Oi?rok?? Counfj'j B??l Bur Vol um? 77- N ? ' tjc fcurphp Norrti Carolina Scout dnd ClaLj County f'roqreu Pagtt TSi? W?** I HE 101 H ANMVE'K^AHY "a A ?( N I RA I ' . roh . M -r[ r:? i .c-Ja, dl'.crx- : U omplete a three -via '? A .r*.t ? over the . f.d .~ls : roil; 1 eii. ? I'la: , 1 e:.:., u Jr j':.at:.'r '.he et-ti !c-r - a II -weather roa-U ? ?' ...f' i 1 y I 'it* 'w. *.?*? HUNDREDS CF SPECTATORS were or, hanc wher tfie wagon trail". mad- ?t? final campsite tie t a i rg rounds. Kep. Hoy A. I ay lor m<&.A :::c featured speech .i: t.*te celehratio' . Kl.SS JANE WH11 Lt V seroKC from ieU) was ? ro'~: e<j Mis- . ake Hiwa--ee Friday night at the Murphy School C.yr::. She presided over the Fo.irtii Arjijal Jayrei Uater Festival, held In conjunction wth the Wagi>n lrain. A: the left is Miss Dorothy Oliver, the first rur-j.er ip ;n the pa>;ea-it conducted by the M irphy Jaycettes. Mis: Carol McRae, last year's winder , holds Miss Whitley's trophy a:.ti the econd rii:;.ier-i.p, Miss Karol Kayo, :s at the riqht. iHfc ACTION WAS AT IH LAKE SUNDAY as boat races were conducted by the J aycees and the Rebels Boat Racing ( b of Columbus, Ga. The big weekend came to an end with fire works at the fooinali stadium Tuesday night. ALL PHOTOS BY *EAVk- C 4RRINGrR Caravan To Phone Hearings Planned Ma? r.J.-r: r ? , \u . r ' : . a tc ic^r. j-i ic v,cr >; < , '.-z~ ..rirJ ? ? w - ' : a.-.C > , .31::! 'icar. >' .r ? ' .jo ? . A; : ' 1 c i:?:c lilii.c; ( 1 f.jT 1j ? '.a- J'cr: tr, i'.c N'.^rpt.; irca. V? c , I . cflrj .c f v : ; ^ ? Cun; ru- r-c: r krt-0 L . ; ^ I s ' 1 . ? e ?> *? . . . j ? r >. " ? ! . pkio:.c " 1 '-?-i. ???????- rr^Tr \ : ' 1 a f e : ' . r c , - . : t eU 1 . 1 ' ' . a Do!*, rebiuc .tial a .-J ' ..M'.c - I.cl wit^i if.cr : r 'citrpfu" c icrv i<oDer' H. w ...j : - , r. ct the Attor Tic ? cirr-. ? if the hear: ,v . Bldkern re sj!w 'Vr ".cd rr c:i pUi tj: Cidr^v.; . .lr-. ; 1.-. cr<J :rof - 'J c<otj* i : . ^ Viiic. Commodity Warehouse To Be Open Next Week The Cherokee Coont) Sur plus Comr::odi'; Distribu tion Warehc . will he ope: for distributing - -rpi- lood to need) cer'-fied ian.iiie. next V?cOiicsda v and J"h >r^da;, July 12 d' :C 13. I he warehouse j is m the Stilei Buildup on Te nnessee St. n. Mjrphy. Pre vjOl.> ly, tood:- have Teen distributed each Wedi.e-day, but becaj-e of declining interest a rid participation m the food as - t tame program, there are now r wo distribution day per niunf; according to V.O. Avers, Cherokee Cor.t) Tomato Plant Vandalized P." '? rr< ! P-rvt re C .. tomato processing plant :? Murphy wa- vandalized dun ig tht time the plant was closed s in t la - t season. 1 he damage was discovered hy Manager Robert Ha;r last wee!-, when he opened ihe bjildi.ig to prepare lor the new season. Florescent light fixtures throughout the building were torr from the ceiling. Carton, were scattered over the floor and a tow-motor (lift truck) had been ran over the floor. Several windows were broken. The plant is located near the city limits at the tast end of Valley River Ave. at the junction with Pleasant Valley Road. Chief of Police Pete Stal cup saic he investigated *hc vandalism. He said it was difficult to determine when :t happened nice the building was unattended for several [ months. The produce company has been leaving all of its equip ment in the building during the winter months since it began operations m. Murphy. Early U?ys in Murphy Exhibit At Library An "Early Days ir. Murphj " exhibit is on display ai thi Murphy Carnegie l.ibrar) this month. A photograph of Archibald D. Murphey, for whom the towi was named. Is one of the fea tures of the display. Mur^hey's papers are alsoex hir ted. The picture was don ated to the Library by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ray. An early history of Murphy, a copy of the I860 census, old minutes of the Town Board, Information on Ft. Butler and several old photos are dis played. The Scout plans to publish ? feature story on the exhibit next weeJ<. Graves Takes First Half Graves Chrysler- Plymouth has clinched the first half championship of the Murphy Softball Association. Graves has a two and one-half game lead over second place White Church and Tomotla. Rimco is threegames off the pace and Martins Creek is three and one-half jimes behind. In the women's division Martins Creek and Brumby Textile are tied for first place with 5-0 records. The two leaders meet tonight (Thurs day). The winner will clinch the first half title. Director oi Pibli' Well arc. "Surpl.s oumodities, whu ' JTtr !OOd -jrchaied rs the ' .5. Depar: me: t of Ayr:* Jf-re, are no; restricted u res i (>i e-'.t - of publ.< ii: ivu:.(c, r.tarea^o a va liabie to !na le w jnu marginal .:co':.e : d:::ii it _ Aver pointed o .t. He said other uet?\ house holds are ehyibie tor iood ass: :tar.< e proviJ?*j ti .at the ii co . available : ie th . : - ;-e< jlied a:::o .r it s . Fan.ilic w.th :.el 'no'it.hi v ir.co^e rd..y; :i? Del wee; $-5 ji.d $u -i- are eligible depehCi;.^1 : . the r i - r r ; be r of pe r son - ir. the h o'jseholcJ. Per ; interested ir receiving tne 'ood '.a- receive t-il retails ci the. r eligibility ' o:ita 'i .g the Weil are De ; ? r t r t ,-i c ; Wt.d;.e d3;. 8 Injured On 294 tight person; were it .red i --car wreck Sat ? rday alter; con or, \C 234 .or t:;<r intersection with the read to the Cherokee Lake iiec reatior. Area. Mrs. Cllive Newell Will iams, 33, of Lancaster, S.C. told Highway Patrolman Patt Miller she was driving north and met a pickup truck lr. a s": 3 rp right turn. As she at tempted to miss the truck, -he said she began tc skid and hit a car travelling sc .th. 1 he picKjp truck was n<"- lr." . olved. Miller said the : .ad a as wet at the time. The o'her car was driver h) Hugh H. Wallace, 2?, of r :r tie; own, Ter.n. Mrs. Williams, her "other, Mrs. W.E. Newell, 64, of ax haw, N C.; and three of her children, Tanya, 5; Gilda, 5; and evan, 13; were treated and released at Providence Hospital. Her two-year vj U ighter. . or:, s iftered a -crkei leg 1 d was Iran lerredt^ a<.' ^r ic tte hospital. Wallace and his wile, liej - rietta, 2?, were al?o treated and released at Provident e hospital. Miller -aid -? ha r cc ? would be filed. Two Pedestrians Charged In Wreck Two pedestrians who were Inji.red when they were struck by a car on the Joe Brown Highway five miles north of Murphy have been charged with walking on the wrong side of the road by Highway Patrol - man Pitt Miller. They are Clara Palmer. 15, of Rt. 5, Murphy and Young Bain, 22, of Cherokee County. The accident happened on J une 19. They were struck by a car driven by Robert Ervln Minor, 16, of Rt. 4, Murphy. Miller said Minor swerved Into the ditch In a sharp right curve to avoid hitting the ped estrians and an on-conilng pickup truck. He said they were walking or the right side of the road. Miller pointed out that a state law, (OS 20-174), says "It shall be unlawful for ped estrians to walk along the traveled portion of any high way except on the extreme left-hand side thereof, and such pedestrians shall yield the right-of-way to apprach lng traffic." Hogsed Retained As Deputy; Tax Rate Remains At $1.72 Jcic k'aTiv. I '.?I atK'-! -r k c! L'.C Vs 1 1 ( rt'f ?. ? ^'"0 kie! fie r- - T ' ' <??' J ? t a r ' -tr: .e Je, ? s'ie r :! ! j^-c^ro c r-ciore < 'er.rei < v ? K ?ro e r - Moiida ' H- t'Scrl '.dd feet '.ITr J ' v ( '.a.r - :r a' Vv - Moor*" a'l j -- ? : tdi . dlcO '. 'ic ? ! a ? ? r r?.'. rej.j . k' Hok'.cd a ; ..." t ,-:.t Je; .1) . I Ve? : fir . r ; pK - 1 1 1 >. ; ' Housed ? ?' f t ? i e: .r.C6 -,ee (. -'fpe r f . . ;d:.k Suii. : 0- told :lici: f.r H v'l.'ScO li available -4 . r a da ? d'.d f;al 'le 1 -sT lr ' led?e '.Is- or w-wie:. 'ie . a??e<' : . r law c-' li-r e;-:ei .: * .t e . 'V^e war t \ l r w ? I -j' -1 V t oi :.i" f - ft f '. ; : : , Vr . . > :<t tf.jt f:ere -.ad r ee*. ??'?fi.f J.i. t ::.ei" r. 'h.e Vs , It (.ree'f .?jT'-m f ; cfistar-le :ec v. ere .t r ?* - Ii; .'icJ ~e'?eral r : i o ittf Jt' . Housed ^.ad r-t e: . ' 1 rr d '.>. rt ~ iricd> - ituat K f.. A' t'-icr f : ' : e he v%j- '.ire,:, :he Commi.-sicier j [ ? ed Shenf C, 1 a .Cr A ! .d e r - o : t. fire ,1 p d r t - t ! ? : : e dep'.tv i".d fio?! eO wi 'he 5vier il : * wj- ifeTK D . ? - r r * -.ud 5lL'o. Hop j] jr ? .. Si " > r'-Je; K; " : . a f ; nt* -1 : tare Ht't - ed : . e peop.e : eer fi ? re. : er. seicr.dec ,:a:irsiO-. i?. per '.:,di rea o? :. r ?. r ev s - lr.y' Ho^ed he-, a -St "Virgil : e j ft* d . e. I r. r u ? re.i ., r ? Hoy- ed. f rc $ . J - t c. iu.cr- j; - : ? . , I, v. r, v; (.1: - itL.K . . ? ? < e! led rex, .ci' N;v. . C.e. : : e- r t- r > . ;< n J a\-J I'al : t-r ^ . " r rc r ad r ? c:xT ? j ? ! i ? .'J, t j!" ? < ; er i.?c j J ? . ? \ .r pf. < d^ru wi" -? t r ? -j: \ j . tt ?:. lor ;eks. rii ;?*?; ; ?- i . c:. ? '! . Ut ie: U?r able," he ui-j. ? r.r .ve. art :.o: heitv ? (.6Tir\tt Ma the" ; If.' - - t e I ! I Wa >rec* arid L .ith* r <(- ? . ... iK-'-i -i r .. p vv,. :?* >?? lij'it N StrC' ? : iO-.t!" I - A. rrr,: t<a)tlelo ^ aid. ; ; fiC . ^ ;]| .j.' tv i I he J ? iv -.cr:..r-- r I: j.ue othi ot:ue ?::otk" re.'.- ? ? c , : ...j r hi* -erv es. " = i ' : t "ir : e ?i .. j .j die he so.ight 'he i': e t:ert ' t :he Alter :.ev -uer. :ta:eii e|t. i\ni>- eru' - : r <?' - -j- told : Si:- " ?: .. ?,* : r ::.e Co was arrieC -"er U a .thori.'e a ? sit i 1 w:V ] }.c c.o.: :; i . ??'?er Tote h- H.i ?t leivj rhev wo Jo exa-virx r.J .e^a. j ;v- I el tf e u -ci - ? i- : r r Ha rr-? tK*: 'Vl-Te mak'.t' -- ?r.fe J r "!? ? ? ? . o ? : i i rc^.e I . College Courses To Be Offered At Tri-County ; ri-Count) Industrial Edu cation Center will offer fresh mar. jradeniu courses be^m September ~ i; coopera te: with Wr-'er'. C^roIi r J. aversity. Director Holland VcSwam said course . i. English, V ::: 'at: , History, a:.d P hvkc . Music and Art Appr< Each clas s w - !L n;e*:: " r hours per week : r ' wt ? ? each quarter. Cla r-e conducted from 6:';L Monday through i h..r Students enrolled courses will ear credit per quarter. Applicants whc . .ever attended Wester". Carcu.ua must make formal application on forms that are available at the Center A non-refundable $5 processing fe- w..-: j< - company the afplsi anon. McSwain ? a , d rtppk a should re submitted at .ea t 30 days r-e:'ort." the begi:u:n? or the terv . Those whc Vav attended college r-elore -:;>.st Isleanof fi : a 1 statement o: sjood -ta.d ::.g from tht la-r college at tended. ( ther r*i j -t file a; offic ial statement oJ jjradua Tioi: f r. : i 1 i ! or tht ?*q i. valeJ I he -J , )h 1 1 . Apt:! idt I 05 t i required all appl] ; arts. $4.. maximum per quarter. Textbooks will cost between $25 and $30 per quar ter and a $2.50 fee is required for ins irance. McSwai:. poir.iec Out t'ia* the e figures compart' wr.h a cos? ol $2 j" per charter to st j Je r : 1 1 v 3 on the Western Carolina campus. He said veterans enrolled Tourism Group Sets Meeting I he ' rk i : i .3nd recrea te * rk group of the ''pper hi i was ee Watershed Develop ? ' A? : (k j at :on will meet ? e>.: ? .r day , ' uJy 1 at t ii. at the Blue Ridge Mountain EMC Office i :: Young Harris, Ga. Dave Br. ice, < hairmai. of the group, -aid the meeting has beei i alied to plan ale and distribution oi the multi colored placemat promoting to : r i - 1 attrac tions in the ti\e-count) area. Itie mats have been oi the market for several day , h..; no organized -ale.1- ? ampaign ha? beer, made. 'I'm encouraged by the ale of several then -and mats already, and it i important that we make concentrated effort tv get the mats before ? he pnbl tt Bruce - aid. He said he is "pleased ai d impressed'* with The appear ance of :he rriai:. " rhev will play an important role r showing traveller^ what we have to offer ir our i.ve county area, " Hrme aid. t _ 11 r 3 : : c the program may take advantage ot the O.I. Bill. Credits earned under the 1 r; -County program may be tra:.-:er rt-d to other <~oue?es and ulivlt i t j e : . Person- residing in North >eorgid art tl.^ihlr to apply. McSwain L-<prc -ed appre r:ario' n- Welter:: Carolina l .d otate i a 1 wf,?% worked to !!iako the i c* ai prog ran po - - iblt . he aid ;hev include Dr. Paul Reid, pre.-idei:t ot Wes teri. Carolina; Dean ,WN. I ir ner. Dr. C..D. Kilhai., Frank Browi., vl( e-pre - ider.i ol Western Carolina; Dr. I.E. P^adv, direc tor of the Depart ment of Community Colleges, Charle Helloman, associate director; Edward H. Wilsoi:, ?jpervi sot of the Deparr mei.t' extension procrar-:; Jame Norman, roordinator of Extension at Wester' Car olina and Dr. W. Dalla Her ring, chairman ~'f the State Board or Education. Parcel Weight Limit Increased Mailer- are able to ena JO pound parcels berween tir t r ] a s s pc 1 t of t i c es wh i ch a r e 150 imkv or more apar! cart ing J lily 1, Postmaster Joe E. Ray rem inded patron." today. 1 he former weight limit was pound' , he -aid. JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 1 9 20 21 22 V. 25 26 27 28 29 MISS JULY Mitt Corlo Btth of Mr? Collin | Stlltt, Murphy, N.C. Royal Crown i Cola * You'll Flio at the in 8C Co/<z>

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