THE DAILY TIMES. ' Published Every Afternoon (Except Sun- flay) by the - THE TIMES COMPANY, 403 Fayetteville Street Fraps Building TELEPHONE, 179C. THE DAILY TIMES is served by carriers in the city and suburbs for 5 CENTS PER WEEK. Hy mail, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in ' advance. (Entered in the Postoflice, at Raleigh, .. N. C, aa second-class mail matter.) ADVERTISE IN THE Daily Times. BEST RESULTS GUARANTEED. TUESDAY, - OCTOBER 12, 1897. THE STATE LIBRARY. Ever and anon the question of keep ing the State Library open at nights has been advocated but without avail. The suggestions have been made and then the matter ended. Those who have the matter in charge perhaps have noted the suggestions, but have paid no heed to them. Those who would be benefited by the move have never pressed the matter, and for that reason nothing has been accomplished. . If the people of the city want the ben efit of library at nights let them take some active steps, and we have no doubt that the matter can be accomplished. The Times stands ready to champion the cause, and push it to a finish if the peo ple really desire it. It is a valuable library, and is the property of the people; they have paid for it, and if they desire the nso of it, they are entitled to it. As it now stands the people would be just as well off without it as with it The library was not establish for the purpose of furnishing a few Sta'r officers with bocks for their leisure no ments. We noted in yesterday's issro where the authorities have made a concession by allowing the teachers to take out books the same as State officers. Under the circumstances this is well enough, but we wonld not advocate the idea of lotting the books go out. Let us give the open at-n'gbt idea a trial. IN MEMORY OF PARNELL. Tae sixth anniversary of the ("eath of Charles Stewart Parndl was fittingly celebrated In Dublin Sunday. At one time Piirnell was idol of the Irish people and there are many yet who revere and honor the dead patriot It was unfortunate that he fell, but all flesh is human and the greatest have often fallen. . The gpiiU uf ttatriotism was prevalent Five thousand Nationalists paraded the streets to the Bleak Olasnevin Cemetery, i . where they heaped high the grave of their famous and lamented leader with flowers, brought from all the counties of Ireland. ' The demonstration was unique. Previ oua demonstrations have bad strictly a funeral character; but in accordance with the decision of the leaders, that of to day waa divested of ail the trappings and the suite of woe and converted Into k triumphal procession, lively national airs replacing dirgpa, . ... - The country people were brought in by crowded eicusion trains. In their fcnts tlioy wore Ivy and shamrocks in stead of crape. - It was emphatically the people's day; for the aristocracy held coldly aloof. No flags were raised on the public buildings along the line of route, and only a few houses of the poor dis played decorations. The poverty of Ire land was exhibited, not only by tho chil dren who walked in their bare feet, bnt iriHhe attemps at a uniform for the pro ceFsionists, who seldom achieved more than a faded faded green s.ish or a spray of ivy on the coat Will Sign no Death Warrants. Topeka, Kan., Oct 11 -In an inter view Saturday Governor Lcedy advocates capital punishment for mnrder in the first- degree. The present Kansas law provides that a person convicted of mnr der in the first degree shall remain in the penitentiary one year at least, and then shall not be hanged nntil the Governor signs the death warrant There are about fifty persons in the penitentiary sentenoed te be hanged, but who are permitted to- live because no Governor has signed their death war rants. Governor Lsedy says he will not siirn their warrant as that was the dnty of preceding Gove n )rs, bnt ha i ti mates that he will sign the warrants for the execution of all murders derers sei.- tencid to hang during his term of office. DRESS-MAKING NEATLY EXE :U TED. VERY LATEST FASHION BOOKS. Satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. J. W. MITCHELL. 651 Newborn Avenue. To My Friends and Patrons . . . I have removed'my office and Paint Works in rear of Royall & Borden's, corner Har- gett and Wilmington Sts. W. W. PARISH, - Painter and Grainer. GLAZING A SPECIALTY. T. W. BLAKE, DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, MANUFACTURER OF SEALS. 100 Faybttiviluc Stkkrt, Raleigh, N. C When in need of anything in my line, rail me, and your wants will be immed- Mii attended to. R. D. BYNUM, MARUFACTCBKB Of RUBBER STAMPS. As Good as the Best I Leave yonr order at Alfred Williams & Co. 's, or see R. D. BYNUM, Rale'gh, N. C. SEABOARD AIRLINE Buy your Railroad Tickets at the UP-TOWN OFFICE! Tickets to all points. Information cheerfully furnished. H. 8. LEARD, Z. P. SMITH, SoL Pass. Agent Pity Ticket Agent $50,000.00 . City of Raleigh Five Per Cent. Beads for Sale. Sealed bids will be received by the City Treasurer until noon, October 15th, for the purchase of Fifty Thousand Dollars City of Raleigh Five Per Cent Bonds, running thirty years. No bid less than 106 will be considered. All bids should be designated on the outside of envelope aa "bids for city bonds," and addressed to the undersigned . joa 0. BROWN, City Treasurer. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mort gage from George O. Upchuroh and Vir ginia B. Upohurch, his wife, dated July 1, 1803, and registered in Book 124, page 494, of the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, I will sell at the Court House door in Raleigh. N. C, on Monday, Ootober 25th, 1807, at public outcry, to the last and highest bidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel oi land lying ana being in tbe city of Raleigh, N. C, and described as follows: Beginning at a point on bwain street, 200 7-12 feet from Martin street, running thence north 67 6-1'J feet, thence west 189 n T CKm,,..!,', ifn . i . . u k.i. v vr. m . uvi viiw.ii w liira, biJOMW JUfrU with said St.ronach's line 67 feet, thence east iov leei wj mo npginiunir. ; W. C. SlUONACH, September 17, Vt. Mortgagee NEW GOODS ARRIVING! K. A. WHITE & COMPANY, HEAVY AND FANCY Grocers and Oyster Dealers, Are receiving a choice and assorted line of Goods. It would be to your interest to give them a call. Fresh Norfolk Oysters Received Daily. Sold by the measure and served in any style. PHONE, No. 155. 120 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. J. H. CLIFTOp. K. F. SCARBOROUGH. . j. trinua. CLIFTON, SCARBOROUGH & CO., 'ft K 7TT 1 U4 ICI v. 1U GENTS FOR ONE WEEK The vDaily -Times THE LEADING JOB PRINTERS OF THE CITY. We do all kinds of Book and Job Printing in the neateBt possible manner. Our work speaks for itself. We are getting in new material every day, preparing for the fall trade. Merchants and business men will do well to see us before placing their orders for fall Printing. Satisfaction guaranteed. All mail orders given prompt attention. Samples V CLIFTON, SCARBOROUGH A CO., 117 E. Martin Street, Raleigh, -N. C. B. W. BAKER, Coal and Wood, TELEPHONE, 140. THE WORLD'S LARGEST POSSIBLE SHOWS -THE GREAT- JOHN ROBINSON -AND- FRANKLIN BROS' ENORMOUS SHOWS,' COMBINED. Absolutely the Mightiest Amusement Consolidation Ever Seen in This or Any Land, unaer ine Largest rents aver constructed water rrooi. , "iWrfiaS a2S2i Living Picture, Enchanting Watuary, Two Complete Cirouaca, Three Hundred reriormera, two Separate Menageries, Aeres or lenis, i wo roman Hippo- ' diom68, Tbr.e Olrcns Rings Ferocious Llona tn . - a Fifty-Foot Open De". .. . Tlie Most Glorious, Elaborate, Expensive and Comprehensive GRAND FREE STREET PARADE Ever seen, containing Grand new features, more sublime sights, more hones, more camels, more eiepnants, more men and women, more cages, cuarioia,taoieau ears, more imuiiM ill iiiiihii?- ilium miiMMi. mill a miuhuui wwii mil vwick uvn nrauMDM. bfmifle a world of nthm- uhlime and startlinr new and original Innovations. so much grander, greater, costlier and more meritorious than any other show pouessea, that opposition positively pales at the thought of daring to dream of attempting even the weakest Imitation of this all-overshadowing introduction of a new and mighty The Grandest, Richest, Rarest Btreet Parade Ever Beheld Defying all Competition Every Horning at 10 o'clock. Two complete performances uauy at 3 ana e p. m. isoors open one nour earner, une ticket aumtu w an. , RALEIQII7 N. -C.; TUESDAY, 0CT03E?. ! The cheapest afternoon paper In the State of North Carolina. .. Published by ' . THE TIMES CO' Y. 408 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, It contains all the up-to-date local news of tha city and State, besides the very late reports from all parts of the United States and foreign countries. THE DAILY TIMES lithe paper forll classes, 4Vnd is read by nearly erery family In the city of Raleigh. Served by the carriers at the small sum of 5 CENTS PER WEEK, payable to carriers. ADVERTISERS' MEDIUM. THE DAILY TIMES is the taper to advertise in If yon want to reach the masses as well as the classes. It is read by everybody, end is the special favorite of the ladies and children. ' If You Desire to be Made Known, We can place yon In direct communication with tbe people, because the peoplo read THE TIMES. , v It will be the honest endeavor of THE TIMES to give yon WORTH OF YOUR MONEY; ;' We will giw our advertisers noat, tasty aad artiatio work, in I ' ' new type, and bslleve we can give aatiaf action. , . : ; GrIVB US 'A TRIAL, And we think we can satisfy yon aejto j rloe and quality of work.- . V .

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