The Cherokee Scout and Clay County Progress Volume 80 Number 3 Murphy, North Carolina, 28906 Second Class Postage Paid At Murphy North (urohiKt THURSDAY AUGUST 7 19(39 IOC Per Copy Hospital Authority [To Make Proposal In fate uf Murph) (?eneral 'Hospital closing, 1 tie Murphy ^Hospital Authority a ill submit a proposal of Hospital Consolidation t<1 the City Cbuncil Monda> August 11 Mr Hans Beer k ens. Chairman of the Planning fComrnitlee of the Hospital Authority, staled that both the Authority, and Planning Committee have been meeting for months m order to come with a workable program for better medical care in Murphy. Beerkens also stated that the North Carolina Medical Care Commission, which is in charge of licensing all hospital operations in the state, has concured with the basic plan that will be proposed to the council Monday night F ull details of the proposal will be published next week following the meeting with the Tow n Board ICri sp Sw o rn In As Highway jCommissioner J Boyd ( r 1 s p 1 ? I Robbinsvillt- a as sworn into office Wednesday . July XI. as one of _'h ne a highway commissioners m North Carolina Governor Robert Scott announced the assignments of geographic areas to be covered by the new commissioners at the ceremony a hich took place in the auditorium of the State Highway Building Areas assigned to Crisp I include Cherokee. Clay, Graham, and Swam Counties (Sunday Fire . [Destroys Home The residence of Mr. and j Mrs. Columbus Crisp of the I Cane Creek section on U S. 64 |was destroyed by fire Sunday around 8 a m Crisp and three children [escaped the fire. Mrs. Crisp and a married son had left for Winter Haven, f la Cause of the fire was undetermined Mexican Mar A 26 year old Mexican stopped in Murphy. 1 uesday morning for a much needed rest, Bonifacio Contrvras. a i graduate of the I niversity New i Mexico is touring the country fby bicycle He told the Scout that he f had been on the road since 'May 20 when he left | Albuquerque w ith a pack on I his back and $10.00 in his ) pocket He said that he left Albuquerque about two hours | after the idea of touring the | country by bike struck him So far his tour has taken I him through Colorado, where t he stopped to visit with an army buddy, to Madison, | Wisconsin where he stopped to ^ visit a younger brother who is I attending the University of i Wisconsin. He said that he had | stayed with people from every class, in jails and a couple of I times he had slept in the dessert because of the great distance . between towns, "I am interested In people, all kinds of people" he said He stated that by traveling and meeting various types of ' people he would be able to see and realize how other people I lived - Contreras said that he looked on himself as an } ambassador for "not only l Mexicans, but for all people." ' "It just isn't in my personality j to hate." he said "Although I grew up in a getto and learned ' to use s knife at an early age, I I feel no hate for anyone" He speaks four languages ) fluently, (English, German, j Spanish and Italian and is [taking a correspondence course *tn Russian while on the bicycle [ tour. "I plan to make a similar 1 wo \ndrews men were killed in a three ear aeealrnt un 1 ii^>h\va\ 111 at the Andrews Murphy \ir|? irt Saturday niorimiji at approximately .'5 a I wii uther persons were seriously injured m the accident. Killed in the accident were Robert Harold White, 30. and Jerry George Leming. 'JS Injured in the accident were Tummy I. fainter. Is. and I'hillip 1 >uvui ( raw lord. do Two Andrews Men Killed In Three Car Collision Iv\,> Andrews :: i t-ri du*d t*arl\ Saturday morning in a thrw-car inll.sion ru-ar the A nd rt"A s-Murph\ Airpor: Bookmobile Schedule Set I he schedule for Ihe Nantahala Regional Library in Cherokee County for the week of August 11 is as follows Monday . August 11, Martin's Creek, Bell view. Moccasin Creek Tuesday, August 11!, Hiwassee Dam School, Oak Park Liberty. Suit. Violet Wednesday, August 13. Andrews. Junaluska, Rhodo. Valley tow n. Pisgah I h u rsd ay . August 1 1, Pleasant Valley, Regal. I omotla. Maltby. Vengeance Creek..Slow Creek, Marble call Nantahala Regional Library, phone K37-11025. if you are interested in bookmobile service according to Stat*- Highway Patrolman. Don Reavis. i he victims were identified as Robert Harold White. '10, and Jem. George Leming, 2H I wo i*ther men. also of Andrews, were injured in the accident which occured about 0 .. hi Tommy I. Pa'nter. 1H. and Phillip David ( raw ford. 20. were taken to District Memorial Hospital where they were reported in satisfactory condition. According to Reavis, the car driven by Leming was backing out a side road into 1' S Highway 19. two miles west of Andrews, when it was struck bv the car driven by White. Correction In last weeks issue of the Scout the name Sonny Darrios Dyer was incorrectly listed in the court docket as being charged with public drunkeness Mr Dyer was charged with speeding 1 hi- Scout regrets tins error i ToursCountry ByBicycle tnp through (hi- communists the (iuli toast and New. countries next year to see how Orleans where he will trv to the communists live." he said catch a fishing boat back to So. after having traveled Vhv Mexico, approximately 2.fi00 miles About the mountains Bonifacio ( ontreras gently t'ontreras said, "that once you lifted his pack on his back. get tQ (he top of the hills then climbed aboard his bike and bicycling in the mountains is started pedaling east toward easy." BONIFACIO CONTRERAS Both cars then struck the Pa inter tar. which was reportedly parked off the road a short distance awav Crawford was a pas>enger in the Painter car Reavis said investigations of the accident are continuing. Kuneral services for Leming were held at the First Baptist Church in Andrews Monday at 2 p.m. with the Rev Tom Hells officiating At the time dI death I.eming was employed b\ Clifton Precision as a machmt operator, and wa> a veteran ol t he I S A rm y. Services for White were conducted at 11 an Monday in the chapel of ' t rem a home in Andrews with f h< R e v Bennett B u 11 arc officiating. A native of Cheroket County, White attendee Andrews High School Bell Creek Wins Softball An unheralded team representing Bell Creek, a Clay County community located on the North Carolina-Georgia line swept through all opposition without loss of a game to capture the Far West District Slow Pitch Softball title In the final game they turned back llentage Quilts of Bryson City for the second time in the tournament, this time by a 7 to 5 count. In the final game Bell Creek spotted Heritage a one run first inning lead as Zeke Birchfield singled and ended up at second when the ball was booted in the outfield. A single by Donnie McGaha plated Birchfield w ith the run Bel) Creek took over in the second inning with four runs as Kyle Moss led off with a triple and singles by Carl Kirby. Loy Thomas, Jerry Kirby. Douf Moss, and Weldon Berrong accounted for the runs. As manager Jack Anderson was silencing the Heritage bat; Bell Creek tallied three more runs in the fourth on four hit? and some loose fielding by tht losers Heritage tallied once in the fifth on singles by Cene Shulei and Hop Davis, and hits by Doug Revis, Donnie McGaha and Tony Bowers addec another in the sixth. A last ditch rally netted Heritage two more runs in tht seventh, but the rally fell shorl when Guy Moss turned in i fine fielding play to retire Doug Revis for the final out In their earlier meeting Bel Creek tallied eight times in the Upen Letter FromThe Mayor Down with Garbage MAKE MURPHY BEAU The Town of Murphy the Murphy Planning Be to regulate the storage town. This ordinance wa issue of The Cherokee : were mailed to the reside effective August 9 Now is the tune ti installing a sufficient n Oil barrels and other no removed by the town as The Murphy .laycees . container project which gallon oil drums now i sidewalks. Lets all join togetl attractive Use permits for tin residing outside the tow i 10. The first six montl which time there will be Your co-operation wi appreciated TOWN OF MURPHY C'LOE MOORE. MAYOR Refuse and utter ugliness riFl'L! . upon the reeeoinmendation o: >ard. has adopted an ordinanci and handling of waste in thi s published in the June 9. 19(i9 ?Rout Copies of the ordmanct ?nts and businesses and become ) eorreet garbage storage In umber of approved containers u-conforming containers will b< soon after August ft as possible ire presently working on a iitte ; will eliminate the use of d. r.arrmg the looks of th> towi make Murphy in or >se using the garbage dump am ;i will be available by Septembe is will be a trial period durm no charge th the garbage attendant will b Cherokee County Man Receives Stiff Probationary Sentence \ Oirrukrc i Munlv riujj. wax given vi 1111 pmbaliuriar\ sen ten tv in Superior ( uurt last week I he Hutiorublt V. h Me Lean presided 1 he man. Way tic- Cothern was charged with breakitit; and entering and larcenv Cothern was found guilty and sentenced tu si\ years in the common jail of Cherokee County on the charge of breaking and entering On tin count of Felonious Larceny of propert > . Cothern wis sentenced to six years in the common jail Both sentences were suspended for a period of five years and the defendent was placed on probation upon the following terms (1) That the defendent shall not own. possess, or drmk any intoxicating liquor for a period of five y ears |2i That the defendent remain in his house each night between the hours of *> (Ml p.m and b 00 a.m. for a period of two years. CB I hat the defendent not violate any of the criminal laws of the state of North C arolina or any other state for a period of five years ( 1) I hat the defendent pay the Clerk of Superior Court the sum of $500.00. He was ordered to pay $250.00 at present and $20.00 each Monday until the total amount of $500.00 is paid in full. Other cases brought before the court were State vs. Woodful Anderson Johnson, Jr charge Revocation Probation Judgment Prayer to revoke probation continued until November term. State vs. Woodful Johnson. Jr Revocation Probation Prayer to revoke probation continued until November fprm Tournament first inning and went on to ; stop Heritage 13 to b Kyle ; Moss. Jackie Taylor, and Guv Moss pounded three hits for i the losers and Buddy Burrell slammed a long homerun ; This loss dropped Heritage into the losers bracket where they battled Clifton Precision for the right to oppose Bell Creek in the finals Their meeting provided the only extra inning game of the I tournament before Heritage emerged the winner by a 13 to 10 count A long homerun hy > Donnie McGaha with two out in the eighth and one on i provided the winning margin Clifton Precision had dropped their first game of the I tournament and then won six straight before finally being eliminated from the tournament The last of the Robbinsville teams went out on Friday night as the Triplets went down before Clifton Precision 7 to 0, and the Legion fell before Na-Bers 8 to 2. Clifton ? Precision stopped the Blue Boars 13 to 3 in their second game of the evening Following the final game the Championship trophy was accepted by Manager Jack Anderson of Bell Creek from f Charlie Aulds, President of the Robbinsville Lions Club, sponsors of the tournament Manager Anderson stated that his club would represent the district in the state tournament s at Eden. N C. which is slated to start on Wednesdav. August 13th The team sportsmanship trophy was awarded to the Orange Owls and Manager r Vaughn Odom accepted the trophy from Mr Aulds. ^ The runner-up trophy was accepted by Clyde Bates, manager of the Heritage Quilts The trophy for the most valuable player In the ' tournament went to Doug r Kevis. hustling catcher for g Heritage Quilts w ho baited 760 for the tournament ,? A sixteen man All Star team w as selected as follows Russell Wiggins-first base- American Legion, Robbinsville-Average 326; William Jackson-second Continued on page 3 db? DjVld I'fi illl[i ug ur ifiH.u iio I kt tit failed jnii tailed .Judgment m -?I Ml la a ' L11 t apldS Mate vs Daiuiv Kudlord breaking entering \ larcern Mah !"uk j ;i,f| pr<)S ?.% 11h Ifa v f Mate \ lJu k kilpatru k breaking. entering A. larceny Male Ukl- j Ml)| wni; leave Si alt ;s A illarti Holers ^ '1 * I a *. luji ut suspended sentence I he ue fendant is called arid tailed .Judgment ni si mi la and capias. -State vs. A alter F red Ogle J driving under the influence. no i n s pet t am . Iitterbug ?Judgment absolute Stale vs (iarr> Dale McLean breaking. Littering N Larcern ?Judgment to 1hj pronounced a I November term. state vs Hillv Kay Wilson Aid ^ abet speeding ^ dnving Ah lie license revoked State takes a no! pros with leave State vs. Woodful Johnson, Jr Speeding excess of 100 niph, driving while license revoked Plea guilty -Speeding sentenced J yrs.. Dnving while license revoked sentenced 1! >rv Sentence suspended and detendant placed on probation for live years. State vs. Kenneth H (Irani Abandonment N non support State takes a nol pros with leave City Police Arrest Five Over We e k e n d Murphy Police Chief Pete Ftalcup reported a quite weekend for the city police Stalcup said that five arrest were made by the department from Friday to Sunday Three persons were arrested for public drunkeness, one was arrested for non-support and one was arrested for dnving under the influence Murphy Fire Depa rtm en t Answers Call X home in east Murphy ow ned by V\ ill Rogers and occupied by Lionel McMahan was almost completely destroyed by fire at approximately 12:00 Tuesday night, I h e Murphy Fire Department answered the alarm. McMahan escaped the fire wnhout injury. Man vi harles . >? ? 1 L >It Driving under the influemr Appeal withdrawn Det complied w 11 f i Distrnt i ourt Judgment Matt- vs Brow 2s < aid-a t*.| Driving undt-r the irilluenct Continued until November i LH'dl St alt' vs Lveretl V t > \ I * - - Driving undt-r the influence Appeal withdrawn Defendant complied with District Court ju dgment Stale vs. frank C (ireern Driving under the influence Appeal withdrawn to complv with District Court judgment State vs. John Henrv I hontpson Driving under the influence Continued until next session State vs. Newell Led lord -Driving while license revoked The defendant is called and failed Judgment m sj sci fa and capias MaU- v- 1 rafM < f.urlrv t jr4*1 lif i >n \ i.'.L' uf.'jrr r h< ijiflui iiit ?\11fi? 1 rii?v ri lu i urr:pK v.: * t: biM ru I U rt 1 .??? KiNM'lhur- I *ri\ i::ij urMt-r (? ?? inilLit-rin ( <>niiuni ..til j> \uu-:!.U'r vt-s>n#j: Malt- v hi?hh\ Mi < n.uv \vviul! '.s kIi dradlv v. rap* n i Plra \ ur. b ail 1 \ ) u Ps vrrdi< : (?uill> Viiln.i t-tl m\ riii.a'Ji,. s',1 spt'Iitlfd flu V Mall' vs \' ( . Ml ( .,.n i Jru iiit1 uruit-r flu mn.n-ru i Plt-a \ul fuill\. \ rrdi ^.uilf v \ppra!.Matt- v- 1' ' - Nhllurt- \ssault Plra \ul ?Uill\. U.r\ wrdn I \nl u'uil"> Stat? vs \rriold bartn-ld KilpatncK brmntJ undrr tin influt-iuv < ? ?r1113j.j?-ii until \uvt-rnbt-r ... 1 'M:i Continued on page 9 Many Farmers Assisted By ASCS Garden Program The Cherokee Counts AM' Committee approved cost sharing for more home gardens than any other county in the state This Committee consists of Koy J Wilson, Peachtree. Ernest Cook, Marble, and Don Taylor of Hiawassee Dam This practice included fertilizer, lime, seed, a sprayer and spraying equipment to be used by low income farmers on their family gardens. The income level of the farmers that received the practice is as follows: No of Farmers Income of family 89 OtoSlOOO.OO 371 1000.00 to 2000.00 194 2000.00 to 3000.00 119 3000.00 to 4000,00 39 4000.00 and over 460 or nearly 60 pier cent of '4ILL kAli*? Jf >m ^ Kit- t am i tar*i 11 u*^ had an income t'1 less lhan il i per s car I he\ were old people, widows. disabled people, people with large families and small salaries, underemplov cd people and families that have a pretty good income but usually high expenses due to sickness. According to Bass I" Hyatt. Jr the gardens were checked h\ ASf S Personnel and with the exception of very few, the gardens were verv productive Hyatt said that the diets of the low income families in Cherokee County wen greatly improved bv the program and that the A S C County Committee is now In the process of requesting funds for the coming year to finance the garden program Garden Practice Helen Gibson. loeal ASCS employee stands in front of the ASCS office bulletin board displaying the Garden Practice. The Cherokee County ASC Committee approved more cost sharing gardens than any other countv in the state. A/e can recommend a reliable painter See Us for all your oamting and elec tncal supplies and maintenance HUGHES ELECTRIC COMPANY T?nn.Str??t - Murphy,N.C. Phom 837-2240 MAflV C A RTF R PAINTS WHERE YOU GET QUALITY & VALUE Mike Hogsed, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hogsed. Jim McCombs, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCombs. Gregory Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Berton. Steve Vaughn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vaughn.