Of Interest To . . . WOMEN ii?l HoHit Palaw ? So?l?ty Editar Phena 837.2385 Puetf Garrett Engagement Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Puett of Brasstown announce the engage ment of their daughter, Becky, to Sgt. Charles R. Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett of Rt. 2, Murphy. Sgt. Garrett is now stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. Miss Puett is employed by Clifton Percision. Wedding plans are incomplete. War9?r.l Col, f] a m * J o u n (j ^ a r e e r W o m a n Margaret Cole The Murphy Business and Professional Women's Clubhas selected Miss Margaret Cole as their Young Career Woman tor 1968. Miss Cole will com pete with other nominees from District 1, North Carolina Busi ness and Professional Women's Clubs at Black Mountain on April 28. If Miss Cole wins at Black Mountain then she will compete with nominees at the State Meeting of Business and Professional Women's Clubs to be held in Asheville in June. Miss Cole is a graduate of Murphy High School where she received the Citizenship award as a high school senior was chosen All-State Basketball Player and Outstanding Female Athlete of Western North Carolina. She graduated from Western Carolina University where she received her B.S. in Education. At present she is employed by the Cherokee County Board OF Education as the business teacher at Hiwassee Dam High School. Miss Cole is a mem ber of Calvary Baptist Church where she is active in church activities. She is a member of the North Carolina Edu cational Association and mem ber of Brumby Textile Basket ball and Softball teams. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Cole of Murphy. Peachtree News Feachtree Community Club met on the Second Monday night for their regular monthly meet ing with a delicious meal at 6:30 followed by a delightful Easter program. More than ! 40 people participated in the meeting with special guests i from the Murphy Episcopal Church. Mrs. Roy Weber, Youth Choir Director of the Episcopal Cburch and Mrs. W. L. Ro berts, Organist, brought their youth choir as guests and pro gram of the evening. They did a beautiful job. -P Easter brought many folk back home to Peachtree for Ok glad holiday season. Amaag those we know about are: The Walter Sudderths, their two children and his father-in-law of Hickory, N. C. These were guests of the H. L. Robinson's and Misses Mae, Dale and Neal Sadder th. -P Tbe Carson Rogers and dsaghter of Atlanta, Ga. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jlogers. -P Tbe James Bradshaws and MB, of Atlanta, Ga. were guests of Mr. aod Mrs. Prank Morrow. -P I The Randolph Hansons and son, of Atlanta, Ga. were guests of Mrs. Hanson's parents, The Abe Zlmtnermans. I Mr. Gary Barnett of Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, S.C., was here for a week-end leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnett. -P Misses Doris and Margaret Hendrix of Leaksville-Spray Public Schools spent the week end here with their parents,Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hendrix. -P Mrs. J. Robert Penland was confined to her home for the Easter holidays with cold. Her children and many other guests called on her this week-end. -P Mr. and Mrs. Earl T*>or and Kay of Hayesville were Sunday visitors to old friends in the Peachtree and Murphy area on Sunday. -P The former Miss Christine Hughes, now Mrs. Worley with her husband and children were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Barker, Sunday. -P Mr. Carl Sudderth is one of our summer residents that has returned from his winter home in Miami. We expect others sooo. .p. News from Mrs. W. A. Boyd who has spent the last few months in a convalescent home, Emerald Ave., Knoxville.Tenn. is that she is improving and anxious to get home to all her friends. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loving ood o I Route 1, Marble announce the engagement of their dau ghter, Lois Anne, to Harold H. Johnson, Is a Junior at Murphy High School. Her fiance is employed by Rimco Mfg. Co. in Murphy. A June wedding is planned. B&PW Club Has Meeting MURPHY - The Murphy Pro fessional and Business Club held their regular monthly meeting, on Monday April 8 at Duke's Lodge, Committees were appointed for the Birthday party to be held in May and new officers were elected. IHIWM JACKSON A daughter, Jerri Yvette, to Mr. and Mrs. Jackie H. Jackson of Rt. 5, Murphy. Born March 31 , at Providence Hospital. Mrs. Jackson is the former Miss Ella Louise Blackwell. ELLIOT A daughter, Angela Denise, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ray Elliot of Murphy. Born April 3 at Providence Hospital. Mrs. Elliot is the former Miss Deborah Elaine Little. McCOMBS A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mc Combs of Murphy Born April 5 at Providence Hospital. Mrs. Mc Combs is the former Miss Janice C. Crisp. PECKINPAUGH A daughter, Kimberly Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. George M. Peckinpaugh of Havenlock,N.C. Born April 1. Mrs. Peckinpaugh is the former Miss Patricia Jane Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Brown, Jr. of Murphy. KENT A son, Richard Bryan to Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKinley Kent of Rt. 3, Murphy, April 5, at Providence Hospital. Mrs. Kent is the former Miss Maureen Elisa Graves. BISHOP Twins, a son and daughter, Dennis Harold and Barbara Denise to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Charlie Bishop, of Rt. 2, Murphy April 11, at Providence Hospital Mrs. Bishop is the former Miss Louella Kate Martin. -M Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Denny Sr., of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denny Jr., of Chattanooga, Tenn., spent Easter with Mrs. S. K. Denny's Sr., mother, Mrs. Leila Dickey. Printed Pattern 9099\ j 12'i-244 Printed Pattern 9099: Half Siiea 12',. 144. 1?4, 184. 204. 224. 24>t Size 1?>, re quire* 3 yards 35-inch. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS in coin* cjch pattern ? add IS cents for each pattern for Ist-class mailing and special handling Send to 170 Newspaper Pat tern Dept.. West l?ih St.. New York. N Y. IWlll. Send 51k- for IIW Spring Summer Pattern Catalog Includes cou pon good for On* Free Pattern Murphy Social Notes Mrs. Eugene Dockery and children of Chipley, Fta., have returned to their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Dockery, Sr. -M Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates, Jr., aad children of Raleigh spent Easter with Mr. Bates' mother, Mrs. Bertha Bates. -M Guests over the Easter week end of Mayor and Mrs. Cloe Moore were : their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bud L. Brown, Debbie and Larry of Lenoir, and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Moore and daughters , Teressa and Sonya of Simpsonville, S. C. and Mrs. Moore's sister and bro ther-in-law, Mr. andMrs.W.F. Wohlt Jr., and daughter, Kelly of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Ann Phillips of Murphy. -M Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Helton and family of Clinton, Tenn., spent Easter with Mrs. Helton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noland Wells. -M Hubert Wells, student at Un iversity of Tenn., Knoxvllle, spent Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells. -M Knox Singleton, student at Maryville, College, Maryville, Tenn. spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton. -M Mlss Adniah Brown, student at Banderbilt College, Nashville Tenn. and Perry Brown student at Carson Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn., spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown. Mr. H. A. Mattox spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper of Atlanta, -M Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Canton spent Easter Sunday with their aunt, Miss Hattie Palmer. -M Mr. and Mrs. George Powell and daughter, Susan of Char lotte, were Easter weekend guests of Mrs. Powell's sister, Miss Mary Akin. -M Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton spent Easter weekend in West Minister, S. C. -M Miss Elizabeth Borne, student at Westminister school Atlanta, spent Easter weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bourne, Jr. -M Mrs. Harry Lovingood and Mrs. Charles White spent last Wednesday in Atlanta. -M Luke Bayless student at WCU, Cullowhee, spent Easter week end with hs parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bayless. -M Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Merritt, Jr., and son, Randy, of Charlotte, N. C? were Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Waldrup, Jr. They are the parents and brother of Mrs. Waldrup. -M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rector of Chattanooga, Teniu, spent Saturday as guests of Mr. Rect or's mother, Mrs. Lewis Hodges. -M Mrs. Gibb Roddy of Dayton, Term., spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peyton I vie. She was accompanied home by her children, Mellndi and Grant who had been vlslt teg their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I vie. Mrs. R. y. Ruflner and bro ther, Frank Raylor of Danbridge Tenn. spent Easter with their brother, Mr. W. H. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor. -M Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swain and children of Marietta, Ga., spent Easter with Mr. Swain's parents, Mr. and Mrs.pearl Swain. * -M Mrs. Noah Johnson and Mrs. Joyce Berrong, of Hayesrille returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swain and family of Marietta, Ga. -M Mrs. Florence Mull re turned home Sunday after a visit with her daughter and soo-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Troell of Albuquere, Mexico. -M Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swain and son, Jeff, of Morrow, Ga. spent Easter weekend with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Swain and Mr. and Mrs. Guy McNabb. -M Mr. and Mrs. Bob Akin of Atlanta, Ga., spent Easter weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Akin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swain of Miami, Fla., have arrived to spend the summer at their home at Peachtree. -M Mrs. Eva Nell Laurie has returned home after being a patient in Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta. Mrs. W.H. Taylor and Mrs. Harold Wells attended the Waynesville District executive meeting of th WSCS at First Methodist Church, Franklin, Tuesday, April 9. Mrs. Wells gave her report to the District officers of the South Easteen jurisdiction meeting in Birm ingham, Ala., where she repre sented the Waynesville district. -M Bill Cheney student at Mc Kenzie School, Chattanooga, Tenn. spent Easter with his mother and sister, Mrs. Ruth Cheney and Miss Mary D. Cheney. -M SFC Fannie Deweese, of Ft. Benning, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ruth Cheney. -M Dr. George Size and son, Tommy of Ft. Worth, Texas spent Eater weekend herewith friends. -M Dr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of Gainesville, Ga. spent sev eral days last week as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Dickey. -M Miss Ann Lochaby and room mate, Miss Collete Bell, students at Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer, N.C. spent the Easter weekend with Miss Lochaby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lochaby. -M Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Hamp ton and son of Randleman spent Easter with Dr. Hampton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hampton. -M Mr. and Mrs. Dickey Davis stadents at WCU, Cullowtee spent Easter weekend with llr. Davis* parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Lores Davis. -it Mr. and Mrs. Charles Res vis and children of Winston Salem, are rlsltlac her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sav age. -M Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers at Goldsboro spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Luther of Marble and Mrs. Vina Rogers of Andrews. -It Mrs. Annie Lee Adams left Tuesday for a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams of Huntsvllle, Ala. -M Chux Barrett student at King College, Bristol, Tenn., and Greg Barrett, with the Navy, at Loaf Beach, Calif, spent Easter weekend with tbelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barrett. -M Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith sod family of Lake Tax cm ay spent Easter with his parents the Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Smith. -M Mark Brown of Augusta, Ga. Is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ashe and laughter, Bonlte at Powell, Tenn., were weekend guests at Mrs. Powell's sister and brother -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mills and another sis ter, Mrs. Lanra Taylor. M Robert Bruce, student at State College, Raleigh, spent Easter wltti Us parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Brae*. Mike Jordan, and Jan David son students at Carolina Coll ege, Chapel Hill, spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs John Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson. -M Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stevens at Mars Hill, N. C. , spent Easter with Mrs. Stevens' grandmother, Mrs. Mae Tom son. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ledford and son, Joey of Lowell, Tenn. spent Easter weekend withMrs. Blanche Kil patrlck. -M Mrs. Margaret Gibbs spent Easter with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Roberts and little daughter of Atlanta. -U llrm. H. A. Mattes to Sit ing her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Harry P. Cooper at Admit*. Jimmy Jordan student at State College, Raleigh spent Easier with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan. ?M? Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Chandler spent several days last we*k as gnests at tkelr <*? g**? and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Canate, * Chatta nooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Doer kery and children of Hyde Pari, N. J. have returned to their home after spending the Easter holidays with Mr. Dockets parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Doc kery St. ? . . . where you BANK A savings and checking account go together like ham and eggs ... in a bank. You can give them tender, loving care at one stop . . . under one roof. As a credit reference they add prestige in depth to your name. Earnings on savings are excellent. Save where you bank. Make it OUR bank! CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Serving Southwestern North Carolina Member Federal Insurance Corporation Andrews Cashiers Cullowhee Hayesville Murphy kobbimritk Syira m If you can afford a Ford, ou can afford aChrysler. ' Chrysler Newport now priced about $3.78 a month more than Ford LTD* Chrysler Newport now priced about $3.78 a month more than a Ford LTD* (which is still a Ford, a high-price, low-price car). Chrysler Newport now priced about $2.29 a month more than a Chevy Caprice* (which is still a Chevy, a high-price, low-price car). 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