LEARN A TRADE Adrfitiaad Man ar? Nm4i< i? Train h H???r E On I Mil*. Equip Mat ?M"**" arm ?i?| Ik! hlfhaat paid itgdti in can ?tructlan taday. Actual Equipniant Train lag an Bull teiati, Cradari, Patrola, Rub bar Tlrad Tractor* and Tumapull*. Vast Building Pngraai ora undarwoy naw. Budgat tatma avail* Ala. Sand Ho.., Addraaa, Talapbon. Muaibar and Haura at Haaia Tot UNITED SCHOOLS 400 Gresham Drive Norfolk, Va. 23507 Pittsburgh DJijMJ HOUSE PAINT u\ " Get listing beauty protection with Sun Proof house Mint. Choose from hundreds of color* ? all custom-mixed while you wait. PITTSBURGH PAINTS . p Ihoi fl , ,0|, MURPHY HARDWARE CO Phone 837-2110 Peochtree News Peac' _roe Community diAi met In regular session on (he 2nd Monday night at the school with" Pet Luck Supper. We did not have our usual large crowd, but some 35 enjoyed the delightful meal and fellow Midget -Mite Program Moving Plans are being made to supply uniforms for all boys who are playing with the Murphy Mite Football team this week. Several of the players did not receive uni forms last week bee -use of a shortage. Chuck McConnell and Jack Dickey are coaching the boys in the under age 12 team. Coaches Bobby Roberson and Haskel Roberson an nounced that the Murphy Midgets have begun practice at the Murphy Elementary School. Boys between the ages of 12 and 14 are eligible. Both teams are sponsored by the Murphy Lions Club. ship meeting u wtuch tune definite plus were mad* u> work on our Community Picnic ?ad pity area. We hope every one is going to be back from vacations and we will have our usual large crowd for the September meeting. The president of our Community Club, Mrs. Marcella Smith, has recently undergone surgery, but is getting along fine. -M The Rev. R. C Shearin, of Hampton, Va. was the visiting minister for the re vival held recently at Peach tree Baptist Church. It was a real joy to have someone return who had held his first pastorate here 33 years ago. The pastor Rev. Robert Barker baptized seven people at the close of the revival. -P Mlsses Margaret and Doris Hendrlx left Tuesday to resume their teaching duties In Leaksvllle Spray, N. C. after spending the summer with their parents/ theGlenr Hendrixs. -p. Miss Carmolitta Smith is spending a few days at home after studying pharmacy in Ohio this summer. -P Mrs. Lloyd Hendrlx, Martha and Mrs. Bob Hendrix and Kim visited In North Wilkes boro last weekend. While there they attended the wedding of Miss Adrienne Smith in Asheboro, N. C., who is Mrs. Hendrlx's niece. -p. I We have news that Mr. Vernon Parker continues to improve from a serious heart attack of several days ago. He is In a local hospital. -P The J. C. Kllpa tricks are enjoying a visit from their daughter Carlene, her hus band and 3 children who now reside in Arizona. Marine the daughter who lives in Oak Ridge also visited here last week-end. -P The Sunbeams of Peachtree Baptist Church had charge of the Prayer Service on last W ednesday night with 35 peo ple present. They also had picnic on Friday night with 25 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR RACE DRIVERS AND RACING FANS ALL CARS WILL BE CHECKED IN BEFORE 7:30 P. M. ANY CARS REPORTING LATER THAN THIS WILL HAVE TO START AT THE REAR OF THE LINFUP. DRIVERS MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE PROMPTLY AT 7:30 WARMUPS AFTER THE MEETING TO ALLOW SCORING OFFICIALS TO MAKE OUT THE LINEUP-AS SOON AS THIS IS DONE - QUALIFYING TO TAKE PLACF AND THE RACES SHOULD GET UNDERWAY AT APPROXIMATELY 8:00 P. M. THREE EVENTS EYENT A ? Slowest Half of cars Qualifying - 20 Laps Paying $50.00 25.00 and 10.00 for First, Second and Third Places EVENT B - Fastest Half of Cars Qualifying - 50 Laps Paying $100.00 50.00 and 25.00 for First, Second and Third Places EYENT C ? Open to all Cars that would like to Compete for higher prize Money - 50 LAPS Paying $150.00, $100.00 and $50.00 for first, second and third places *Note - Only one car and one Driver may Compete in only one of the Above Events. All Cars Will be paid $5.00 Tow Money - Track Will be Resurfaced with Georgia State Highway Commission Approved Clay \ CLEAN MODERN FACILITIES THIS IS THE TRACK WHERE DRIVERS AND FANS KNOW IN ADVANCE WHAT THE PURSE WILL BE . . . *500 00 GO WHERE THE ACTION IS--GO TO THE ACTION CENTER OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA-GO TO THE TRI-COUNTY SPEEDWAY 1/4 MM* East Of ir? town ? l?twnn Old U.S. , 64 Baet ft Rural Road Numbar 1194 In the Event of Rain - Race will be Run Sunday Afternoon, August 27th. THE HICKORY STAND CHURCH WILL BE SELLING A COMPLETE CHICKEN DINNER AT THE CHURCH NEAR THE TRACK FOR $1.25 FROM 4:30 TO 6:30 IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE CHURCH IS ASK ANYONE WHEN YOU NEAR BRASSTOWN. . . . Make The Eveninc Complete By Giving The Wife A Break And Eat With The Folks At The Hickory Stand Church Before The Race. N.C. Farmers Receive $82 Million FHA Loans Since the signing of the Bulkhead- J ones Farm Tenant Act by President Franklin Roosevelt on July 22, 1937, more than 8,100 farm operators In North Carolina have either changed their status from tenants to farm owners or have been able to enlarge and develop their family farms to more ef ficient units, according to Melvin H. Hearn, State Direc tor, of the Farmers Home Administration. In observing the 30th anniversary of the farm ownership loan program, Hearn said that In the 30 year period his agency had advanced some $82,000,000 to farmers in the stat, and that currently there are more than 3700 active borrowers In the program. Thj number of Farm owner ship loans in Cherokee County (s 14, amounting to $118,966. 64; Graham County is 12, amounting to 983,710.27; and Clay County is 45, amounting to .$613,008,06. These num bers represent the active farm ownership loans on the program and do not include those that have paid up. Hearn said the Bankhead Jones Act established the con cept of advancing to tenant farmers supervised long term, low-interest credit up to 100 percent of the value of a farm, allowing them to purchase and develop family size farms. people present. Since it was Sunbeam Focus Week they shined in many ways. -P Rev. Robert Barker with Mrs. Barker and the Hardy Morris's are having a two weeks vacation at points of interest in the South East. -P Mrs. Jim Hendrix, Mrs. Marjorie Henson and children spent last week-end in Mont gomery, Ala where they attended a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Haggard, brother of Mrs. Hendrix. -P Each loan U based on a sound farm and home manage ment plan and borrowers re ceive guidance In carrying out planned operations, be said. Recently, Secretary of Agriculture, Orville L. Free man, called the Bankhead Jones Act, "one of the great landmarks in American agri culture." He said: "At the time the legislation was passed, two out of every five farmers were tenants and more were becoming tenants every year. Today, about 83 percent of the nation's farmers are full or part owners of land they operate. State Director Hearn said that on a national basis the Farmers Home Adminis tration has advanced more than $2 billion during the 30 year period, helping nearly 900,00 people living onfarms. Since 1961, the Farmers Home Administration has ad vanced more than 1.3 billion in farm ownership loans com pared to >833 million in the previous 24 years of the pro gram. North Carolina has shown a similar dramatic in crease in these loans since 1961, Hearn said. "Without these loans," he said, "many of these farmers might have been forced off their farms and into crowded cities. With the, these farmers have been able to live in and help build rural America." A recent 5-year national progress report, through 1967, shows that die average FHA borrower increased his gross income from 110,115 before his loan, to $18,565 gross income five years later, Hearn said. Farmer ownership loans are made only to farmers who cannot obtain credit else where. Repayment of loans has been excellent; the amount of prinicpal written off over 30 years is less than four tenths of one percent. This has been more than made up by interest payment, Mr. Hearn said. Farm ownership loans are made at the 72 local Farmers Home Administration offices serving all rural areas in the state. Cards of Thanks We vish to acknowledge with grateful appreciation all the kindnesses show to "Papa" and all the family during the illness and death of our Father. "?"he Fred Davis Family Too Late to Classify LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE The undersigned, havin? qualified as Executor of the estate of Emily C. Miller, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said esute to present them to the undersigned Dr. Harry Miller, Murphy, N. C. on or before the 10th day of Feb ruary, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said esute will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of August 1967. s /Harry Miller Murphy, N.C 4-4tc FOR SALE-(1) Chi el Forage harvester-Used one season also 1954 GMC dump truck. Priced to sell- See or Call Bob Waldroup In Hayesville at 389-2548 after 6:00 p.m. 4-3tc FOR SALE -1966 2plus 2 Mus tang. Bright Red and four forward speed transmission. Will sell below wholesale price. See Bill Carver at Colonial Mobile Homes, Hiawassee, Ga. or call 321-5496 after 7:00 p.m. 4-tfn FOR SALE ?3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath house located on 50 acres of land. Located in the Peachtree area. Call 837-2603. 4-tfn FOR SALE? Building lot located in East Murffty on Mauney Street. 148 x 155. Call 837-2603. 4-tfn nBll2wSAVE jAjABORff INTERIOR LATEX WAli PAINT 2-6" B My Nationally SaHLatox faints an rornwiuiN re gn>? you both wondftjl ptrfoffiwnct and Beautiful mulit. ROi-EZE \ ?* cut cov?J UTEX HOUSE PAINT QUIW*1 ^ WW u 2- , RISWOOD STAIN 2^r 598 WHITE BAIN AND FENCE PAINT 2^698 SEMWROSS ENAMEL 2 w '798 BUY ^ SAVE! ^il CAULKING TUMS A r\ *1 39? HOW Of* 49 100 WT Freezer section stores up to 156 lbs.! Two Door 16' Refrigerator-Freezer 15.7 cu. ft. ? Model TB-16S AdjusiaDie snen. Slide -out shelf. Twin vegetable bins. O'E Colors or White. Have your own "supermarket"... holds up to 406 lbs. frozen foods!) Model CA-12D 11.6 CU. ft. 'Economy Food Freezer Big convenience, low cost ! Upright design! Fast freezing! 1891 General Electric Mobile Maid* Portable Dishwasher Easy Loading! 3 Cycles! J- Level Thoro-W&sh with Built-in Soft Food Waste Disposer! Spotlessly clean dishes! Lift-Top Back! Dishes load, unload easily! 189 CRISP CLEAR COLOR! I A Way To Wash Everything . . . leftover loads, Permanent Press I [ Filter-Flo* Washer Exclusive Wnl-Bukpt* _genU? waahlng for up to 2 lba. of fra*ll?? you'd normally waah by hand. Great for leftover or nul aance loads like aneakers or colored thine* that ran. ?T.M. of O.K. Co. Only 2)9* WT MURPHY TIRE& APPLIANCE PHONE 837-2821 MURPHY, N. C. f MttlCMFl ? SIMPLIFIED COLOR TUNING "METER GUIDE" Tuning ?MAGIC MEMORY" Rafaranca Control* Automatic Fin* Tuning ? Ractangular Tub# ? 226 square Inchaa viawing araa. a Authantie Early Amarlcan styling. 439 ; j