The Cherokee 'Cherokee County's Best Seller' Volume 78 - Number 14 M?ipby, Nerth Carolina October 26, 1967 Scout and Clay County Progress 10 Pages This Week SUUJNUUJQi POST AO! PAiU AT MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA 14 Murphy Students To Attend District Meeting Fourteen members of the Distributive Education Club at Murphy High School will attend the District Leadership Conference of the Distributive Education Clubs of American Tuesday afternoon at Sylva Webster High School. Two Murphy students will be seeking district offices at Correction The Scout reported last week that Dr. Walter F. Mau ney is a graduate of the Uni versity of Alabama. This Is not correct. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and he took his internship at the University of Alabama. The Scout regrets this error. the meeting. Sandy Allison has been nominated to run for secretary-treasurer of the District and Jerry Hunsucker is a candidate for parli mentarian. Josephine Taylor will re present Murphy in the DECA Sweetheart competition and Polly Conley is entered in the Job Interview contest. Ann Arrant has been elected by the Murphy club to serve as a delegate at local, dis trict and state conferences. The officers of the Murphy Club this year are David Arrant, president: Pete Stalcup, Jr., vice president; Sandy Allison, secretary; Ann Armat, treasurer; Polly Con ley, historian; and Jerry Hun sucker, parlimentarlan. Cecil Mashbum is the teacher coordinator of the local program. Young Harris Gets Trophy Young Harris College has received the Prtsident's Trophy awarded by tht mem ber schools of the Georgia Junior College Atheltic Conference. The trophy was presen ted to the school's president, Douglas Sasser, and Coach Luke Rushton last Friday at the annual banquet of the Georgia Junior College Asso ciation in Douglas, Ga. The banquet was held on the cam pus of South Georgia College The trophy is awarded to the school displaying the best overall sportsmanship shown by students, athletes coaches and faculty mem bers. It was awarded for the 1966-67 school year. Set Clock Back Saturday Night, Daylight Time Ends Western North Carolinians will get an extra hour of sleep Saturday night as the area's first Daylight Saving Time period comes to an end. Eastern Standard Time officially becomes effective at 2 a.m. Sunday. It is suggested you turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night. The hour of extra sleep you gain is repayment for the hour you lost last spring when we went on daylight time. Don Gentry Takes Lead In Contest Don Gentry of Murphy won first place in The Scout Foot ball Contest this week and moved Into the lead in' the point standings for the grand Bulldogs Overcome Swain Threat, 13-6 By Red Schuyler The Murphy Bulldogs racked up their fifth Smoky Mountain Conference win by nosing out the Swain County Maroon Devils, 13-6, on the local field Friday night. Take away the Bulldogse cond offensive play of the game and the Bulldogs may have been beaten. Swain won the toss and elected to receive. Harley Grant took the kickoff on his 15 yard line and returned it to the Swain 32 yard line. Alva Crowe picked up three yards through ** ttoS HrtB.TTISrles Crowe took a pass for 18 yards and a first down. Roscoe Lindsey picked up three yards on the next play. Another pass, good for 15 yards to Eddie Di liar d, net ted another first down and it looked like Swain was on the way to pay dirt. With first and ten and the ball on the Bull dogs 29 yard line, Doug Ste vens intercepted a pass on the Bulldog 20. It was a ? diving catch and Stevens had no chance for a run back. On the first Bulldog play, Harold Kephart picked up one yard. On the next play, Kincaid found a hole in the line and with the aid of good blocking went all the way for 79 yards and six points. This one run accounted for almost half of die yardage the Bulldogs were to get on this cold night. The Bulldogs would not be able to get but 109 more yards by rushing against a fired up Maroon Devil team. The first score of the night came with 9:08 remaining in the first quar ter. Stevens try for the extra point was wide and the Bull dogs were out in front for the time being 6-0. On the next series of plays the Devils could not get a first down and were forced to kick out. The kick rolled dead on the Bulldog 36 yard line. With the Kephart boys running. Harold and Mike, the "Dogs" picked up three first downs. In this series a pass to Earl Thrasher was good for six yards plus a keeper by Stiles good for seven yards. On the next two plays, the Dogs lost 13 yards. Kincaid picked up five and it was fourth and 18. Electing to gamble, the Bull dogs called for a screen pass and it was no good., Swain took over on their own 30 yard line and picked up 17 yards on two runs and a pass. On third down with seven yards to go, Robbie Robinson heaved a pass that was de flected by Thrasher and then caught by Reggie Wiggins and netted 15 yards and a first down. In the next series of plays and knocking on the Bull dog door Roscoe Lindsay picked up one yard, a pass to Charles Crowe was dropped on the Bulldog five yard line. The first quarter ended at this point and the Bulldogs were holding on to a six point lead. On the third play of the second quarter Muse heaved a pass to Charles Crowe and the Bulldogs were guilty of interference and were penal ized 15 yards. ThisgaveSwain another first down. Alva Crowe lost two yards. Three successive passes fell to the ground and the Bulldogs took over on the Bulldog 20 yard line. Kincaid picked up three yards on the next play and then the Bulldogs took a penalty for holding and the ball was moved to the Bulldog 11 1/2 yard line. Kincaid and Harold Kephart picked up five yards, but ten yards short of a first down and once again Scott was called on to kick it out. Scon's long kick went to Ch arles Crowe on the Swain 47 yard line and was returned to the Swain 49. - ~ v \ Nine plays and three succ essive first downs and the Devils were again knocking on the Bulldog door. With the ball on the seven yard line, Danny Muse took it in for the six points with 5:18 remaining in the half. On the try for the extra point, it looked like it would be kicked, but the receiver caught the ball while still on his knee. He decided to run for it but never had a chance. Since he caught the ball while on his knee, it was a dead ball. On the ensuing kickoff, the ball was return*^ Bull dog 40 yard line. The Bulldogs picked up one first down but could not make it two in a row and had to call on Scott to kick it out. The Maroon Devils were content to run the clock out and the half ended with the score tied 6-6. Taking the second half kick off, the Bulldogs could not make a first down. Scott's kick went off the side of his foot and was out of bounds on the Bulldog 36. Swain picked up a first down, but the attack bogged down and it was fourth and nine on the Bulldog 24. The fourth down pass was in complete and the Bulldogs took over on the Bulldog 24. On the next three plays, the Bulldogs were just shy of a first down and on the fourth down, the ball was fumbled and Swain recovered on the Bull dog 35. On the first play. Swain picked up nine yards but on the next play, gave the ball back to the Bulldogs on a fumble on the Bulldog 25. The third period ended shortly thereafter with neither team able to strike paydirt. On the first play of the fourth quarter, David Cole intercepted a pass on the Swain 26 yard line. This was one of the two key plays of OH NO YOU DON'T I Harold Kephart (11) deflects a pass Intended forSwaln County end Eddie Dtllard who is just outside the goal line. A successful completion would have given Swain the lead in their narrow defeat by Murphy. (Photo by Weaver Carrlnger). the game. With Kincaid and Mike Kephart running three plays , the ball was a few inches shy of a first down. Gambling for it, the Bulldogs picked up the first down by a foot. Af ter four more plays and a first down, the ball was rest ing on the Swain seven yard line. A keeper by Stiles picked up one yard. Kincaid picked up another yard. On the third play, from the five yard line, Harold Kephart ran it over. Stevens try for the extra point was good and the Bulldogs led 13-6 with 7:44 remaining. Harley Grant received the kickoff and returned it to the Bryson City 25 yard line. On the next play, Robbie Robin son broke clear at the line of scrimmage and ran it back to the Bulldog 40 yard line. On the third play Mike Kep hart intercepted a pass on the Bulldog 13 yard line. The E 'lldogs could only get one first down and once again Scott had to kick out. The receiver fumbled the ball but recovered on the Swain 30 yard line. Five plays later the Maroon Devils had moved the ball to the Bulldog 10 yard line with i:05 remaining. Robbie Robinson picked up four yards. On the next play, Swain was penalized five yards for illegal motion, the ball now on the 11 yard line. Three incompletepasses later the Bulldgos took over with 23 yards remaining. The Bulldogs were content to run the clock out. Dj aeieaung owam, uie Bulldogs win the Western Di vision Class AA Championship and will go into the playoffs. The showdown comes this Fri day night when the once beaten once tied Bulldogs travel to Andrews to meet the once tied Wildcats. This game will de cide the Smoky Mountain Con ference Championship. If both teams are up, this will be the best game played in Western North Carolina next week. This game will close out the regular season play for the Bulldogs. The Andrews Wildcats have one more game on their regular schedule, but will enter the playoffs for the Western Di vision in Class A. Without a' doubt, the Bull dogs best weapon was the bare foot kicking of 155 pound end Benny Scott. Scott kicked five times for an average of 46 yards, with one kick going off the side of hij foot for snort yardage. M FIRST DOWNS 7 Rushing Yardage 188 Passing Yardage 37 Passes 4-74 Passes Int. by 4 Punts 6-48 Fumbles lost 1 Yard* Penalised 40 S 11 188 134 8-24 0 1-36 1 16 Swain County 0 6 0 0 6 Murphy 6 0 0 7-? 13 prize. He picked the winners in 22 out of 24 games listed. Previously, Don had two and one-half points to his credit for a tie for second AM.* kftA 1 y* av^> iic uvw 11 as ac??i ouu one-half points. Boyd Pullium of Murphy also had 22 correct predic tions, but he had to settle for second place because of the tie breaker. Our tie breaker last week was Tennessee's 24-13 victory that ended Alabama's winning streak. Both Don and Boyd had predicted the Alabama victory and we had to judge on the closeness of the two score predictions. Don came closest with a forecast of a 17-14 'Bama win while Boyd said the score would be 30-24. Don was with in 14 points of the actual num ber scored and Boyd, while correctly picking Tennessee's 24 points, was off by 17 points when he said Alabama would score 30. Third place is shared by three contestants this week. All three had 21 correct sel ections and all three pre dicted Tennessee would beat Alabama by a margin of 17-14. The three are Fran Craw ford, Richard B. Caldwell and Graham Bayless, all of Mur phy. The two points to be aw arded for third place must be divided equally and the three will each receive credit for two thirds of a point. Here are the standings in the race for our grand prize; Don Gentry-seven and one half points. Karen Watson, Larry Shope, James H. Kilpatrick and Patsy Hyde-five points each. Sandra Mintz, Don Gregory E.C. James and Boyd Pull ium three points each. Terry Sanders, two and one half points. Abby Mathis, Herbie Gibson and Dale Lunsford two points each. Fran Crawford, Richard B. Caldwell and Graham Bayless two-thirds of a point each. Turn to the contest page for this week and see how you fare in the mad scramble for dollars and points. \ Brasstown Man Dies From Raceway Injuries A much-decorated, twice wounded veteran of the Viet Nam fighting died early Sunday morning of injuries s uffered Saturday night at the Tri -County Raceway near Brasstown. Carl Smith, 21, was reported by Clay county Sheriff Er nest H. Moore to be standing by a parked car at the race track when one of the cars skidded and pinned Smith against the parked vehicle. He complained of chest pains and was taken to a Mur phy hospital where he died about three hours later. The driver of the race car was identified as Paul Corbin of Cleveland, Tenn. Smith received a medical discharge from the arme' forces after being wounded twice in Vietnam last year. He was awarded the Purple Heart twice and also was aw arded the Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and a National Defense Service Medal. He was employed by And Jury Commission Sworn In Monday The members of the new Cherokee County Jury Com mission were sworn in Monday by Clerk of Superior Court Don Ramsey. The members are Mrs. Charles Van Gorder, Joe My ers and Ben Scott. The mem bers elected Scott chairman. The commission has begun work to compile new jury lists as provided by the new North Carolina uniform jury bill which was passed by the General Assembly this year. About 2,000 names will be selected for the jury list from voter registration and tax lists. The members of the com mission will serve two-year terms and may be appointed to successive terms . The residentSuperiorCourt Judge, the Clerk of Superior Court, and the County Com missioners each appoint one member of the commission. Pay for service on the commission is to be set by the county commissioners. A list of prospective jurors, to be used for two years, must be prepared by the com mission at least 30 days prior to January 1, 1968. The name and address of each person selected for the list will be written on a sep arate card. The cards will be alphabetized and per manently numbered and placed in the custody of the Register of Deeds. Numbers will be placed in a jury box which will be turned over to the Clerk of Super ior Court. The Clerk will draw the amount of numbers specified by the Judge atleast 30 days prior to a couct ses sion. The numbers drawn will be turned over to the Register of Deeds who will match the numbers with the numbers and names on the jury list. The new bill under which the commission operates states that prospective jurors may be excused "only for reasons of compelling personal hard ship." Money Stolen At Andrews School The Cherokse County Sher iff's Department and the An drews Police are investigating the theft of petty cash during a break in at Andrews High School last Thursday night. Superintendent Fred Rogers said the money was taken from a desk drawer in the school office. He said a hole was broken in the front door to gain en trance to the builing and a glass panel was broken to get into the office. Another glass was broken to get into the cafeteria, but Rogers said nothing was taken there. Deputy Sheriff Glen Holl oway took fingerprints to as sist in the investigation. Midgets, Mites Win At Swain The Murphy Midgets will be out to wrap up the Smoky Mountain Conference midget title Saturday night at Robb insville. The Midgets de feated Bryson City, 40-20, last week. The Murphy Mites won at Bryson City, 34-14. The Mites will be seeking revenge at Robbinsville for their only previous defeat. They bowed to Robbinsville, 7-6, in the first meeting between the two teams this year. rews Furniture Industries. Smith was a native of Cherokee County, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith of Brasstown, and attended Murphy schools. Other survivors include a sister, Miss Mary Ellen Smith of the home; two bro thers, Robert of Travelers Rest, S.C. and Larry of the home; and the maternal grand mother Mrs. Georgia Waldroup of Brasstown. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Little Brasstown Baptist Church, of which he was a member. The Rev. Jimmy Hogsed and the Rev. Fred Lunsford officiated. Full military rites were conducted in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Clay Brown, Ray Elliott, Burl Chastain, Francis Cook, Harry Tipton and Clay Logan. Townson Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Bloodmobile Here Monday The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at the Murphy Power Board Building Monday after noon from 1 until 5:30. "A great need and shortage . of blood" was reported by a j spokeman for the bloodmobile J The shortage is attributed to m the needs for wounded ser- j vicemen in Vietnam. Wildcats Defeat * fobbinsville The undefeated Andrews Wildcats scored 20 points in the final quarter Friday night to defeat Robbinsville, 40-26 After jumping to a 13-0 lead in the first quarter, the .Wildcats had to settle for a 13-13 tie at the half. Andrews held a 20-13 lead at the end of the third quarter and scored three touchdowns in the fourth quarter while the Black Knights scored twice. Gary Morgan lead die Andrews attack with two touchdowns in die fourth quarter while the Black Knights scored twice. Gary Morgan led the And rews attack with two touch downs and he passed for another. Andrews hosts Murphy Fri day night in the game that will decide the Smoky Mountain Conference championship. OFF TO THE CIRCUS? This group of 33 Murphy children had ringside seats at the Shrlner Circus In Chattanooga Saturday as guests of the Chattanooga Shrine difc. Towns on Funeral Home, Rlmco and CI ti sens Bank and Trust Co. sponsored linen and transportation foe tbe trip. (Photo by Jim Morgan)

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