12 The Cherokee Scout P A Cj f s _ and Clay County Progress Volume HO Mum her HI Murphy, Mor th C.irulinu 28906 Second C lass Postuye Pdid At IVmr phy. Nor th Cur olinu T hursduy, Murch 12 19/0 15c Per Copy lout/ Ivnird H ii/ts, Si/us Mom) Wimpey Is Low Bidder On Landfill Work V. I.J r c 111 ? a S S*1 U'(! .1 I" I " I ? <?!..' r i * ? 111 ii' b i ? L ?? r i ? ? [ 1 ! i? ?: . I < .i' ;>r? ^ af.'l riM?:i?-v b\ .wilting I u.-4 a" * -?- r l h rn i- ' : :?.[> .1 i.um.'.IiI! . ?\i>L<lrr :::urh n'? I1 >-aii ? 1.?11 -;? vi'> ??? ? !. 1 jh r.i: m !'? < ? 1; ?! b* .1 , \i>M < !..irU-s ( ciU-r .1!. ..1 ?: !" b? ?vMiwrlt-d '?? .1 .??.??in. .[ ? iarba;^ i!h .1 Muridav :. i ^ h t aC It:* . r;: *: \ landfill upt-rati?M: b . I: ?: ? ?. ?: ant ' ;?? 'l.r^s [?f.wi Hoard ino-tm^ I tjf bids At-rt lu bt- opt m :1 ?, ! 11 *? imtOh^ br^an i t." ult* iii an made the 0,1 tv\u phastb. the tirst to t oteniaii b bid .va^ the 011K , t Girl Scout Week I : :? ? k l C in. .;i: V\. ,-K I- ^.1 : Ul ? i.l\ : ? I . I ! I. .? ? ( , 1 I ??? I.-I.J.I! I: ?? r ' : 1 < ' ! "*? ? ml t a.l.?!!>?- I :. i < , r I ; .-r ,!:? I I'ri. ? lii".:' J!'..' . 11 Mur::l:\ will I ?? McKi rii i . it ? -ln.?! ? m ? t. ? . .. j 11 ? l - h.i-i.i tm 1 ' : i1 ? lii.! : l mi ! I,< mi...if- I. ir ? - ? . r' I' ? nil" ' ' Colt Course in Pincn, Opening Date Set May 1 I In- < ? ? ki *? t -.I.! \ i.?? ? I: Cuurs* !"?. i!. : 111 -1: .1.: ? ? of I1"-..? rri?:?i. v M.'.i ? ir.11ji i h.n-.n. l-.i :-o aiiH firs: ?i \:.,v 'A?- rr i.'line i" lor .in upr::m-; < 1.111 ? V..i\ orM .mil u v ii..i\ '?! .i!?:i ; i ? . v\* n soorit-r 1 ! Kjjouri s,n-i thi>. i 'i.il -a ill bt for I il Brumln Brumby ' Assembly Candidate Kdu.ird I\ Brumlu ^r . announced ttiis 'Arrk that he is . a candidate for the Democratic nomination to the slate legislature from the I91h House I )istru 1 The district includes the counties of Cherokee. Cla\ . Graham and Macon A native1 of Marietta. Ca . Brumh\ moved to Murptn m 194 1 and established the Payola Manufacturing Go Later he and the- late Frank Forsyth became partners in the Brumby Forsyth textile Mill and in 19b 1. Bnimbv became sole owner of Brumby textile Mills. Inc of Murphy He established in 19bb the Brumby Knitting Mills Inc at Young Harris. {ia Brumby has served on the Murpbx town Board, (he Murphy Board of Kducation and as an elder in the Presbyterian Church He is a graduate of Chattanooga. Tenn High School and attended the Cniversity of Florida and the Cniversity of Chattanooga be ojK'tll'd U( later I I Kl.uuri. an 'i'"1" v- - mm haul I- . !..iir ? .in -.1 "? t !;, r-k. . i '> I |..p: .< :d X. 't...r.r\ , ho'iowrd -J.nl. tun tbroupli . . , I ,i r ,"i <? r - H " r..?' Mill II.is!ration I?' '' "" ?'oil i o.. rs* tit- ? i'i h 1 'i,,r Brim -Ah?. nrails ?"-? l""'1 } s \ \ i ii: H i presided ; 1 |t. ? | ? ; \ ??:*?*'! inu1 1 d 1 vou,:, ,omr ?r!rt-: Ihursday ntphl .it the Murphy Power Board Isuiltiinc Hr.itv -itiil H kboun lull! I in ist altciiditip t!;i tucctmp thai tin' "iit 1st1 tr-,..iif> is Heads a!. pone arid nted til -1.1 r 1 plas mp so .n i at: pel M.t;.. money " I I Ki'.nnri said tin- J.ilf roursi- also ne.-ds to hi'-jin i olli-i'tin(l tVi's trot;i tin t 1 ?< u^ rs alio sipned up a Urn thr oripilial l".in a as made and it was drrittrd lo s? nd out a letter lallmp for payment ot the Ill's. which as ill run si a month 1 (if roll I I 'I.rsi . a 111! ' . a as oripmalls sihedulrd I" oprn all."It l.alior Has last scar, has had mans prohlrills and thry a or" all fulls airrd at the iru'ftilU! I hr loan ssa- made in -i ptemhtr ot 1 '.to ? tor thf it as mum" allowed throuph t!u Rural H.nrssal Propram. -Jali.iHll) 1 hr I arm "U Harshass Koad was pun liasrv. tor s.;;,.mid. thru sih.iiiik ?.i> ,cl asirir for ruuliilllftnirs. . ] i ii i u as earmarked lor isiuipn.ritl and thrrr was a s-lii.-uK enpinecrinp trr and -7 liKM fi r remodcllinp .. tiarn ,,ud ilkino shed into a i lubhoiisr and pro shop 1 hen -a as -l.M'KK.' coiistrtn lion of thr ioum itself. a fitturr srwer.il it"M aulhontu's Itasi indicated i too small for thr task Ml tin bids ssrnl our thr Injure and ]t r it r i r \ p 1 a i lird I ha t intubations -were I hrn mailt "tor thr most poll" roursr we i a HI Id prl Wells and d rst pot thr contract and suh In sotnr "I thr ssork to Sam Hunii r a In also is msolvrd in work on tin (las Counts poll n".isi t onstrurlion hrpan on .luls 1"'. I 'IPS and was to hr finishrd on \up IfS of ll'ikl Caul \asr. I'ormrr loiints aprtil nosv in rliarpr of prounds work al the roursi . rrporlrd on thr condition of thr first nine holes. rump erosion problems, poor stands of prass in some places and bare spots in others "Thr sawdust was not mixed ?n property with the soil in some places. Nave said In p..rt ? ri? 1 \-ii. < .?'ii jr?js.s >.i.M.xi Mi.ii .. i!k r? .I-... r ? t,?. nakrn t'.i ?..1 ?.i ?<* n .ill. t lli.it ? r? ?.11r , i riL ! i ? h.i1.' a pi rl i i i i 1 ?.. r v : 1:4 M rxl vi.ir I h ' ?? :n r? ' ' >r .'U'li I'if Nt'i'Miir: \r.ir \\ 4 ft ^nin^ tn ' ..Of ' ? J ? ? A 1 M'l A 11.it A r V t 11 'a i(. uikr .iliout ^ ;i h 1 .1 ?. ivir ' nujiriLiirt th* rotirsr hi .1 iri.ii .111(1 Mi* 011K aa\ in raiM- 1 hi ::iom \ 1 - to start pla\ 1 nii J.ick Li>s ingood Lovingood Announces For Office Murphy businessman .lark 1 l.ovmgood announivs that he is a candidate for register ol (ferric, subject to nomination by t h<- Cherokee County R epubhcan ( onvention in May ? ov mgood is a n a t i v ? of Cherokee County and a Navy veteran ot the Korean VCir fit graduated from North Ceorgia College at Dahlonega Ca . and taught school for two years at 'Aest Fannin !! i ^ Fi at Blue R idge. I ~ia He ow ns l.ovingood Motors and Lovingood ''-Wei ker Service and has operated the Western th rolina I ruck Stop. on I Slit west of Murphv. for the past four and a half years Lovingood is married lo the former Darlene Chastain of Route Murphy and they have two children Ihe Lovingoods live on Hiawassee Street in Real! own Ihey attend Hanging Dog Baptist Church ? ?:? iti hand led !?? a : h< etr i ncrnoers indn ah d :ne\ vn-r< \pn : iri^ aii- ? t? ? ? bnhb r .'at r "i-:iP<> 'Uirphv I . :.alk 'A i' like ' .'Ir.T.ali . A a-% ' fn 11L! 'v bit! A 11:.;nv a alked ci I i, hail a - ? iid r?-ad\ fn.t a .1- gi ven a Mrm LI!'1 room at the board heeling table "?< Ml it I hen t Me bids a <re read t ?den j an had hid - .111 ? ta ? Iran lip tin- silt a:id m '>?' !uf In- regular i overmg up M. arid iu/mg out a ru a ? iit^ ri r>.? r tin jarbagt everv ['in dav Aimpev li?i'.\f'.rr hid Me firsl >hasr at " 1 ?M and I he <n d it VT a Members ??! tin- I own Cmrd then gun kk voted to in ept 's'v irnpt'V "n t>i<1 suhjt i l o approval bv tile Cherokee ounlv t ummissioners. who s ill be providing a third <d trie noiiev lor the landfill a tin h vill also he u st *d t)\ uoaritv vsiden ts 'Aimpev and < olernan then eft (In- meeting. engaged in riendk * onversation . ( oleman ipparriilk worried that his "ival in tJit- bidding did not ulh reah/e what is involved in In- bulldozing operation and na> be in for a financial jolt I oA n (Jerk t harln- Johnson \plamed that vNimpev's bid v ill hi- pr-sented to tin- county o n: rn issioners before ? h t ontrait is let to him It will ?un through tin- end of June a lew contrac t to bt- put up lor )ids for tin* ru-\i fisral year \] a \ o r ( I oe Moore iresented a letter he had vreived from J <> Litchford, ? tate traffn engineer and V\ \ Vvard. area traffn engineer, living that a traffn eount has ? en ni^de arid the Coijrthnus* n terser, roil does not warrant a raffle light I he letter said that Central \ v en ut . which crosses ?'each tree Street at the ntersection. c arries onk li.iiOH .1Mu I* -s an average <tav on 's 'a-.! !?-^ and levs than I .<' m ? ? ? ri I tit West leg. below It.t minimum required lor a light I he traffic engineers urged nice again that an^lc parking in eliminated oil Peaehtree ami parallel parking be instituted adding that parking i- allowed lot* .close to the inters*-1 tion and it there wa> n<> parking ?s ithiii 0> teet the> think there would t)e no need tor a light ! tie board member*- took no aetion of the letter they have indicated in the past that Alien a fie a traffic light system is installed at the square the old light may find its wu\ to the i ourl house in terse* tiun I tie rest of the meeting was taken up by a discussion of the survey of the town boundaries b\ helix Palmer and Sain Harding, explained to the board hy Palmer Palmer said tie began the work in June of li+bH and presented a map of the town, showing the boundary lines I h e purpose of the presentation was to get the board's opinion of what to do in the ia.se of controversial lines Kenneth Davis attended the meeting and disputed a line which runs from the main section of town up to the reservoir, saying it affects his fain Mountain property 1'he discussion, including boundaries. markers iron posts, buggy ax It's, bla/ed trees, fence lines and prior surveys dragged on for more than two hours and in the end no action was taken I he board decided to think about the controversial boundary lines for JO davs before instructing Palmer to go any further Johnson explained that a complete town boundary survey was made in 1880 and another was made in 10J7 hut w as never recorded Sisters Of Providence To Furnish Hospital 1 he bisters of Providence announced 1 hursday nht at a Murphv Hospital Authority Meeting that the\ will refurnish each room in Providence Hospital. I'he Sisters, the Catholic order uhirh owns and operates the local hospital. sa\ new beds, mattresses, tables and Cloth in v I or O Seed) Stolev Several ihousand pounds nf used clothing. to tie distributed lo the needv . was stolen from the da\ cees Clothes Closet over the weekend i he clothing. 1 o.coi i pounds in all was part of the surplus sent to the Mississippi Hull' Coast last year in the wake of the killer Hurricane i'amille \ot needed there, it found its way to Murphv and was given to the .Jayeees by St A ltliams ('at holic ("hurch \ .lavcee spokesman said he thieves entered the ?miul hern Railway depot, where the clothing is stored. Ihrough a side door \t least a fourth of the clothing was dolen. he said Atkinson To Visit Luke Atkinson. Republican candidate for the 1 s House from the I 1th Congressional District, will make his first campaign visit to Cherokee < ountv on Salurdav \ n \ s h e \ 111 e C i t \ Councilmen and a successful businessman in that city. \tkinson will be in Murpln Sal urdav morning and at a Dutch luncheon at noon at < tdell's Restaurant \tkinson will visit in \ndrews Saturday afternoon, making an informal hand shaking tour No formal speeches are planned at either tow n rhairs will be provided for each room 1 he new furnishings will cost an estimated $16,000. During the meeting, members of the hospital authority decided to put up the first ( (instruc tion phases of the renovation for bids and also made plans to wind up the fund raising drive by the first week in May I'he renovation program, to cost an estimated $42,000, is designed to make the hospital more attractive to the doctors the hospital authority is trying to recruit for Murphy The hospital authority presently has about >15.000 in the bank tow ard the program Two <if the most pressing parts of the renovation program are a re roofing of the New Wing and a second toilet on the second floor of the hospital Since there are enough funds to pay for these two jobs on hand. Mil A members agreed to put the two jobs up for bids and begin work as soon as possible "I'he work should be under way in \pril." Jack Owens. Mil \ chairman, said Thursday night Owens and the other 21 members <>\ the hospital authority plan to make personal visits to each businessman and industry in this section of Cherokee County during the next weeks, soliciting contributions for the renovation program " 1 he month of April is being set aside for the community development clubs to have their singings and suppers and other fund raising events." t )w ens said "Then on Sunday. May Ird we plan to have a mass, door In door canvass lor donations I he Murphy civic clubs will carry out the canvass inside the town limits and the community development clubs will solicit in their areas "The next day. Monday, May 4, we plan to have an open, public meeting of the hospital authority to see w here we stand and we hope to be able to bring the drive to a close then Wreck On Riverbank I w . I v. i ? . ki ? ?' r .11 ? :? 1 11..!! 111< -I; it !| !< i! ;?'? l I >l*'t . , ir: t'! . ? ?? I ? ..! I !- . It... k. !\ ? ' > u:? in.- '? . :? r<?.nil?.-.nk ???n > ?'. i ? .i ? Mur|-:'\ Mi- I ki r\ - .ir .?(?! .iivntiv i ? It tr ro.ul \\ .? 1.i\ . ? i .i; ;i ,i-f.i i:r? ? ? ll i ln<-- ir Girl Found Dead In Smashed Car \ pup.ilai Murpl.. Hntt; >ihuo| s| .idenl a as tound dead in her smashed au'.iimohile las': ''. a r?! a t:-. 'rum r: ?>' .n a^airisi 4j i I..rtip ut (rrr- ? l.'a Ih'AdSMM' Kl'vi r bank ,ih>l)! ' All miU's east <>i ti'a ?? Deborah -lean [ )? u k ?t\ *. ? . was reported rnissm^ h\ r:?r parents. Mr arid Mr-. K !)(>? ker> <d MurpK oi: Wednesdav ni^ht Mie had u? ? *:? to l'la\ I'minK bat 'i111 not nlum and her parents. aioris; Ralph R.i\ fiolil Rayiield Announces For Sheriff Ralph Rav held .innmaict^ his candidacy for sherd' >1 Cherokee Count v s-vih|c< r !?? nomination In th< muniv Republican i ? ?n\? niinn R av field has her n Hi > u constable of Murphv I ? ? w nship the past two ??!*?? I ions and h.n b?vn a pari t urn di-pi.iv irsn r sheriff t hu.dr \nders.?n m ]'M\\ I In I t'ijslaf un however, has abolished the lonsiahU system and ikere will In no balloting lor nuntahlrs rhis year l or the nasi seven \ears. Rav field fi.is been emploved bv Idwnson Kuneral Home as sales represeiilal w e He is a World War i! veleran. having served in th? I i;ru|van theatre, and won campaign ribbons. PurpU Heart. Rmn/r Rattle Star and tin (.nod Conduct medal \ I i fell ma Rep ,:hl ica n . Rayfirld is active in 1he local American latum Post \o d'i. serving for the pasi five \ ears as adjutant He is married to the former Annie Ruth Morrow and thee have one child, a daughter famrm Ihe Rayfields live on Regal Street and attend Ihe Second Baptist Church if. K?-mu- vquad :'.iirf>rr d Liu ??I * 11 r- and friends nvh*d through the nigh* M.jrpl.v i ::it ! ,?I f\.!n t 1% It MaK up i hri kint! 1 > *'? 1 <>'? 't\? Iht- rivr I hursdav morning, lounci the [ iiu kt r\ < ar. a I'M.7 i. hesroiei. t rumpied athnr.si Ih? ? trees I fit- ^irl\ hori\ ! ripped in 1 ht? wretkatie sk? had tm ii dead for ^ \era I I: v. a- raining verv hard .1:.. i vi i 1 ed nesdav niufi' ' .. :??: ifii a. . ident is tin'U^!:r i" li.i'st happened Mis I >? ii krrv had heen dm inn h-r ??:t\ aht>. ? I four tininrhs < hit ! ah up and afi iri>M[>tr r -I Miller who investliiarfd lfa tal.il a< rident tm-on.'ed I f ai Miss bnekerv .??as rtdurninj r.> Murphv when : he ri^: i fri i:it v. heel i?t" 1 fit i ar dropped nl! ifu shoulder. she I a rked i fit a -it-t i in pul 1 fir t ar . ha< - li t pavement arid a v " id fa'" .*:l! the n>i k v Democratic Rally Set At Hayesville I >r i ar' Kill ia?'. I Irmi >< ral it tlldldale hi! slaa- senate. a. ill ?ii rfit pre;. ipal speaker at .i rall\ ^alurd.tV ni^ht in :l i\us;ill. \!' Dt'iiini r.iK in ( lav sv.nl\ art- nniicd in attend i ht event. v. huh begins at 7 dO p rn at ih? Havesville High si hoot ( afehria r- larihank ? \ 11 ? 'jaA I br au U<> irii ? ? .1 aiii a a\ s smi! , i:. i h, wt-t pa\emenl. pli:rt>e <>t: Ma r| ? .1 ?ill"! Ill1 'N i , ? - ? ? . a a<? ed* Miss I Ku k? r\ as a Junior at Murph> iiu:!; S4 h??<?{ am! the leading lad> of tne I rmI i a r. >li;;a Sweethearts , M lea.'?; \t sihool. she u,i-. a member <>l tin speerft and drama < lub and a past of'ln rr of fr11? health < lub Mir a as a member tin I'irl N-out Cadelte [r^>i ? p of Murph\ and th?-<-iris \u\iliar\ d rhe first Baptist ( hur< h Mn h she attended . a here ! In funeral wa> held v.indav i1 ternoon I he Ke\ lb) I ^mith diniated and burial ujs in ^urw ' ( emeu r\ Pallbearer ? r? Arnold Starks. Biliv '?1' A abb Donald Daddis, >< iriald ! u ker\ Bruiv Vo\ U ^ ind I )<uju M lies Suru\ rm an the parents. ?Mr ami Mrs K v Doekerv <?f Murp!:\ :h r-T hmlhers. < ? <herl b . il (rreetmlle D-.it .)a? kie ne of tin nivrrsp\ :l ; etmessee at \m>wilii ami Hotiald i arl bd,i r\ . >' Berea t olle^e. A'rr.i K\ the maternal : ratulnn afirr Mrs I.orene ?Mnith o' Mbuqmruue. \ M he pat* rnal grandmother. Mrs M - n s Mar I >o< k?T\ o! M urph> . and a Lrc.i; u ra n d m ? ?thrr Mrs V'n ? Palmer of Murphv lovvnson funeral ila:v< -as in eharge of arrangements \ injil O I >i'll /irgil 0'Dell To Run For Commissioner v irilll 1 ' . >? ??? iirpln ?ii^ ri. . ? ? 11 ? ?inmat lur * ? ? : . pi, I '!i I ? i r 1 v i ? 11 r 111 r: ?'Dili. a!,.. ii - .iii(i ; -pi-r.ili - r? -i .r.r.ii ! .srui < ;i 1 ?*I*- In \ ii'-'rI? a V ht r< -Mi ' ?>.?.*. ii 11.? <.i'r i isLil u n ? ' ? ' j It IS .i i...-\\, . 'HM , < ..hi ill v ??Mrrn-d i . i' ? ' t r rr \nrv;i tv.niiv <>! ' :?.ir . .iM<t ! h<\ "..iv?? :' ret i ?i:Ir? ri I hi 1 * Delis 11 \? < >r. 1 hi \ 1 r,-,\ n "?! n!h'A .iv ir Mv. i ph\ VABl H ".9/ 0 VI w ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 r 8 9 10 11 1? 13 "4 15 16 17 ^8 19 20 21 11 13 24 IS ?fr 17 28 19 10 31 Keith Hartness. son of Mr and Mrs Johnny Hartness Michael Beerkens. son of Mr and Mrs. Hans Beerkens, Joey Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens KITF Fl VINT. ^<z46tOH4 *?<\r *76e ^acCccd s4t 76,e HOUSE OF FASHION MURPHY, N C

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