. Mr. Russell succeeds Mr. Sam Austin, who goes Into Presbyterian summer camp work and will return to Col umbia Theological Seminary in late summer to complete his preparation for the mini stry. of this church appreciate all the assistance and contribut ions made at this new church. -CC RIB STEAK 79< lb 1 SIRLOIN STEAK SB 89( lb CHUCK STEAK 49* lb BALSAM BOLOGNA ? 25* lb CURED HAM Boneless Slices 1.59 lb LUZIANNE COFFEE 99* CRISCO 3 lb Tln 79t Swifts Silverleaf PURE LARD 4",ctn- 69t Infants Formula SMA Case of 24 6.39 Woodbury Lotion SHAMPOO Reg. 1.00 Size Lustre Creme Reg 98c HAH SPRAY s... Ht GELATIN DESSERTS Royal OO A 5 pkgs Iriy FAB DETERGENT Giant Size 69* pint JURGEN'S SOAP B?* 10* LYSOl SPRAY 7 oz 79( W ide Mouth Jar 3 lb 1.15 2 lb Tin $1.49 McCormlck TEA BAGS 48 Count 59* Libbys POTTED MEAT 3 for m Scottkins NAPKINS 2 for 33t Reynolds Aluninum FOIL 25ft. 27( Nabisco Oreo CREAM SANDWICH! 16 oz Bag 45$ L Ibbyt VIENNA SAUSAGE 2,or 35(