THE DAILY TIMES. Published Every Afternoon (Except Sun day) by the , THE TIMES COMPANY, 408 Fay etteville Street. Fraps Building. THE DAILY TIMES is served by carriers . in the city and suburbs for 5 CENTS TER WEEK. By mail. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in advance. (Entered in the Postofflce, at Raleigh, N. C, as second-class mail matter.) FRIDAY, - - SEPTEMBERS, 1897. CZAR AND PRESIDENT. The the trip of President Faure to the Czar of all the Russias was productive of the most friendly results, and the people of these two nations seem to be rejoiced at the outeome of the visit Upon the return of President Faure, he sent the following dispatch to the Czar: . "At the moment I place my feet once more upon the soil of France, my first thought is for your Majesty, her Majesty the Empress, and the whole Russian na tion. The magnificent and cordial re ception given to the president of the re public calls forth throughout France a feeling of emotion and joy. It will leave in our hearts an ineffaceable mem ory. "I beg your Majesty once more to ac cept the expression of my thanks and the wishes I entertain for your Majesty's happiness and that of the Empress and the imperial family, and for the gran deur and prosperity of Russia." The Czar replied to this message from the Lazelsky Palaee, at Warsaw. He said: "The Empress and myself are ex tremely grateful for your kind words just sent to us. It is with pleasure that I shall preserve the memory of the visit paid by the president of the republic to Russia, whose heart has once beaten in unison with that of France." A BAD ELEMENT- The boldness which has characterized the recent actions of Anarchists in Europe, has aroused the Spanish government to the fact that this dangerous element must be gotten rid of. . It is stated that plans are being perfected to banish this unsavory class. England will no longer allow Anarchists to land on her shores, and Spain will endeavor to dump them upon us or other American republics. There is no room for these thieves and disturbers of the peace in onr country, and the greatest diligence should be ex ercised to keep them out It is not lib erty or justice that they are seeking to establish, but downright robbery. This country is as free as a government can be, and yet we have had a taste of their maliciousness. Our Ambassador Hay. to London is proving a regular lion in society. The leaders of London society, who made his acquaintance during the jubilee season, have been eager to have the Am bassador as a guest More invitations to country houses have come to him than he could accept during a whole summer, A Demand for Interest. Aspesial to the Charlotte Observer says that Mr. H. A. Foushee, of Durham, was in Oxford yesterday as attorney for the Union Bank of Richmond, Va., and made demand upon the treasurer of Ox ford for payment of interest amounting to $4,800 on $20,000 of bonds issued by the town of Oxford in aid of the Oxford Coast Line Railroad. Heretofore there has been extended litigation on account of the refusal of the town to pay these bonds, in which suit the town was vic torious. The State Supreme Court hold lng that the issue of bonds was void be cause of Irregularities in the passage of the act incorporating the railroad. It stated that the demand mad yesterday was preparatory to the institution of a tew suit tn the Federal Court to tett in aid court the validity of these bonds. The meanest man on the face of the earth to he who waate entrust on knowl U N I ONgLA BE1L edge. The Black Bass. The black bass shot frcm his rocky ncok In the beech tree's sombre shade, And he struck at the gayly spangled hook - And the bamboo bent and swayed; And its Oh, the joy and the heart of it And the throb of the spirit high. And the whirling line and the pole's incline And the lusty fight ere the prize is mine. Who is there can picture a part of it When the black bass takes the fly ! The black bass flashed like a meteor Straight out where the far depths were, And I eagerly watched and I waited for The check of the reel's wild "whir-r !" And it's Oh, the lust and the life of it And the straining of hand and eye, And the frantic fight and the test of might And the pitiless rapture and keen de light, When the black bass takes the fly. The black bass, wearied and worn and done, Came in at the wind oi the reel, And the fight was won as it must be won When a good man feathers the steel ; And it's Oh, the satisfied peace of it And the gentle, triumphant sigh, And the pipe'e sweet smoke by the shading oak My patron saint, thy love invoke; Reserve my luckwith increase of it- When the black bass takes the fly. Chicago Record. STATE, COUNTY AND CITY OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Governor D L. Russell. Lieut-Governor C, A. Reynolds. Secretary of State -Cyrus Thompson. Auditor Hal. W. Ayer. Treasurer W. H. Worth. Attorney General Z. V, Walser. Supt Pub. Inst W. H.' Mebane. COUNTY OFFICERS. D. H. Young Clerk Superior Court. H. T. Jones Sheriff. H. H. Knight Treasurer. J. J. Rogers Register of Dee3s. R. B. Ellis Coroner. Pittman Stell Surveyor. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. B. HillChairman. W. H. Ohamblee. Rufus Barbee. J. C. L. Harris County Attorney. CITY OFFICERS. W. M. Russ-Mayor. H. F. Smith Clerk. C. F. Lumsden Tax Collector. Perrin Busbee City Attorney. J oa. G. Brown Treasurer. B. R. Lacy Com. Sinking Fund. R. G. Upchurch Auditor. J. M. Norwood Chief of Police. L. A. Mahler Chief of Fire Departm't. W. Z. Blake Street Commissioner. The Churches and Their Pastors. First Baptist Rev. Dr. J. W. Carter. Baptist Tabernacle Dr. A. M. Simms. Fayetteville Street Baptist -John T. Puiien. West Raleigh Mission (Baptist) Rev, A L. Betts. Edenton Street Methodist-Dr. W. O Norman. Central Methodist Rev. R B. Glenn, Brooklyn (Methodist) Rev. R. H, Whitaker. Christ Church (Episcopal) -Dr. M. M. Marshall. Church of the Good 8hepherd (Episco oal) Dr. I. McK. rittineer. St. saviours Mission unapei (&pisco pal) Kev. James A. weston. tr resoytenan ur. Jtugene uaniei. Christian Rev. J. L Foster. Sacred Heart Rev. Father Price. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured Of a distressing rash, bj Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ml. RicHAitD tf irks, the well-known Druggist, 20. McGlil st, Montreal, P. Q, says li bare sold Ayer1! Family Medicine! for 40 fears, and have heard nothing bu good said of them T know ot many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, oni lu particulai being that of little daughter of a Church of England mlnla ter. The child wm literally cotered from head to foot with a red and er ceedlngly troublesome rash, from whlcli, he bad infrared (or two or three yean In spite of the best, medical treatment available. Her father was in grout distress about the case, and. at tnj recommendation, at Taut began to ad minister Ayer Sarsunarllla, two hot ' ties of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and net father r delight. I am sure, were he hereto-day he would testify In the strongest tenu m to the merits of y , Ayor'o Saroaparilla tftrti bjVr.J.O.Ap ft Os Lowell. Mi Cuiea others, will curr yoy 5 CENTS PER WEEK! The Daily Times The cheapest afternoon paper in the State of North Carolina. . Published by THE TIMES GO' Y; 403 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, It contains all the up-to-dite local ness late reports from all prts of th 3 THE DAILY TIMES Is the paper for all classes, and is read Raleigh. Served by the carriers at the small sum of 5 CENTS PER WEEK, payable to carriers. ADVERTISERS' MEDIUM. THE DAILY TIMES is the paper to masses as well as the classes. is the special favorite of If You Desire to We can placeyou in direct communication with the people, : because the peoplo read THE TIMES , . It will be the honest endeavor of THE TIMES to give you the ,". :.. " .- -. ;..'v'-: 'v - ' WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. We will give our advertisers neat, tasty and artistic work, in new type, and believe we can give satisfaction. GIVE US A TRIAL, And we think we can satisfy you as to price and quality of work. The Carriers Will Call on You Every Saturday for the Sum of 5 Cestu. I Si if VitA bing and scouring and cleaning that makes hard work about a house. fearline is woman that ruinous, tedious, tiresome What Are Ton Going to Do This Sum- merr t&n ion tseat lhisr . How a College atudent Paid Ml Own Way. BTBIKtoo, VL, Rept 17, B1. DaAB Bra! I can It too a few fact with r peettomTWork. Tb first year I olearad onr fwamonth. Tba aeaond year over tiuo. Last year to the otttaa ot Hurley, Wis. and Ironwood, llldL, I cleared above expenses (900 In six weeks. This year the time I worked I made $125 a month clear ot all expenses. You caa use this If yon wish. And to begin with I never sold anything before. InfaotereryotMtrledtodhioonraireiM but I went ahead and coooeeded. In three days last year I took sixty-two orders. , , Yours truly, ionxr Lox. Bend for ctrmriara, torn and ontflL Twoedi tlms,atl.Mand$.Heacb. One oney of eaob kind, and etronlars to bjjrin work with, seat to Dooa-Dueacenuior ao-uu. MURRAY HILL PUD. CO., V vwwvvwo of ttei city and State, basides the very Uv'el ite-i ni fn'gn cvmtrm by nearly every family in the city of advertise in if you want to rtavh the It is read by everybody, abd the ladies and clriidr, be Made Known, hours make one day. You can't make any more out of them by the clock. But wise women, pro gressive women, can make each day worth twice as much to them" Just by using Pearline. It isn't on wash-day only that Pearline ( --"S.- Y saves your time, and shortens and r lightens your "labor, and lets you do other and better things. It's every day, and in all the scrub s labor-saver, it takes away rubbin?. s THE ELIXIR 'OF LIFE i 1 or siMtriooiap-tmprimt omf in I m'L I Wisdom ion Bomoa or Biiim, lflsrn to maintain ngoraod rvffatn li brreadllia tueinastoaiiuiistsbookof MeaUal, gaebl, Senal Meire, br an eminent phrslrtan of S3 rsn iDBiisnoe. The "old, orlirlna). sUndard" smrk, endoned bf all. imitated by many, equal lod by none, Imitrad by lh to aid bnmanltjr.U has prorldsntlally sand thonaands. Its Maya on marrtage, parentaKS, ulaptalion. marital failures,, ate., are of Iiitln1iia tsIm to all now atarrM tr wbe rrtr rifeet U t The, las 1ltloa has LOiiO psM I enloKd ebaru of vttal orsans. wond cuts, xl ehmmns showins orlirla of life oVrelopinmit of man. IffKIDIX has ever 1U Bselsea, 1m msn studr nature, shnn dlanaaa Oaly IL, W hy atall) ateabvi frasj IS9 Cast CCt-i Ci., Kew York. t " Y ' R 5 V e PENN mutual LIFE ' V INS. CO., OF PHILA. INCOSFORATIO 1M7. IN IMMENSE SURPLUS OYER LIABILITIES WHICH HAS GRADUALLY INCREASED FOB NEARLY HALF A CENTURY. JUST. DIGNIFIED. XlBERAL, PERPETUAL TflB BEST MANAGED LIFE COMPANY. POLICIES NEVKB FORFEITED NOR CONTESTED. Large Dividends. Agents Wanted. Examine especially onr 8 Year Ootlon Policies, with valuable privileges evdrv five roars , I rust vertiiivmes, psynuic u, jeneficiury in annual instalments, end Convertible Term Policies at extremelj tow rates. Write, giving age, to R. B. RANEY, OfN't AWT KM K 0.. s RALEIGH. N. C Attention n time to any irregularity of tbt Stomach, Liver, or Bowels ma; prevent seriou consequences. Indigestion. "ostiveness,y n.'adache, nau-v-;t, bilious ess, and ver. iigo indicatt certain funo tional derange ments, the best remedy Sot Which is Ayer'ss Pills. Purely vege 'jable, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick lo assimilate, this is the ideal famfty medicine the most popular. Safe, and useful aperient in phar macy, Mrs. M. A. Bbockwelx, Harris, Tenn., sajs: Oyer's CatharUo Pills cured me of ste 4. yacheai.dniy husband oi neuralgia. Wt Sunk there U ' No Better Medicine, and have Induced many to use It. Thlrty-flve yean ago this Spring, I rtu run down by hard work and a suoeesslc i ol olds, which made me so feeble that 1 w- . an !ffort for me to walk. I consulted th, a tors, but kept sinking lower until I hatf glien up all hope of ever being better. Bappeubig to be in a store, one day, wbeto Bsdlctnas were ld, the proprietor nottcefl my weak and sickly appearance, and, after a few questions as to my health, recom. Biended me to try Ayer's Pills. I had little faith In these or any othet medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and try a box. Before I had used them ail, I was Very much better, and two boxes cured ma I am now 80 years old; but I believe tlia'. It It had not been for Ayer's Fills, I should have been In my grave long ago.-I buy t boxes every year, which make 210 boxes u to this time, and I would no more be with out them than without brsad." H. H. ingraham, Rockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared ty Dr. J. O. Ayer fc Co, Lowull, Ifasa Cvery Dose Effecttvr mik Vzrrlrut r Doctors! Bills J BR n BOTANIC i sD.D. BLOOD BALM J THE GREAT REMEDY i If .L BLOOD AND aKIN DIBCAtCS A wtmm ti..ii lhAMi..hl t ,,.t .i, k. W m In ut phrwolan. sod the peo ple for forty rasn. and earsa Qulaklr and permansaUF i SCROFULA, a2HEUMATISM, ULCERS, ECZEMA, CATARRH. ERUPTION. A and sll manner of BATINO.aniBADIirasBd T aUNNINO SO BBS. It Is by far ths (Msttontl ft M Priosei p botUe, bottl for So. It Dallas np tfcs hssitbsnd strsngta from the Arst anss w wow ssls or druggists. - 9 rnT rpcr Ji... BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Sa. ' W Wood's Seeds. OATS- Giant White Abundance ' . Makes a growth and yield which, in contract with the ordinary White Spring Oata, is- simply amazing. It is enormously pro d active and an extra heavy grain, weighing 40 to 45 pounds to the tnetvitired bushel. Write for price. Veol's Beecri stive Catalog tells ail about this valuable new Oat, Jtlaa eritahle folds to the f ant aad tardea, telling the best crops to avow, and the beat way to grow them. . " ; Writ for It. Hailed free, T.W.WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA: The M Knife! The alarming increase in th arunbef of deaths which occur as the result of a surgical operation is attracting general attention, and a etrong sentiment against such methods of treatment i fast developing among the moat intelli- ' gent classes. . It seems that in almost ' every case for which the doctors' treat ment is unsuccessful, the learned physi cians, decide at once that an operation mnst be performed, and the keen blade of the surgeon is recklessly resorted to Doctors are hnman, and of comae are liable to make mistakes, but their mis takes are too fatal to he indulged in promiscuously, and as so many lives ara sacrificed in this manner, it is but natural for the public to believe that half the) operations are unnecessary, besides bal ing a fearful risk to human life, even if successful. . J It is a positive fact, however, that au operations are not necessary, and that a ' majority of them are absolutely under taken without tiis slightest chance of success. The doctors have never been able to cure a blood disease, and a sur gical operation is their only method of treating deep-seated cases, such as can cer and scrofulous affections. Aside from the great danger, an operation never did and never will care cancer, aa the disease never fails to return. Can-' cer is in the blood, and common sense teaches anyone that no disease can be cut from the blood. . Here is a case where the pain inflicted on a six-year-old boy was especially cruel, and after undergoing the tortures produced by the surgeon's knife he rap idly grew worse. Mr. J. N. Murdoch, the father of the boy, residing at a?9 snoagrasa sireei, yuwsg, "When my son, Will, was six yeans old, a small sore appeared on his lip, which did not yield to the usual iiaStr meat, but before long began to grow. It gave him a great deal of pain, and coa- unuea to epreau. xxe wm uoiku wj several good doctors, who said he had a nr. a ml ofTviapft that nil OOeTArTC!! was necessary. . .. "After much reluctance, we consented, and they cut down to the jaw bone, which thev scraped. The operation was a severe one, but I thought it was the only hope for my boy. ueiore a great while the cancer returned, and began to . grow rapidly. We gave him many rem- . edies without relief, and finally upon the advice of a friend, decided to try S.S.S. bottle hebegan to improve. After twenty bottles had been taken, the cancer dis appeared entirely and he was cured. , The cure was a permanent one, for he is now seventeen years old, and has never had a sign of the dreadful disease to re turn." . , S.S.S. is far ahead of all other blood remedies, because it is the only one which cures deep-seated obstinate blood ' diseases such as Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, Catarrh, Rheumatism, etc. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable containing not a particle of mercury, potash, or other mineral ingredient, which are so injurious to the system. S.S.S. issold by all druggists. Books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. , Before submit- 1 tingtothei knife, try the only real blood remedy CUT THIS ncrtBB OVT. Prlxe Pnule. TREE! FREE! FREE. n Tour choir of lLbflr ft flisirllfaar Silver Thimble, an tlw, or a FwUkiiala l'esi to e)try one marklns I picture puule corrwetly m mentloiwd UshIow. If Tfm ant cJarvar ttnniiirh in nnorer ttae face of tba thrw wtvea Ton will r elva a reward aa above mentioned. ' Tne object of Uiieomimnymaainir thti liberal offer In to attract TTaaTM TioM B Bl4TMlt.) attention to our aiwnuani CollcrUull of flower 8redn fr thp leaaon of 1Mb. con-talnlinrftnlni- menMewartely of the choic est and moat Deao tirm flower aeeda. If yon are able to find the three wIttV faeea, mark them ; with an X and jnclofsr? aame with in a cent MmiM or 40 ceoie in oanw for our com bination pkft. of awed, and If your ana ver taeorrert iMiieeda,and It bur of the bnea rmrarda jfn nf Met, will ttlvtmntiT. wnaraaiM MrfaaH afAttafaetlaa V!TlitTaXVVAW 1 tn the three wtvee facni rut from the adrerttwa-1 nent, and monnterl or nawtMl on papur or card- V V board In the neaUwt and mo artiatlq manrwr, within ten days, with your name and addreM, I f l will be giran a Diamond klnff eta- I II a v tintA wt,h- tn thA art. a niarnond r Broorh Mm to the Ui. a fjJlver watoh, and to earh of the next ten, a BoHd Mm Mrsont tNwfcfl Book. lie abuTw rewards) are iruaranteed by lira. t arsarh tKat wraill inAM lmmmr Ctt Tnlon rVlllAre. When anarwerlntr the picture puule. do not rail to enoroat cent or to tXJL with xn or thlmirte, prepaid, and if Jj areenUUd toanr of titaeitra n-wania, amawlhl r.Tii yon proniAly. AUKNTH WANIF.U. wri-minwai nu, tder wil be awnt to eTery one burirvK ofae c kaieUewa ; UTAJIOiHWJ-- M HI Vl