llurphy Carnegie Library 4-73 Peachtree Street I'.urphv , S.C., 28906 The Cherokee Scout 12 Pages and ClaY County ProgTuss 15( per Copy Volume 80 timber 30 Murphy Nur th C.iroluui 28006 Second Cldv> Postuye Puid At Murphy. North Curulnui I hursd.iy April 23, 10/0 Fires Started By Arsonists, 700 Acres Burned Monster Winners Betsy Henri Hall |>oM-d with the checks Monday while the winners of the Snowbird Mountain Monster .Man art contest made like monsters around her Mrs. Hall, who judged the contest for the best likeness of the April Fool story character. stave first prize to Hrenda Hughes, left, sei ond prize t<> Michael h oust and third prize to Sall\ Curtis. Honorable mention went to Kenneth Lee Blackwell of lliuassee Itam School (Staff I'hotot FIRST PR1ZF Brenda Hughes, 10. Peachtree SECOND PRIZE Michael Eoust. 10. Peachtree THIRD PRIZE - Sally Curtis. 12. Have* tile Translator Situation Explained A television translatoi station for Marble will have tc be bullt before Murphy can be served by WI.OSTV, Asheville I hat was the w ord this week in a letter from Mortor. Cohn. vice president and general manager of the Asheville television station The letter was in response tc the Scout's editorial of April 1 urging operation of a Murphy translator. "Some time ago we applied to the Federal Communi cations Commission for a translator station to serve Murphy and were giver permission to build the station," Cohn's letter reads "We planned to pick up the signal from our existinf translator station servinf Andrews and Kobbinsville and rebroadcast it on the Murphy translator "Unfortunately , contrary t< our expectations, we founc. that the incoming signal wai not sufficient and that il wa; subject to interference from other distant televisior stations. As a result we are not currently on the air in Murphy "In the meantime, we filed an application for anothei translator station for Marble This application has been al the FCC for some time If we get permission to establish the Marble translator, it will provide a much stronger signal for pick up and use hy the translator serving Murphy and should enable us to put ar excellent quality picture intc Murphy "We are very hopeful that we will receive permission ir the near future to serve Marble which will then make il possible for us to servf Murphy We are most anxioue to bring to the people nl Murphy a good quality television picture from a North Carolina station so that you will have news, sports, and public affairs programs from vour home state Iv i e Suffers Heart Attack Peyton C. I vie suffered a mild heart attack on Friday and is a patient at Providence Hospital A hospital spokesman said he is doing well and is ir "good" condition Ivie owns Ivie Funeral Homes in Murphy, Hayesvilk and Andrews and also Ivie Furniture Store in Murphy and Clay County Furniture Store ir Hayes ville M ? 111 -1- i '.Hi ' 1 \ > d a. 1 a >n tarth s started !1'ri -' Pi.s whah S.iriii'i! over hlindlvh. .1 ai s I!: I herokee I (lUlllV atui aKii .i r-.s- the !> r<l, r i!i 1 ennessee along Ha brown Hichwav mi Sunduv I'. "t? M -?-n u I >i-tr,.t Ranger Harold h >;:<?( >C \'.iirii|i\ said the firebugs apf -anr t _ct tir?-- at 1 ?. location- al'iiit t P>? dirt road in th?? wt^trrn ? *r11i : 11 , uuntv Sunday morning. event,chlv burning nairi' than Til-' acres in i tn-i'. k < ?. - County as the bla/e merged into 11v<? major fires. II.' said tin In.-- occurred along tin road in an an a ruughh between the Morrow (Ian and I mcoi (lap, which is the North Carolina border 'I fieri- were also at least lour more forest fires set on the 1 e 111 lessee side, lie said, along the same road between I nieoi (lap and t oker ( reek. I i-nn I here are several methods of setting a fire which will flare up some length of time after the arsonist has left. Hanger Fisher said I la s.- include candles, slow burning ropes or cigarettes with matches inserted to ignite when the heat reaches them. "Several places where the fires were started were discovered and quickly put out," the ranger said. "We have some special Forest Service investigators in the lire area now looking into the matter and searching for evidence." 1:,j, - v.i n dm, "V!. .1 .it"-'.it 11?..? 11 or: SiiMj.u I' isher ->?i111 '.he ! im oi area Uy Sunday aft. rn,,. m U , t> were 1 ,, i; i?? i; tin- I in 'in. - Irving to . oittrol tli.' In s. tn. ' ir. i >|. v. - and Iuh build,>/<rs \lso a water tion.iier a plane dropping tire retarding labial, was used against 'die fire-,, flying out nt K:.,,\w.le. lellfl turbulence. tiiiHenr got s,. I,ad Sunday afternoon .n a thunderstorm fmilt up over the fire that tin plane had to tie eulled ot! "We finally mil a hall in, i. ot ram Sunday night." Hanger fisher -.aid It didn't eomplel. ly put the tin out hut It did stall It lie said the fire, although, pa-da d ny high winds, stayed on the ground and did not i ompU tely destroy all tree- as SOllle forest fires do I lie pities suffered most, he said, as many ol the larger hardwoods will not l? atfeeted ny tiie fire (If the trees that were hurtled too badly to survive, lie said some timber , an be salvaged I he young growth. Hanger fisher said, was completely lost as small trees which did not burn up were killed by the heat Included in thi- eategory was a f> f-aere "pine plantation," planted b\ forest Service crews in !00.r) He estimated the cost of the fire, including lost timber, labor rusts and the expense of operating the machines, at roughly $2(1,000 GOP Speaker Luke Atkinson, COP Congressional candidate, is shown drawing a laugh from local Republicans as he joked with them during an off-the-cuff speech Saturday night. Mure than 1(H) attended the dinner meeting at Odell > Restaurant (Staff Photol Republicans Hear Atkinson More than 100 loyal Republicans attended a dinner meeting Saturday night at Udell's Restaurant, to hear Congressional candidate Luke Atkinson and also to gel in some local politicking The affair was sponsored by the Cherokee County Young Republicans Club and the crowd included a delegation from Clay County , led by State Representative Bill Bradley of Havesville and Chairman Andy Padgett of the Clay County Board of Commissioners. State Senator Herman i Bull I West of Murphy was present seeking re-election this year, and with the county COP nomination convention set for May 9, all the county candidates attended and were introduced to the meeting Atkinson said he thinks this is a good year for Republicans, "better than we probably ever believed."' A first term Asheville City Councilman, he is running for the 11th District House seat now held by Democratic Congressman Roy Taylor of Black Mountain "I guess it's no secret that the National Republican Party has declared the 11th as a target district.'' Atkinson said That means well be getting a lot of national help And that means they w ant a Republican Congressmen in this district to take in with him all the local candidates, commissioners, sheriffs, school boards ..." Atkinson said he had been a Democrat "until I found out better"' and said other Democrats throughout the district are now switching and registering Republican "Right now it looks wonderful," he said of the election He predicted that Haywood County, without a Republican officeholder, will elect several Republicans this fall "We're picking up Republicans all along " Atkinson said Asheville's City Council, elected with a Republican majority last year, has lightened up city government procedures in that city "this is the good business type of government of the Republican Party" and could do the same for the nation if enough GOP candidates are elected " The Republican Party can bring us out of the dilemma we're in " In closing, he made a plea for party unity "If your choice in a primary or No-Parking Warning Is Given Murphy Police Chief Pete Stalcup reminds Softball players and patrons of activities at the Rock Gym that Conaheeta is a no parking street The Murphy Town Board passed an ordinacne prohibiting any parking on Conaheeta Street in March, which became law on April 13. "We're going to try to warn them about it first," Chief Stalcup says "And then we're going to have to start enforcing it." He suggested that ballplayers, fans, tennis players and dancers park their cars in the parking lots near the gym or in the field across the road from the softball field convention doesn't win. please for goodness sake get behind the man who wins and let s put Republicans in office If we don't, we'll be helping to elect Democrats" District Raimer H;irukl I isher in blackonetl tort's! nt'.n I ciincsscc Iiih Hayesville Housing Project Announced Golf Is Hin d I urn Day. chairman of the Clay (' iiiintv Rural Development A uthor11 > . announces that a Rural Renewal loan has been made and the contract awarded for i onstruction of a housing iroject at Hayesville. The contract was for $93.1)00 and was awarded to Collins and Minor Construction Co. of Murphy. Day said The project is called Moore View Homesites and will be located on Tusquittee Road, joining the Hayesville town limits on the north Day said the project will have eight new homes constructed and there will also be nine lots available there for construction of homes in the future 1'he water for the project will come from the Town of Hayesville and necessary road construction will be provided by the N C High way Commission In cooperation with the Klue Kidge Mountain KMC. the homesite project will be constructed with all utilities underground. This is the first project of this type in the area The Kural Kenewal project will be financed and supervised by the farmers Home Administration, an agency of the Cnited States Department of Agriculture In addition to Day. other members of the authority are J W . Stanley. Wallace Crawford, W G Mingus and Carroll C. Met lure tor Course A tuHtune golf pro has been hlrt-ci for the ( herokee County Coif Course, set 'o open officially for play on May J He is .lack Williams of Brvson < ity, who was pro for the golf eourse there when it was in operation. Joe hl-Khouri, chairman of the Rural Renewal Authority, made the announcement. He said Williams will be in charge of the driving range, pro shop, cart rentals and will offer a full range of individual or group lessons for golfers. Local Cloggers To Perform The Carolina Sweethearts clogging teams will dance at the Rock Gym on Saturday night. in a performance sponsored by the Murphy Lions Club hollowing the clogging teams, there will be square dancing for the general public. Music will be provided by the Bald Mountain Boys from Hiawassee, Ga. Town Registration Ending Saturday According to election officials, there are about 300 voters in Murphy who must he registered Saturday if they are to vote in the May 5 town election. Mrs. A <1. Quinn has been named registrar for Murphy and has been registering voters in the mandatory loose leaf system for the past three Saturdays. She will be on duty in the county elections office in the Courthouse Saturday, from 0 a. m. until 6:30 p. m. Glenn Stalcup. chairman of the Cherokee County Board of Elections, savs so far Mrs. t^uinn has registered about TOO voters There were about 1,000 eligible voters on the old town books, he said, leaving at least 300 to he registered on Saturday. Challenge day for the town election will be the Saturday before the election which falls on May 3. the day the state primary election will be held Ground Broken For Bank Ground was broken officially this week for construction of a new First Union National Bank building on Peachtree Street, to cost in excess of $115,000. Left to right are John Smith, contractor; Henry Simmonds, city executive of the bank; director John Dickey, director Doyle Burch and demonstrating the modern method of ground-breaking on the backhoe, Aklen ' chairman of the bank's board of directors. (Dub) Singleton, director, wa? not present picture was made. (Staff Photo)

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