Pe?chtre? 5ii Murphy, N?C.? 28906 The Cherokee Scout Pag2.,.15- p.f Copy Clay County Progress Volume 79- Number *1 -Murphy, N. C. 28906-Second Class Postage Paid at Murphy, N. C.-Thursday, May 27, 1971 IN MEMO DFBORAH JEAN MEMBER 2. 1953 KENNETH ALA.N, RUARY 8. 1953 SUZANNL l|ER 4. 19 Memorial Plaza Dedicated Former Editor Bill Gray has returned to the Scout Staff for the Summer, before resuming his college studies this Fail, and made this double print )f the dedication last Friday of the Memorial Plaza it Murphy High. The two negatives, one of the >laque bearing the names of the three Seniors tilled in accidents last year, and the other, of the overall dedication ceremony, were made separately and then combined in one print. Friends and families of the three and the student body of the school attended the dedication. Construction of the plaza was a special project of the Senior Class, with assistance of teachers and local contractor John Smith. % ?To Beg'11 ial"S okee June 1 In CKer?ke If you stop by the store next londay afternoon and get a ollar's worth of groceries, your >tal bill will be $1.03. Buy the very same items on ucsday jnorning and it 11 cost u *1%: The rising cost of groceries not expected to jump again pxt Monday night but the new Minty sales tax will go into ffect next Tuesday morning, ri extra penny on the dollar. The Cherokee County Board (Irmmnissioners, which oted to levy the tax, won't be [Jle to lean on it quite as flavily as members had xpected, according to Mrs. tuth Sprung, county ccountant. Cherokee is looking forward j getting about $150,000 a year -om the local one percent tax, he said, but the tax will be ullected by the North Carolina department of Revenue along iith the state's regular three ?ercent sales tax and then eturned to the county. Although the sales tax '