YOU PAID A GOOD PRICE FOR YOUR CARPETS LET US HELP YOU KEEP THEM LIKE HEW Your Rugs and Carpets SHAMPOOED - NOT WASHED Right In Your Home Or Business Establishment. Satisfaction Guaranteed Contact Folk Dances, Songs Featured At School Regular programs are held at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown each Friday night, beginning at 8 p.m. Music for Appalachian, American, English and Danish folk dancing is played by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wood and Stanley Kramer. Folk songs collected in Clay and Cherokee counties and other Appalachian songs will be a part of each program. The public is invited to attend. Maurice Wade England Hayesville Youth Wins 4-H Contest Maurice England, of Hayesville has been declared state winner in the 4-H buriey tobacco project for 1969. His project record was judged in competition with the other entries in this program. Maurice has been in 4-H Club work for six years, and has carried the buriey tobacco project for three years. He will be recognized along with the other state 4-H project winners on July 30, at N.C. State University in Raleigh. The awards for state winners will be presented at this time. As a 4-H member, Maurice has been very active and has participated in many 4-H activities and events. He is a member of the Riverside 4-H Club and the son of Mr. and Mrs. P.W. England of Hayesville. CUZ'S CORNER Circle Grows Smaller e, tf It seems that my circle of friends keeps getting smaller and smaller. I guess I oughta try to do something about it, but it looks to me like it would be a big job and big jobs always did kinda discourage me. Like mowing my grass in the summer time. That's a mighty big job and it's just like Papa's cotton used to be. We could pick it but it wouldn't stay picked. And I could cut that grass but it wouldn't stay cut. I tried time and again to convince my B.W. of how discouraging that grass business was on account of its being such a big job. She suggested that I divide it into fourths, then it wouldn't be such a big and discouraging job. I thought eighths or sixteenths would be better but she held out for fourths. You know how women are. She had her way. So, I divided it up and the fourth I cut first was the least one on the flattest ground. I started to put the mower away and she wanted to know why. I told her that according to my division I had cut a fourth of it and that, I thought, was what she had insisted on, and I'd cut the second fourth, maybe, next day, and so on til I got it all done. But do you know what she wanted? She wanted me to cut that second fourth just as soon as I got the first one done, and then right after that the third and the fourth fourth. When I found this out I didn't see why she cared if I had divided it into eighths or even sixteenths. And it sure didn't make sense to me to divide it up a tall if there wasn't gonna be no time allowed to pas between these divisions of cutting. She had a right smart to say about this comment of mine and I guess you can imagine what it was, her being a woman and all. Anyhow it wound up being just as discouraging to me to me to do it the way she wanted it done as it was not to divide it a tall. And that's how this problem looks to me about doing something about my circle of friends getting to samll. Course I know that I tost a Governor Names West To Committe State Senator Herman (Bull) West was named recently to Gov. Bob Scott's Committee on State Government Reorganization. West was among 13 state legislators named to the governor's panel, which is headed by Democratic Chairman John T. Henley, the senator who has directed the State Government Reorganization Study. William E. Stevens, Jr. of Lenoir, a Republican industrialist, is vice chairman. "I strongly feel that this should be a non-partisan effort," Gov. Scott said. "It is for the betterment of all citizens that we accomplish reorganization in North Carolina State Government to create more efficiency and economy. "I personally feel that the reorganization of State government is one of the most important issues facing us today," Scott said. "These citizens have agreed to give their time and talents on behalf of their state for which I am deeply grateful. It will be the responsibility of this committee to study the findings of the study group which has been working since last fall. The results of the study will be submitted to this committee along with a proposed plan of reorganization." few of my friends by writing about them in this column, I COULD quit thst, but.... well, you see I've written neeliy everything I know shout my lunfolks. I did them first. Now the way it is with kinfolks, you can't get rid of them no matter what you do. They get mad at me, and all, but they are just as kin to me mad as they were before I did 'em up in this column But with friends it a different. So, as 1 write about first one and then another of them they get out of the circle. Then a few more have gotten out because I'm slow to pay my bills. Course this is a different kind altogether. And there are two ways of losing this kind of friend. By paying 'em what' you owe 'tm or refuse to. No, I haven't ever out and out refused to pay my debts, it s just that some of these friends run out of patience with me. i Then some of my friends V have just gotten disgusted with me on general principles and got out of tie circle. And one or two I kicked out myself. These were friends that owed ME. And after news like this has circulated around it is pretty ( hard for me to make any new friends. So, you see what a< problem this situation can get to be? Every once in a while I hear of somebocy that I want to be sure and remember, so I don't slip up and get to be friends with 'em before 1 know it. Like not long ago, when my ' B.W. went to the local Cancer Clinic, there was one of these that I want to be sure and watch out for You know this Cancer Clinic is one of them things where all the civical minded club women volunteer as helpers so they can get their names in the papers. And I guess that remark will cause aD the local woman's clubs to pass a resolution not to EVER admit me as a member. But I don't care one bit if they do. Anyhow, this one lady got there late. This is customary. You see, if they got there early somebody might think they were eager to get their names in the paper. So they get there late, like they don't care one way or the other. They know their names will be in there anyhow. This lady, soon as she got in there, started asking this one and that one if they had had this, that, and the other done. They all had, including my B.W. Then Mrs. B. began telling this lady how smart she was to get there late "to help out" after all the work was done. You know, good naturedly and everything. They chatted some, like women will, and my B.W. asked her who she was. She said, "I'm Mrs. So and So, a eye doctor's wife". You see she couldn't resist the temptation to get in a plug for this doctor husband of hers. Then B.W. says, "I'm Cuz's wife." Now here is where I was expecting B.W. to tell me that Mrs. So and So said a lot of nice things like she read my column and how good it was and all, and how much she always looked forward to reading it, and things like that. But you know what she said? She said, "How do you stand him?" I won't tell you what B.W. said in answer to that question. All III tell you is that she was mighty glad to find somebody who seemed to sympathize with her. And III also tell you that no matter how small my circle of friends may become, or how bad I may need to enlarge it, that's one woman who won't ever be able to get in it I don't care what she does. Would You Like To Buy Food For Less Than You Paid A Year Ago? It con be done, if you shop or A&P At A&P, you'll find the fomous Notionol Bronds ot prices we believe will sovc you money You'll also find hundreds of fomous A&P Brand products ot prices wc know will hove you moncv. The choice is yours Wc wont vou to be satis fied ... so much that wc unconditionally guoronteed every product wc sell to be a quality product and to give \ou complete sat isfaction We tell you this, not because wc want to promote A&P brands over other famous brands wc carry, but because wc think it's im portant to you . . today As the nation's leading food retailer wc believe wc hove a responsibility to remind you of this quality choice that A&P offers this singificcnt wa> to cut food costs. EVERYDAY 10W PRICES CANNED FOODS Apple Sauce i lb. can Cranberry Sauce I ir. CAN Fruit Cocktail I LF CAN SECTIONS Of Grapefruit I LP CAN Cling Peaches 290Z. CAN Cling Peaches 1 LF. CAN BartleH Pears * A * * 07 CAN Crushed Pineapple 1 -LF 4-OZ CAN Crushed Pineapple 8' ^-OZ. CAN Sliced Pineapple 1 IF -1 07 CAN Sliced Pineapple TO-07 CAN Asparagus I -LB CAN Pork A Beans .11-07 CAN Pork A Beans 3-OZ. CAN Pork A Beans b-oz. can Cut Green Beans 1-L6. CAN Cut Green Beans 1-LB. CAN FRtNCH STYLf Green Beans 1-LS. can Beans ? 1 -LB. 1-OZ. CAN Golden Corn * 1 -LB. 1-OZ. CAN Golden Corn 12-0?. CAN Golden Corn 81 j-OZ. CAN Green Peas 1 LF. 1-OZ CAN Green Peas IXfAN f.rRAY 21c VRAY 31c 33c GOLUIN TAP 31c PEL MONTC 43c 29c MONTf 39c 21c DEL-MONTE 43c DEL-MONTE 21c DLL-MONTE 43c PEL-MONTE 55c VAN CAMP 2/39c VAN CAMP 33c VAN CAMP 2/25c 2/39c STOKELY 29c GREEN GIANT 2/55C SUPERFINE mall ma. GREEN 29C DEL-MONTE SVK? 29c DEL MONTE ATMOLI (IRNIL 29c NIBLETS 2 55c GREEN GIANT 2/37c DEL-MONTE 2/57c 19c A&P 25c A&P 27c A&P 27c A1P 25c A&P 35c A&P 29c A&P 20c A&P 39c A&P 19c A&P 39c A&P 49c "Ann Page" 2 33c ANN PAGC 29c ANN page: 2/23c "A&P" 2/20c A&P 17c A&P 2/35c A&P 25c A&P 18c A&P 20c A&P 2/35c A&P 2/31c A&P 2/45c 2c 6c 6c 4c 8c 4c 10c 1c 4c 2c 4c 6c 6c 4c 2c 19c 12c 20c 4c 11c 9c 20c 6c 12c i ?l R*OAt I OA PRICES HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS 3 4-02. PACKAGE Tooth Paste 7'4-OZ. rACKAGE Tooth Paste 7-OZ. CAN Spray Deodorant Hair Spray 7-OZ. BOTTLE Liqaid Shampoo 100-CT. BOTTLE Aspirin 200-CT. BOTTLE Aspirin 7-OZ. BTL Month* ash 14-OZ. BOTTLE Month Wash 100 COUNT MoMple Vitamins 100 COUNT?WITH IRON Mnttipie Vitamins 4-OZ. MR Jetty Jelly 11-OZ. CAN Sfcavt Craan COLGATE LOU*IOC0gg CREST ""$1.05 BAN $1.49 LUSTRE CREAM 79c PRELL $1.15 BAYER $1.07 BAYER $1.89 LAVORIS 79c LAVORIS $1.19 ONE-A-OAY $2.94 ONE-A DAY $3.29 VASELINE 45c VASELINE 69c PALMOl IVE $1.19 29c A&P 49c A&P 89c A&P 69c AiP 59c A ftP 19c A4P 39c A&P 29c A1P 49c AAP 99c 25c 39c 59c 36c 56c 60c 10c 56c 88c si so 50c 70c $r *2* 20c 30c 60c * This item multiple-priced of the store 'or even greoter savings Single unit price used for easier comparison. "SUPER RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY CORN FED BEEF STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAK Lb 123 w ' ,o,tS"house 1 ? ? "SUPER-RIGHT' QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF Bi STEAK or ROAST SUPER RIGHT QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF WHOLE BONELESS NEW YORK SUPER RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF STRIP LOIN GROUND ROUND We Care VIRGINIA COUNTRY FARM DRY CURED WHOLC OK A Jfc ONE FIFTH 4* jfc hams " 83c"" "s* 93c BIG COOKOUT VALUE, "SUPER-RIGHT" lOTTOM ROUND* QQC meat FRANKS ts- 49c W 59c Lb SHOP A&P FOR "SUPER-RIGHT" ssr briskets . 79c Lk A ^ m 7Q SULTANA brand frozen meat Tb I DIHNERS SH?"^' 2 '<$?? 69c ORsCHOPPED AAq PERCH FILLETS '*? 49c SlKLUIN CAP'N JOHN'S FROZEN FRIED OCEAN Lb FRIED FISH CAKES % 29c SHOP A&P FOR THIS SALAD VALUE FRESH LETTUCE ? 19c A BIG TREAT WITH ANY MEAL YELLOW CORN 8 59< GREAT FOR SHORTCAKES STRAWBERRIES Baskets C /I JANE PARKER REGULAR OR SANDWICH SLICED Made With Buttermilk Bread 4'^ 99c JANE PARKER BROWN 'N SERVE CLOVERLEAF ROLLS 2 ?? 49c JANE PARKER DELICIOUS GOLD OR MARBLE POUND CAKE Me JANE PARKER CINNAMON, SUGARED OR GOLDEN DONUTS 29c JANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED DOUBLE CRUST LEMON PIE 2k?! 49c JANE PARKER HEAT AND SERVE FRESHLY BAKED PEACH PIE 2k?! 49c JANE PARKER CINNAMON. JELLY, OR PINEAPPLE TOPPED BUNS 3 9P? SI .00 GREAT FOR SNACKS JANE PARKER CORN CHIPS i? 59c BIG VALUE, BUY FRESH PINEAPPLES - 39c >iND SAVE ON ONIONS 3 & 39c VALUE g&s PEANUTS m? % 49c SHOP A&P AND SAVE ON YELLOW OR WHITE BIG SNACK VALUE ANN PAGE COOKOUT SPECIAL BARBECUE SAUCE 'k?" 35c't? 49c ASP'S OWN FRUIT FLAVORED CHEERI-AID DRINK MIX 6 ?? 31c LARGE OR SMALL ANN PACE STUFFED OLIVES '? 69c GREAT FOR AFTER SCHOOL SNACKS! SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER "W 99c ALL DELICIOUS FRUIT FLAVORS ? ANN PAGE SPARKLE GELATIN 4 % 29c SPECIAL PRICE ON CONDENSED ANN PAGE TOMATO SOUP 2 27c GREAT WITH ANY MEAL ANN PAGE??r.~ SOUP 2T?0,33e EQUAL TO THE BEST A&P EVAPORATED MILK 3'7c~ 1.89 r25c A&P STORE COUPON /i SAVE 25c ITH THIS COUPC A 8-OZ. MR C Sanka WITH THIS COUPON WHEN YOU BUY A 8-OZ. JAR Of FREEZEDRIED CahItII ?J% CAFFEIN FREE WITH THIS COUPON YOU PAY 8-Oz. Jor WITHOUT THIS COUFOM S-OZ. JAR U.U 25c Sv" ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ? OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 4. IP70 NORTHERN WHITE OR ASSORTED PAPER TOWELS 3 -85c Do TREAT YOUR DOG TO DAILY DOG FOOD ALL MEAT FLAVORS 10c 6 59c 15' 2 Oi Con FREE SCHICK INSTAMATIC RAZOR WITH PURCHASE sic,m FORMULA JSKifSi. si 09 '& S1.35 CHROMIUM CARTRIOGt I !?? PINK DISHWASHING DfTfl- ,ENT STOCK UP TODAY 32 OZ. BTL ONLY Vacation or Convention Fun in All Seasons Skiing in Winter | Red Lion Dining Room We will help plan your sales Seminar or Convention. Meeting rooms are available for groups of 25 to 450. Enjoy the attractions of Gatlinburg and the Great Smokies. Everyone will attend when your meeting is with us. Gatlinburg is a favorite of families. ? ' I HOUDAY INN. 6ATUNBUR6, TENNESSEE Phone 615-436-5137