. Kurp hy Carnegie Library 4-73 Peachtree Street Murphy, N.C., 28906 The Cherokee Scout 16 Pages and Clay County Progress 15* Per Copy i t Volume 81 - Number 2- Murphy, North Carolina, 28906 - Second Class Postage Paid At Murphy, North Carolina - Thursday, August 6, 1970 I Board Calling For Bond Vote By Wally Avetl f?"str^lion- 11 was suggested property jn the county js Staff Writer ' . be. . "ck J3'! required by state law every The Cherokee County Board b"dd!!? left ^dmgand eight years and Cherokee has of Commissioners Monday set . ffi to be checked out again in .. .. Je county of lice space. 1071 the machinery in motion for a ;?ji s* $100,000 bond vote in The present jail is not up to The f|rst bjds received on November, the money to the . countywide job were finance construction of a new ?, . ' interior wnnrf running 'n 'he neighborhood of _ a. L a a # ? county jail. , some interior wood $50,000. Commissioners, Scotch Winnf*!"^ Chairman W.T. Moore fr?0TbeSmoroSfP however, suggested that some OCOTCM WHl^rS suggested the resolution, which In other bPsiness Maude ?,f the, fi,rms blddlng take a Milt Carlson, left, pro at the HAV. (Bud) Alexander for their low was unanimously approved by Radford foreman and Merle ^r'??k at'he county a?d Cherokee County Golf Course, is score in the tournament Sunday O _ a_ o | . I a" the ?'her county Davis of the Grand j lob instoife CmoIina shown presenting the winner's gift afternoon. (Staff Photo) Pants Plant Unzipped ?-wa. ioM?.M?in.Goaeumd v-ouruy rtllon'e> L, L- ??son commissioners provide some k;j T? 6 ? to begin the legal procedures of . ... . r . bid to $37,500. advertisements and public m?ney for painting and fixing In fina, action> the Horace Cannon, left, local Levi's of several bands of pants material hearing necessary to bring the UP Present commissioners voted to send a plant manager assisted as the sewed together and it was not to be cut matter to a vote at the s?id tJle j**1 has been telegram to the Association of company's president, Walter Haas, Jr., because it had been neatly fitted with November general election. cleaned up and is now cleaner County Commissioners, which unzipped the ceremonial ribbon an easy - opening zipper. Cannon and Moore explained that if the ?a" "J*J"17 will be holding a meeting in officially ojxTiing the new plant here. Haas then led the crowd attending the bond vote is included in the ?'f ,? f TT' Raleigh on Aug" 12 '<> explore The Cherokee County Golf four players hit a tee shot, then Aug. 1 had been set as he That's right, the Levi's ribbon consisted opening on a tour of the plant general election it will save the the idea of having the state ,C?urSe h*ld its, first km?.! to play only official date for opening he " ? county money, as a special "uman 00011 Paf,on- take over the welfare tournament Sunday afternoon one ball, the man and woman full 18 holes for play but election will not have to be comm'ss'oners replied departments, now operated by with 24 golfers competing. taking alternate turns at hitting El-Khouri, head of the Rural called He noted that if the 'ieeP'n? 'be Ja'' clean is the individual counties. The It was a Scotch foursome the ball. Renewal Authority which * ? O _ TT 1 J bonds are approved by the 'he sheriff's responsibility and Cherokee telegram will inform event, with a team consisting H.W. (Bud) Alexander and constructed the course, said I V7"| || CC H A I ii C voters the commissioners will ^ they have allo'ed some the meeting that this county is of one man and one woman, Mrs. Maxine Gossett were the the back nine holes will not be JLdVS ? J. k/ll dUlJU XJ.vFlvl O have the authority to issue up money for improving the floor very much in favor of letting paired by random selection, winners, with a score of 47 for opened until the full course is to $100,000 in bonds but !n. the entrance offlce at the the state operate the welfare two teams making up a 'he nine holes. They won gift inspected and approved, would not have to spend that 'aR- system. foursome. At each hole, all certificates redeemable at the The inspection, by the _ much if it was not needed. After much discussion, the pro shop. Farmers Home Administration * The jail will probably be a commissioners voted to return Lonnie Hoover and Mrs. which loaned the money for it regional facility he said to be Ren Mayfield of Murphy the Helen Carlson were second and by engineers and members ? - ' ' _ CQ9A kr. noirl 99 nnmc /xf ^ ? ilfUk n A O nn/1 Dill PI 1 ? f t I n 1 n 1 First Tournament Held Gala Grand Opening built in cooperation with Clay ?33? uhe Pa'd f?r 33i acres of Q I T?..aL with a 49 and Bffl Christy and of the Rural Renewal County. It will be constructed land he Purchased from the BClinQIAlOy I fl Q | X11 P If Maudie B. Alexander were Authority, will be on Aug. 14, here in Murphy and will house Hk ^ J ? ? U U H county, or thought he did, in llllllll WW UJ I I U wVl third, with 50 strokes for the El-Khouri said. If the back nine prisoneis'from both "counties. 1959-May field says the Forest nine holes. holes are ready for play by . . _ ? r rr ? n ., . . Moore warned that the state Se^v'Cf has informed him that Alexander also won the 7,hen' he said, the full 18 will Lev. Strauss & Co. officially Lev. s sales this year wi top He also introduced the local jail inspectors have been on the ?* actually o^s the land, hole-in-one award for the be opened shortly after the nAna/l ate nam nlant in OQAA millinn tin en?l "HJn Inn/lnup Iirk/X en/vl/n km/xflxi Kauind Qoniliva/I if in konlr in I M 'II ? I ^B ,r>r-nn/>iirvn opened its new plant in $300 million, he said, "We leaders who spoke briefly, thl having acquired it in back in I# ! 11 ^ JL ^ II '.'"'1"''?'^ "J? inspection. M"Zh.y.iftSftUr1?LT?rni."g' S? Si"^et?^..^y?.r?? Cherokee County jail for some *eU30V. _ KlIlS 0^6613 M 311 hole-in-one" but Alexander's rt? Ha8S' Jr - computer and communications Moore, C.L. (Bud) Alverson, time and predicted that "if the C.?.u^ A"cr!tfy Mas?n Wb" VVl" drive on the fourth hole, a have been three greens on the president of the company, was system, yet we re still seHmg Merle Davis, plant manager bond vote fails, our jail will be exP'a,"ed that 'he county par-3 170 v,?Js stopped only back nine which were not in present for the occasion, waist overalls with a button fly Horace Cannon and A. Doug condemned bv the state and Probab|y acquired the land v - playing shape but said he attended by a number of local guaranteed to shrink and Allison of the N.C. Department our Drisoners will have to be when taxes were not paid on il' , ? , c. .? 'our '<*' short of the cup and hoped they will be ready in civic leaders and industrial fade..." of Conservation and hauiisi a . tu?r in error carrying it on county A young Ogreeta man died Cherokee Deputy Sheriff was declared the winner. time for the inspection, figures. Attorney Herman Edwards Development. at raat c?? to ^ 1)00,15 in the name of the Thursday ifternoon in a Dude Radford said a witness . .. /? , r county dt gredl tubi tu I iLn lonmna qpnHpnt in Ihp .^hn pr caiH KiHH wac nnpnfind a "We are now a part of the was master of ceremonies and Allison said 10 new SeroC ^ ^ '? owner and not learning of the logging accident in the Shuler said Kidd was operating a . b folklore of America," Haas read congratulatory telegrams industries have come into He said the onlv choice Forest Service's getting the Cr?fk s?ot,on- . P?war 'oad"..?? top of the PI Ay C lAllfliail said in his brief address. "Levi's to Uvi's from Congressman Cherokee County in the past Cherokee votes have is whether G"^aly,ngc?"lvhe 1^^!!/ Rou?te 5 M^r'Jhy was pS WheJ thfheaviylS l/ldj wBIS I 0 U I 11 6V are in the Smithsonian in Roy Taylor and Governor Bo h m vears and 10 others have want to for h?iiHin? a Graham Couny line near Route 5 Murphy, was place When the heavily loaded J J Roy Taylor and Governor Bo b m ?oarc o?ri in jioua - . .... ^ Graham Couny line near nouie o, Murpny, was piace. wnen me neavuy loaaea Washington " Scott y a^. " . ? 0.'hers hav? they want to pay for building a Tatham Gap apparently killed instantly vehicle started to roll, he wasnmgion. ocou. expanded, at a total investment new jail or pay for y - -~ - ? TmnnnAiik investment new jail or pay for carrying He ^ the deed gjven early Thursday afternoon when jumped off it and then fell of $12,013,000 by industry in prisoners to a jail in another Mayfield was not warranted in 'he logging truck he was under the wheels. The First Annual Labor Day '? "*e pin on the par three L .ith ? F ., m V Mayfield was not warranted, in the logging truck ne was under the wheels. ine first Annual umor uay ? ?.c p. w-a county with an annual county. No exact figures are effect tbe coun^v was onjy loading began to roll, he The upper part of Kidd's Tournament will be held at the 16th hole. rPDPhtfPP P |nr|t ^7^"?,7 0.l.^l1.?i'^' ..., fu8'1!^1.6 bUt- M(T>r^i ^II! selling whatever claim it had on jumped off and was run over, body was crushed and the Chatuge Shores Country Club Members and non members X Cal/lillCC JT lalll _ Alverson, president of the thought aregionaljail could be theB|and However deputy said the runaway truck a" invited to participate. . . .. m An I oKav r\a?r Mnn/lon Cnni T nlr Day, Monday, Sept. Latest time for entering will be Corp., said only 688 were Chairman Moore said he STTSTbS. ^ C 1W y^Tlnto ? 7" ?5 wi? . ?? a 27 hole a'4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, 9 m t a mm mm a aaiu "R'j uuu wc,c v-iiairiiiaii nioorc Sola ne _ l fL il mnrp than 100 vards into the win ut d ?,t noit* di ** u uuck ounaay aiiemoon, IVrfct A PaI 1 lltat* employed in industry in the believes stete matching funds Mavfi^ld thought the deed ? woods. tournament with the first nine Sept. 6. Winter rules will be in 11 OI J\ X OllUier county in 1956 when he and can be? erranged on a' 50-50 ^d S^t?S!?2? m ^ jBk ^s survived by his parents, hole score used to qualify effect for the tournament and others began the push for new bBsis, the county's $100,000 to J " th Mr and Mrs. Luther Kidd of players in one of seven flights. the first foursome will tee off Peachtree Products was listed last week by j"dustry- said today be matehed by a like sum from ^e purc? pS. ^ey did Route 5, Murphy; three sisters, Each flight will be made up at 8:30 Monday morning. For . . ... - j there are 3,330 working in the state, if the jail is built on a ? . -.u r u> f m ... l-jj j .. i players of like abilities so any further information, ,? state officials as a purchaser of mercury ar.i p,antsin thecounty. regional basis. Clay County. he n0t g? Mayfle'd] m ' M Mariene Kidd and Mrs. Joyce thatF^very p|ayer wj? ^ conytact any of the staff therefore a potential polluter. Following the speeches, the said, could participate at a re9ues' tha' e pal ?# jm. dflP>*U^f Jane Hall of the home and -^lrs. competing against someone members at the course. However, the plant manager, Jay Gernert, this crowd of about 200 was taken lesser figure, based on its ^ ?n ^ ? ? -n, ^ ~ Elizabeth Carter of Route 5 who plays comparable golf. Chatuge Shores is oneof the j week said the Peachtree operation has not on . guided tour of the new smaller population. , ^ ^ j ^ ^ There is a place in ' this most picturesque courses in bought any mercury, does not use it in any way million - dollar plant and The jail would be built on aPPr.a.,sal *1 rs' V! J , j of Marbte, Junior otJoliet, ill. tournament for every golfer Western North Carolina, lying and he does not know how his plant was shown the processes by which the Courthouse property in ^ommls?'oners - on ay vo tdr t t a"d Wendell of Route a, from the beginner to the along the shores of Lake included in the list. Levi's has turned out more Murphy, commissioners A^reisSs Tnfof Eminata * J t^' funeral was held Semipr? Chatuge with a panoramic view "We have never purchased any mercury," than six million pairs of pants learned, of a one-story bfd f' c 37 500 ' The bL M c,t?rria,. afternoon at 2 The entry fee will be $10 of the mountains of North Gernert said. "Our operation here is one of the dur'ng its six years in Murphy, reinforced concrete reappraisal of ' a!l texuble m. ^-"7^ M o'cSte oS Baptist w?>reh will include lunch, a Georgia and North Carolina ' cleanest manufacturing operations in North jP v Church with the Rev. Glenn P3 ^1 ?u,.three ba!'5, and completely encircling the Carolina from all standpoints of pollution." 4 Hafley and the Rev. Goldman r^'^?n?hr'flii^nn rhahi j,e ^jd, but 10 supervision of a regular student should have the right to of amateurs in expanding the Murphy Penniger; behind them, left to right, 1 Ctvitans visiting governor-elect, for District West, parents have now agreed to while they were on the bus. burgeon out all there it in Civitans' snack shack at the Paul Ridenhour, John Jordan and Joe