THE TIMES Prints the News Nothing but the News. THE TIMES Knows All Alike Wishes to Please Its Readers. Vol. 1. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9,1898. No. 139. mum. LUTE El Bf WIRE To-day's Happenings All Over the World. NEW YORK COLLISIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILWAY FERRIES TWICE COLLIDE AT JERSEY CITY. William Carlisle Said to Be the Second Guldensueppe Identified in Morgue Today-Heavy Penilty for Libel. New York, 'Feb. O.-The oily is wrap ped In n heavy fog this morning. Two Pennsylvania railway ferry boats col lided at Jersey City ripping Hip deck off the "Cincinnati" nnli causing a panic. Fortunately no one was injur'l. Two clevjiteli tfaiiiH came logcther, in juring Fireman Morrcssey and passen gers Riilcliflo :iml Burns.' All steamers ore- delayed. Toiler in tin? day the Pennsylvania railway ferries, Washing toa and Pittsburg, were in collision. No one watt injured. FEDERAL COURT. Mr. McDonald Finally Subnnitl.od and Paid Costs. Judge Purnell convened FeJonal court at 10 o'clock this morning. Few eases were disposed of. On the Civil Docket Alvis S. Patter son ef al, continued to. May term. On the 'Libel Ten barrels of corn whiskey claimed liy W. J. McIinaUl1. continued to May term. On the Criminal Mr. McDonald's case was continued to May 1e.rm. He af terwards submitted, paid eoMts of $(14.20, and was discharged. Court meets to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. ' STORES FOR THE MAINE. Capt. Sampson Ordered lo Send Such ly 'TurptHto Boat Cashing. !By Telegraph lo The Times. Wiwliiustou, D. ('., Feb. 0. Orders ., wen o-dny sent Captain Sampson, In comma ml of the North Atlantic Squad ron, now ofl' Key West, to send the torpedo boat Cjsliyg V.lI:Tana .-illi stores ror tne ua urw nan esm p Maine. The flushing leaves in ,u day 1 or two. ' ; .Hi. I" SPANISH (MttftHBU COMING. . Ul ii.i il-.! '.. ' Insurgents oRtnrning to-. Their Former Views .Since, Arrjyal of Maine. ,. By Telegraph tThe. JOines, Madrid, Feb. (j. Tlio,. armored cruiser Almirnnfe Oqucudo . )cr,t Spain for Havana to-day, thence she goes to the United Slatcn. It is stated that the number of OiiIkiii insurgents submitting to Spanish authority lias decreased since the arrival of nii' American war .-ship in Cuban wviirs. . DISGRACEFUL SCENES. At. Zola Trial Barristers Struck Troop Who Were Protecting Judge from Rioters. ' By Telegraph to The Ti ines. Paris, Feb. 9.--The nioat. disgru.ceful nceneH yet enacted occurred at the Kola trial to-day. The droops are protecting the judge from the Hotels. The Barris ters insulted .him, and when lie ordered the court clenrod .the barristers struck members of the troops. ACTION ON wnsulau BILL., Foreign Reluttions (imtnittec lexirt Against Bi'lligcivncy of 'nba. By Telegrapli. to The Times. Washington, 1. P., ,Feb. It.The For eign Relations cnmniittee to-day reiort ed against taking (lie. recognition if 1k1 ligereucy of OuIm. onto Hie Consular bill. ..r . "V',-i.;--.; . MRS. IIBNRV OICORtJK WON. Sued lUvilroad for f .ri,(K)0 a ml Was Oivcn .$."00 by the Jury. By Telegraph to The. Times. !, New York, Feb. !. Th widow of Henry Oeorge was given five hundred dolluM by the jury as n result, of the uit gait'j.Ht the .Pennsylvania Rmilway for Injuries received. wWle walking In th. depot at PliiliMphia, OULnFNSUPPK TUB SBCOXB. 'By Telegrnph to. The Times. New York, Feb. 9. Hundrcda of per soiii are railing dnily at the Morgue en lomrlni? to find a clue to the identifica tion -of the mutilated liody found in the river yeter.tny. The clues fnilnt It as be iiiK the iKHly of William. Carlisle. ' ' IB IXM13 ' niONOUNCBD. , By IV'legwpu to The TimeB. " ; Alliany, N. Y., r'eb. 9. Assemblyman Patrick H. Roche 'lms prepared a resolu tion denouncing Gponish ' Minister De I-ome for granting n. 'Oertlfieate of con fi.lenoe with McKiHIey. KIIBRIFF MARTIN'S TRIAL. Anonymous Letters Sent to Jury. Pkvtt : Identified as Sheriff Who Took Flag From Miners. ' By Telegraph to The Times. W'ilkeslnarre, Feb. 9. At the opening of the trkil of Sheriff iMnvtin and bis deputies,. Judge Woodward advised the jury to turn over nny anonymous) letters to him. or to the district Attorney. Wit ness Yorshekowiez and memliers of the mine .workers, descrilied the events at Hnzleton audi Int timer and identified Deputy Sheriff Ario ll'ai'dee Plntt as the tmin . who destroyed the Hag of their leader. PRISON, FINB APOiTXOY. French (nrt Imposed Heavy Penalty on Fditor Roohefort. r By Telegraph to The Times, Paris, Feb. 0. The court : to-day ' pro nounced judgment in the libel suit ngainst Henri Rochefort, editor of the IntraiiKigeant, instituted by Jiwcph Reinach, a. inenilier of the Chainlier of DeputU's from the Lower Alps. The punishment is to lie live days' imprison merit, a line of one. thousands francs, and he must puhliuh an apology five times. SPPRKMW COURT. The following ip)ieals from the Fiiwt district were disposed of yesterday: Bvans vs. Cullens. argued by Oeorge Cowper (and Pruden by brief) for plain tiff; 15. B. Winborno mid Shepherd and Ilusbcc for defendant.' Cowan vs. Philips argued by Roilman for plaintiff; Warren for defendant. Hawkins vs. Richmond .Cedar Works, argued by 10. F. Aydlett and F. II. Bus lee for plainlilT; Slieplierd and Busbee for defendant. BBLIOBRENCY FOR. CUBA. Senator Cannon Says Administration is Trying to Put War-Debt, on Cuba. Washington, D. !., Feb. 9. Senator Cannon took the floor to sienk in support of 'his resolution to recognize the liel ligerency of Cnl a that the iolicy of delay pusiicd by the Administration is a. direct artncrslnp with Spain to fas ten upon Culm the debt incurred by tihe late war. FOR PURE FLOUR BILL. Mill Industry of West Organizing to Secure Favorable Action. By Telegraph to The Times. Washington, D. C, Feb., O.The ex tensive milling industry 1 -of the North and West, is organizing to Kecure fa vorable ncti'OiK on the "Pnre Flour" bill, which was introduced by Mr. Pearce, of Missouri. ' '. .-''"'' ' ' ionore McMillan. This morning, much to the surprise of thorn-interested in the case, the Supreme Court did not 'consider the ..matter of granting license to Percy McMullan, who it is c(rtified answered every ques tion, put. to him by t lie court. Much comment has already been made concerning the ei.urt'ti action. PRINCE (JEORt IE FOR ti OVER NOR By Telegraph to The Times. St. Petersburg, Feb. 9. Much import ance is attached to the communication of the official M'ssnger'. ill. whii-li Buh siit is almnihinin the eandiilature of Prince Oiforge of (Jreece for the gov ernorship of the Island of Crete. MINERS FOR KLONDKIE. By Telegraph to The Times. Victoria, B. C., Feb." 9. The steamer Teese sailed tiwlay with one liuu!sfd niinci-H for Klondike. LABOR C.OMIISSIONERS RIOI'ORT Two interesting chapters in the forth coming annual report of .the Bureau of Ijiilmr Shiitistiis are those on the truck ing and lis'lmig iiileivsts. 'INie figures are of value. As to truck growiug. it is nearly as early here as to cro s at. Cliarleston, and a fortnight or more earlier than Norfolk. . On .May 3nli, over one rnilruid, otMl.dOO qmtrts of strnwlier tIch were sJliipiml, One grower got M,0(H for his terries. One trucking farm ait. Ncwliern got $7.ri.O0 for the pro duce of one season. It is estimated that last yesir'rt tnn-k and berry crop was worth ?8,000,000. Craven is the first county as to trucking. The vulue of the huckleberry crop In Sampson and Dup lin is worth as much as $250,000 in one favorable season. As to the fishing industry it. may be remarked that few States liave so large n population dependent upon it for a living. There are 12,(iOO fiereoiis em ployed 4n the fisheries, and 3,800 ves sels and boatu ore used. There are 124, 000 gill nets. The catch of fish kiot year was 142,325.000, vulue $1,583,000: cla toh 78,000 biwliels, value $32,000; oyestew, 350,000 bushel, value $ltH),000; terra iins and turtlen 38.000, value $19, (XK). For Rhrimps, era lis nmt cnviiorse (sturgeon) $8,000 wan obtained. ' BDITOllS AND GENTLEMEN. (Henderson Gold Ieaf.) An wlilor who W' travelinir on a steamlKNit went into the liarber whop for a tfhavc. When tlie job -whs finished he tendered the pay, but the barlior (who knew Avho his customer was) de clined to receive it, with the remark: "We don't clwrge editors nothing, aaV "But you cannot, afford to work with out .pay,", pemisted the editor. "Dnt'a all right, boss," ntd the darkey, "we nuikci it up off'n gentlemen." PROMPT ACTION TAKEN MINISTER DE LOME'S LETTER CON SIDERED BY CABINET TO-DAY. Called McKinley a Weak and Low Politician-Senate Also to Consider the Matter-Delome Must Explain. By Telegraph to The Times. Washington, D. C, Feb. 0. Tlic' ttnl- que Dn Pup J)c Iiome letter insulting Pi-.'sident McKinley will Ik- taken up the the meeting of the Oobinet to-day. The Spanish Minister will be given nn opportunity to make a statement and it is expected decisive action will bo taken. The Senate -will not permit the matter to lay over iaud prompt action is likely at the next sitting of Con gress. The letter which is causing so much comment and' expression of indignation is given out by the Cuba ii Junta. The leller is' signed Enrique Dil Puy De Lome, who is Minister of Spain in Washington and addressed to Jose Cinalejas, who went to Culm' last Sep tember as Premier Sagasta's pcvsonal representative. In tins' letter the Span ish Minister refers to President McKin ley as "weak and entering to the rab ble" and as a "low politician who de sires to stand well with the jingoes of his parly." TO DEM AN D EX PLAN ATI ON. President Considei-sMatter of Sufficient Gravity to Take Official Action. Washington, I). C, Feb. 0. Minister Woodford will lie instructed to demand of Spain an explunation of Ie Lome's insult to President McKinley. The President believes the matter of suf ficient, gravity to take official notice, Fac simile -; coping of the letter were taken to the Pivsident and Secretary Day early to-day, and later they confer red and decided to tlcmnnd nu explana tion. ' TUB EUCHRE CLUB. The Euchre Club was last night en tertained in most clegtatf manner by Mins Elizabeth Hinsdale, at her home on Hillnboro street. The lady'g nrize, a silver fan-chain was won iby Miss lOthel Bagley, and tlie gentleman V prize, a silver eeorf holder, -was won, ns usual by Dr. Ayer. Mr. yatk'ing iRobards pi-es'nted tlw prizi iiimI Dr.i Ayer respondetl with nn original poem, i He also stated that his book on "Euchre and how She Ought to be Played" would bo out in a few days and could lie found m sale at Alfred Williams & Co.'a. bookstore. ,. After the card playins? dainty refresh- mcntsj were served by the fair young hostess to her guests., ; TIiomc, juresent were: Miss Florence Jones with Mr. A. J, Cowiand; Miss Lydia Hoke widh Mr. John Andrews; Mist Nmnmie Jones -witjli Mr. Henry McKee; Miss ioodenow, of Bimgor, Me., with Mr. A. B. Andrews; Miss Mary Tumier with Mr. A. M. McPlieeters; Mw Wood, of Elizii'lK'th City, .with '.Mr. Sam Hinsdale; Miss Mary Shipp with Mr. S. Howard, of Tarboro; Miss Kate Denson with Dr. Ayer; Miss' J.-ine An drews with Mr. Oa'ineron McRae; Miss Soihy Busbee with Mr. MarslwiM De Lancy tiaywiKid; Misw. Bl'hel Bagley witOi Mr. KV M. Pritchcll; Miss Dortcli with Mr. F, B. Haywood; Mws Susie Marshall with Mr. Tom lK'nson;Miss MiacKny with Mr. Sherwood Haywood; Mix Leike, of Virginia, with Mr. Wat kin.t Roba ids; Miss Knox with Mr. W. J. Andrews; Miss Knllio Cottcn with Mr. Will Slronndh, and Mcxurs. Brown Shepllicird, Kneelnnd. of lUisloii; Sey mour and Andrew Syme. TI I IS MAN DID WISELY. Tliifi Hrninf ft man went to the ticket window of the Southern deiiot iind tohi Tk-het AgMit that he wanted ti ticket to Durham. He was infN-niel .thnt lie Was in Durham already o he changed bin mind, ami called for a ticket to Raleigh. Durham Sun. THE BOX SHEET OPEN. The box sheet for the lecture of Trof. Alexander on "Modem Oireece," Friday night, is now open at King's drug store. Those -who wish to enjoy a rich litera ry treat should call umd reserve . their seats at once. Mr. W. N. Snelling'n condition this af ternoon at 4 o'clock was reported to be a shade better. Can In arc out for the Thnlian Club's meeting Friday evening. The el all will be entertained by Miss May Bryan. About twenty young women from Ral eigh, will attend the February Hern win given nt Chapel. Hill by the University German Club. Mr. E. G. Rogers, who has lieen living at 719 South Blount street, him moved to 412 South Blount. He is oUll very (sick and will lie glad to have his friends call to see him. COURT WAS CLEARED RIOTOUS PROCEEDINGS AT TRIAL OF j NOVELIST EMIL ZOLA. Wordy Battle Between Gen. Goni and Counsel Was Applauded-Court ' r Was Cleared by Guards. By Telegraph to The Times. Paris, Feb. O.The third day of Emil Zola's trial lieganwith the usual crowd this morning, and a large crowd was out side the court room. Gen. Gonz was the first witness. He pleaded the privi lege of professions! 1 secretary and refus ed to give details asrked in Tegard to certain letters 'which, were written by bin) to Col. Tiequart. Lnbori hotly pro. tested against the rights of defense lie' ing violated, (Jen. Gonz replied that the only rights violatoi were those. Which had been outraged by Emil Zola in his campaign. A wordy battle between the counsel and witness followed. The spectators applauded the act of (ion. Gong and the Zola ami anti-Zola fac tions in tlie court room manifested their feelings in so riotous a manner that the court was cleared by the gtuirds. TUB COLEMAN COTTON MILL. The Laying 'of The Corner Stone. Col. Julian S. Carr and "a Lu-rge ,-Number of Prominent Colored People Present. ICtoneord, 1'Vb. 8. The laying of the comer stone of 'tlhe Coleman cotton factory was an occasion' that attracted a large aggregation, of colored people to our city to-day, and ilie ceremony iwas carried out -with-'appropriate exercises, which Jiegjiri at the court. house, at 10 o'clock this morning. Around the en closure of the -bar were the local speaker airtd many 'proimnent citizens, both white and colored. Among the visitors present were: Col. J. S. Carr, of Durham, and President Meserve, of Shaw University. Ainong the iwomineut colored visitors were. Prof. E. A. Johnson, dean of ithe law department of Shaw University; Con gressman deorge H. White; Elder King, of A. M. E. Zion' church; United States Minister to Lilsria Smith, .Pi-of. A. L. Sumner, of Burga'w HikHi School; Eldct Berrj-, of the Presbyterian Home Mis sionary -work; Prof. A, J. Griffin, of High Poijit; Mwry Lynehj of Livingstone College; 'Bishop Clinton and Mrs. Ham per, of Philadelphia. At the corner stone laying, Congressman 'White deliv ered an address. TO BE SOLD (MARCH 3RD. Mr. E. M. Uzzell's Printing Establish wioiit to be tfKxhl at Auction. Tlie printing a. Ave of - . ,l. ,G. . Tlie printing' establishment of Mr. E. M. Uzzetl has lieen closml by an athu-h meiit by the sheriff. The property will be sold on the third day tf Mardriuiider sheriff's execution and also under mortgage by S. F. Mor decai, trustee. Mr. Uzzell is one of the liest printer in the South, and has conducted n large amd up to few years ago, a -very pro til able business. Latterly, like nvany other establish ments, Mir. Uzzclf iMiiness 3kis nol lH'en. so profitable, and finding that he could not ineet. his obligations, lie con fessed judgment, and lias done every thing in his (lower to protect his credi tor. ' , Tlie material in his establishment cost not less that $10,(KMI, A friend of liis said to-day that Mr. Uzzell does 'not owe oiKHfourth ns 'much as the value of his plant. Mr. Uzzell is one of the most, popular business -men in lt-,il'i,uli. and it is huped and 'be'lieved he will agaiu engage in I he printing biMtnesx in this city. ; A DELIGHTFUL TREAT. A lii'h treat f in store for the good people of Riii'leigh : oa Friday evening next, at which Um Peforosesr. . . .(IN next, at whioh time Profwsor Alexan der has consented to deliver un addres on Mislena Greece. Of course ieron of all ige will desire to lie infonmed on so iit'ret'ing a subject, csiiecUtlly front one so capable of dealing with it as Pi-ofcssor Akxiander, and we are mre that he will die greeted by a full house. .We. congratulate Raleigh on the pros- lect of such . literary treat. ' The address will lie delivered in Mct-f-ojiolitan Hall under flic tuispices of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, and admission will lie at popular prices. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The County Commissioners have been in session all this morning. Tlie condi tion of tlie poor ami aid for them has been the chief thing considered. Minor matters alont mm 11 bridges over little creeks on the eouuty roads were looked ofter. Miss Eltea Busbee will entertain the Fin de Seicle Chih Monday evening, February the fourteenth. Mr. Lnhley and family will soon move to Cary to live. THE EVENT OF TO-MORtlOW. Hoyt's "A Milk White Flag" at tb.? Metropolitan Opera House. A gallant organization is Chairles H. Hoyt's superb eiXKitaoular musical mili tary comedy, "A Milk White Flag," which runi all last season at Hoy t's Theatre, New York City, and also run over one hundred nights in Chicago. This emenation front iMr. Hoyt's mr velously fertile brain is a good natnred satire on our military organization, and is rciilete with that humor which, is so raanipint in the liiakc-up of our boys in blue. Tlie author has seized with ready wit upon the ni'ainy opportunities for twitting our amateur eoldier, which the latter is constantly furnislliing to the keen pen and fertile invagination of the writers, and from this simple material lias constructed a comedy more elaborate in it entirety than any of his previous efforts. Mr. Hoyt's plays are too well known to the theatre-goers for ns to expiate at any great length upon thean. Suffice it to say that he is the only na tive author who has never made a failure; hi ploys having one and all, in rapid uocession, scored emphatic, artis tic moid financial euecess. and in "A Milk White Flag," he has out-classed all his previous efforts. The play will lie pre seated in the same elaborate -'manner and with the same marked attention to artistic detail and accessory as nil of hisi other productions, :A cast of fifty 'People, at miming scenery, a military hand,'. make up the aggregation of this great presentation., which will be seen at Metropolitan' Opera House to-morrow night. LOOK (JUT ODD FELLOWS. Grand Secretary Woodell Says There is a Swindler Working the Order Mr. R. II. Woodell, the Grand Secre tary of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the Slate, has discovered a fakir claiming weniliership in tlie order, who is working (hid Fellows in 'the State. Mr..1 Woodell has mailed the following circular letter lo all the lodgea in the Slate, calling attention to the imposter: '"Brethren: (Be on your 'guard. De ceivers and frauds are becoming alarm ingly plentiful. Pay no money, endorse no checks, drafts! or other j. a per for nny person cUraning to e nn Odd Fellow until you have authority by letter or telegram- frnn the lodge in which he elahiM to 5io!d nwmliei-HhiiK I am led to issue this circular as a protection from' such caaes as hiive recently occur rl in thi State. One William Stracht, cUiiming memlKT-ship in the order, and having a visiting card, and being Well lKstel in the work, requested a brotlier to endorse a Jheck for thirty dollars, which he claimed was due him for sick benefits. . . The brother endorsed the check and thus enabled the scoundrel to obtain the money, but the check canne hack protc'ted for non-payment, :Jd the endorser had to make it good. There are other deadnlieuts and frauds work ing other Kheim on the order, and it is very important to be on your guard, riease see that every member is posted in regard to this. Fraternally, B, II, WODELL, Grand Secretary. IT WAS "P. 1). II." Thursday morning, at Castnlia, Mm. Pattie D. Arlington and sm, Bryant, went to tlie house of her divorced hus band, W. II. Anrington, and proceeded to reinntate themselves in the old home and eject Mr. Arrington. Much excite ment .prevailed, nnd Mr. Arrington pro cured a warning and Mr. Arrington and son, .Bryant, we arrested fmr . forerle tresspass and tried Iwforc 'Squire C. II. Buines. After hearing the testimony of several wllnses and mutch imhivering by Mrs. Arrington and Bryant, and in which several indulged, 'Squire Haines hound Bryant over to court in the sum of $200 justifiable hohd. ' Failing to se cure the bond, Bryant was enmmited to jail. Mrs. Arlington wa required to furnish a justified bond in tlie sum of $150 for her npiieiiTaiH'e nt court. She only se cured liondsnien by eigniug nn agrees inent wherein she pledged herself not to again tresspass on the proiwty of W. H. Arrington until who had lieen law fully placed, in 4ossession of same. IHxie Optic. MOVE TO GREENSBORO. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, nnd daughter. Miss Zelda, arrived here last week, and way make their home in Greeuslioro, They hove been tqieiuMng the winter, so Car, at the Park Hotel, Raleigh, where they have many friends. Mr. Smith was a member of the Leg islature hist year from Johnston county. Mrs. Claude Fanirh is noted all through the State, and nt the National Capital, for her heqntlflul voice; having song even years la one Catholic church, and at 'many social functions. Mrs. Smith is a cousin of Mr. John Addison Porter, the President's Private Secretary in Washington, D. O. Greensboro Record Mrs. E. E. Mof fitt has returned from a visit to 'Randolph county. L0i ITEMS Important HaDDenings in and About the Citv FOR BUSY READERS INTERESTING EVENTS OF TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW. What Is Heard on the Streeets andJotttl Down in Our Note-Book-Per-sonal and Otherwise. iRcv; W. 1j. Grissom, of GreenslMvro, was here to-day. Mr. J. S. Smith, of Be.-semer City, is in Raleigh. Major J. W. Wilson arrived to-day from Morganton. Mr, R. H. Hayes, if ritt.ilioro, is in town to-day attending Federal court. Settle IVockery came up from Rocking ham this morning. Mrs. Julian Timherlake left this morn ing for Baltimore. Mr. C. W, Edgerton, of Kenly, was in Raleiga to-day on professional busi ness. '." Miss Eumna Jeffenson and Miss Myr tle Lee, of Danville, Va., are visiting at Mr. J. W. BarlMT's, on Newhern avenue. Hon. Virgil S. Liisk, of Ashevillc, ar rived this morning and is registered at tlie Yurborough. Miss Lucy Chadliourn, of Wilmington, who lias been a guest at the Maason, left this morning for her home. Miss Dixie Leach has returned from Leaehburg, nmt will be here for several days. '. Rev. John C. Troy, of Jonesboro, ia vwiting. his sister, Mrs. C. C. Mc Donald. 'Auditor Ayer has resumed editorial work on -Senator B'utler's paper, ths Ca uea smi n. Judges James H. Merriman and C. A. Moore are at Richmond for the purpose of arguing Western NortJh Carolina ce liefore the Court of Appeals. ... r The Rolling Exposition, "City of Char lotte, is now in, Winston. In Winston it is exhibiting under the auspices of t5te Twin City Hosjiital Association. Raleigh now promises to keep wp its fine heal rli record during the monthi of February. . This is the 9th and so far only one white person has died. Mrs. Jul la Fisher left to-day for Macon, Ga., where she will visit the family of Rev. J. L. White, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church in Raleigh. Messrs. Stamps Howard, of Tarboro, and John Seymour, of Newhern, who have been here the guests of Mr, Brown Shepherd, left this morning for their homes. , A lot on Inne street lielongirug to Anderson Belts was yesterday sold at .public auction by Ernest Haywood, Esq., trustee. It was bid in by Mrs. Eliza betto Betts for $520. "It is saidi that the Governor has ex pressed to n lawer his belief tbat the United 'States Supreme Court will un seat Caldwell and Pearon a Railroad Commissioners." Col. Olds. A bunch of keys, with "J. H. Tata, Raleigh, N. C," on tlie ring, iwws yes terday found on tne Hillsboiro road Jive in lira from tlie city. They are. now in the possession of the chief of police. Mr. D. T. Johnson in this Issue ad vert'jycs (boneless hams in fact all ili Ix-Kt hams that you will find in Raleigh. Read his advertisement, and notice the ofFeT he makes to you in ease yon do not find everything just as he repre- Mr. Haywood D. White and family have returned from Richmond, Va., and have rooms at Mr. Reed's (the Batche lor place) fronting Nashj Hquare. Mr. White is the operator in the stock ex cluinge of Porterfield and Company, on Wilmington street. Mr. Raleigh T. Daniel and bride, ne Miss Snead. of . ', Virginia, arrived here to-duy and are the givests of hi brother-in-law, Prof. Wallace Rkldlck. of the A. and M. College. They "will remain, here until Friday when they will go out to Wake Forest College. Lit tle I mo. Gray was this morning sent to Baltimore by the Ministering Circle of the King's Daughters. Thi circle finds homes for the homeless and Mm Julian Thnberlake to-morrow will deliver the child to those who are to care for her hereafter. ' Begirniiiitf next Sunday the morning passenger trains (Seaboard and South ern) will connect here. Instead of arriving at 11:20 (Seaboard) and 11:45 (South era), they will hoth get her at. the wme time, 11:30. This to a fcaage that should have ibeen made Kg mgo. It i a change of small faaporUoce to the raihxMls, but one of the very great' est importance to passengers. 'I i.

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