THE DAILY TIMES. Published Every Afternoon (Except Sun day) by the . - THE TIMES COMPANY, OS Fayetteville Street Fraps Building THE DAILY TIMES is served by carriers in the city and suburbs for 5 CENTS PER WEEK. By mail, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in advance. " (Entered in the Postofflce, at Raleigh, N. C, as second-class mail matter.) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1807 THE COMING LEADERS. Lew Ohase, of Kirksville, predicts that before the world is much older that the two great leaders in the American Con gress will hail from the same State, and that State will be Missouri. The men to whom he refers are Web ster Davis, present Assistant Secretary of the Interior, who he claims will be the leader of the Republicans, and Champ Clark the leader of the Demo crats. He further says. "Clark is the better student; but Da vis is a genius. Clark is a 'kitchen knife whetted on a brickbat,' but Davis is the Damascus blade, as keen and as cunning as the cimetar of Siladin. Clark is the mountain tonent, Davis the meadow brook. Clark jams an argu ment through an audiecc?, Davis per evades his way." Mr. Chase closes his remarks by say ing: ... '. "Yes, sirree, Missouri is going to fur nish both sides with a leader before the close of the century. That is something no other State ever did. Evans was from Maine, McDume from South Caro lina. Tbad Stevens was from Pennsyl vania and Vanlandingham from Ohio. Blaine was from Maine and Ben Hill from Georeia. Garfield was from Ohio and John G. Carlisle from Kentucky Randall was from Pennsylvania and Tom Reed from Maine, and Dinglcy is from Maine and Bailey is from Texas. Missouri is the first State that will fur nish both the majority and the minority with leaders Champ Clark, the Demo crat, and Webster Davis, the Republi can." . Almost a Murder In Jail. Pandemonium broke loose in the county jail Wednesday afternoon, ard for a while reigned supreme. About S o'clock were heard the cries of murder coming from the top tier of cells, and this, mingled with the religious ravings of the two sanctification prisoners, made le jail a howling bedlam. When Mr. Autry arrived on the scene, he found that Wrilliam Jones, a tramp, in jail for larceny, had been badly cut by Judge Hayes, (the negro who shot at David Watkins), the result of a quarrel over a game of seven up. Jones had a severe cut on the left arm, just below the shoulder. The weapon used was one of the iron "hooks from a bunk, sharp ened at the point to a razor edge, with a cloth rapped around the other end for a handle, a most deadly weapon. Fay etteville Observer. Death of Mrs. Mary C. Anderson. Mrs. Mary 0. Anderson, the widow of the late Dr. E. A. Andenon, died at her residence, corner Front and Orange streets, at ten minutes before six o'clrck yesterday morning, says the Messenger. A protracted illness, which the best of medical skill could not allay, had made her death only a matter of time for many days. The deceased was a Miss Lulingtcn, and counted among her ancestors seme of the earliest and most distinguished settlers of the Cape Fear section. Mr. Low who is the candidate on the Citizen Union ticket and who no doubl will be the next mavor of Greater New York, in accepting the nomination, says: "I am a Republican and expect to re main one; but I am completely in sym pathy with the purposes of the Citizens' Union to secure a Mayor for the great city who shall be 'free from all partisat obligations.' Such a mayor, i electcY.', I shall certainly be. In making app la ments, it shall be my endeavor in fill every place with an eye single to the public good. The patronage of the city shall not be used, so far es it is in the mayor's power to prevent it, for the pur pose of either strengthening or weaken log one party or another, or any faction of a party." Richard Oroker, the qnandam Tarn many leader, whose return to this conn try caused such a commotion in politic 1 and newspaper ciicles, ccmcs forth in a statement that he no longer aspires to the position as teader, which he filled for so many years. He says positively that he will no longer lead, but that he will serve his party in just the same spirit as any other public spirited citizen who is interested in the welfare of New York. An effort ia being put forth by the Central Labor UdIod, of Wasbipgtor D. 0., for the establisment of postal sav lngs banks. Petitions will be circulated and presented to Congress. General Lee's consultation with St ere retary Sherman developed nothing new la the Cnban sitnation. Will Arrive Tuesday. . George W. Vanderbilt is a passenger on the steamer Latin, which will aniv la New York next Tuesday. His guest?, Kf. and (Mrs. Charles McNamee and Paul Leicester Ford, the novelist, ai with htm, Mr. Vanderbilt gave a de lightful summer tour to these guets atd to Dr. and Mrs. 8. Westray Battle, f Asheville, who arrived home recently. The World Rays that If r. Vanderbilt after a short say in New York, will come to Biltmore, where he will have a laige house party in the autumn and for the Christmas holidays. Asheville Citizen. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister'', cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Hint Aim I'.irks, the well-known Druggist, 20V McGiil st.., Montreal, P. (J., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medlciunt' (or 40 years, and haw heard nothing b'Jl good said o tliem. f know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, on; in particular being that of a little "laughter of a Church of England minis, tor The child .wis. literally covered from head to foot with a red ami es ceedingly troublesome rash, from whicli she had suffered for two or thros years hi spite of the best medical treatment available. Iter father was in great distress about the case, and. at my recommendation, 'at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsauarilla, two hot r.l of which effected a complete euro. ! to her relief aud her father i . vi I am sure, were he here to-day in would testify in the strongest tern" is to the merit ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla Pre" by Dr. J.O. Ayf OoLovcll, Mm C-j;cscthsr;.w!l!cui'p you d loo mm 5CENTSPERIEEK! The Daily Times The cheapest afternoon paper in the State of North Carolina. Published by THE TIMES CG'Y. 403 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, It contains all the up-to-date local ne xa of the city and State, besides the very late t reports from all parts of the Uaite.1 Sutes lud foroign countries. : '.'.-::': THE DAILY TIMES Is the paper for all classes, and is read by liPittly every r.irmly in me ctty ot Raleigh.-' Served by ttao carriers at the small sum of 5 CENTS PER WKEIC, payable to carrier'. ADVERTISERS' MEDIUM. TBE DAILY TIMES is the paper to advertise in if you want to reach (he masses as woi! 'a' "! It is read by everybody, and is the Fp t .u tuv;rite of the Indies and children. If You Desire to be Made Known, V,c can place yon in direct communication with the people, became the people read THE TIMES. " ; ' It will be the honest endeavor of THE TIMES to give you the WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. We will give our adversers neat, tasty and artistic work, in new type, and believe we can give satisfaction. GIVE US A TRIAL, And wo think we can satihfy yoa as to price and val'ty of work. that imparts I gth, vigor l tothowholo irflll this letterl I7- Of ill health, despondency and despair, gives way to the sunshine of hope, happiness and heallli, upon taking Flood's Sarsaparilla, because it gives renewed life and vitality to the blood, and through that imparts nerve stren and energy body. Head "Hood's Sar helped me wonderfully, changed sickness to health, gloom to sun shine. No pen can describe what I suf fored. I was deathly sick, had lick head aches every few days and those terrible tired, despondent feelings, with heart troubles so that I could not go np and Sunshine down stain without chv ping my hand over my heart and resting. . In fact, it would almost take my breath away. I suf fered so I did not care to live, yet I ha J much to live for. There is no pleasure 't life if deprived of health, for life becomes a burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla does far more than advertised. After taking one bottle, it is sufficient to recommend Itself." Mbs. J. E. Smith, Beloit, Iowa. LHloodlfe Sarsaparilla !s the One True Blood Purifier. All drWKlstS. 1 i'rw pared only by C. I. Hood & Co., twell, Mass. E-f- r:il ei- all II t Ills, hlllou. HOOd S Plll-S bar jehm. ssamta. 24 y Ulllllltlinm Y. 11 e yrj i smm nrn mrphn IfnMI emerl In ! to fdya, ttO,0 uanew rurwl. Ka,,. t Art um oVvoUmI exnliinlvp. to thflr trfimnt. Rat ah, in hen lwa. Teemta!! ef t. ... Mm Pa trm rtiMHiiihl prtlm till rmrva b. STAf HkJlV. M.0.. UIUVM, (ft tfm rejtpmiitfcU pmrtim h F oi h A PENN mutual LIFE . 9 INS. CO., OF PHI LA. 'i INOOIMtUTn IMT. IN IMMENSE SURPLUS OVER LIABILITIES WHICH HAS GRADUALLY INCREASED FOR NEARLY HALF A CKJWDRY. JUST, DIGNIFIED, LIBERAL, PERPETUAL THB BEST MANAGED LIFE COMPANY. fOLICIKS NEVER FORFEITED NOR CONTESTED. Large Dividends. Agents Wanted. Szamlne especially our 5 Year Option Policies, with valuable privileges every five fears; Trust Certificates, payable tt neficary in annual instalments, ani Convertible Term Policie at extreniel ow rates. Write, giving age, to V R. B. RANEY, Qen'l Avt for n C. RALEIGH. N. C. hours make one day. You can't make any more out of them by the clock. But . wise women, pro gressive women, can make each day worth twice as much to them. Just by using Perline. It isn't on wash-day only that Pearline(nonp ) saves 1 j vour time, ana snoriens ana lightens your labor, and lets vou do other and better things. It's every day, and in all the scrub bing and scouring and cleaning that makes hard work about a house. lJearline is woman s laoor-saver. u laices away riir minMic. tprliniiQ. rlrpsnmp rurbinoT. W , - O 'fAhenmnnAnv xl JLs V n For the last 20 years Ve have kept Piso's Cure for Con sumption in stock, and Vould sooner think a groceryman could fet along without sugar in his store than we could without Ws Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggists, Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, 1 J896 Attention In time to any irregularity of tbA Stomach, Liver, or Bowels ma; prevent seriom consequencea Indigestion costiveness. ioariache, nan :.Hoa, bilious. 1 1 ess, and ver ligo indicata certain fun tional derange, ments, the best remedy Sot Which is Ayer's Pills.'' Turely vege able, sugar-coated, easy to take au ijvlnk to assimilate, this is the idea! family medicine the most popular safe, and useful aperient in phir macy. Mrs, M. A. Bkockwkll. Harris, Tenn., ssn s: V 4.yer' Cathartic TH'.s cured me of sle my liusband of neuralgia. W( Suiik there Is No Better Medicine, And have Induced many to use It. "Thirty-fire years ago this Spring, I t ran down by hard work and a successic t ct tolds, which made me so feeble that V wa an effort for me to walk. I consulted ih, to tors, but kept sinking lower until I hatf gi en up all hope of ever beli.g better. Happening to be in a store, one day, whenj medicines were -.old, the proprietor noticed By weak and sickly appearance, and, aftei , few questions as to my heaith, reconv mended me to try Ayer's Fills. I had little talth In these or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and tr; a box. Before I had used them all, I was very mnch better, and two boxes cured ma. I am now SO years old; bat I believe tha. If it bad not been for Ayer's Pills, I should have been In my grave long ago. I buy t boxes every year, whlc make 210 boxes u to this time, ana 1 would no more be with out them than without bread." n. H ngraham, Eockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS frepued by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Una Cvery Dose Effective Save ; Faying Doctors' Bills BOTANIC ni nnn mi an " w THE GREAT REMEDY i BLOOD ND SKIN DISEASES A In besn tboroiublr teted by B.B.B. mtoant phyuoiani na the peo. pit I'-jr forty femrm, and U1M aulcklr and pannanestlv naneiiia lit lED CPTCUl .RHEUMATISM, CATARRH. ERUPTldNJ, i mUNMINa SORBS. Itlbyfrthbettonn m triam 1 per bottle, e bottlo for 6. It bulldt ep tbe health end etrencth Iram the Aral dqe For wle by drucg tila. recuT rc -'.-"sis ? BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. 6a, Wood Seeds. OATS Qiaiit White Abundance . .j ' :i i .- , ' ';-t . Makes s growth and yield which, in contrast with the ordinary White .Spring Oftts, is simply amazing. It is enormously pro ductive and an extern heavy grain, weighing 40 to 45 pounds to the 'measured bushel. 'Write for'price. Vooi'S Descriptive Catalorae tells alf about this valuable new Oat. It Is a verlUble raids to tie farm aad tardea, telllnf the beat crops to f ."OW, and tbe beet way to grow' them. ; " Write for It. Halted free. . - T.W.WOOD & SONS, : j SEEDSMEN RICHMOND, The -Cruel Enile! The alaratlo IneMaaa In the snmbef of deaths which eccnr as the result of a nrgleal operation is attracting general attention, and a strong sentiment against such methods of treatment is fast developing amonff the moat Intelli gent classes. , It seems' that in almost every case for which the doctors' treat ment is unsuccessful, the learned physi cians decide at once that an oneration must be performed, and the keen blade of the surgeon is recklessly resorted to Doctors are human, and of course are liable to make mistakes, but their mis takes are too fatal to be indulged In promiscuously, and as so many lives are sacrificed in this manner, it is but natural for the nnblia to believe that half the operations are unnecessary, besides be ing a teartai risk to Human life, even it successful. It is a positive fact, however, that all operations are not necessary, and that a majority of them are absolutely under taken without the slightest chance of success. The doctors have never been able to cure blood disease, and a sur gical operation is their only method of ' treating deep-seated cases, such as can cer and scrofulous affections. Aside from the great danger, an . operation never did and never will cure cancer, as tbe disease never fails to return. Can cer is in the blood, and common sense teaches anyone that no disease can be cut from the blood. Here is a case where the pain inflicted on a six-year-old boy was especially cruel, and after undergoing the tortures produced by the surgeon's knife he rap idly grew worse. Mr. J. N. Murdoch, the father of the boy, residing at 279 Snod grass street, Dallas, Texas, writes : I Tin, AM tvt-m en Will s!v Win , . U 111, WU, . ., vtw. - J old, a small sore appeared on his lip. wmcn uia noi yieiu 10 lac usual ucw mnf knl rvoTnro Inner tcratl to srrow. It gave him a great deal of pain, and con tinned to spread. He was treated by several good doctors, who said he naa cancer, sou buvkicu tun, u vy. was necessary. "Alter Bucn reluctance, we conscmcu, and they cut down to the jaw bone, fiirti tti.v araiTvfrl- The operation was a severe one, but I thought it was the only hope for my boy. Before a great wnue ine cancer rerurucu, nu ucgnu u m-n. r.nMlw TT tT.TTlt nlttl TtiatlV TCm- edies without relief, and finally upon the . . . , - : J J a . .. . o C C aavice 01 a inena, acciucu va u (Swift's Specific), and with the second bottle he began to Improve. After twenty bottles had been taken, the cancer dis appeared entirely and ne was cureu. THa m ia a Trmanent one. for he is now seventeen years old, and has never bad a sign 01 ine oreaaiui uiseasc turn." C , S.S.S. is fat, ahead of all other blood remedies, because it is the only one wnlcn cures aeep-seaiea odsuiwic uim diseases such as Cancer, Scrofula, t? r--vrli Vhramatlam. etc. A,&CU.m, " " ' F " It is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable containing not a particle of tnercary, potish, or other mineral ingredient, which are so injurious to the system. S.S.S. is sold by all druggists. Books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ca. before suDmit- tingtothei knife, try the only real blood remedj. 10))10) 1 1 cut this rirrrBB ovt. rla a-uxatie. FREE! FREE! FREE! Yutir rliolce of ithef ft HtcrllM fllvr Thlsnblti, any adze, or roMRtals. I'ca 10 every one raarKinu rit'iure pUBEte oonvcuy asmeniionea m(ow. If ou are clever nnouirb to iufiZ t i..t fftLiw of Mm thrw wirm too will r toive a rewanl m ftbo mcntlpfieil, Ttteoblcctof thixfoiiiiany maklufr Mil liberal offer in U attract oin nrimaKru CollccUun of ' Flower Hwlf ftirtlif season of ISM, con talulniranlm- 1 metiDu variety or ine cnotc- ent suid most bu tua 1 flower aetl If yon are le to niMi 'J 'f ro WWstT, Wires fame. w Bmrk them a U." : UhanXand nole ame an wtthiOBoenc taampa or 40 ceoie in omwu for our eonv blnfattoti pt(r of mmi, and If your antt- 7'JT : . e. - - - -- win Im ni tou promptly. WetTjaafa fmrTeti eaUafsfcUoB V xTuTft: W A If Oft to the pemm who emdi In the threa wlvea' faw cirtfromtlte adverttae meat. and mounted or panted on paHr or cartf- board In Ua natiiew ana mtm mnwuv uun, ion Hiiwe with tour name ana address. will be riven a Dlrtmond Klnv: to the Sd. an et mnt 14 It. Oold Watch: to the M. ft IMamond . , . .. . . .. i ... . CI. h.I.I. an.1 b tvb ot tlm tMxt ten, a Holtd SUverMiMintiMt lot I t. tjnoh.Uiowi'll known Jrwulwof I'uton Hao. fc'-...' . i . ..u-Iiim dn BuA fall to uim at it Momia or wnu m hJor . . .. irwnawiir kimimiTt.inanOT with iwn or thiniMa will lie prplil. ,dJ.'2.' , n eounwl toanr of the nln " wl" TJT . Jon proniitly. VlRNrs WANTKD. Our lmool Klnf tttm mil be aint to everr mia biivliiK ona p-katiao(aaau NTAMUiKlk n . . fJr j theaneiH-aixl ,"t ivMaa7 either ol the " 1 :..'.,; 1.-