THE DAILY TIMES. ' Published Every Afternoon (Except Sun day) by the THE TIMES COMPANY, 403 Payetterille Street Praps Building TELEPHONE, 1790. THE DAILY TIMES is served by earners in the city and suburbs for 5 CUNTS PER WEEK. By mail, Two Dollars and Fiftv Cents a vear. Davaule in advance. (Entered in the Postoffice, at Raleigh, N. C, as second-class mail matter.) ADVERTISE IN THE Daily Times. BEST RESULTS GUARANTEED. 4Mo ILABEU TUESDAY, - OCTOBER 19, 1897. CHARLES A. DANA. The Washington Post, of yesterday, gays : "Yesterday the famous and ven erable editor of the New York Sun passed away, after a long illness, acd under the harden of many and eventfnl years. We do not recall in oar knowledge or expe rience of journalism a more impressive figure or a more strenuous and potent personality. Mr. Dana has always been earnest, if not interne, in everything. He has never been content with the beaten track, with the commonplace and the stereotyped. He began life as one of the Brook Farm community, in the capacity of a servitor-associate of Nathaniel Haw thorne, Margaret Fuller, and that illus trious group of thinkers who occupied so large a p'ace in the intellectual world ot that day. He was afterward a disciple of Proudhou, tbo notorious Socialist, and wrote in the New York Tribune a series of letters of marked abili'y rela tive to that eminent person. I . . i c the civil war he was a subordinate of Mr. Lincoln's distinguished War Secretary, Stanton, and in that position exhibited notable qualities of energy, devotion and enthusiasm. After the war, obtain log control of the New York Sun, he proceeded to force his newspaper into the front rank of journalism, imparting to it a reputation for brilliancy and bit terness in its editorial department, but studiously and inexorably exacting from its news department the most scrupulous adherence to fact, and the very highest literary style. A quarrel with General Grant, dming the great soldier's admin istration as President, took Mr. Dana and the Sun into the Democratic Party. A quarrel with Mr. Cleveland, when Gjt ernor of New York, took Mr. Dana and the 8an into opposition to the Demo cratic ticket of 1894. He had the most violent feuds with John A. Logan, with Henry Ward Beecher, as with U. 8. Grant, and these fends he exploited with a rancorous and relentless animosity which aaaxed the generation. He wa unforgiving in his resentments, iutem perate in his me'.hods of warfare, but he made the Sun a model newspaper, i and, even in his most savsge and wither ing attacks upon those he regarded ar hit enemies, he kept the Sua's tone to s pitch, of porfect tone and brill anry Whether we admire or condemn Mr Dana, as an influence in public affairs. It k Impossible to deny his power and hi charm ot style. , ' To analyze Mr. Dana's effect upon the thought and the tendency of his time is a task calling for the most careful and loKberate reflection. It la a task for mm which we have neither the leisure nor the inclination at ibis moment. We need no indulgence, however, in the matter of pronouncing upon his intellectual attain ments, nor do we hesitate so muoh as the fraction of an instant in saying that he was a tremendous factor, a force of meat passionate and indomitable energy in the equation of the period. What ever he did he did with a gigantic might Whatever he thought he utter ed with surprising eloquence and clear ness. Riht or wrong, mistaken or in formed, just or unjust, generous or vengeful, philanthropic or malevolent, he was at all times frank, outspoken and commanding. No one can say of him he was faint-hearted in his animosities or n laggard in his loves . Whatever else he may have been, he was not that poor and unconsidered thing, a nfgative. SEAL EXPERTS FROM JAPAN. The last of the delegates to the inter national seal conference to arrive are the Japanese representatives, S. Fugita and K. Mutsukuri, who came in last night from New York, and are stopping at the Arlington, says the Washington Post. The Russian commissioner, M. Pierre Botkine, arrived in Washington last week. It ia believed that the conference between the delegates of Japan, Russia and the United States will meet durirg the present week, and betf n the task of reaching an agreement in regard to Ber ing Sea matters, and that the American and British experts will meet a few days later. The Japanese delegates are prominent and representative men of their native land. S. Fugita is a member of the Board of Fisheries in the Industrial Dj partmentof the Japanese government He is well informed on the seal ques tion, and will no doubt take a prominent part in the coming conference. K. Mut sukuri is a graduate of H irvard Univer sity. At present he occupies tha chair of biology in Tjkio University, a national icsitution of learning. Mr. Mutsukuri is a distinguished scholar, and has a thorough knowledge of the modern languages. FRED A. WATSON'S PICTURE AND ART STORE. WALL PAFERS, WINDOW SHADES AND PICTURE FRAME. Prices are Right. DEALER Agricultural Implements, Farmers' Supplies, Seed, Feed and Ftrtil zero, Ra!eig N 0. ... SPECIALTIES: Ni8wn WigiM, Hard wars, Stvs, Dairy Fixtures, Feed Cutters aud Shred ders, Harvejtirg Machine. Grrln D.ills and Planters, Hy Presses, Wind-Mills, Tread Mills, Gotten G'm, Farm Engines, Clover and GrassSeeds, Poultry Snpplies, Vulcan Plows, Fertilizers for Special Crops and Soils, Special Feeds Reay-Mixed for Milk Cows, Standard Sewing Machines, Cook Stoves and Heaters. Plans and Specifications for Barns and other Faim Buililirgs. Com upon deuce solicited. Respectfully, B-IRBY, Proprietor. Wyatt's ew of J. T. Wyatt's Granite Quarry, a. 0., manu acturer of . Millstones, Paving Stone, A tonuments, Etc. F: THE ONE BIG MUSICAL TREAT OF THE SEASON. ONE WEEK, Opening Monday, October 18th, Direct : From New York, The Wilbur Opera Co. Susie Kirwin and the Original Wilbur High-Art Living Pictures. Opening Opera, ' THE MAN FROM PARIS" The Latest Fad ! Grand Continuous Performance ! Specialties Between the Acts ! No Waits! TAKE A DAY OFF Once in awhile; it will do you good, and give you a chance to get around and see the bargains we are offering in BUILDING LOTS AND HOUiES. We hare bargains for investments on our books that are money rankers. See them quick. We can also supply you with a house in case you want to rent. We shall be pleased to show you if you will call on us or drop us a line, and we will cll for you. We can save you time and money. J. M BROUGSTON & 00 , Phone 200 B. Real Estate. Call to See Us. IN Quarry. at Faith, sear Salisbury, Fowan Co., AGADEMY 0 Electricity Free And Money Saved eSre THE HARDY BROS. CO. T0Sur; ELECTRIC LIGHT & BELL WORKS, 105 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, - - - - - - RALEIGH, N. 0. ALLEN & NICHOLS, HARDWARE, SOUTH SIDE Mechanics and Investors Union, A'l'hess GEORGE ALLEN, Charles Pearson, ARCHITECT, INVITES CORRESPONDENCE. 'Connect 155 Central!'' TiDg-a Ling, Ling! "Who is That!" "R. A. WHITE & COMPANY." "All right; send down those Groceries and Oyste rs !" Such is the conversation going on over the wire all the time, for everybody knows we keep the cheapest and freshest Heavy and Fancy Groceries in the city. Fresh Norfolk Oysters received daily, which are sold by the measure and served in any style, and at any reasonable hour. One fry. 25c: one stew, 25o . and we serve on the half shell, whole shell or no New goods arriving daily. II you try us Incorporated 1897. CITIZENS CO-OPERATIVE CO., GROCERIES. A strictly select Hue of Heavy and to mirket order. Q-tods delivered promptly, free to any part of the city. W. R. NEWMAN, Manager. "Phone 27. A. R. D. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & COAL AND WOOD. SAVE By giving as your order now for 109 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. A STYLISH WITH EVERY SUIT SOLD FOF. THE NEXT FIFTEEN felYS. can We will rrake a stvlinh and ni4 ind give vs your order at once. It H deliver suit any time. JE.BRIDGERS&CO., Merchant Tailors, 216 FayetievilIe St., B W. BAKER, i0M TELEPHONE, 140. MARKET. J. 0. DREWRY, President B 8. JERMAN, Treasurer. GEO ALLEN, Secretary. 3Loans Made 4n Eight Years' Time, With Monthly Payments. Investment r tock 100 sold for a Monthly Pay ment of 65c. Secretary, Raleigh, N. 0. RALEIGH, N. 0. shell at all. Fresh fruits made a specialty . once, you will call again. R. A. WBKE & COMPANY, ' 180 Fayetteville Street Fancy Groceries. Special attention given 121 Fayetteville Streot, Next to Tucker's. JOHN S. JOHNSON JOHNSON, MONEY .... your Win e r's Supply of Coal and Wood. PHONE, No. 150. HAT FREE ! date hat of tie material free. Call Raleigh, N. C. Wood, MLLNERY MISS MAGGIE REESE. We have an elegant line of Fall and Win ter Millinery at all prices. Our styles are the very best, and prices reasonable. Oure children's and infant's caps are in all colors, all sizes, and any price from 25c. to $3. SILK AND WOOL NUNS VEILS, , RIBBONS. BELTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, And many fancy Notions. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Goods sent on approval, express paid one way. MIS3 MAGGIE REESE. "LINGERING IF You wDt to appreciate the beauty of the above quotation -GO TO- Barbee & Pope, Dealer in Candy, Fruit, &o. New Goods Have Arrived. A st yliwh stilt of Tailor-Made Clothing at a reasonable price. Come in and see our samples. Suits cleaned and pressed, and alterations of any kind. W. A. TAYLOR, No. 10 West Martin Street FOR RENT OR SALE arge Steam Riding Gallery, APPLY AT THK OFFIfl Or Till DAILY TIMES. TIME! TIME IS IMPORTANT. It some litre? moans a great deal. TAKE YOUR Watches and Clocks TO THE Jewelry and " n . . . . ..Hi Repairing More OF T. W, BLAKE, Fayetteville St., And bave them repaired in first class order. ' WANTED A sign to paint for every business man in North Carolina. Apply at once to BULLOCK'S SIGN SHOPS, Eistnargett Street, Raleigh, Nouth Cabolina. R. D. BYNUM, MANVrACTURKB Of RUBBER STAMPS. As Good as the Best I Leave your order at Alfred Williams dt Co. 's, or aoe R.D. BYNUM, Baleigh, V. a

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