Tk? CHEROKEE . SCOUT i mmd Clay Cq*o\ty Prograaa OFFICES W MURPHY, B.C. PHONE ABBA CODE 70S SJT-J1M ?STASLISMID JULY, INI Jad( OwBftS EDITOK AND PUBUEHSR Day* Bnic*, .. managing editob Red Schuyler, . . . ADVERTISING NANA OSS Jim Morgan, production manaobb Weaver Carringer compositor Thomasine Almond, ioouiipu Mary Jones, ***? Published svsry THwidoy at Church Street, Murphy North Corollas. Second Class Postage Paid At Murphy, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES S3.09 One (1) Year In Chorohao, Clay and CrahaM Coun ties, N. C-, and Nantahsio, N. CTeens, Union and Pannln Counties, Go., and Polk County, Toon. ALL OTHER AREAS I Year *6.00 ? 4 Months SI.SO All subscriptions delivered In North Carolina Include the state's throe per cant sales tan. By-Passes Needed Here; Public Support Urged We in the west have cried loud and long for better highways. We have blamed state offi cials for not showing enough concern about our needs. We have wallowed in a quagmire of self pity. The time for action on our part is near. The State Highway Commission will hold public hearings in Murphy and Hayesville on July 21 on the Appalachian Development Highvnys that will cross the two counties. The highway commissioner for this area has said that unless opposition develops during these hearings, contracts will be let shortly and construction will begin. It is up to the citizens of Cherokee and Clay now. Either they can turn ' ut for the hear ings and express their support for the new devel opment highways or they can sit at home while a few bitter obstructionists are allowed to take over the hearings and plunge road development here into chaos. There is a small but loud element that bitterly opposes a by-pass around Murphy. The illogical thinking that persists among this group must be shouted down by reasonable citizens who aren't satisfied with traffic conditions here. The reactionaries are busy spreading the alarm that this proposed by-pass will cause a substantial loss of business from tourists pass ing through Murphy. When the facts are examined, it turns out to be a false alarm. Fact number one is that when motorists passing through Murphy need gas, are hungry or are ready to stop for the night, they stop here and patronize the business places offering the services they desire. If they don't need gas, are not hungry, or are not ready to quit driving for the day, they pass through our town as soon as they manage to spring free from the pi ie-up of left turners on the square and the parade of U turners in front of the post office. When the by-pass is built, the result will be the same with one exception: those who don't want to stop will not contribute to the downtown traffic jams. Those who do want to stop here will simply get off the by-pass and seek the services they want. Fact number two is that whan the through traffic can by-pass our town there will be less congestion to harass the local motorists. Foct number three is that Murphy can't afford to delay the construction of this by-pass if it wants to continue growing. The tenative plans have been made and the money is available. All the highway offic ials need is a ringing endorsement from the lo cal people. If the caterwaul of a bunch of loud mouthed reactionaries dominates these hearings, we'll be right back where we started from. Tho buck stops bora on July 21. The Scout urgos every citizen interested in bottor roods to ottond thoso hearings. Heed Signs, Stay Home! By Dive Bruce There*re time* i ruhw helpless as I sur vey ?he world and some of the hig problems that exist but I came up with an idea that ??uld be used effectively by almost anyone and at the same time help solve a national problem. This country's balance of defecit is of consider able concern and there seems E * S^iog . tavorable balance so low as ?ur armed forces are required *" targe numbers overseas. Even'talklqg about it seems to be over the heads of most folks. They'd rather leave it to the financial experts be cause it's too complicated. Basically, what it means is that the United States is spending more money out of the country than it is takiw in from other countries. You are probably wonder* ihg how you could possibly slow the flow of dollars leav i^ this country. Actually this idea Is rather simple. One of the big contributors to the defecit is the large group of Americans taldiw vacations abroad every year. Every dollar these people spend for transportation, hotel rooms, meals, or anything else is a dollar gone from the American economy. I used to think it was wonderful to see the world, but if, as President Johnson has suggested, we see Amer ica first, these dollars will stay home. Furthermore, the mobs in the streets of many countries keep hollering "Yankee Go Home" and that's whu gave me the idea. Why don't we heed their wishes and stay at home for our vacations? To bring this idea closer to home, here's what I have in mind: If every resident of this area would write a letter to a friend or relative somewhere else in die United States and suggest that we Yankees stay at home and better still, come to western North Carolina to spend those vacation dollars, I believe that every individual in Cherokee and day Counties could make a small contribution toward solving a major national head ache. The only cost to you would be a five cent stamp and the time to write a short letter. The idea probably sounds naive but it is offered in good faith and I believe it can be effective if it is used. People everywhere tend to play down the attractions in their home area. I'll have to atknlt that sometimes I pick up travel guides and notice tilings right here in Cherokee and Clay Counties that 1 sel dom give thought to. Let's start telling people what we have to offer in the way of 'attractions for visitors. We can do this to casual acquaintances too. You will likely be stopped by tourists passing through Murphy who as directions to some attract ion in the area. Tell them what they want to know and tell them more. Suggest something loc ally that they didn't mention and probably don't even know about. Just remember that every dollar spent by a tourist locally means another dollar going toward expanding our local businesses and creating more jobs here. What I'm asking you to do is (1) encourage people you know to vacation here and (2) encourage those who come through here to stay a little longer. You'll be boosting the economy of our area and you'll be doing your part to help ease the balance of trade deficit if you convince some would-be foreign traveler to enjoy a vacation at ho me. The mobs that wave the "Yankee Go Home" banners have never been averse to accepting American dollars but let's just assume they mean what they say on the signs and keep our Yankee tourists at home. 'Just Arrived" GRAHAM A son, Lewis Edward to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Graham Providence Hospital. Mrs. Graham is the former Miss Barbara Jane Murrln. Deed Transfers Charlie and Onla Carriqger toBrodus Car ringer, property in Martin's Creek section of Cherokee County. Charlie and Onia Carriqger to Hershel and Katherine Hay es, 6 acres in Martin's Creek section of Cherokee County. Arthur and Jettie Cornwall to Howard and Willie West, MM! acres in Murphy Letters To The Editor Dear Editors Just warn to thank all of the people Mho work on your staff. I have received six Scout papers and you will never be able to guess how much joy they have brought me. To bear the news of back home and know die local "Sc oop" on the happenings there. I've been In Viet Nam since June, 1966. Miss all those fresh garden vegetables and nipping into somebody's jug of 'Cordial' as Cuz says. As you have probably fig ured by now, I'm not much