Morrow To Hood Boy Scoot Drivo ANDREWS - Joe Morrow, Vocation*! Agriculture tea cher at Andrews High School, will head the annual Boy Scout drive. He will be assisted by Olen Stratton a id Supt. Charles O. Frazler. Mr. Morrow has announced the drive will be conducted on die night at November IS and that all citizens are urged to contribute to the work of Scouting In Andrews and in the area served by the Daniel Boone Council. Volunteer workers will be organized this week. Personal calls will be made at resid ences and places of business for the collection of contri butions. Mr. and Mrs. W 1111a And erson who are employed In Ashevllle spent die week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Thompson. -A Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beck, Morris town, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilliam of Bulls Gap, Tenn., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Luther. Cherokee Scout & CUy County Progress, Thurs. Nov. 11,1966 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Holland and sons of Atlanta were week end guests of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flowers. -A Out of town relatives atten ding the funeral service for James B. Brown, Nov. 2, were Mr. and Mrs. Wade Derre berry, Charleston, Vs.; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Derre - berry, Charleston, West Va., Mrs. (Catherine Smith,Saluda, S.C.; Mrs. Evelyn Beck, Was hington Court House, Ohio, Mr. and.Mrs. Bill Der reberry also of Washington Court House. Skriaers To Moot l> Brysoo City ANDREWS - W. D. Whit aker, member of Oasis Temple Divtn, announces a Smoky Mountain Shrine Clii> meeting at the Oconee Lodge Dining Room, Bryson City, on Wednesday evening, Nov ember 17 at 7:30 p.m. Officers and directors extend a cordial invitation to all new Nobles to this meet ing as guests of the club. West Is Member Of Yernician Society BOONE - Forty-four coeds are members of theVernician Society at Appalachian State Teachers College for the 1966 1966 school year. The purpose of the Vernician Society is to broaden the outlook of the , student through intellectual endeavor, cultural growth, social fellowship and comm unity service. All the members of this select organization are nom inated and elected by the old members, and are women stu dents at ASTC. Members of the Society are chosen for lead ership, scholarship, and per sonal attributes which are of the highest standards for young women. The major projects of the Society are sponsoring a pro gram quarterly at Grandfather Home in Banner Elk, a Home coming float or project, and giving a May Day Tea for the court and their guests. Member of the Society from Cherokee County is Clarice West, daughter of V. F. West of Marble. Clab News Rondvp ANDREWS - The Valley River Garden Club trill meet Thursday (today) at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Roy Berry. Mrs. Jerry Davison of Mur phy trill present a program on the "Use of Candles in Rel igious Worship". All members are urged to attend this meeting. The Andrews Rotary Club has announced that its annual Thanksgiving turkey shot trill be held at the Andrews Air port on Saturday November 20 with the shooting beginning at 9:30 a.m. and continuing thr oughout the day. The club will furnish free ammunition. Each winner trill receive a certificate exchan geable for a dressed turkey. Proceeds from the project will be used for a community Christmas Cheer fund. Olen Stratton and Joe Morrow are project chair men. The Komeheeta Club will meet Tuesday, November 16 at the Methodist Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m. A council meet ing will precede the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. The Arts and Crafts comm ittee will have charge of the program. Mrs. Anna Winfrey Returns From Tour ANDREWS * Mrs. Anna Winfrey returned on Saturday night from a tour of Mexico and Texas. She traveled by plane from Atlanta to El Paso, Texas where she met her son Sgt. Dwain Winfrey, who with a unit of 100 boys from 5th Missile Battalion from Baumholder, Germany had been sent on special mi ssile mission to El Paso. Mrs. Winfrey and Sgt. Win frey visited many scenic places spending the day Fri day in Juarez, Mexico. Both bought many gifts and souv enirs including rugs, blankets scarfs, pottery and jewelry. On Saturday, Sgt. Winfrey s unit returned to Germany where he and his family will be stationed for two more years. He is married to the former Miss Jean Bristol of Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Christy and family of Asheville spent week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Christy and the Harold Chrlstys. -A Mlss Sue Nichols who Is em ployed in Asheville visited her parents during the week end. -A Mrs. Cover Hosts Morphy BtPW Clob ANDREWS - Mrs. Lillie M?e Cover wss hostess to the Murphy B4PW Club st her home on Mondsy st 6:30 pun. Members knowing It was the birthday of the hostess pre sented her an arrangement of red roses, rose bud corsage and a large birthday cake. The dining table was cen tered with an arrangement of pink and white carnations, a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney Orr and Marshall Orr. A turkey dinner was served to the group preceding the bus iness session. Mrs. Carrie Davis, pres ident, presided. She read a letter from Rep. Roy A. Taylor concerning his assis tance in helping to bring rel atives of Inez Blay to the states. It was voted to give $10.00 to fund for restoration of Har shaw Chapel. Mrs. Mary Faye Brumby presented the program on Happenings in the Legislature naming Bills introduced by Representatives, many of them concerning the rights of women. Mrs. Delilah Williams was welcomed as a guest. Mrs. Eloise Chadwick and Mrs. Lucy Laughter were welco med as new members. Other members present included - Ruth D. Cheney, Edythe Ivie, Juanita Weaver, El via Blake more, Bonnie Kimsey, Char lene Thomas, Mary Cathron Sneed, Eula Mae Allen, Esther Hyatt, Barbara Tipton, Vir ginia Mills, Helen Bryson, Mary Jordan, Joyce Nuimeley, Nell White, Jane Lovingood, Patsy Sudderth, Mary Helen Hatchett and Gwyn King. The Christmas party was scheduled for December 13, to be held at Milton Hotel in Blairsville, Ga. America, Land Of The Free And Home Of The Brave By: Dee Whitt Sharp ANDREWS - 1 am proud to be an American Citizen, and to live in this great Country of America. Why? Because at a time when Communism is trying to take over the world, to rule with an iron hand their own ideas and notions. It is also a time when we should be putting Into use the Christian ideas and principles upon which our forefathers founded America. Do we really care about our American Heritage and Free dom? First, let us take a look at the situation as it exists here at home. We ride through town after town here in Western North Carolina and never see the American Flag or the State Flag rippling in the breeze, except at the U.S. Post Offices and Federal Buildings. (There is one flag at the Primary School Building at Andrews.) What about our high schools, city halls, industrial and man ufacturing plants, and local government buildings that do not display the flag? Is it that they do not have a flag pole or flag? Is it indifference? Is it that they have never given it a thought? Or is it that they just don't care? To me, there is nothing any more beautiful and patriotic than to see the National and State Flags rippling against the blue sky, as a colorful symbol of liberty, freedom, justice, and glory. I shall always remember when I was in the seventh grade at the Andrews Elem entary School, about sitting in the classroom during World War II, and watch Old Glory as she would wave back and forth in the breeze at the Teas Extract Company. Then too, I recently talked with several high school stud ents from Andrews, and asked if they ever said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in high school? "I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,One Nation under God, Indivisible, with De Whltt Sharp Liberty and Justice for All." The answer I received was no. I asked, do you ever sing America, The Star Spangled Banner, or any of the other Patriotic Songs in high school? Again, came the answer, no. One other question I asked, was, Do you have the American Flag on display in any of your classrooms or in asse mbly? Answer was, that there was one, and it was in the vocational agriculture class room. This was indeed a surprise and a great shock to me, so I questioned some of the elem entary school teachers as to whether they did this in the lower grades. The answer they gave was that they never did hold assembly, and it was up to each individual teacher to teach about the flag and Am erican Patriotism. Is this same thing happen ing in all our schools and colleges across the country? Have the schools forgotten what Patriotism is, and what it means to the youth of our country? After all, they will be our future leaders. If this be true, is there any wonder that America, this great country of ours is falling apart. That college students are burning their draft cards, and that anti-war marchers, demonstrations, and racial violence is everywhere. Th ough these youth may be in a minority group, they are still helping to tear down the mor ality, ideas and principles upon which this country was founded. "THE AMERICAN CREED'* I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people.; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation ofmanysov erign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable ; estab lished upon thoseprinciples of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitition; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies. Abraham Lincoln said in his famous Gettysburg Address, that this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Each American Citizen, be he or she, great or small, young or old, and especially veterans should be interested in our American Heritage. We should be proud of our fore fathers who founded America and for theChristian ideas and principles in which they belei ved. Service men have always fought, bled, and given their lives around the Globe for the cause of American Freedom. For this same cause, our armed forces are fighting in Viet Nam, giving up their home land, their homes, fam ilies and friends for you and me. Do you appreciate what they are doing? Let us not forget, it is al ways possible that our Free dom too, can be lost. Comm unism is on a steady march to weaken, divide, and des troy America. Therefore, I challenge you as an individual, each and every school and church across America to help spark the fire of Patriotism, to help keep alive the Christian Ideas and Principles upon which this Country was founded, and to help boost the morality of our Armed Forces in Viet Nam, and around the World by help ing to keep Old Glory waving. Newell Hardin and Lee Sims of Gastonla are spending sev eral days hunting near here. -A Mrs. Loren Wise recently visited her grandnother Mrs. EUie McDonald at Bolliiq; Sp rings. -A It's another girl for Sgt. and Mrs. Tommy Brauer of Mary Ester, Fla., who am wnnraiHBirc ANDREWS - The Ruth Bag well Circle met in the ladies parlor of the First Baptist Church Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Hank Reid was hos tess, Mrs. Carl West co-hos tess. Mrs. Iris Adams, Chm., presided. During the business session the group decided for community missions to give a food basket for a needy family at Thanksgiving. Also to pur chase 15 song books for Jr. 1 Dept. of Sunday School. The program, "My Church - Hearing and Obeying" was pr esented by Mrs. AnnleStover, program chm., with all mem bers present participating. It was decided to have Christmas meeting and pot luck supper on December 9 at the home of Mrs. Carl West. Attending were Mrs. Ray Frye, Mrs. Carl West, Mrs. Helen Wright, Mrs. Iris Adams. Mrs. Eva Wood, Mrs. Annie Stover, and Mrs. Jack Long. ANDREWS - Members of Wesley an Service Guild and WSCS of First Methodist Ch urch met at the Fellowship Hall Monday at 7 p.m. for the first session of the 1965-66 mission study. Mrs. C.S. Freel, chairman of Missionary Education pre sented the review of the study course "Acts Then and Now" written by Harvey H. Putt hoff. Her program included showing of slides of the Holy Lands and visual aids of maps and charts. The devotional was given by Mrs. S. J. Gernert, followed by group singing "Jesue Shall Reign". .Mrs. Roy Williams gave the prayer. Refreshments were served to the 10 present. Circle I of Woman's Soc iety of Christain Service of the First Methodist Church met at the Fellowship Hall Wednesday at 3 p.m. Mrs. Paul Jordan, president pre sided. The devotional was given by Mrs. Pauline Matheson. Mrs. John Christy pre sented the program "Do Something". She was assisted by Mrs. Eda Belle Holland reading scripture Matthew 25, verses 34-40. Mrs. S. J. Ger nert sang "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee." It was announced that a general meeting, uniting circles and Guild members would be held December 7 at the Fellowship Hall with Rev. Arthur Je Pearce as speaker. Mrs. Pauline Matheson re ported sending Upper Rooms to college students. Mrs. C.S. Freel announced she would give a study on Book of Acts Monday at 7 p.m. at the Fe llowship Hall. Those attending were Mrs. John Whisenhunt, Mrs. S. J. Gernert, Mrs. Edna Belle Gernert, Mrs. Edna Belle HoUand, Mrs. Minta Wood, Mrs. C. S. Freel, Mrs. John Christy. Mrs . Arthur Pearce, Mrs. Lucy Laughter, Mrs. Pauline Matheson, and Mrs. Jordan who gave the closing prayer. Andrews Students Help Blood mob lie ANDREWS - Miss Dianne Barlow, Kathy May, and Jody Reed were volunteer assis tants during the visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile in Andrews on November 3. Miss Barlow reports that the bloodmobile collected 89 pints of blood on this trip. This is the most that has been collected on any one trip in recent years. Card Of Thaaks We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and apprec iation to our many friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, beautiful flowers, food and words of sympathy during the death of our beloved husband, father, and step-father, James B. Brown. Special thanks to Rev. Harold Anderson and Rev. Robert Barker for their consoling words and to Ivie Funeral Home for their sple ndid service. To each and everyone, may God bless you and we will never forget you. Mrs. James B. Brown and family. 16-ltp ounce ? new arrival Nov. 2 at Elgin AFB Hospital. Deb orah Yvonne is the new baby's name, and she has a three year old sister, Susan Mar garet. Gram^arents are the Hermann Brauers and great gramftnother is Mrs. W. T. Forsyth. Mrs. Brauer left Sat urday to see new granddaugh ter and visit the family who will be leaving early in Dec ember for Travis AFB, San Francisco to fly to Hawaii for a three year say. Girl Scout Leaders Hold Fall Meeting ANDREWS - The fall Hia was see Neighborhood meet ing of Girl Scout leaders was held at the Methodist Fellow ship Hall Wednesday, beginn ing at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Bertha Buff, executive director of Pisgah Girl Scout Council was present for the meeting. Mrs. Margaret Warner, ch airman of Hiawassee Neighbo rhood Council, presided. "Girl Scouting - A Promise in Action." which has been the theme during this trlemium, will be carried out during 1966 by nationwide projects, allow ing each troop to choose its own project. The Cookie Sale, scheduled for February 11-26 hopes for a national average of 36 boxes per girl in 1966. Mrs. John S. Rodda has been named Cookie Chairman for And rews. Neighborhood delegates to the annual Business Meeting of Pisgah Council to be held January 25, include Mrs. Mar garet Warner, Mrs. RuthSpr ung, Mrs. Dotsle Carringer, Mrs. Betty Wood. Alternates are Mrs. Rose Reed and Mrs. *line Burch. nominees for delegates to the National Council Meeting which takes place in October 1966, Detroit, Michigan, were Mrs. Margaret Warner and Mrs. Ruth Sprung. Mrs. Gladys Holland gave a report on Brownie Fund Day recently held at the Fplk Sch ool with 20 Brownies attend ing, enjoying games and folk dancing. Mrs. Wanda Edwards dis cussed the Camping program in Pisgah Council. She also reported a workshop held on Monday with a toatl of 75 girls attending. Andrews Jr. Troop, Texanna and Peach tree troops were among those present. Mrs. Ben Warner, Sr. and Mrs. Bess Alverson taught crafts to the group and displayed finished articles to the Scouts. A discussion was held on Awards and Recoginition, Trust Fund Brochures and church bulletins for Girl Scout Sunday, March 6,1966. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Eva Wood, Mrs. Betty Wood, Mrs. Rose Reed, Mrs. Ruth Sprung, Mrs. Wanda Ed wards, Mrs. Dotsie Carr inger, Mrs. Aline Burch, Mrs. Gladys Holland, Mrs. Mar garet Warner, Mrs. Bertha Buff, Mrs. Lucy Laughter. Clyde W. Rector Distinguished Military Student ANDREWS - Cadet Clyde W. Rector, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rector, Andrews, was named a Distinguished Military Student of the Army's Reserve Officer Training Corps during ceremonies at Furman University, Green - ville, S. C., Oct. 18. Rector, a senior at the uni versity, scheduled to receive his bachelor's degree at the end of the 1965-66 school year, was chosen for his high acad emic standing, outstanding leadership abilities and know ledge of military protocol. The award entitles Rector to apply for a Regular Army co mmission following grad uation from the university. He was graduated in 1962 from Andrews High School. His wife, Carol, lives in Greenville, S.C. Back from a two months visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe S Je and son Pat, is Mrs. Kate Hampton. The Suttles accompanied her back to Win ston Salem, there she was met by Mrs. Woody Hampton and daughter Barbara who brought her home following a visit with them at their home in Sylva. -A Mr. and Mrs. B.R. Spears of Asheville are spending sev eral weeks with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gray. -A Mr. Frank Marr is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Sammoas in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Sammoas plans to spend Thanksgiving with her parents in Andrews. S5 Western Auto MURPHY, N. C. ^ _ *???r ,\ ft First, you get a free Bonus from us with the purchase of your electric clothes dryer. But that is just the beginning. You get dozens of "bonuses" from using your dryer. Bonus?you can dry clothes in any weather. Bonus?this keeps down colds and sniffles from hanging up and taking down clothes in outside wintry weather. Bonus?your clothes are softer and fluffier?have fewer wrinkles. Bonus?your clothes aren't torn by the wind ... aren't faded by the sun. See your appliance dealer today. SPECIAL BONUS OFFERS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WASHER. .$10 ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER $15 ELECTRIC WATER HEATER $20 MURPHY ELECTRIC POWER BOARD v^iwi rnwoc unwn|. Economical way to bMp out du?t ud draft*. 11 (Ota ?a Mr. MaM la..... ..Ha K3S?l WESTERN AUTO Murphy, NX.