"How's Business" And 2 Years Later A F I Opens During November of 1963, Percy B. Ferebee, Mayor of Andrews, ashed an old flrned at Cherokee Furniture Com pany In Brvson City. "How's Business?" Two years and a lot of hard work have passed but the dreams of many have been fulfilled. The multimlllion dollar plant of Andrews Fur niture Industries Inc. opened this week for limited produc tion. The reply to Mayor Fere bee s question. "How's Bus iness ' was, "Too good, we can t make enough furniture for the demand." "Then why don't you build another factory?*' asked Ferebee. "Sayl How about putting one up on the old core plant site in Andrews 1 once showed you?*' Between old friends, it made no difference that the core plant had ceased operations 25 years before. Mayor Fere bee spoke of local money that could be invested such as the bank's and the Andrews towns people. Of course, any such new factory would attract a large number of skilled men. So he talked of Andrews' new high school, hospital, sewage dis posal plant, its reputeldyper fect water and its quiet, cons cientious, friendly people. The self-appointed sales man of Andrews for a factory site went home and made his promises good. He sparked the formation of theAndrews Dev elopment Corporation, born only a month after Ferebee's chance question on the tele phone. A consortium of Andrews merchants could see the bene fit to the town's economy of a large industrial plant. The corporation raised a substan tial fund for theproposed And rews Furniture Industries Inc. and bought 57 acres of level land along the Southern Rail way line behind the District Manorial Hospital. "By the spring of 1964, just lour months after our corpor ation was formed," says its treasurer, Lee Nichols. Jr., we thought we had the whole thing sewed up. Little did we know." It took exactly one more year; twelve months of patient knitting, persuading, proving and re-proving, to put the five Pieces of the puzzle together; the Waynewood Inc. interests. Andrews Development Cor poration, Citizens Bank & Trust Company, the Area Re development Administration in Washington and the Small Business Administration in Richmond, Virginia. "1 must have made hundreds of long-distance phone calls," says Mayor Ferebee, "along with three trips to Washington and about as many to Rich mond. I know it couldn't have been done without the high level help of Congressman Roy Taylor." For weeks legalities, bure aucratic procedures and nec essary red tape prolonged construction commitments. During the last week of May, the logjam broke. ARA and SBA suddenly signed, releas ing funds to Andrews Furnit ure Industries Inc. Then the members of the Andrews Dev elopment Corporation signed over their 57 acres by the railroad. A "Multimillion Dollar Bet" on a town and its people is off and running. Only 24 months ago it all began with that old well-wish ing cliche question, "How's Business?" J Percy B. Ferebee Old Core Plant FORTY SEVEN YEARS AGO, on the site of the new Andrews plant, another building stoc t was called the Core Plant, and they manufactured cabinets for a small company known he Victor Talking Machine Company. Today this company is better known as RCA Victc From Radios To Organs, Magnavox Demonstrates Technological Leadership ine arsi Dig-picture, no tube television Instruments were recently Introduced by The Magnavox Company, which three years ?go pion eered the adaptation of space communication technology for public use when it ligroduced the first solid state radio/ph onograph consoles. "Magnavox has again dem onstrated technological lea dership by being the first In the industry to develop and market BIG PICTURE TV, using the most advanced solid state techniques to replace tubes," George H. F ezell. Vice President, Sales , Consumer Products, said. Solid state models shown were 21" - the biggest screen in Television - as well as 24" consoles and combin ations, and 19" models. Magnavox exhibited at the NAMM Music Show in Chicago, a new line of home enter tainment products which dem onstrate further technological and marketing advancements in the electronic industry. "These significant technol ogical advancements show the rapid development of solid state applications in the re placement of the relatively in efficient vacuum tubes in home entertainment products. Vac uum tubes, whichhavebeen the very basis of the radio Industry for more than 40 years, are being obsoleted rapidly." Frezell stated. In 1962 Magnavox introduced the then revolutionary stereo high fidelity instruments re placing tubes with solid state components. These were labeled Astro-Sonic Stereo High Fidelity as these tech niques stemmed from space sciences where the new solid state techniques were orig inally applied. The solid state television instruments have 22 transis tors in place of tubes. These solid devices with no tube I elements have instant warm ! up and require one-third the I power used by tubes. "Normal life is many times that of ' tube equipment," Fezelll ; added. He also pointed out that while the solid state models are slightly higher in price, the many advantages, includ L ing a savings in power con s sumption and lower service costs, repay this difference in a relatively short time. I I I Solid sute TV models are priced from $189.50 to $298.50 for the largest 27" console. In 1962, the first Astro Sonic Stereo High Fidelity models ranged In price from $500 to $800, but with contin ued advancement In this tech nology the company Introduced lower priced models each year. In 1964, the starting prices were as low as $299.50 for models ten times as eff icient as comparable tube sets. In the company's new 1966 stereo high fidelity line, all tube models have been re placed with solid sute counterparts. Thus comple tely obsoleting tube phono graph and tube high fidelity radio phonograph combin ations. Solid sute prices now range from $75.00 (for portable phonographs) to $850. for Imperial models which feature unique total remote control through which sutlons can be selected, records rej ected, and volume controlled, as well as complete control of other functions from the con venience of an easy chair. New color television models ? with many exclusive features, 1 producing superior picture quality, were also introduced. Most 1966 Magnavox color models include the exclusive automatic color feature which assures optimum pic ture quality by eliminating the critical and difficult man ual adjustments required on conventional receivers, Fez ell said. Inaccurately tuned channels degrade picture quality. The new line features Chromatone - electronic cir cuitry which provides depth to color pictures and warm sepia tones to monochrome - and, QUICK ON " which eliminates the bothersome wait for pic ture to appear. Color models in 21", 23* , and 25" sizes were shown. These models include all the currenlty available color tube sizes in the industry. The entire Magnavox line of consumer products is price reduced as a result of the ex cise ux and in most cases the reductions passed on to the consumer amount to sub stantially more than the excise mx elimination, F ezell stated. Reductions in some cases amount to as much as $200. Tho Magna vox Carnival, solid stato clock rodio M* Tho M<>9navox Hal I yard... Danish Modern in natural walnut ? #41 'he Magnovox Flamenco 24...Mediterranean In Pecan finish The Mognovox Astro-Sonic Organ...Theater Spinet ? ? WE PROUDLY JOIN THE ANDREWS SALUTE TO FURNITURE INDUSTRIES, INC We Are Very Proud Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc. Located Here. We Take Genuine Pleasure In Saluting You, And May We Add, As A Merchant, We Look Forward With You To The Growth Years Ahead *lJour Cjrow tk &Su ccen Witt Be 3n Die Best American Draciition. IJour -Del lev em en t i WJid lAjale -A ^Major (Contribution Do Die f-^ro^ress Of Our -Area. Dley Conititute -A Briylt Clapter 3n Die JnJustriaf jCife Of Die fjati T ion Khouri't Bargain ft Fabric Cantor KHouH't of Andrew* - Your Family Dopoctmont Star* VlinilDI'C Family Dept. Store miuum o u.u.? *um,-u" MAIN STREET ANDREWS, N. C.

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