I\( ()KKI ( ! I) \ J I ( orrvct date: - - ' The Cherokee Scout 3rd CUiif Count if Proqrea Volume 76 Number 23 Murphy. North Carolina December 30, 1 ^ i'lAT^t PAiO HTM C A ItOL IfCA (.outlets Attention expe* taut mo thers. Here's your i ham e tor some additional gilts, lhe first baby contest m underway and several local merchants are giving presents to the lucky first born ot 1366. We want to say to Cherokee Co unty expectant mothers . "Hurry" but there's re-allv not much they tan do. So Mothers, ll you don't plan to be in the running, you may as well stay at home and let the ole man watch the football games. See the ad in this weeks Scout lor contest rules. We lip our hat again this year to the Murphy Garden Club for having such a beau tiful Christmas tree at the Kiddy Park in east Murphy. The tree was donated to the club by Mrs. Willie l.ou Shields of I omotla We just happened to wind up as Chairman of the Jaycee Carof Singing Project that was held on the square last Wed nesday and was really dis couraged when only 6 showed up to sing. In fact 1 tried to call it off but Mrs. GlenBates said, "We came to sing, get that piano off the truck, we re going to sing." And sing we did, even me, for as 1 started to sneak off Mrs. Holland McSwain poked a song book at me and made me sing even though I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Before the 'song fest' was over we had 16 people singing. Space does not permit the listing of all the names but we do apprec iate their support. A special thanks to Mrs. Dock Sudderth who played the piano and couldn't keep her hands in her pocket. -J At least we have one pat riotic business among us. J. H. (The General) Duncan of Dun can Oil Company flies an Am erican flag over his business every day. Willard Allen and Bill Hall are in charge of raising and lowering the flag. We hear on the vine thai J.H. is going to buy Willarda bugle so they can have a formal ceremony every dav. Food For Thought. Did you know that it's a lot easier to get into the con versation if yon aren't there .. that most people know how to say nothing.. few know when .. that if you ever see an editor who pleases everybody, he will be neither sitting nor stand ing, and there will be a lot of flowers around him . . Wonder which is correct . 'a house burns down' or ' a house burns up' . . . Got any ideas? -J A research laboratory has just come up with this. Drink at least six glasses of water everday for 1200 months and you will live to the ripe old age of 100. It reportedly happened at the University of South Carolina. If a professor doesn't show up for class, the students can leave after waiting for 10min utes. That's exactly what ha ppened in one class. The pro fessor wasn't there although his hat was on the desk, but the students left anyway after waiting the required 10 min utes. The next day, the pro fessor bawled the class out and told the students, "Don't you know that when my hat is here, I'm here." A few days later there were 32 hats on 32 desks. -J And then there's thegalthat came home and excitedly told her dad that she had a new boyfriend and'Pop'very real istically commented, "That's fine, honey, but does he have any money?" Retorted the young lady: "Oh, you men are all alike. He asked me the same thing about you." -J Friday night folks will be singing out the old and ringing in the new with sounds a 'Auld Lang Syne*. Talk arounc the coffee tables have alread; turned to New Year's ResoT utlons and we even mutterex a few which probably won' be kept. There is one that w< will try to keep and anyone can use it. "Do unto other; as you would have them ck unto you". May the New Yeai be prosperous to each of you HAPPY NEW YEAR. "J" r Happy New Year IT ENDS WELL It's been a good year, but like all good things 1965 too must come to an end The world is one year older perhap a little wiser as it prepares tor a new start m 1966 WFS Photo Industrial School To Offer New Adult Education Classes Beginning carl; i:. jaiiiarv, ila^ses in general pabln school education tor adult. age eighteen and over will he offered ir. the following com munities in the three counties of Cherokee, Clay, and Gra ham, Holland McSwai::, Dir ector of the Iri-County In dustrial School, unrioVaed tins week. CHEROKEE COl N TY - Hiwassee Dam School,Ranger School, Martins Creek School, Peachtree School, White Church School, Murphy Ele mentary School, lomotla Community Building, Marble School, and Andrews School. CLAY COl MY - El: School, Ogder.School,Shooting Creek School, a id Hayesvillo School. GR.AH.AM COl MY - Roh binsvtlle School, Stecoah School, and Mountain View School. All adult t age eighteen and over who are interested in studying English, including reading and writing, history, arithmetic, or science,should notify the principal of the school in the <otiimur.it, in which he lives. This should be dor.e during the first week in January 1966. The propo.-ed classes wil meet two nights each week, three hours each night for tei. weeks. The number of adults enrolling will determine whet her or not these courses will be offered in the different communities. There is no cost (or the instruction or the text books. Sixth Year Of Boom Ahead. Progress Quicken; Here comes 1366 and one thing is certain: The pace of progress quickens as the country heads deeper into the second half of the 60's There's almost total agree ment or. a sixth year of boom. In fact. Changing Times, the Kiplinger magazine, reports there is less concern over a possible drop in business than at any time in the past 15 years. Looking ai what this will mean to the individual,Chang ing Times suggests these for the months ahead: Taxes will be up. At leasi you'll pay more -- despite lower levies on income this year. Social security tax i; the culprit. Even employee and self-employed in the low er income brackets will fee: the higher taxes,though inles ser amounts. Price boosts can he expect ed and mortgage interest rate which are pushing upwart could increase a quarter t< a half percent in a few months according to Changing Times Christmas trade is expect ed to inflate credit to a leve "far above anything in th< past" and the biggest sourci of c red it expansion is the auto mobile People owe almos 32 billion dollars for the pur chase erf new cars alone, anr there's no sign of a slow-down Taxation Without Representation EG; IX-' Whitt S'.d I he people ot the -mall i:ieut.ta?;. cou.\Uc ot extreme. ?<-- t cr;: North Carolina jr-. about to he Gricku, a severe blow. It is her a j;e o! a three . udgc federal Court Crder, dire t i:.g the North Carolina General A ettihly to draft, ry _ a-, jury 31, ai: accept abk plati for reapportionment ot the Heu-e ot Representatives dtici realignment of our Senate and C er.gr e loi.al District-. All Hi keeping with tfie "One-Man One-Vote prm< ip?e written by Chief Jjstice Earl Warrer. of the ' inted State Supreme ( ourt, and ordered ai'er Winston Salem Attorney, ReiJi Drum, tiled s .it in October. li this is pa-sed by the Legislate^, it will i::car. a 1c- cj three Represeruative> out ot four of o ir co n tie.-, and that the people of the mountain will have but a -mall voice m re state Government. I HA 1 'S NC I ALL. I hey tell us that all this t ame about because ot ouT-i: gration ot our population, and uilesr the- trend i reversed over the next five year- that the von e of our mountain ? ou:;t ies will be further diminished. Has the cut-migration of We-ter . North Carolina not beet going on for vears Why did the Supreme Co..r ? wait !hi niany years before taking such action, and w'u re did they get their information to make -i.ch a de< ision These are questions that should be given carek.ii consid eration. "rider the Fourteenth Amendment to tno Coi tit it ion o: the United States, entitled "APPOR I IONV.EN I OF RE PRE - SENIAT1VES IN CC'NGRLSS" it read-: "Representative- shall bo apportioned among the everal States according to their respective number , counting the whole number of person- in each State excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election lor the choice of Electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and ,udioal officers of a State, of the member- ol the Legis lature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitant:- of such State, being twenty-one year- of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for parti cipation m rebellion, or other crime, the basis o: repre sentation therein shall be reduced m the proportion which the number ol -uch male citizens -hall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age m -uch State." The Fourteenth Amendment, wa- adopted by the thirty ninth Congress, held in 166c, was ratified by more than three fourth- of the States, and made a part of the Coustit men, July 26, 1S68. This was the only place in the Constitution, where 1 wa able to find anything at all on reapportionment or realign ment of Represeutatives, Senators, or Congressional Dist rict-. I cannot say as to what source Chief Justice Warrer. made hi- "One-Man One-Vote "Dec is ion, but 1 can say that it is go ing to effect us to the point that we, the people of the moun tains of Western North Carolina will have nothing it Raleigh but "TAXATION without REPRESENTATION." (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Mary Faye Brumby, Represent ative from Cherokee County, has taken a firm stand against the speedy reapportionment of the House. "It is not ^0 much of what is being done, but how it is be ing done." Mrs. Brumby said. "I feel that the present trend in the Supreme Court rulings and in our own federal dist rict court breeds irreverence and outright contempt for the courts. I have always held the courts of this state and nat ion in high regard, but I must say, at this point, I believe the foundations on which this state and nation were built arc being shaken." "The reapportionment of the House of Representatives," Mrs. Brumby continued, "may not he unconstitutional acc ording to the interpretation of the Federal Constitution by the federal judges, but 1 assure you it is unconstitutional in the state without an amendment to make it so." Backing Mrs. Brumby's statement, we would like to quote Article 11, Section 5 and Article XIII, Section 2 of the North Carolina Constitution. Article II, Section 5: Regulations in relation to Appor tionment of Representatives. The House of Representatives shall be composed of 120 Representatives, biennially chosen by ballot, to be elected by the Counties respectively, acc ording to their population, and each County shall have at least one Representative in the House of Representatives, although it may not contain the requisite ratio of repre sentation. Article XIH Section 2: No part of the Constitution of this State shall be altered unless a bill to alter the same shall have been agreed to by three-fifths of each house of the Gen eral Assembly. And the amendment or amendments so agreec to shall be submitted at the next general election to the qual ified voters of the whole State, in such manner as may be pre scribed by the law. And in the event of their adoption by i majority of the votes cast, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of the Constitution of this State.) One Youth Dies, Three Injured As Car Strikes Four Cyclist A M r4 h t . ? '-if. d.ed and :f.rc- weft r .rid wf.en j dr art K.'d i !.'.?> j rru ip ot I oar . e.tV rid.ng flijreltrs diotlg r ral Wmtlield Road about 1~ I .? d 1:11k eo ol Murpf:> , Son* -i j t, ix 1.11if'c*r . Howard ki.ioc.lj, o'.ol Mr. j id Mr . he:lLi.k?e ol Murphy w- take;. lu Murphy Ceneral Hi- pifal a'-oat Sunday ill ritn a I i1 idilioi:. He died at Ha ho [?:' aJ ele vei. f.e . r lat e r. j he other if.ri e ? y I. t , !realed tor leg m, .ne-. and reie-a ed wt.r . ; Mike rfca e, Id, -on ol Mr. and Mr - . Dall Hei e; Allen M: IX>i.aid, lc.,son ot Mr. a:id Mr Ailu.iNh Do;i ald; a:.d Kennc'h L rloe, hro~ iher el f:ow..r- h nioe. J . ( Palto: . l-, o . ol Mr. and Mr Walter Pallet. ot Rt. 4, Murphy, drci r ot Hie car, hah heel j relea l J irem Cher okee County .a11 .' der $o,~l>U. he:id. Stale 1 roopcr !>?:: kea vi- aid Pattoi i ; Largcd with driving .aider the iiitl ?e:u e of intoxication beverage,Jar< etiy el a'l aJtOlIiohllc, leaving He -< tune ol a : at ? ij-. :.i :id *: a - la .ghter. According to i ruoper Hea ve, Patton wd driving alo .e, traveling west, wke he met the loir hoy riding tfieir *: 1 e -. I he ot 11rer aid n * '.t ligation -flowed Ha. ? ar kidded about 10" led. v ti.eer said Patte' ieJltfi ? ar a,id ran troi.i The t e: e e. The a; ? ldei.t and wa. later pic ked -j i: tow i : > ?. .!? polo etna:., Jack In^Jc, a: d Sherd! Cla .de Andercc:.. Ac erdmg to pein e, the car belonged ro Harry Potter M irphy, who aid the ear w?i tele:' earl .or . the altcr:;oe .. Police reported That Sy. ~ dav ac cide.':1 wi the -e* oi.e! invelvr.v' Patton in three day ? d The third in a r -week per Pai'e: , driving a io6o Val iant t.it o , wagon that belong ed To ft. I a "her, ra . el: the Fatal Crash I HiU.i v : i ML K : ii I J< V< . L; i:n ?-> ;-led alter a iar < areened into tour Mur *i. >v* rid.' l' ? ? ? < i.v- ? Wh.ii ?_ 1c fV> : .. ward Knloe, i.'i, died trorn injuries ' " : ; '? '-V'' 1 ? i11 tU k:t .d v: ru ruj ?? 'f ki^' A ' i iri if. tla .jr-. w H;f! w.t, .? i 1: . d With wr- : rhv.*. dri V . t! ' ? It; : V i: e. ho o. .v Wj I.. IMi'e !.:*?. J It...;- K;t1. ?] V V (j J . J ? I U\ .1 ' Wc' t*. 3vV Vv" r. e v ; - k t.f wa - driv.. ? rj' : .[>? ic rear a -i : jr .? . - ?jr. street. Da:: ifewa r:;i::er fid -.o ? harcc-- wcTv t;I J. State lroepor IX '. H e a* < -id lvhi* prior iS.\Ca/ . ?: idv: D- . Petter, . ( >atto: , a d .'a-: kc \krri ?er*. rigi:i^ o. iff Wh.ilt- i-j Two Youths Narrowly Miss Fireworks Injury fiy : rleu Si huyUr What might he io:r i dored iui. tor onie people < ouid prove d.-a. tree to other-. Not only s; it against the Ijw, hi North Carolina, to use lireworks, it is al;o against the law to po-sess them, hat eveti so, some people defy tile law and continue to buy and explode then 1. Ihere have been instance. whcre lirework- "user " have been fatally injure d. Sonic have lost their eye sight. Some have suffered loss of hearing, even lost an arm or several linger-. But even with these potential existing dan gers, there are always some people willing to take a chance or ji.st don't care. Maybe they take the attitude that what ha' happened to other people can't happen to them. There'- no such thing a a sale, foolproof piece of lire works. Some explodepre-ma turely, while others have a delayed action. Just when vol think that they have gone out and yon go to pick it up, BOOM, and it goes off right in your face or in your hand. T on pist can't depend on them. You say to yourself "he's ust wasting his time, people are going to continue to ?hoot fireworks as long a- thev ia:; buy them." Now if you fall in to the las? and don't rare, then ] wi=h you the best of luck. But when you have happen te you what happened to two local boy- Christmas night, you might feel differently about the use of fireworks. These two boys, David Hamsey and Bill Cheney were traveling in a car on Valley B1 ver Avenue when someone standing on the stdewalk threw a cherry bomb (this is one of the powerful fireworks ) toward their car. The "Bomb" landed at the base of the wind shield and exploded, shatt ering the glass and putting a hole in the windshield where 11 exploded. These two boys can consider Stores To Close Cpon checking with the mer chants in Murphy, the Scout was informed that some of the stores in Murphy will be closed Saturday , New Year's Day. p. J d. I-:, , T Kv 1.1,10c, or 1:1, .roc :..k21, H '-- bo, j r; - tx'lVfll , ! ' v ,.lu fljv; d , ' -cd J .'lCdvi~0. 1 ?? oil J - 1 . imuK kiik'd v r w.rv : . : . ?' =?' b., oi'ii r Uf, 1 read whcr. :v .r ;c .1,1; N j,. du the ri el : rework . It bappomj ; 5v Carol; a w. K* r c ? U 1CL'3I buy rher: . A in.-.., 'isndlny firework- dircytht ';vhju. 1 ? h-- piat ; vi : v. no.-, ::aJ Tv leave rfu ;.d,, ;vr a fvw r. n.'jfe ? W1 ; v. w . > ciilv ,i sbort <i]-ta::rv rrot:; r!ie rvr>. he heard a no. e, 1? -kctj jr ~ oi.nd a id -aw if.at wa- h; - srore. It. , .,r j -l.vri Time the builciiy w : ? I- : iiiied flame- a: J :e ir >c::y hoys dioJ hoi or s. Ifoulo reach ther: i. 1 hi- writer wiil have !,? admit that we heard It1-si.re work exploded tin year than we have oi a iv prc-.e*. year. One reason for tin- I would think wo .id he hec a ,?e :he> are harder to get tha . ir. pre vious years. C-ir neighboring State of Georgia has a law 'miliar to our-, but our other neighboring State, I euues -ei t still permits the sale ard u e ol fireworks. Mayhe if Ienn e- sec had the -ante law we would have -till les -. l et u. all hope that sometime dun ig the New Year that the State of Ienriessee will enact such a law a - we now have in Georgia and North Carolina regarding the sale of firework-. For the benefit of those that are not familiar with this law, we would like to briefly state it for you. "It shall he unlawful for any individual, firm, partnership or eorporation to ntanuiac ture, purchase, sell, or deal in, transport,posess, receive advertise, use or cause to he discharged any Pyroteehlnics of any disrnption, whatsoever within the State of North Car olina. Any person violating any of the provisions f this article except as otherwise specified in said article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall he fined or imprisoned or both in the dis cretion of the court. iU.: . i r -r : . -i::e [?i v . .... K'ltcr ind Mi rr. i\ ' - h Jiitl '?% ' I . f ... ..r ? ? -.1. II I :? rl \ I -.:v, :p, the A .cur: ,t ' j ' u-; ct tor I'ji:.' . i i .r. .ur; .?i -:J;- [ .i! - n th.r'.cc -*?. ar ?. .-J :ii x jrv. h;.i.n c -?d c - the p -.r t .r- Mr? ?? : ror.i r , P , l 'I., (.jr., u d Veri11;, all : t! c hoi; u j iu pjtcri.ai ?tT . : , Mr. r.J Mrs. .M .r-. Hi. ., Ha yes Scr?. v. ere m id at 2 [ . ., VvcJ i 'Jjt il *>clhei Mo: hoc. ?: < ;. r Kayes ? I J i c. Ac ? : r i >. . - dlcrd i*.v :r one. tor.. fJ -id c.ir<. r w rc J.arJ Ms - ( i r l , R .:. tj . th\. i , I. J JU' Lions, Jaycees Brighten Christmas 1 ?.c V. irpfiv i .v (.1 j;id the M..rj-1;\ Jd*cerigh'.en rc C;? iri Tii'ci- rhi ? year lor i? r::? J-;^ ( reko e Count < f a r 11 i 1. e -. Hie !.?!?!; - .L-arvId ].ic;.s ( 1 ir ha r-ci-;. d^ livvrmg food : askei :c i'n*. dv n Cher* - kce (a t) lor i lo.iy: a:.) e: t!k pre.-ei.t member ? ai rc11lei:; r. ( Ik ?: .:.drcd jr.c 'wt U; Jood basket- were delivered by ; ieri> the yeor, thirty of wfr.di went to the hin d. Ntci.i; 4?iid food lor the a:i:? ? tl ]_:OliS Cl .b fro;o: t I - Jotj ?tec by various hu i.e.-- e. tabi is hit tents ?nid indi. tries. ih's. jaycee , completing their second year ot "leys tor lots" delivered '22 toy hoxe- to ehildrer Chero kee County. All the toy were new or i-ahSe toy- m ?ood ? or id 1110'.. Jay.ee Chairman, Don Decker, expressed hi- thardts lor all those who helped this proiec t be a -across, especi ally to Rimeo Manufacturing Company, wu- donated $100. worth ot new tov to the pro je? t. Howord Enloe Dies In Crash loherso::, Allen McDonald, i. V. Hog =ed and Kenneth Con Ivte i'-'ieral Home was in liareo. 7 Students Fined For Speeding Sever. Murphy High School -indents were fined $25.65 each . . Recorders Court Mon day for speeding on rural Whitfield Road, December 10. Stale Trooper Patt Miller and Don Reavis along with city policemen Jack lugle and De it) Sheriff Glen Holloway, -topped eleven car? Friday December 10 and gave tickets to 'even of the drivers for exceeding a safe speed. Although there is no speed limit posted on Whitfield Road, the group of drivers wa- charged with dr.ving too fast tor the road conditions or exceeding a safe speed. "In view of the terrible accident that resulted in the death of a 13 year old boy Sunday on the same road, this ii itself -hould be more of a lesson than any punishment I could impose", Judge Edwin Hyde told the youths in court Monday. License Plates Go On Sale January 3 e ver 2,400,000 license re newal application? card? lor obtaining 1466 license plate? were placed ir. the mail or. December 16. I he Depart ment of Motor Vehicles Offi rial? say; "Please tell us if by January 1 you k> not re ceive this all-important card neces?ary for obtaining a new plate." The proper procedure is to write to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh, giv ing the make and identificat ion number of the vehicle, the last year'- tag number and the registered owner's full name and complete address. 1 he department will then pre pare and ?end another appli cation card as quickly as the volume of requests can be handled. 1465 plate.? expire Decern her 31 and their use beyone that date is permissible only il they are duly registered by the department to the ve hicle on which display is made. Owners who have their vehicle properly registeredby the department have until Feb ruary 15 to obtain new plates. Surrounding area residents may obtain their 1966plates at Western Auto Associate Store, Murphy, N. C., beginning Jan uary 3. Office hours will be: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (until noon on Wednesdays). The local agent, Mrs. Betty Mauney, says that it will greatly expedite the issuance and keep long lines from form ing if you will "openyour app lication cards and complete them in accordance with In structions before presenting them for new plates."

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