' TrW Friendship.. I knew him when be trod the earth' A king among his peers," ' And plaudits of his troth and worth -1 Were ringing in all ears. When Honor's fingers deft bad wrought . His name in letters bright, r And men and women fawning sough - For favor in bis Bight. ' I called him friend, and by his side I walked life's pleasant ways ; Content that he should bave the pridj. -And ail the palms and bays. I knew him when he stood alone, The hell honnds at his back, Who now, that youth and' wealth had flown, Were loosened on his track. I saw his yeat heart crnsrei benoath The juggernaut of shame. And other brows possess the wreath That had adorned his fame. And while a sneering worldlooked on, Rejoicing in hfs pain, I braved the calumny and scern ' And named him "friend" again. - M L White. Giinesville, G i. STATE, COUNTY AND CITY OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. Governor D L Russell. Lieut Governor 0. A. Reynolds. Secretary of Stuto -Cyrus Thompson. Auditor Hal. W. Ayer. Treasurer W. H. Worth. Attorney General Z V Walser. Supt. Pub Inst. W. H. Mebane. COUNTY OFFICERS. D. H. Young Clerk Superior Court. H. T. Jones Sheriff. H. H. Knight Treasurer. J J. Rogers Register of Dee3s. R. B Ellis Coroner. Pittman Stell Surveyor. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. B. Hill, Chairman. W. H. Ohamblee. v Rafus Barbee. J. 0. L. Harris County Attorney. CITY OFFI JERS. W M Runs -Mayor. H. F. Smith Clerk. C. F. I.umsden Tax Collector. Perrin Buabee City Attorney. Jos. G. Brown-r-Treasurer. VB. R. Lacy Com. Sinking Fund. R. G. Upchurch Auditor. J. M. Norwood Chief of Police. L A. Mahler Chief of Firo Departm't. W. Z. Blake Street Commissioner. 'The Churches and Their Pastors. First Baptist Rev. Dr. J. W. Carter. Baptist Tabernacle Dr. A. M. Simms, Fayetteville Street Baptist - John T. Pullen. . .' West Raleigti Mission (Baptist) Rev, A. L. Betts. Edenton Street Methodist-Dr. W. 0 Normiyi. Ventral Methodist Rev. R B. Glenn. Brooklyn (Mothodist) Rev. R. II, Whitaker. Christ Church (Episcopal)-Dr. M. M. Marshall. Church of the Good Shepherd (Episco pal)-Dr. I. McK. Pittlnger. St. Saviour's Mission Chapel (Episco pal) Rov. James A. Weston. Presbyterian-Dr. Engeno Daniel. Christian Rov. J. L Foster. Sacred Heart Rev. Father Price. WOOD'S SEEDS. Wood's Evergreen Lawn Grass is best sown in the fall; then when Bpringtime comes your lawn is already set in grass, and' at once assumes that beautiful green appearance so greatly desired. WOOD'S DESCMPTIVE FALL CATALOGUE will all about lawns how to prepare the noil how to low the seed care of lawns afterward. Send for It. Mailed free. . Oar stock of HYACINTHS, TULIPS and other FIOWERINO BULBS aad FLOWER SEEDS for fail planting la unsurpassed. T.W. WOOD SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VA. 1323 Main IL, 1707 E. Franklin IL 6ft ft Marshall. FASHIONS CHANGE " BUT .--.v. POZZONFS Complexion f POWDER RKX A 12TB ALWAYS THB BAKE, The finest, parent and moit beautifying toilet powder ever made. It ia sooth ing, healing, health hi 1 and harmleaas an. when rightly need M UK VIMULK. If you have never tried POZZONI'S yon do 'not know vhat an IDEAX, leMrLuioH rowvea la. IT IS SOLD ETESTWHEBE. i r WILL 33rV aYR Hoobl sleep Bin ..Dili .' . . CLEAR -jl LONG! MENTAL I co fi STRONG 1 ENERGY L o NERVES AVPR'Q Sarsaparilla S. P. 'Smith, of Towanda, Ta , whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer't Sarsaparilla. He writes: For eight years, I wis, most of the lime, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and Indlge tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, anil kidneys'ara in perfect con dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. mv weight was only 12!) pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. .If you could see me be fore and after using, you would want me for a traveling advertent eat. I believe this preparation ot Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to-day.-' Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, line: Cures 6thers,will cure you MADE BY UliS oti''Trft3tfd with Carbonate or Soda, Magnesia, PeSssh or Bicarbonate cf Sotfa." To partially supply the loss f$ natural flavor and color caused by this treatment, fragrant gumt and dyes are used Do. Sirmitv RiNr.RR. Prnfessn of Med'tch) v Uiiivershy College, London, and Physician to tl College Hospital, perhaps the greatest fgnglie tmthr.i-ity on the action of drugs, states in his "Hand book of Therapeutics "that" the sustained admin Ifttnuion of alkalies jnd theircarbonates renders tl )lootl it is said, poorer in solids and in red corpuscles, dimpairMhe nutrition of the body." Ofammoni, arhnnate of ammonia, mid sniritfl of ammonia, hi m-s: "These preparations have many prcpertiei l common with the alkaline, potash, and soda yroup. They possess a strong alkaline reaction, art) irecy soiunie m water, n;ive a nign amusion-power, istered too lontr, they excite catarrh 01 She atoinacU and intestines. ' For more than 100 Year the house of Walter Baker & Co, have made their Cocoa Pr&na StuionsABSOLVTZLY PVREX Jtsing NO Patent Froces; Alkalies or Dyes W. BAKER & CO.j Dorchester, Mm lobster's iliitcriiatioiial; Didiionary The One Great Standard Authority, ' i do write Hon. l. J. itrewer, Justice U. S. aupreme Court. 'Send Postal for Specimen Pagea, etc Successor of the "Unabridged." Standard of theU.B.ilov't Print, i Inn Office, UieU.H. Hu- . lrftnie Court, all the ; hUlta Supreme t'onrtH, mid of nearly all Uie I WaimlT Commended by State flupertotend- 1 AntH nf Hl'tl(MlR. AIlll I otlierKdneators iilmoat , Wmioui uuiuuw. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY t . -, atcauac .. , It la aaay to find tha word wanted. . It la aaav ta ascertain" the oronnnclatlon. , It la easy to trace the growth of a word. , , it ta aaay to learn wnot a wora meana. Tbe Raleigh News & Observer sayei Our tmltvltlual prefcrenrre were forrwrly for another dictionary. Imla better neqiimlnbince with Uta litter etlltlon of Webarer (Urn InternaUouulf baa 1ml na to regard It ea Uin liMiat valuable, and to eonsliler It as the ahuadunl oa far aaauyoua dlotkHutryahouldbuaoacoepted. - I'G.'A C. MEXRIAltT CO., Publishers, tipringiteiti, Mass., v.et.A, tMORTh'CAROUiAlC. Dr. AOOU8TDS VORIXJKIR. the eelebrated tot London, In hit analyala ot a aample.of ou rth Carolina Hrlght Leaf Tobacco, eaya ttn a aU but UTTI.H IdOOTlNB or albumlno" com aunda, and that It la oa ot the FINEST VLa 'OKKU MII.D TOHACXioa he arm amoked. Tola paokace ta mad rrorn the "Ho: North Carolina Crop, Uold'O Bert DtatrW. Oal th POKKKT, rtpeat and iwNitM "WJ M pamt and beat ariiOolal Trlnalaw pluaiit. eooi aad haltrnl amok naraawa Ctartta iook with aaoh paokaga, MANUMCTUIIKD ' grufcC. TiImom Worfc. ir Co T a I A- j I a I E Vfetha Old Ra!iabl. Disease la an effect, not a cause. Itaorliln ia within) Its manlfeatatlona without. Hence, to cure tbe disease the cause must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. Warner's SAFE Cure la established on Just this principal. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged Kidneys and Liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the difficulty. The elements of which It is composed act directly upon these creat organs, both as a looa ana restorer, ana, oy placing inero in healthy condition, drives disease and pain from the system. For the Innumerable troubles caused by unhealthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for all Nervous Affections, and physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Its past record Is a guarantee for the future. WARNER S SAFE CURB CO., London, foche$ter,Melbourne,FrankfortJoronto, Paris. It is often difficult to convince peo ple their blood is impure, until dread ful carbuncles, abscesses, boils, scrof ula or salt rheum, are painful proof of the fact. It is wisdom now, or when ever there is any indication of re blood, to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and prevent such eruptions and suffering. "I had a dreadful carbuncle abscess, red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at tended me over "even weeks. When the abscess broke, the pains were terrible, and I thought I should not live through it. I heard and read so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, that I decided to take it, and my husband, who was suffering with bolls, took it also. It soon purified our built me np and restored my health so ttiat, although the doctor said I would not be able to work hard, I have since done the work for 20 people. Hood's Sar saparilla cured my husband of the boile. and we regard it a wonderful medicine." Mbs. Anna Peterson, Latimer, Kansas. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, tt - T'fc'if cure liver ills, easy to take, 71 OOO 0 PHIS easy torperate. 26 cents. McClure's Magazine Contributors For 1895 Rudyard Kipling R. L. Stevenson Robert Barr W. D. Howells Professor Drummond Conan Doyle Stanley J. Weyman Bret Harte Beatrice liarraden , Archdeacon Farrar Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Joel Chandler Harris The magnificently illustrated Life of j NAPOLEON ' opens in November Number fi.soayaar ; ' 13 cents a copy For salt everywhere 6. S. McClure, L't'd. 30 Lafarotte Place. N. V Beardless Fulcaster Wheat. In this valuable New Wheat, we have a variety that surpasses the bearded Fulcaster in yield, is fully equal to it in its fine milling quali ties, and has the additional great ad vantage that it is a smooth head Wheat Parties who have grown it the past two years are enthusiastic in its praise. Price, $2.00 per bus. 6 bus. for $ 1 0.00. New grain bags included. , V Full particulars regarding this and other . new anct" standard varieties of Seed Wheat in our New Fall Catalogue, which will be , mailed on application. T. W. Wood & Sons, -1 SEEDSMEN, 1- cVS 10 S. mh St, Richmond. Va. Our CRASS SEED MIXTURES, apaclally pmpan ' ' for different solla and aitnaiiona, give va . largeit poaaihl ylala ol nay or paatv . uraga. Price oa appucatlon. .. - is D m p u lood C)(Q)(dlS C. F. & Y. V. Railway. JOHN GILL, Raesiver. : CONDENSED SCBfJULE, ' In Effect May SOin, i897. No Dauy. NORTH BOUND. Lv Wilmington, 12.15 pm Ar Fayetteville, 8.35" Lv Fayetteville, 3 45 " Lv Fayetteville Junction, 3.47 " ArSanford, 5.02 " Lv Sanford, 5 05 " Lv Climax, 6 54 " Ar Greensboro, 7.25 " Lv Greensboro, 7.45 " Lv Stokesdale, 8 32 " Lv Walnut Cove, 9 03 " Lv Rural Hall, 9 30 " Ar Mount Airy, , 11.00 " No. 1. Daily. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Mount Airy, 5 25 am Lv Rural Hall, 0.50 " Lv Walnut (Jove, 7.19 " Lv Stokesdale, 7.52 " Ar Greensboro, 8.40 " Lv Greensboro, 9 00 " Lv Climax, 9 29 " Lv Sanford, 11.20 " Ar Fayetteville Junction, 12.42 p m tAr Fayetteville, 12.45 " Lv Fayetteville, 1.15 " Ar Wilmington, 4.30 " No. 4. Daily. NORTH BOl'ND. Lv Bennetsville, 745am Ar Maxton, . 9.00 " LvMaxton, 9.07 " Lv Red Springs, 9 37 " Lv Hope Mills, 10.26 " Ar Fayeiteville, 10.50 " No. 3. Daily. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Fayetievilb, 4.45 p m Lv Hope Mills 5 02 " Lv Red Springs, . 5 42 " Ar Maxton, 6.11 " Lv Maxton, 615 ", Ar Bennettsville, 7.20 " No. 16. Mixed, Daily Exc'pt N.iKTH BOUND. Sunday. LvRamseur, 7.40 am Lv Climax, 9 33 " Ar Greensboro, 10.20 " Lv Greensboro, 10.55 " Lv Stokesdale, 12.20 p m Ar Madison, 1.10 " :: No. 15. Mixed, Daily Exc'pt SOUTH BOUND. Sunday. Lv Madison, 2 10 pm Lv Stokesdale, - : 3.05 " Ar Greensboro, 4 .10 Lv Greensboro, 5.45 Lv Climax, " Ar Ramsenr, o oit CONNECTIONS. At. l?!ivp.(iovil!n with Atlantic Coast Lino, at Mixton with Carolina Central Rqiirr A at s.mfnrd with Seaboard Rail way, at Greensboro with Southern, at Walnut Cove witn worioiK ana western Rtilway. . w. . iv i.e., Gon. Pass Agt. J. W. FRY, General Manager. Mi's. J. II. IIoKPNVDKn, 152 Pa. 1 - Sintii .( rii, Cat., writes: lieu a fiiii at school, in Kfadiu, Oliio, I bad a severe attack of bruin lover. On my recovery, I found mjsell perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently no. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doin- so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair im one could wish for, being changed, hevy eve', from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, 14G0 Regina St., Harrisburg, Pa. ' I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it Is the best preparation for the hair that is made." -C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. O. Avar & Co., Lowell, Uaif, ON BABY Grew Wore oniler Treatment of Beit Phyalctane. Tried CUTICURA REMEDIES Great Change In Five Day and To-day la Eutlrely Cored. . Mv lmly hurl Koneitia in Its worst form. One ot tlio bina pb vslelaiia in tlie city at tended lior, l"t 8he coiitinanrl to ret worxe all the time, lie riimlly ailmitted he waa at his will' v end. 1 then got Cutii-uka Hkmkiiics, and in af'e'(fiv mtit:d n prral Chang in her con dition. Hhe continued tolniirove and to-day it entirely enred, haa nice head of heir, and is lively and nearly. 'I SciitcinsiderHhleinnney fnrdrugsand doctor' liilla.wbieb waa useless. J. It. JACOBS, 2031 Wilklua Ave., Unit., Md. Sriaiiv Cork Tat aturwt. Wurm ralht aith Citi ceRA HoAf, tratlaapplHillnBAnf IJUTlCKMAtiilnlnivnlK th reatkla cur A. and mild rtaavaof Cutiouka Eaaul. VaHT.frcatoatof kuiaorcuna. . " fJoM rhmotrrKKrt the irerM. trio. Cpvioiira ate.i aoAr.tM i RaanLTBRT. JOs- ana $1. Forraa DkOoaaD CHBtfViPRr-,BoMi Pmp- Bnnlon. ,. ajay Bow lo Cor Kr ry Skla UoBMr.'' Mlltd fraay .. ' Eczema Seaboard Air-Line. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Athens Wilmington, New Orleans, Chat tanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond. Schedule in Effect February 7, 1897. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv N. Y.,Pen.RR1100am Lv Philadelphia " 1 12 pm Lv Baltimore 3 15 pm Lv Washington 4 40 pm Lv Richmond, AOL, 8 56 p m Lv Norfolk, S A L, 8 30 p m Lv Portsm'th " 8 45 pm LvWeldon U28pm Ar Henderson " "12 50 am Ar Durham " t7 32 am Lv Durham " t5 20 pm Ar Raleigh " 2 16 am Ar Sanford " 3 35 am Ar So. Pines " 4 22 am Ar Hamlet " 5 10 am ArWadesboro" 5 54 am Ar Monroe " 6 43 am Ar Charlotte " 8 30am Ar Chester " 810am Lv Columbia, ON&LRR 9 00 pm 12.05 am 2 50 am 4 30 am 9 05 am 9 05 am 9 20 am 11 55 am 1 39 pm U 09 pm til 10 am 3 84 pm 5 03 pm 5 55 pm 6 53 pm 8 11 pm 9 12 pm 10 25 pm 10 47 pm t6 00 pm 12 10 am 1 07 am 1 40 am 2 41 am 3 45 am Ar Clinton, SAL, "'9 45 am Ar Greenwood " 10 85 am Ar Abbeville 11 05 am ArElberton " 12 07 pm Ar AthenB " 1 15 pm Ar Winder " 1 59 pm Ar Atlanta(Oen.time)2 50 pm 4 30 am 5 20 am NORTH BOUND. Na. 402. No. 88. Lv Atlanta, SAL, 12 00 pm 7 50 pm Lv Winder " 2 40 pm 10 42 pm Lv Athens " 2 16 pm 1126 pm Lv Elberton " 4 15 pm 12 83 am Lv Abbeville " 5 15 pm 1 40 am Lv Greenwood " 5 41 pm 1 09 am Lv Clinton " '6 34 pm 3 05 am Ar Columbia ON&LRR t7 00am Lv Chester, S A L. 8 13 pm 4 33 am Ar Charlotte " 10 25 pm 8 30 am Lv Monroe " 9 40 pm 6 05 am Lv Hamlet " 11 23 pm 8 15 am Ar Wilmington " 15 30 am 12 80 nm Lv Sou'n Pinea " 12 14 am 9 20 am Lv Raleigh " "2 16 am 11 35 am Ar Henderson " 8 ,28 am 1 00 pm Ar Durham " 7 32 am t4 09 pm Lv Durham " t5 20 pm til 10 am Ar Weldon " H 55 am 4 00 pm Ar Richm'd, A 0 L 8 15 am 6 50 pm Ar Wash'g Pen RR 12 81 pm 11 10 pm ar isaiumore " l 43 pm 12 48 am Ar Philad'phia " 3 50 pm 3 45 am Ar New York " 6 23 pm 6 53 am Ar Portem'th " 7 30 am 5 50 pm Ar Norfolk ' 7 50 am 6 05 pm Daily. tDaily except Sunday. Daily except Monday. Nos. 403 and 402, "The Atlanta Spe cial," solid vestibuled train of Pullman sleepers and coaches between Wash ington and Atlanta, also Pullman sleep ers between Portsmouth and Ohester,8.C. Nos. 41 and 38, "ThoS. A. L. Express." solid train, coaches and Pullman sleepers between fortsmouti; :ra Atlanta. Com pany sleepers bolwii' Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate qpnnec tions at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Naahville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. Newland, General Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Geo'gia. H S. Leard, Sol. Pass Agt., Raleigh, N. 0. . E. St. John, Vice President and Gen eral Manager. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. V. E. McB e, General Superintendent, T. J. Anderson, Goreral Passenger Arent. ' . General offices, Portsmouth, Va. Blight's Disease An Eminent Physician " A Living Monument to the Virtues of BURfALO LITHIA! WrttTER" In Blight's Disease of the Kidneys. Dr. G. A. Foot, of Warrtnton, If. C, Ei-President Ntate Medicnl Society, for mer Member of the State Hoard of Med ical Examiners and also of the State Hoard of Health : " I bud, in January 1803, a violent attack of 'Grip' which waa soon followed by the complications of Ascites, Cardiac trouble, Ac, and rapidly developed Into severe Nephritis or Hright's. My physicians, lira. King and Jerman, upon examination of my urine found by volume 65 per cent. Albumen, which test was frequently cor. roborated by subsequent examinp.tlons showing also casts and low specific grav ity. My Nephritic trouble gradually grew worse and 1 declined In weight from 195 to 135 pounds. In this condition with little If any hope of relief from any remedy, I visited the Buffalo Litbla Springs, of Vir ginia, making free use of the waters for some eight weeks. Analysis of the urine soon after reaching tbe Springs, by Dr. E. C. Laird, Resident Physician, confirmed theexamlnations previously made. Other analysis, however, by Dr. Laird from time to time showed a gradual diminution and finally a total disappearance of both albn men and casta, and tbe urine In a normal condition. Leavlug the Springs I contin ued the use of the Waters several months at home. At the expiration of some two years there has been no return of any un pleasant symptom and I am now as well as I ever was in my life and at living monument to tha virtue of BUFFAWi LITHIA VATER I make this statement from a sense of What Is due to the medical profession and to the cause of humanity." Is for sale by Druggists generally, or In rases of one dozen half-gallon bottles 15.00 f.o.b. at tbe Springs. Descriptive pamph lets aent to any address. THOMAS r. COODE, Proprietor, BufTfelo Llthla Sprlngt.Vlrglnla. Southern Rail w'y (Piedmont Air-Line.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect Sune 14, 1897. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 3.40 p m Daily Solid vestibuled train with sleeper from Norfolk to Chatta nooga via Salisbury, Morganton.Ashe ville, Hot Springs and Knoxville. Con nects at Durham for Oxtord, Clarks ville and Keysville, except 8unday: at Greensboro with the Washington and Southwestern Vestibuled (limited), train for all points north, and with mainline train No. 12 for Danville, Richmond and intermediate locations; also has connection for Winston-Salem, and with main line train No. 35, United States Fast Mail for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta and all points south; also Columbia, Au gusta, Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville and all points in Florida. Sleep ing ear for Atlanta, Jacksonville, and at Charlotte with sleeping car for Au gusta. - Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11.45 a m Daily Solid train consisting of Pullman sleeping cars and coaches from Chattanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 5.00 p m in time to connect with the Old Dominion, Merchants and Miners, Norfolk and Washington, and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Richmond 8 8 Cos, for all points north and east" Connects at Selmafor Fayetteville and iuieriuiuiaie sranona on tne Wilson and Fayetteville Short Out, daily ex cept Sunday for Newbern and More head City, daily for Goldsboro and Wilmington and intermediate stations on the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road. Express Train. 8.53 a m Daily Connects at Durham for Oxtord, Keysville, Richmond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3.40 p m Daily For Goldsboro and in termediate stations. . Local Accommodation. 2. 00 a m-ConnectS at Greensboro for all points for north and south and Win ston Salem and points on the North western North Carolina Railroad; at Salisbury for all points in western North Carolina, Knoxville, Tenn., Cincinnati and western points; at Charlotte for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points south. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. 0. : Express Train. 3.40 D m Dailv From Atlanta, flhnr- lotte. Greensboro and all noints south. Norfolk and Chattanooga T.imiteiv 3.40 p m Daily From all noints east. Norfolk, Tarboro, Wilson and water lines; from Goldsboro, Wilmington, Fayettoville and all points in Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limite.. 11.45 a m Daily From New York, Washington, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Hot Springs and Asheville. Express Train. 8.53 a m Daily From Goldsboro and intermediate stations. : Local. 7.20 a m Daily -From Greensboro and all points north and south. Sleeping car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9.00 p m Daily Except 8nnday From lioiui-uoro ana an points east. Local freight trains also carry passen- geis. Pullman cars on night train from Ral eigh to Greensboro. Through Pullman Vestibuled Drawing Room Buffet sleeping car, and vestibuled conchi s without change on Norfolk lim ited. Doublo daily trains bet ween Raleigh. Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; un excelled acc immndation. W. II. GREEN, General Superintendent. W. A TURK. Gi neral Passenger Agent, Washirg'on, D. C. J. M. CUI.P, Traffic Manager. ( rescent 9t giqjcles BUILT RIGHT Thousands of Crescent riders and agents were con suited at to the improve ments required for 1897 Crescents, and it is their unanimous opinion that no bicycles ever built approach the new models in strength, beauty,and wonderf ulspced. The Crescent agent will show you our new devices securing increased strength and ease of running. Crescent beauty speaks J lor itseu. NEW LIFE Rr, E. C. Wait's Nre end ft-aln Tremmsiti soldundr;aHiTewrltU)i. g-uarniitde, ! null 1.7 ted agents only, to cure Weak Memory; Lot ii brain and Nerve Powi'r; Lwt H.uibooil; inl'l"i, Might Loaaea; Kill lreaiua; l.fttK ot t'on?.'! Penroaaneaa; fjMflttn'le; all Drama; Loan of lit; at tbe Generative Orpa.ta in elili-,t' aex, umrnil t j iTer-eiertlno; Youthful Errors, or Uxi-wmlvn l n,l robaooo. Opium or Liquor, wklon auu i-tu1 ( tfiaer. Oonaamptinn, lnanit7ai.d Oeath. Py mail. paboxj for 5: trltfi written ar"ar"te lourT) araad money. WEHT'HOOUUi: 8YHUP. Ajnrram oar for Oougha, Golds, Aathmh,i)rneb.)ti, f map Vfcooplnf Coiwh, Sors Throat. I'laaaant to tak , Viall siaa dlaooBttnued; old.ooa fise, row list .1 it CHavsuew, UUAitaJilkuj kauadvaM f P WESTERN WHEEL WORKS Chleafo-New York ff1. J Catalogua frea. Astota ararjrwbara. Ir i :-

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