Scout and Clay County Progrtss STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR S OFFICE RALEIGH Dan K Moork September 28, 1965 STATEMENT BY GOVERNOR DAN MOORE It give* me * great deal of pleasure to join the people of Andrew* and Cherokee County in saluting the Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc., on the occasion of the completion of its new plant. Considerable effort on the part of many individuals went into the process by which the hope of establishing this new industry was turned into the reality of this building. My congratulations and appreciation go to everyone concerned. This fine new industry will mean much to the economy and progress of this area of Western North Carolina. More than that, however, it will mean much to the economy of our entire State. On behalf of all North Carolinians, therefore, I am pleased to welcome Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc., to North Carolina and to wish every success for this operation. ^Sortff Carolina (Scrotal ^funtblg y mm of lUWal, October If, 19S5 COHIWH'IM. ANB DBT1I CPMtWT .jr. J^cH T. Owens Publisher Jhcrohte Oc ut ani Clay County Jrogrecs ..urphy, Aijrt-. Caroli,iu Dear _.r. Owens: It is with pride tutu a great deal 0/ pleasure that I add i.y voice to thai of s, tany others in congratulating each and everyone > : -?n.ircws oho ejrhed to secure Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc. I a... especially glai that tilis new industry will employ so i any men. He re to! ore, the major part of employment in e.ills nas been for women. as Che re Ate County Representative, I welcome Andrews .hirr.iture Industries, Inc. and st nd ready to cooperate in anx way I com. ."he costing of this fine tn.ustry will go far to building up the economy of Ihero :ee County and all of lestern Pforth Carol ina. I f" ~hat all of the citizens of Chero'xee County join i,:e in these _ 00J wishes for the success of t.iis plant. ~-:.j I also thanh you, Lr. Owens, for giving " A Special Salute "to Andreas Garniture Industries, Inc.' They richly at serve it. Sincerely, V 0 ^ V)vVJL V>nU. -ixry Fdye > Representative 'J Cherohee County "SlCmUd Stlais* S>9vmU September 27, 1965 Mr. Jack T. Owens, Publisher The Cherokee Scout Murphy, North Carolina 28906 Dear Mr. Owens: It is most fitting that The Cherokee Scout, in the form of a special edition, salute Cherokee County's newest industry, Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc. I am sure that this new industry will mean a great deal to the economic development of Western North Carolina for many years to come. As our population increases, there is a tremendous opportunity for the expansion of the furniture industry, and I know that the new plant in Andrews will not only make an outstanding contribution to your area, but those associated with it will also find Cherokee County to be a wonderful place to live and work. With all best regards, Sincerely, ?ongre*tf of tfjc ? niteb fttatea Sou it of fctpreMntatibrt Mutfngton, 9.C. I am glad to join the Cherokee Scout and other Western North Carolina citizens in saluting Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc. My hat is off to the Andrews Development Corporation headed by Mayor Percy Ferebee which raised $200,000 to aid the project and to the many individuals at Andrews and in Cherokee County who worked so long and so hard to make this industrial development possible. 1 was pleased to be in position to aid in securing a loan of $1, 300,000 from the ARA which was essential to the project's success. 1 congratulate Mike Clarke and other officials of Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc., on the faith that they have shown in the future of Cherokee and surrounding counties in selecting Andrews as the site for the multimillion dollar furniture factory. The greatest need in Western North Carolina has been jobs for our people. We have been rich in scenery and rich in climate, but poor in employment opportunities. Andrews Furniture Industries, Inc. is welcome and is appreciated, .and the splendid cooperation which this company has received from local citizens will continue. Sincerely yours, 7?. 7 ~ Roy A. Taylor, M. C. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 9, 1965 Dear Mr. Owens: Thank you on the President's behalf for your letter telling him about the special edition of your paper planned to welcome the completion of the new industrial plant in your area. The interest which prompted you to write is appre ciated but, unfortunately, the many pressures upon the President's time make it impossible for him to comply personally with the many re quests for messages of various kinds which he receives each day. I know you will understand. With the President's best wishes, Sincerely, ames H. Moyers to the President ICniUi S)laia? ^