The Cherokee Scout 10 and Clay County Progress 10C p e , Copy r )\\ ,11'lltjCI 4 Mulpll y N.jrltl Ljfullllj ')t-v Ollt1 L IdlS H,ml -- t Vl.rphy I .If County Seeks '^Sanitary Land Fills t J f ? : [.?n-si'lt ? ' ? I < ? t-r ri*- r r. ' ' r.t'r.-Krt . hi lar-: ;-r? hit'., ? |.ri ' ,1 1 tit a . itfjt-r . ? r< a::.e aarfia^e i 1 arid a *-rt #pl** m t1 j rf ?a^r dl? ? I j ki Murphy Woman Found Shot ?resident i ' i . i . ??.* !it tor !he \hi< t*jr- 'Ail found i>[ [>? deal* ir. her .ir ?SaUirday 1 " " * ? ^ r M i r i ? ? r a I H I u M . 1 > a j i < u r< 1 i i 'i t! t ? ' h j : r 1 1 r i I on nt> I >??;?> ^ ?? -dierifl U ??? ? Koger Mrs 1 a pet 1 ? > r : erl\ -if hlue ' Kidge. <?a -wis t - r 1 1 f > I " j \ * ? ? 1 t>\ the < -vri lad-- < ai?- 1 ' he Peai hi ree 1 ? >:n \ ' < herokee < < >unt\ l>eput\ Rogers ^.n-: Our. Mrs l a pel 'a as found >aiurcia\ 'morning in her ear ?>:: Hij?fivs4i\ .b'} four lilies north "f Mineral Blu ft >he had been ^io' ' A;. ? aecordmg to Depuu Rogers N < i further details Aere a . t liable to the Seoul at press l f m e pending further in vesication Kuneral services S.r Mrs v. 'a pel were rvld Monda\ at the friendship Haptist < h .? rt h in Mclaysvitle. <>a Runa' v. a s ir the topper Kidge Memor> Gardens ] he Ke\ \rthur Belles offieiated Mrs ( a fiet i> sur\ned b\ her husband. .John i'apet of Higrior.. < ?a one daughter. Mrs Helen '\v?elu. r. I >'f Kt 1 ? Blue Ridge. one Min, Kimer of' Higrion. ( -a neither. Mrs >a!h Byrd of Bakersuile N . (. t 'a i > sisters. Mrs Ruth Hughes of Hanover Maryland, 'and Mrs Molly Gardner of . Ha kersville. N < tour brothers. \ath. .Ian ev <?rov?*r |l / j n (i 1 1 1 1 a : r < ' > v r < 1 " ! '? ?a kersv liU N i { ( h a s ; i a n Pa < k u e rai I ? Hume 'A as . harge of ? arrangements . 1 . ? 5 1 1 1 i t." tMrtiiije and \ r * ? ? r a U'.'i^th'v dist usMoti j ' airf .11. a a.- appointed ? ? , ' .1 T.ltt.f in ! M-r* ?i i^s. f > I < ? ^iiiiiarv land fills lt-t *-r i ? jf i?- *.< w " ar:\ sitf s ?? ? .-ii Ui jut'dfri lo >*T\f tht ? > l. ills. .1 < 1 i obtain figures ??ri I' . vs ? - , li <. ; ii a ill mst Lo r r i * ? -*anilar\ iand filk available > ' t r it- ; nui:t v arid i *ork out ?m I u I u i lis .is t<, j->?- and s;ainlffidrut Jai k harley a as appointed hairrian of Ults committee : ? : ( 1 < > t r: t-r mem^'h were h a rlrs \ i j bit's. i harle^ ? ilt"-.di: Lee NichnK. t lot vim. .n- and l)a\t- *0ood\ \fter r. i s i om nas tht* n1 or mat ion needed to set up *antlarv land fills, thev a ill jresenl this \ Hal information > ? ! fu' l;< jrd > >f i uuntv " m 1 1 nv>n iicrs ?I.n k V .i rr i r i ? ;t M urphy ' ( ?. nlt?- 1 hr u ,t- itriv i;:?? .i!nt ~t ru; k .i r*?i K.rnbli t..v\ur.) VsrctA ..ii I -s ? ? ? . . r r - ? i ' [ t Kariililrr ; rr. t.. rr\ .| \!arM? kV ;tj- k tiled v\ hi'11 '.!if !*?'? : ! -kn i< i?-? t in: ?!?[ pj\i-nii .'.' ?r Murn.'i ?a.- '.r;iv t-ilmt1 !;? 'A t r : ? ? wo Car Collision Kills On< Seriously Injures Another < ru-n>kee i (K.iitv s firs' *. raffu ta:ilit\ >4' 1 on urred far I v hndav morning when a [ao i ar collision five ?riiU's t-as( i . f Murpfu '.uuk t tie lifV of une man and >eru>usi\ injured another Killed was .!ai k Hr\ an Marrm ajje 1* of Rt Murphv Mi.rrm was a student at Murph\ High School and wa< emplo\ed h\ Magna vox ? -rp \ ci i?rdin^ !<; Highuav Patrolman Don Heavjs. Mum** Magnavox Strike Cc i he Magnavox I'ompanv of i ennessee in Andn"As and the international VV ood workers of Feeder Sale I her*- 'A ill he d .'ruvtirig. i t ,iirsda\ n : t! h t April 2\ i ti.nmhl ? H in* p m in the V .rpM\ I'ovser hoard building !?>r .ill persons interested in a feeder St'e 1 ne first sale is s< hedu'ed for the second week in u<-tnher with additional sale*- everv three months ^ir.i e time is running out. At- <ire asking all hog producers m i herokee ( ount> to meet 'Aitn t.s I hursda\ night to disc nsn t ht different aspects of growing and entering pigs in this sale America have failed to reach an agreement in their negotiations and the strike which began at midnight April 1 is continuing Although neither side has released an\ information to the press concerning the progress of negotiations to this point, reliable sources have indicated that a five cent wage dispute is the hold up hive hundred eighty five employeesare affected by the strike at the Andrews plant which manufactures television and stereo cabinets Magnavox plant officials have informed the employees that they are willing to continue group hospital insurance benefits if the .sas travelling Aest -?n Hig.hwav 1 H when he apparent h ins! control of his i ar and skidded broadside into a ear driven h\ Mackie Derreberrv -)erreberr\ \K. lives on Kt 1 . Marble lierreberrv -a as ' a k e r i Providence Hospital in Murp^'.'v and was reportedk vjf'Vrini! from internal injuries Reavis said the htghwa\ a a - s'u k at the t nr.e arid that s!iek r ires on Murrin > ear -a ,i apparent. \ the rauv ?. >f t h? a< 4-ident Dntinues employ ees will come b\ the plant before fj (JO p.m Friday and pay their share of the trroup plan Sixty three percent of the policy premium is paid by the plant, which is under no obligation to continue an\ benefits to striking employees Four-Square Directors Meet Monday I he regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Directors of Four Square Community Action. Iru will be held at the school lunch room in Bryson Cit\ , YC at 7:30 p.m. Nlondav . April 28th All board member, an- urged to attend I he publii is invited ? lack Brvar; Mumn Kuneral Servirev tur -lack H r> ;i r i Mumn. were h t-lci at J p tn Sunday ut Little (ilade Baptist ( "hur< h 1 he Kev William Sty ie* and the Ke\ Leandus ('hastain officiated Ku rial was in Old Martins Creek ( emeter\ Pallbearers wer?- -)err\ ( arrint'T H*v MeClun- 1 >ann\ and Donny Taylor. 1. ( Chastain. and W alter Amos Surviving are his parents, Mr and Mrs Troy Mumn Sr . a sister. Miss Barbara Mumn of the home, five brothers. James of Los Angeles, Calif.. Troy Jr and Samuel, both of Murphy. .Joseph of Seattle, Wash, and Army fN t William .1 Mumn stationed at Ft Campbell. Ky . and the maternal grandmother. Mrs Kred lav lor of Murphv Jvie Funeral Home was in t barge of arrangements. j -4 a ft f j, i. . . r?1. 1 1 : t" ? i j r r ?? " .i.sir : u'.Jt't" 'i fir Ai.Tf r ; ? I "A : ! ' r ? -trrv is a [i iJ. [ j > r ? .'|?m r. ' ? <r ' ' ?'! . fid 1 1 V "" I ! it f I S*1 I 1 ' a f |. f a i . ' i .a K r '.fit ? Id v i-'rj'fu .* 1 1 r\i hdHtJr d v A r.fii ? pletrd 1 .f r r JN J ?" f.js f: ! ? \ l?.r . ? .!. ui :?on iii t <?\ \.ririt: '.fit- m\ months tfr 1 1 n * r j i I manager said. dn?? t h? a i ? r k a fiR-f' began last 'a K r i . i:u'n connecting customer-* a ! t f i the new facilities I he :.-ulk > i ! [fie rnone\ spent 'AfM :<? inc reasing I fir capacit\ i-t -xistmg .tries n \ adding new ables and central -iffut :-quipme nt (>nr of the major reaM.-:^ At- ha ?? ?* not been able t ? ? iiivc vt-rvue quickk !<> our ( la\ ??u bscri t>ers in fie past *a-s a shortage u f existing equipment. Smith said " I he work that has been done and is now in progress will allow us to serve everyone who has applied for a telephone One Hundred and thirl \ r rules of cable has been retailed mthe count v. of which \ percent is buried ( able that i-. underground *>i\es more reliable service and is not affected b> adverse weather conditions. (>ne ii f the major improvements to come from Softball League Meeting Set A meeting will be held at the Power Hoard Building. Kridas night. April 25, at 7 MO p m . to elect offii-ers and to organize the Murphv Adult Softball League Anyone interested in participating is urged to attend this meeting Westco Begins Extensive Work On Clay Co. Telephone System Golf Course To Open Nine Holes July 4 parU aii I . r . j? ? v 'fu a<? ; '?>' r i ?? i r j j h'ur par! v lii't- ^ uh ! . i ? in. rease . reales. ^nnr h >ani I fit- rna\irnu:r. iuji' Iter ?* ; ar'.ifs i*, limited b\ .n.s to ten )t her improvements in< lude a fx.' per. ent increase i:: ' \? . - .riling :? 1 '?'.ji Kav a m< mOer 1 > ! Hit K .. ra1 1 >?.?-:? . P ? : t-n f. Authoritv the 1 'rroMr < ounlv < j ?> 1 1 < ours*1 ?aiJ! open '.he first nine holt's l ti? vtifk "f J ul> Sth. a^ > r 1 ^ 1 n a 1 1 \. scheduled. ? (instruction ts going well and the engineers and construction i rv'As are doing an outstanding Set Em Up1 ">atur?ia\ .-.ich: will ?>?? the time to ?-t your clock ahead line hour >b you retire \ ou 11 lose an hour's sleep aiid t>e" ar; extra hour of daylight at the end of each das l)a\hyht Savinf I i:tie heroines effective in North < 'arolma anil surrounding states at 2 a in. Sunday 'his will tie the third consecutive summer in which I ar heels have moved their clocks up for the extra hour of afternoon sunshine jwh. ka\ said I fit- i nurst' is gmng t<> be one of the most challenging morses in Western North ( arolma. Rav stated I he driving range originally planned for opening April 1 did not i) pen as pianned because the weather was too bad for seeding last fall 1 he ( herokee County Rural Development Authority Legal Public Body will be letting bids in approximately *0 days for eight new dwellings and 90 building hits near the course 1 he golf tours**, complete *ilh greens, tees, fairways, cart trails, bridges, driving range and irregation systems is being financed by the harm Home Administration 1 h e Rural Renewal Development Authority is the countv counterpart of the Urban Renewal Authontv Murphy Recognized In National Travel Guide .M u r p h \ ha- won recognition in the newest edition of the country'^ best selling national tourist guidebook, the Mobil 1 ravel t iu ide Out of all the cities and towns in the U S., only 4,208 were considered to have enough tourist appeal for inclusion in the guides Murphv is one of them SCOUT EDITORIAL Is It W orth It ? As I he >>?< uit t:< >??> iii | ? r? International \\ < > < >dw i irkers America I'nion men !>ers at ? \lagnavox plant in Andrews .1 r? on strike, walking the pu k<'t hues Wednesday n;is t f ; i * eighth d.iv the strike ami a> ? .n I da\ passi striking i-n: | > I > i\ ees lose nmn n ? ? >r : and it will t ik < i< >i 1 1:? ? r for 1 1 . ? -i ? 1 recoup thrir I < >s> 1 s Uc wonder if quirk settlement would not heil for all concerned. the ? ? ji 1 ploy < I < on.pany and the < ? m : iiuimt \ Since we do not have tie e\, payroll figures of the hourly p. employees .it MajliMvux let's t.iki hypothetical figure and say (I. at I average hourly ra!< jier employ e> SI 7.".. si I DO per 1 j . 1 \ . r >70 MM | week Based 1 m elll p|o\ ees, amounts to SI .CJ.t 7f> per hoi per day or $ li),1.*."*! I Ml 1 ( a five day work week I he figure is to 1 H( i now tor tlie eight <1 strike and if the strike contim through Friday, the employees w have lost SSl.!?ni).tH) and the phi has lost two w ee k s of production Again hvpothetically. IK the uni demands a K> cent per hour mere. Students recommended for the N gifted class are. front row left to right. Kohin Rose. Ivy Lovinnoixi, Don^ ' Dookery and Twyla Ann Carrol! Him ? two, Kenny N'unnelley. Danny Townson and < arlton Kowler Hai k row. Koh Manchester. .ioe l.ochahy. Steve Hughes and Ciregory Decker David Murphy and l im Dockerv are not pictured r Si . > ; t photo hv Kill ( ira\ i Recommended For Gifted Program , Fourteen M u r p h \ elementarv school children have been recommended to attend (he summer program for gifted children at Western Carolina Cniversity This is the largest group Murphy Elementary has ever had out of Wle grade group "We feel thai it is more than coincidental (hat these children are (he products of the t kindergarten through third grade experimental program titled the Comprehensive School Improvement Program.'* Mrs Huth Forsyth. Murphv Schools Supervisor. s,nd <it J recommendations I he su< < ess ??f (he program was attributed to the \ ( Mate Fund and the Ford Foundation for financial ku king. Woodrov* Nuggar and GIFTED PROGRAM oil pagp 4 ? > v ? ) i 1 1 1 r? year period. 1 f> ents per <>ur i ?? r year. let's m i how long it ' ? ?->. ill r.iki1 for an employee to regain his lit loses should these increases lie ruinate,! V employee earning $70 (ID per w et k w ill lose si 10 00 IK the sink' e\ lasts tor two weeks IF he gets a I ."> en t per hour liu rease that is an ? ' additional 00 raise Should the ? r strike last for a month :t would take If |c. w eeks. almost a year I l[ 1 Oiirse. these flgUP's do not r. fie. t any com [xmsation that the ud inioi, might pay the striking .1 employees Reliable sources have told i'e .s : some compensation liy the ui'.ion will he made however thus far >er no - I .e. ks have been received It is unfortunate that the employees are losing these wages and ? r w w under if t he t inie lost is worth it or We wish these differences could he ? ip settled without a walk out and a nlant a\ ,h ut -down ies Kcgardlcss, I lie Scout wishes for a ill ijiiick settlement of differences so that int the employees, the plant and the community as a whole, will once again or- hegin receiving the benefits of this ise industry Twenty-four of the -\2 winners of the AAl'W Art ( on text art', front row left ti> right. Donnie Jay Stiles. Ronald Webster. Carl Auvil. Forest Johnson and Brent Crisp How two, Brenda Hugho. Wanda Hughes. Rhonda I aylor. Marsha Calliors and ?l< .turn- < risp Row tim e, \ ickie Dockery, Gary Westmoreland, David Moore, Jerry Pressley, Keith Hawkins, Kenny Blackwell, and Patricia Westmoreland Row four, Ronnie Ledford, Brenda Kay Hawkins, Roy I ipton, Martha Pace, Robert Pace, Ronnie Steven Ledford, and Pamela Hamhy ( Scout photo by Kill Gray I AAUW Sponsors Art Contest * heroket- ( ount\ Hran< h of the American \sso<iation of I nivenstv Admen has sponsored an Art ; ontest in celebration of National Librar\ Week, April 2n Jt. I his annua J contest is open to .!?' . hildren in Cherokee i <njnl\ in tirades one through right ! he purpose of the cnniH is to encourage both art and good reading in the elementar\ schools Pictures drawn or painted are based on a book the student has read I he \antahala Regional Librar\ assists the Association of I ruversitv Women each year with this project and the winning pictures uill be displayed in the Murphy Carnegie Librar\ through April 2T>. and in (he Andrews Carnegie Libra rv April 2^ Ma\ 2. I he following students are this year's w inners (irade one 1st Creg Morgan, Andrews Klementar\ . 2nd. Wanda Hughes. Peachlree, i r d . 1 oresi Johnson. Hanger Hon Men ticn. Konald Webster. Hanger tirade J 1st Jeanne ( risp Andrews. ~nd. HrenI t'risp Hanger trd. Rhonda I avlor Pt>arhtre*\ Hon Mention. Jimmy Brady. Andrews. <,rade { 1st Brenda Hughes. Peaohtree. 2nd, Gary See ART WINNERS on page 4 Magnavox Wins Safety Contest Magnavov Company of lennessee in Andrews came out on top in the National Safetv Council's annual safety rontest Kour Magnavox plants throughout the 1' S won the lop four places in the (iroup V of the Wood Products sect ion I <> qualify for this group, a plant must have a total of more than bOO ,000 manhours a n n u a 1 1 \ 1 he Andrews plant was number one in the national contest Other Magnavox plants that placed in the top 15 are located in Jefferson City, I enn . Bryson City, N. C., Flora, Miss., and Johnson City, Tenn Rummage Sale A Rumm?p Sale will be held Saturday, April 26, from 9 a m. to 2 p.m. at the Walter Coleman Appliance Store. The sale is sponsored by the Kptwopel Church Wonten. Be Sure To Check The Six Flag Page-You May Have Won $5 * 4 Don t Forget To Register-You May Be A Grand Prize Winner . . j' ' 1

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