For Full Value? "Super Right Meats' SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF -WHOLE 10 -INCH CUT 25 TO 35 LB. AVERAGE "Super-Right" All Meot Franks ??- 39c ie 49c s "SUPER-RIGHT" FRESH Fryer Parts Brcatt lb 55c Thighs lb 45c Drumsticks lb 49c Livers lb 65c Winjs lb. 29< CHOICE PARTS 4Qn CambiMlion Pkf. Lb. TVV SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVr CORN-FED BEEF? BONELESS Shoulder Roast - 75c SUPER RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF? BONELESS Chuck Steak - 75c ' SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF? FRESHLY Ground Chuck ? 75c SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF? BONELESS Shoulder Steak - 85c "Super-Righf" Sliced, Cooked Picnic st 49c Virginia Country Form ? Cooked Ham vvc 85c Cop'n John's Frozen. Fried Shrimp st 65c Cop'n John's Seofood Dinners 'S 49c "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY U S D A GRADE 'A' TURKEYS ? TOMS ? HENS IS to 22 U. 4 I (? 10 to 14 U. <l|ll A?.ra,? Lb. VI" Ay.rof* Lb. WW" ? SMALL-Under 10 Lbs. lb. 39c "SUPER-RIGHT" GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF Chuck Roast 45c ? 65c ? ? i . i ? ? ? n m.i ? PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVVE THRU SAT. FEB. 1ST. WESTERN GROWN ? RED OR GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES > 25c IDEAL FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES OR SNACKS TEMPLE ORANGES 2 25c SERVE THEM MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT GRAPEFRUIT as 5 k. 49c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! i>> U b NU UNt ALL HUXHObE RUSSET POTATOES r 65c FOR HEALTHFUL AND SATISFYING MEALS FRESH CAULIFLOWER aa 39c GREAT SALAD VALUE SWEET 'N JUICY LETTUCE ia 19c ORANGES 5 ; 49c 21 Bakery Buys! J^S * JANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED Cherry Pie ~ 5& JANE PARKER SUGARED, GOLDEN OR CINNAMON M CUKE DONUTS 2 - 49< JANE PARKER MARBLE POUND CAKE OR GOLD POUND CAKE s 59 4 89 rrozen roods! A&P FROZEN CUT GREEN BEANS OR FRENCH STYLE BEANS 9 ? 35c MORTON'S SPECIALLY PRICED PIE CRUST 3 l? tl 00 MARVEL BRAND? ICE CREAM WITH SHERBET OR IPC PDCAM ASSORTED 1/2-Gal CC IUC UnLHIvl flavors ctn JIJIq A&P BRAND? SPECIALLY PRICED CHOPPED BROCCOLI 2 25c Famous-for-Quality Groceries! M ? iMUK /\&K DKIINU /\ rKltfNU: DUT Q* g GLAMALONHOSE 3 $1UU ? EQUAL TO THE BEST? COST YOU LESS* BRIGHT SAIL H M il SPRAY STARCH 35c 49c 100% olombian CoffM ? GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOU* 4% 4% OUR OWN TEA > b 39c " b B9C ? SHOP A&P REGULARLY? BUY 'Jm g%g% A&P EVAPORATED MILK 6 S $1 -U3 DEL-MONTE SPECIALS! ( GOLDEN CREAM STYLE CORN i GREEN PEAS # GOLDEN WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 H 49? SPECIALLY PRICED ? GOLDEN RISE lO-COUNT Wagon Wheel Biscuits 2'&?25c SPECIALLY PRICED ? GOLDEN RISE Cinnamon Rolls 2 45c V-8 BRAND VEGETABLE Cocktail Juice 45c GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOU! A&P Mouthwash 49c SUNSHINE BRAND VALUES! Chocolate Chip Cookies ? 734 Oz Krispy Crackers ? 7Vi Oz. Pkg. Hydro x Cookies ? 6V2 Oz. Pkg. 4-v?99? w? ? LUCK'S BRAND? BLACKEYE PEAS OR _ Pinto Beans zs 5 'c- 99c ? SPECIAL DEAL PACK A & P Vacuum Coffee 2CTD $1.29 ? GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOU' ANN PAGE Tomato Ketchup 2 49c is 33c ? SHOP A&P? BRING A FRIEND BUY US P 5 A&P Aspirin ? SHOP A&P REGULARLY ? BUY ANN PAGE Pork & Beans ? ANN PAGE DRY SPAGHETTI bR Elbow Macaroni RAIN 4% 4% Tof 19c 25?f 39c 4 Co- 59c *4: 25? ? WINTER JAMBOREE VALUE? ANN PAGE CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP OR ? Vegetable Beef Soup 4 59c r fe. ? ? .? ?:??? .... C?t t Corn; gy Bllltf Singing In The Wishtob There's nothing in his wortd I wouldn't do (or you. That it a line from a song that I wish you all could hear me sing. I can sUO sing it so pretty For soma reason I happened to think of that song the other day and I sang it ow and over. That was the only part of the song I could remember. Did you ever do that? I didn't really mean that about wishing you could hear me sing. While I was serious about how pretty I can sing I had rather nobody heard me. I've gotten so that I don't want anybody listening to my singing. You see, I used to sing a lot, especially in the bathtub, but I had to quit it Every time I would start singing my dog , would begin howling like she was sitting on a cocklebur. She would howl so loud that she would get me off key and | when that happened I'd just have to hush. Talking about singing in the bathtub; that is something I sun didn't do when I was growing up. Reason I didn't, well, there were several. First of all, we didn't have one to j sing in or bathe in either. Another was that I didn't spend enough time bathing to ever get any song singing done. What we had for this bathing business was a No. 3 wash tub and I never could get comfortable enough in it to feel like singing much. And, besides, I never would have enough water in the tub to bring on a singing mood. You see, I had to draw the water out of the deepest well in the country and that was why I could take a bath in just one bucket of water. I'm pretty sure I could have gotten clean - well, clean enough for me, in only half a bucket, but I never could figure how I could draw just that much out of the well. We used to have what we called a wash-house. It served several purposes. Clothes got washed in it and youngans,too. It also housed our well. I reckon n could have called U Mir weM-houaa just aa good but toe* than was ao much washing want on in it that la ?hat we had it named. With Mama dMnttnaas was ilmost an obaaaskm. Sha didn't Mm iw to taka into roosideration how far that water had to come out of the pound, nor how much I had to lraw every day for the cows, aoraes, hogs, and a certain ?mount for us people. Why, I can remember her making me take aa high as two all-over baths in one week. She used to remind me that cleanliness was next to Godliness. But if I had to draw up more than one bucket of water to bathe in I sure didn't liave that righteous feeling, either before or after a bath. I never will forget one particular bath I had. As usual Mama insisted that I had to have an all-over bath. So, off to the wash-house I went. After I got there I happened to think of the watering trough that was nearly plumb full of water. It seemed like a powerful good idea. I just crawled through an opening in the wall and into that watering trough. The water was so warm and I decided, then and there, where I would take all future baths. That is, in he summertime, when I couldn't get to the creek. And I couldn't for the life of me, imagine why I hadn't thought of this before. Mama was well pleased with that particular bath, and so was I. I had really washed good. Mama said. Next morning Papa called me out in the barn lot Said he wanted me to look at the water in the horse trough. I did. It was kinda milky looking. He said none of the stock would drink it and he wondered if I had any idea what had gotten into it to turn it such a color. I confessed that I was s puzzled as he was. Then he made a big show of scooping up some of the water in his hands and 1 TAR HEEL OUTDOOR? by Jo?l Arlington Outdoor Editor, North Carolina Trovol ft Promotion Division CAROLINA BEACH-There were times when it was difficult to hear the beagles because of the roaring surf. But through most of the morning, melodic yelps and excited quails rang over the dunes and brightened an otherwise dismal day. A mist fell from low-hanging clouds and brisk easterly winds churned the sea less than 500 yards from the spot where Lane Holt released eight beagles into a dense growth of dune grass and myrtle bushes. Holt and his father, Dan, who own the beagle pack, do not have to go far from home to find rabbits. "Why, the dunes are full of 'em," the elder Holt had told me. And so they were, I soon discovered. Less than five minutes after the dogs were turned loose they were on a track. It continued that way all morning, one race after another, until the mist turned to rain and we calle4 off the dogs and went in. The beagles ran at least 15 rabbits, although we bagged only five. Considering the dense cover it was surprising we killed any. But the caterwauling that ensues when beagles are "on the line" is what the game is all about Shooting is merely a poor method for keeping score. Dune bunnies are not cottontails but marsh rabbits. That may seem like a small point, but to beagles and hunters there is a world of difference. "Marsh rabbit* really test a dog," Lane told me at we stood atop a dune listening to the "music." "Cottontails get way out in front of the pack and usually run a more or less straigt course. But marsh rabbits change direction so often it takes a good dog to stay with them." I saw this demonstration time and again. The pack would be giving voice on a hoi trail when suddenly, and all together, they would stop barking. On the occasioni when I could see the dogs, ! watched them cast about foi the lost trail, every noac cloai to the ground. Invariably ora would pick it up again, begii to bark, or "open" as Uiey say and the others would follow This searching for a lost scent is called "checking" in dog parlance. The Holt beagles can boast of an aristocratic family tree. They are related to Dixie Major, Boogie, and Little Sportsman, all famous champions. "I think we have come as far as we can in improving our pack," Dan said proudly "It's doubtful that any better dogs exist." Even a novice could see that the pack trailed exceptionally well. Only once, while running the first rabbit of the morning, did the dogs lose the scent and fail to find it "They are sometimes too excited on the first rabbit," Lane said. "Makes 'em careless." Most of the pack are veteran hunters, but two pups still have a few things to learn. From time to time the younger dogs would bound through the grass, leaping over obstacles, in order to catch up with the older dogs. Whenever Lane could reach the guilty pup he would swat it with this hat. "They'll learn to keep their noses on the ground before long," he said. The number of rabbits and amount of sign in the dunes was surprising. There were large areas where the grass had been pressed flat from lounging bunnies. Cuttings littered the ground and droppings were everywhere. "We nave pieniy 01 rabbits," Lane said, "because there are no foxes on the island." Carolina Beach is located on an island because a section of the Intracoastal Waterway between Myrtle Sound and the Cape Fear River cuts off the tip of a peninsula that otherwise would be connected to the mainland. The marsh pass supports so many rabbits that the dogs > sometimes would run across a trail just as fresh as the one i they were following. But after a moments hesitation, they would start merrily off again I on one of the tracks, i "There are some marsh i islands north of Carolina Beach [ Inlet that are just thick with r rabbits," Dan said. "We send > the dogi into the com and s stand on the surroundini i dunes. When he rabbits pof , out onto the sand, we usually . net a shot." smelling of it. He aid it ?ure an elled a whole lot like lye ?oap to him. He suggested that I take a good am ell. He waa * right aa be could be. II certainly did smell exactly like he said it did. Then he wondered how in the world that aoap could have gotten in there. I wondered right along with him. And we both did our wondering out loud. When we got all through doing his wondering be laid to me, "Now, if you honestly don't know how that aoap got in there, then I will dip all that out, clean the trough, and (ill it with fresh water. Otherwise I suggest that you get busy with the job." Now when Papa made a suggestion. . . It took thirty buckets of water to refill the trough. And during the time I was fighting that old windlass 1 said some pretty mean things to Papa's oldest boy about leaving soap in the bath water. And to think I could have gotten a bath simply by drawing only one bucket of water! I also made a solid vow that in the future I just wouldn't take any chances with hat soap deal by not using any of the dang stuff. I sure wish I could remember the rest of that song. I have sung that one line til I'm getting sick of it. Veterans Corner Q. For some time I have had the Veterans Administration retain my G.I., insurance dividends, but I just got a letter saying I should apply for reinstatement of my policy. I know that I have enough dividends to cover the premium due. What happened? A. With your present option, the dividends you have left on deposit with VA do draw interest. However, they are like a bank account; the VA cannot use these dividends to pay your G.I. insurance premiums without your permission. To insure that your policy will not lapse in the future, you should change your dividend option to provide that dividends will be used to pay the insurance premiums in advance, as they accrue. You will be furnished a statement each time dividends are applied, letting you know how far ahead you are paid, when the next premium is due, and the amount of any partial credit left over. Q. I am told that my nonservice-connected pension payment will be increased soon. When will I receive my increased payments? A. The VA nonservice-con nected pension program was restructed effective Jan. 1, 1969. Approximately 1.2 million beneficiaries under this program will receive increased payments also went into effect Jan. 1, so if you qualify for an increase, you should receive your higher pension check around Feb. 1. Wife May Sign ; : When Husband Is In Vietnam GREENSBORO, Nl C. -Wives of servicemen serving in Vietnam may file a joint return without their husband's signature on the tax return! The wife should indicate in th< space provided for her husband's signature on the return that he is in military service in Vietnam. Refunds on such returns will be expedited. However, J. E. Wall, District Director, says that all income and all withholding statements of both husband and wife must be included in the return before it may be processed as a joint return. Wall requested wives of servicemen serving in Vietnam to make sure that their husbands' Forms W-2 are attached to the joint return, and that all income of both is included on the return. Wall also stated that the wife of a serviceman in Vietnam may elect not to file a joint return until the due date for her husband's tax return which is 180 days after leaving Vietnam or 180 days after confinement to an overseas hospital in which he was recuperating from wounds or illness resulting from service in Vietnam. The wife is also entitled to file a separate return and then file an amended joint return later If It is to he* and her husband's advantage to do to.

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