THE DAILY TIMES. MARKET REVIEW. MARSHALL DE LANCEY HAYWOOD, City Editor. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 15, 1897. Our Authorized Agent. Mr. W. A. Jones is authorized to receive and collect for subscriptions and advertise ments for Th Daiiy Times, Any favors shown him will be appreciated by The Times. .'. . . PERSONALS. Hon. 0. B. Aycock is in the city, k Hon. F. A. Woodward, of Wilson, is here. ' Iredell Meares, Esq , of Wilmington, is here. ' Ex Jude Henry G. Connor, of Wilson, arrived to day. Mr. R. O. Burton and family have re turned from Roaring Gap. Mr. 0. W. Tillett, of Charlotte, is in the eity on legal business. Mrs. J. 0. Bevers is quite sick at her residence on North Person street. State Treasurer Worth arrived on the 11:40 Southern train this morning. Messrs. Fred A. Mahler and James O. Litchford left for New York this morn .. ing. Gen. W. P. Roberts, U. S. Consul at Vancouver, is in the city on his way to his old home in Gates county. Mr. John 0. Utley, who suffered a partial stroke of paralysis about eight weeks ago, is rapidly recovering. President E. A. Alderman, of the University, is in the city attending a meet ing of the trustees of that institution. Mr. J. M. Broughton has moved into the residence on 'East Jones street for merly occupied by Hon. J. 0. Scarbor ough. (By Private Wire of John A. Duncan.) Office 807 Wilmington St. ' COTTON. New York. Sept. 15. The are the opening, highest. closing; quotations or. the ton market to day: 6 85 6 93 6 93 following lowest and New York cot- January, February,' March, April, May, September October, November, December, 6 98 6 90 6 80 6 78 6 80 High- Low- Clos est. est ; ing. 6 83 6 84 6 85 6 93 6 90 6 89 6 95 6 91 6 93 6 96 7 03 6 98 6 99 6 99 6 86 6 89 6 86 6 80 . 6 83 6 81 6 77 6 78 6 84 6 79 6 80 Sales 116,200. Tone steady. STOCKS. New York, Sept. 15. The opening, ing, highest, lowest and closing quota tions of the New York stock market to day were as follows: OPEN. HIGH.' LOW. CLOSE. 15414 155VS 154K 154 . 92'4 92; 91V 92 104 mx va mvi HIT 113 111 112 61 61 61 61 96 1-2 96 1-2 95 95 97 1-2 97M 96 97 1-2 Amer. S. R., Amer. Tob. Chicago Gas, Manhattan,. L. & N., Western Union, Jersey Central, Bur. Quincy, Omaha, Rock Island, St. Paul, B. & 0., c.&o., Misouri Pacific, N. Y. Central, . So. R'y prefer., Union Pacific, Wabash, pref., Chic. & Jior'w'n, 871-4 88 95 95 100 1-2 101 18V 18 100 101 1-2 100 1-2 100 87H 95 18 25 88 . 114 37 . 23 23 130 89 3-8 96 102 18 25 38 115 87 23 23 25 38 113 38 22 22 132 1-2 130 25 38 114 37 23 22 131 j. h. CLirrox. t. SCARBOROUGH. K. I. WICKER. CLIFTON, SCARBOROUGH & CO., THE LEADING JOB PRINTERS ; OF THE CITY. We do all kinds of Book and Job Printing in the neatest possible manner."" Our work 1. r.,- if OM tvatftntf in nMumntArial cvcrv Hfiv iirpiftrinir for the fall trade. Merchants and business men wfll do well to see us before placing their orders for fall Printing. Satisfaction guaranteed. All mail orders given prompt attention. 8amples and estimate cheerfully furnished. .,AiTnn . CLIFTON, SCARBOROUGH & CO., 117 E. Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C. B. W. BAKER, Coal arid Wood TELEPHONE, 140. PORT RECEIPT3- Special Car. A special car was attached to the northbound 8. A. L. train this morning to accommodate the pupils forthe various Raleigh schools. Today. LantYr. Boston, 28fi Charleston, 3.983 4,031 Galveston. 13,413 11,467 Mobile, 398 1,393 New Orleans, 5,814 8,038 Norfolk, 518 3,543 Savannah, 6,043 4 304 Wilmington, 1,816 Augusta, 3,627 3,356 Cincinnati, 294 Houston, 9,897 9,920 Memphis, 549 3,383 St. Louis, 133 450 The Times Serenaded. The Times office was delightfully sore Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chicago, Sspt . 15, The opening, high naded last evening by Austin's excellent wi auu c .u"" I DO NOT runn tn he a wheelman. and it would take one with a faster record than any we have at hari1 ot to CatCIl UO Willi uur uiucs. f you do not believe it, call and I will con vince you. JN0.S. JONES. The Grocer, HARGETT STREET. ' string band. day were as follows: Getting Point on Quary Equipments. 1 Tho old rock quarry will be opened up at once. It will be equipped with the best machinery. Mr. W. Z BlaVe, out excellent street commissioner is at Grey- stone, N. O., inspecting the machinery and getting points at the Linehan quar ries in the interest of the quarry here. Morse's Gospel Temperance Wagon. To night the " Rav." M'.rse will dis course at the Soldier's Home. To morrow night he will speak at the Pilot Cotton Mills, and on Friday night, he and bis lieutenant, Tom Hego, will hold forth at the Court House. His subject will be "led by the Spirit." Young Eugene Olive Recovering. The little son of Mr. W. J. Olive, wi has been confined in Rex Hospital !' 1 sometime, has so far recovered thai he was to-day taken to the western por tion of this county. Mr. Olive also took with him his five-months old baby. He has been unfortunate for the last eight weeks, having lost his wife and two children. LAR0- October, December, PORK October, December, RIBS--October, December, WHEAT-September, December, May, ; CORN September, Dicember, May, OATS-. December, Open. High. Low. Close. 4 43 4 53 8 15 5 17 4 77 V, 94 7 8 94 1 2 4 43 4 53 8 15 8 25 5 17 4 83 95 4 35 4 43 8 03 8 05 5 07 4 77 93 4 40 4 50 8 07 815 5 13 4 80 94 7 8 94 7 8 93 3 4 94 5-8 94 1-2 92 3 4 94 29 7 8 30 33 33 1 8 85 1 4 35 1 4 29 1-2 29 3 4 31 3 8 31 7 8 34 3 4 35 1 8 21 1 8 21 1 4 20 7 8 21 1-8 24 24 1-8 33 3 4 24 CARLOAD RECEIPTS WW., 290; corn, 858; oats, 294 .logs, 20,000. Special Notices; .lMi.-.-r-y'';;:;y.-. Bunch of keys belonging to Telephone Exchange. A liberal reward will be paid for their return to this office. PIANOS -AND- Mrs. J. E. ADAMS, Dress Maker, 557 Newbern Avenue. The latest Fashions a Specialty. Good work and reasonable prices guaranteed ORGANS, THE STAR" OF HOPE. "I had lost 9 hope and gone to iray lamer 's to aie," said - Mrs. Molis ETerTS, of Mound, Coryell Co., Texas. "I rare birth to a baby year ago, the 5ta ot lime last," the adds, "and seemed to do very well for 8 or 9 days, and then I began to feel very bad, my feet began to swell, my stomach was all wrong and I seemed to suffer with every thing that could be borne. I was in bed 5 months and there I was not a day that it seemed I coma live. I We had the best doctors that onr ' country afforded. 1 'was skeleton, i Every one that saw I me thought that I would never get ' well. I had nalnil 1- tion and pain In the heart, terrible pain ia my right side just under the ribs, terrible headaches all the time ; a bearing down sensation ; a distressed feeling in my stom ach all the time ; could hardly eat anything and it looked as if I would starve. 'All the time I would take such weak trembling pells, and it seemed as if I could not stand it There were six doctors treating me when I commenced taking your medicine. I had lost all hope and gone to my father1 to die. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his 'Fa vorite Prescription' together, and 1 took them regularly until I felt as if life was worth living again." "I weigh more than I have weighed for ten years. My friends say that I look better than they ever saw me. The first two bot tles did me more good than all the medicine I had taken. My stomach has never hurt me since. I can eat anything I want and as much as I want. If you want to use this in favor of your medicine, I am a living wit ness to testify to it, and will, to anybody who wants to kndw further of my case." 200 B1CYGLES1FREB eiTem to tlx Cm ks Gadenof th cornet Beat of thii sentence, tbe words of wnl aider, give a description of our famous hrch.inpi is Solar Wi stent . The son solo the watch as. It trust worthy U tho reliable- eyoiers, aw menu uf uu. What can ydu male of ft f has been placed in a sealed Tress, of the Mercantile , Philadelphia (u whom you may refer). The correct srrengernser. icket In the ban as ol tne rust and Deposit Co., of yon may relerl, woo wui opes the packet July i .1, and apportion to those correct re- 1 r"i plios. in th: order received, one each of our impror- ed high-grade 1807 Uieycles, of latest model, and Suarantecd free from all defects for on year from uly 1st. We make this unprecedented offer to Intro !oc quickly into new territory our famous SOLAR WATCH, a tinely-made, silver-aluminum guaranteed timepiece, invaluable to merchants, students, travel en, bicyclUts. lariucrs, or housewives who insist oa having absolutely certain time. . We are selling them for liooea'ch. 1 Worth at least J.oo.) And to each purchaser until July 1st is given opportunity to get a high-grade io Bicycle for nothing if, with your order for one Solar Watch, is sent the correct arrangement of Ihe above sentence. Every community into which one of our watches (at ihe hard-time price of only $1 goes makes our company the talk of Ihe town, and re suits in great business for us. Send In your order for one watch, with $1 00, as soon as possible, together with yout arrangement of ihe tentence. You can send in two or more arrangement) ; if with caoh arrange ment you purchase two or more watches. You can readily dispel of the extra watches at i.oo each to your friends, and thus increase youi opportunity of getting a Bicycle. - , SOLAR CYCLE ft WATCH CO., ' 100 market Btreot, j - . Fhiladatpbte.' Suysooc supp THE INTERMEDIATE QUARTERLY. A quarterly of sixteen pages for inter mediate grade pupils. Single copy, 8 cts. per year; a eta. each per quarter. THE BIBLE CLASS QUARTERLY, j A quarterly of thirtv-two rtatrea besides cover, for teachers and advanced pnpils. single copy, to cts. per year; acta, eacn per quarter. THE LITTLE TEACHER. A weekly, illustrated; four pages, for the youngest pupils. Wngle copy, 15 cts. per year; 3 cts. each per quarter in lots of five or more. ' AND OTHKlt Musical Instruments. The leading Music House in the State. Special run on ERANTCH, BACH -AND- M. M. SMITH, PROPRIETOR Southern Law Book Exchange Vpw and second-hand School and I-aW Hooks bought, sold and exchanged. 28,000 in stock, but all kinds wanted. We can furnicli win nnv honk rl paired, and the best and cheapest line of stationery and inks to be had. Come and see us before buying elsewhere. ' Now over HughesChinaotore. Soon to occupy the old quarters 01 tne . I!. Book Co., in addition. Phones 253 B, and 220 C. Nos. 127-129 Fayettevile Street, Raleigh, N. C. President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president ol the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily ami digestive strengin. " I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially I as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered I greatly with pains of Neuralgia In one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day et physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, bat found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured me of I rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. I Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills 1 very much." Isaao Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL HERALD. Published for first and third Sundays of each month; illustrated. Single copy. 25 cts. per year; lots ot nve or more, ao cts. each per year, or 5 cts. each per quarter. THE GLAD TIDINOS. Published for second and fourth Sundays of each mouth; illustrated. Prices, same as Sunday School Herald, OUR B1BLB LESSON PICTURES. A Quarterly Leaf Clusterol large colored pictures, illustrating each huuilay-school lesson. Kach cluster contains ia sheets, 86x36 inches in size, mounted on a rod and suspended Dy a cord, sent, postpaid, per quarter, $1.25. BIBLE PICTURES FOR OUR LITTLE ONES T-ithoirrarjh picture cards, Mtu inches. Uniform with Our Bible Lesion Pictures. Put up in packages of five sets. Can not Dreaa packages, orders must oe tor 3 sets, 10 sets, is sets. etc. Price. 20 cts. per quar ter for 5 sets. COriPLETB SECRETARY. A record prepared for Sunday-schools. It contains all necessary reporls. See de scription on Bible Class Quarterly cover. price, postpaid, 75 cts. COMPLETE CLASS BOOK. A slniDle record of names and attendance of individual members: see description on Bible Class Quarterly cover, trice, eacn, 5 cts. COLLECTION ENVELOPES. It shows the collections for each class for everv week, month, quarter, and year. Blue paper, lined with cloth. Sample, 5 cts. Per dozen, 50 cts. . SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS. Sample packs, 15 cts. and so cts. Circa lar on application. Mood. .. o&Daa ov GEO. E. MERRILL, AqenT, Christ tan i.tijA4nr AicUtUon, DATTOIT.OHIO. KIMBALL PIANOS, AND OTHER jSTANDARD INSTRU MENTS. Says They Get Drunk. Rsv. J. A. B- Fry, a Winston minister, created quite a sensation when he made the statement Sunday afternoon at the Y. It. 0. A. meeting in that city, that he had been informed that every usher in one of the most influential churches of Winston had been drnnk save one. Thie waa going for the boys with gloves off, and set some of the people of the Twin- City to talking. Greensboro Telegram. Do You Want the Band? Austin's band will furnish music for picnics and other occasions. 0. Austin. DARNELL & THOMAS, 114 Fayetteville Street. T. W. BLAKE, Room Wanted. A gentleman would like nice room, with or without board, somewhere on lower Fayetteville street or vicinity. Address "F," care The Times. Granulated sugar, 5 1-2 c. lb at B W. Upchurch's. V The Weather. Generally fair to-night and Thursday. Conditions: A considerable high area has developed on the North Atlantic coast, with a pressure of 30.30 inches at Philadelphia, and somewhat cooler weather over the New England States. The fall In temperature at New York was 8 degrees, at Philadelphia 12, Washing ton 10. No rain has yet occurred in the east The storm in the west has advanced to Nebraska and Iowa, with rain at 'a num ber of points in the northwest, the larg est amount being 1.06 at Kansas City. Some rain occurred also on the Texas coast, but elsewhere fair weather con tinuea. Pure Hog church's. Lard, 7c lb. at B W. Up. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, MANUFACTURER OF SEALS. 109 Fayettiville Street, Raleigh, N. C. When in need of anything in my line call on me, and your wants will be iinmed' lately attended to. , Good Country Butter, 15c lb. atB.W, Upchurch's. Cut Hum, at B. W. Upchurch's. Small Sugar Cured Hams, 1112 c, at B. W. Upchurch's. North Virginia Irish Potatoes. Nice, smooth, meal v. eleeant for table. For sale by the bag at $1.00 per bushel of 60 lbs , by Jones & roweu. . Aa Overdose of Opium. The Twin-City Paily reports that a young man named Bnoaf , wno lives about fonr miles west of Winston, was in town this morning and took an overdose of opium. He waa on Fifth street, and a physician waa sent for who brought tbe fellow around all right in a short time. '. Seaboard Air Line. Don't miss the opportunity to secure a round-triD ticket to Portsmouth, good for thirty days. This will enable yon to visit Baltimore and tbe nation's Uapitoi at a very low rate. These tickets will gooff sale on the 14th (Tuesday). Bound trip rates to 35 Call at the eity ticket offloe, 238 Fayetteville street for further informanor. H 8 I.fabd, Z P. Smith, Sol Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt, SUITS CLEANED, 75; cleaned and dyed 11.60. Harris' Steam I've WorKS, fcast HarireU street. Ing, shoes hats, tots. . Cash Dald for old cloth' watches, guns and pit- DEALER IN That Tired Feeling Is experienced by almost everyone at this season, and many people resort to Hood's Sarsaparilla to drive away the languor and exhaustion. The blood, laden with impurities which hate been accumulating for months, . moves slucgishly through the veins, the mind tails to think Quickly, and the body Is still slower to respond. Hood'w Sarsaparilla Is Just what It needed. Bead what Is said by r. C. Farmelee, 840 Bridge Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.: "I take Hood'r Sarsaparilla as a spring tonic, and I recommend it to all whe bave that miserable tired teellbg."-. "ForyearsI waa sick e-ry spring, but last year took Hood's SarsaparUla In February svnd have not seen a sick oay since." u. r BiOAir, Milton, Mass. Coveoncit-iiln WW 9UIIUIIIIU Is the Os True Blood Purifier. All druggists. It Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. . e-s are prompt, efficient and llOOd 8 PillS easy in effect. 25 cento SEABOARD AIR LINE ; Buy your Railroad Tickets at the UP-TOWN. OFFICE. Tickets to all points. Information cheerfully furnished. H. S. LEARD, Z. P. SMITH. Sol. Pass. Agent. City Ticket Agent Cv . ST rnTIMC THE WORtl Ij IfVouHlQuo CONSUMPTION COUGH OR COLD BRONCHITIS I Throat Affection 8CROFULA I Wasting of Flesh Or axtf JHteam trhere the Throat and Lunge art Inflamed, Lack of Strength or Kervt Pouter, you ear be relieved and Cured off SCOTT'S KULSICft PURE COD LIVER OIL wiui Hypopnospnices. PALATABLE AS MILK. 4sfc for Scoit'e Bntulelon, and let no ex planation or toUeltation induce yost fa aeoept m mubetitute. Sold by at Druggists. OOTT BOWNK, Chmlate, N.Y. 1 I r l i i i i iia mi iyi u i& ei TASTELESS EIH1.LL TiMDE 13 JUST AS GOOD FOR ADtHJS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50ct8. O ALAT1A, IUJ. KoT. 16 1B96 I Paris Medicine co., bu iaois, mo. Gentlemen: We sold sulrear, TO Bottlea ol nnVK'H TASTBLK8B ClinCli TON IO sad h-e oouRtat three froee siraedr ttus jeer. Ia all oar e He BTOI OT.1U- rave sncb am vours trnlv. ABMSr.CAB 0 OHOVB perleoee of 14 laoUoa as your Tooio. Teen, In sue a rue -msinees. never sold en ertlole that caTe such nnlrersel vm. itrouse & co 412 rta it. kp Tha Winston Sentinel will iasne an in dustrial edition October 15th. It If yon need flue hama, Jese G. Ball's will adrertiBe Winston and the tobacco ta the plaoe to get them. He haa a big Don't make two bites at a chferry. What's the use of talc ing one thinp- tor coarse, and another for fine, washing. Pearl-1 ine will do it all. For washing wood-work, tinware, silver; mar Die, glass, disnes,: carpets, or anything you can think.of, Pearl- ine is the best. ' It saves not only work, but wear. Let jt help you in all these ways' You musn't think that the easy washing of clothes is all that Pearhne is made for. E? am J Peddlers and some nnscraorilous crocers trill tell Ton " this is is track! at1 OCliU or "the same as Pearline." IT'S FALSE Pesrline Is never vtddled. ft T J . and if your grocer sand rc something in piste .( Pesrline. be j tJaCK hotMemdithO. u iAltliS PYLE, Kern Vers. Bsh ' m n 1 II MM II I 1 t W. L Douglas $3 Shoe. ; " Stylish, surabie. nerrect frtthif. 4 EnOorsee by over 1,000,000 weerers. V. L. Douglas &5Q, and $5i)0 Shoe arc th product lorn of skilled Workmen, from the best material pos sible at thrtc prices. Also $2.50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $250, $2 and$l.75 Boy . WeaseontythelwstOtir.RasslsCstf.rrenek ' Oeir, French Knsni.1, Vlcl Kid, ete., i (TadrftooorrmponawltK pricMoftkeilioM. . if dMlweumot supply yon, write , Csiaiothee. , W.L DOUGLAS, SrockUmi Msssi fixed QuaUty fixed priae There Is no variation In Crescent ' quality. The Crescent you buy ha the tame beauty, strength and ease of running a th Crescent your neighbor rides. The ex perience of both will be the; same In rare cycling pleasure. And the enjoyment of neither will be marred by learning that one bought hi Crescent cheaper than the other. Fixed quality rtyiani (lied price. Crescent price are right for algV est quality. CeTAUXWt SM MISTS . STSByWMKKS. . dretrni CQbcct dorttd n siwtni fair stock and Is selling toem cheap ' . .-.:. ; V.. . is4-?rtfaj- inirrin