THE DAILY TIMES. Published Every Afternoon (Except Sun day) t 413 Fayetteville Street NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS. t Communications and items or news intended for publication in The Daily Times should not be addressed to individ rial member of the staff, but simply to The Daily Times. All communications must be accom panied 'by the author's teal name. No exceptions will be made to this rule. TIMES TELEPHONES. Business Office 1790. Editorial Boom 990 THE DAILY TIMES is served by carriers in the city and suburbs for 5 CENTS PER WEEK. By mail, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in advance. SATURDAY, February 12, 1898. DISFRANCHISING THE -NEGRO. The Constitutional Convention of Louisiana was organized in New Orleans taat Tuesday by the election of the Hon. Ernes B. Kruttsdinitt as permanent president. In accepting the high office, Mr. Kruttsehnitt made an earnest ad dress. The chief purpose of the Conven tion is to provide a way for the regula tion of the suffrage dn Louisiana'. Tnis purpose has mob ibecn concealed, nno none, except those who nre wilfully blind to the public interest, questions the right and duty of the Convention in the premises. In speaking upon this ques tion, Mr. Kruttschnitt said: 'Wly tfel'low-delegaites, let n not be misunderstood! Let us say to the large class of the people of Louisiana, wilio will be disfranchised under any of the proposed limitations of the suffrage, tlirni What we seek to do is undertaken in a spirit, not of hostility to any particular men or bo6 of men, but in the belief that the State should see to the protection of the weaker ehisses; should pucd them ugaiust the machinations of those who would "use thorn only to further their owin base ends; should1 see to it that they be not allowed to harm themselves. We owe it to the ignorant, we owe it ta the weak, to jurotect them just ns we would protect a little child anil pro vent it from injuring itself with tsharp edged tools placed in its bunds." TO STOP TRAIN ROBBERS. Thirty trains held up last year! That's a pretty Tecord for a civilized country like the United States. In the last eighteen years -18 trains were held up wild 145 pnxtugors nnd trainmen shot, of iwlram seventy-eight were killed. In Mexico last year there was just one attempt t hold . ii train, mud that was iinisiicctif o' .Why lUiia immunity in the irtihern Kcpiiblic? BecaiB-v interferer'0 wirtl a itnntin it 1mmivi HYii.lo tki 1 11 i.t ' Wltl puniK' Oeatli. aram rowx-i's unc wreekers m our own country Jkivi little- fear of State hiw. When iltiry line they ai they cross the boim- reach of State officials, and1 often anake gKl their escape be invoked. iIh'Cw ",ll('r authoiity cau ijf the mine refei-MNl to wore brought under Federal jurisdiction the criminal he ursued by Unitod or other officials freed Stare! mar Jials 4. 1 !.!..., .,,,1 ,iiW travel here might soon be- .-vma - fe u it in Mexico. New York eral(l- JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. u. he iNorth Carolina. Journal of Edu- ftfnt Tin- nw.nH rr nwmni'infr itfk itiz na. niHH. i-iiMUMir. .imwK iiruir 1 1 iiimi rriTMri witb Washingtonian pictures. Among the contributed articles are "Literature and IIow to Teachi It," ile- ing an abstract from tlie lecture Octo ber 12th, 1897, by C. Alpliono Smith before the teachers of die Greensboro graded schools; "Parents and Teachers," by Miss Jenmae Gray, Asiheville city schools; "The Care of the Eyes of School Children," by Richard M. Lewis, M. D., Ualeigbv N. C; "Moral Character jj a Factor in Granting the Teacher's ,Jertifioatc," condensed from J. W. Bailey's speech 'before the county super visors; aix) "The Four University Marys," by Dr. Kemp r. Battle, Tj, N. C. THE OLD MIAN SUSPICIOUS. - wl r.m !., TVML.. boro Chronicle: ; v "They tell a good one on a citizen: not imany miles away who very occasionaJly takes bis tody. He prciircd n. little in. a glass and placed it Dear Iris bed to be faundr in- ease of "serious illness" during the niglrt. His young daughter s soon as be was asleep put water hi place of the liquor. During the night "serious ilraesH" attacked him and be reached for the remedy. He found only m broken glass and some ice. He ques tioned bis daughter about it and be answer was that the Lord bad changed tbe glasses, and ittoe poor fellow is sus picious yet that the Lord didn't treat bim right in the exchange." ' Pleasure soon palls nothing. Rani's Horn. win it costs The latest Newborn sciuuhil, which draws attention momentarily from tlmn in which Robert Hancock is the iwiuieipal figure, has wt hsist one conspicuous feature which lif ta it out of tihe Hancock clusfs. It will not do to make a bero out of a, whose head instead of hi foot riiould blave iwirhfliis -been fthot off, but there was soinething knightly in hia taking off bin coat, after he had been shot, and throwing it over the head of the girl so that rhe might not bo identified. It is to his credit that under the circumstances- be forgot him self and remembered .her. Ciharlotte Ob. AS IT REAIiLY WAS. Since the limes htta printed the news of the Hill-Duffy Scandal, we lire glad to be able to print the authorized ne- couiitcount ui the Ncwlieru Journal us follows: Nearly till the papers iu the State have had long accounts of the shooting affair that took place in this city on Tuesday night. 1 lie true facts had bet ter be given. They would have been published by the Journal at once, 'but for the request of mauy prominent peo ple. Shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday night the people of Eden street were startled by a milliliter of pistol shots tired with great rapidity. A moment after two people came out from the rear entrance of a residence fronting on George street, and started north. This residence is that owned mid occupied on George street bv Mr. F. S. 'Duffy, and the grounds run from George street hack to Kdeu street. On coming into tuen street the couple wont up the street a short distance and then turned into the first gateway. The man was half car ried by his woman companion. The neighbors followed them into the yard. In the desire to shield the lady, a gen tleman threw a. coat over her head and she went back the way she had come and re-entered the residence by the rear gate. The identity of the man became then established. He was Tom Hill, a young nmn of good appearance who has been engaged lor a year at u. i. uradiiain s drug store, and was known by all the town. Mr. Hill was badly wounded iu the risrht leg. it was at once seen. .Car ried by friends deep pools of blood were left on the ground. Hw was taken to the office above Brailhani's drug store and a number of physicians summoned to care for him. Blue coated policemen prevented the crowd surrounding the stairway from going above. An explanation showed that three 'balls had entered the leg above the ankle. AfterwuTds it was found that two shots had passed through his coat sleeve. It was thought that the leg must lie ampu tated at once as the ibonio, was badly shattered. Mr. Hill asked that His father 1 sent for before it was done. A six'cial train was sent to Gnldsbom which returned at 7 o'clock in the morn ing with Dr. Thomas Hill, the father of the injured man and a prominent man of Goldttboro of a family of high stand ing. Ir. Hill decided to try to save his son's foot and he was removed to bis home on Pollock street. Yesterday morning the wounded man was carried on a cot to the A. anil N. ..'. train, which stopped at Pollock street for .the purpose, and he was taken to Goldslm'-n. Vaster day afternoon he was rei fairly well. ' The story of the bio is as follows. T-' by marriage to F. ' married one. of Ins lieen visitn' (li s;it .i jV tho lap. not acquired an onvu. He lias a wife living in the could not ,be welcomed iuc lilS a tion .III, lino tuny home under such circumstances. Mr. Duffy notified Mr. Hill that h could not come to his llioine. However Air. Hill maintained that, ins intentions wore honorable and that when he oh- mined n oivorce, die wislieu to marrv Mr. Duffy's sister to whom his atten tions were being paid. Mr, Duffy, how ever, absolutely forbid him to come to the Jionne. Last Tuesday the relations of Mr. Hill with druggist C. D. Bradham were sev ered, and he was to leave Newliern the noil uay. no tneretore planned a ciaiKiesune meeting wiui tne young lady, which took -place in the rear of til residence that evening after dark. This yard is a handsome (lower garden and has a regularly used gate which oikmis tnrougJi a thigh fence on Eden street. Mr.. V. S. Duffy, however, returned from his drug store -while tho tryst was occurring in the garden and missed the young lady. He visited several houses to find her 'but could not. He then went to the foot of Eden street, to the new 1 rent river bridge, surmising that the couple were together and thinking they might be found there, Not finding any trace, he returned by the rear gate on Eden street nnd there he came upon the young people, seated on a bench an I conversing. ine young lady stepped' forward, but Mr. Duffy pushed her to one side and going to Hill, he told him that he would kill him nnd to defend himself if i could. Who fired first in the darkness and what was done or said in that trug- 1c moment even the combatantM could not probably now recall, but lwth im'ji were armed and were not afraid and fought -at less than six feet. Not less then ten shots were fired. Hill received three in his leg and two went through his coat. Duffy was wounded twice, once in the lower leg and onee above the knee, where the ball grazed the great artery by a hair's 'breadth. Duffy's re volver was emptied nnd lie turned bnck to his house, declaring that he would reload and return. Aided by the nervy young woman and hirflf carried by her away from the scone, Hill finally reached medical care ns al ready told. He refused absolutely to say a word 'about the affair. He would not tell anything by which even a guess could at first be made. Hence nwiny theories were Htartcd to account for the case. But witlii several witnesses of tire retreat nnd with another wounded nuin under tho doctor's care, the facts grad ually came to light. These fucts are stated as above tm gleaned from all those, in a position; to know, with the exception of the two immediately concerned in the stnnrirle. They have made no direct statement for publication. (From th6 Ohlonsro .Toitmol.) 'Mrs. Mldcrly is friidhtifullv ifforW. 4-11,'t die?' . 'Affertl t Wiry. JD 1xt urionov trim rfmjpcmi wihou abx't f&ngriiig her inrayerd." TWO STILLS DESTROYED. Deputy Collector Wiley Jones and itU men captured and destroyed two moon shine stills in Johnston county Thurs day night. Botilii juioorios were in full blast over one furnace and three white men were operating theni. These ran and though the officers chased them for a mile or miore they were never able to overtake them. One of the stills was of 45 gallons capacity and the otilier of t!5 gallows. iHjesidos cutting up the stills the officers destroyed same barrels low wines and upwards of a thousand gallons of beer. The stills were about twelve miles north of Selma. MUSCLE RAISERS and strength-givers are to lie found here in plenty. Fine Juicy Steaks' and Roasts, Succu lent Lamb and Mutton Olioiw, Sliould- el's and Jjegs, 'Jootlisome Pork lvoms and Hams, and tender Veal for Cutlets, Stews or 'Roasts are some of the many delicious cuts we offer. We buy the choicest meats the mar kets afford and sell it at prices which are only slightly higher than the infe rior grades arc sold for. CENTRAL MARKET AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY, Raleigh, N. C. 189 Mid-Winter 1898 We would call attention to the reduction we have made in all Millinory, especially all trimmed Hats and Bonnets. A big roductiou in INFANT'S and CHILDREN'S CAPS. ...o useful as well at tat, and at prices to suit thf ,imea. MISS MAGGIE, REESE. 2C9 Fayetteville Street, Kaleijjh, N. 0 FOB THE LADIES. Best American and Foreign Perfumery . . . NUNNALLY'S CANDY. 10 cent packages to 3.00 basket. we have received a fresh lot of this Oandy every week since the first. Be sore ana see it. HLNRY T. HICKS, PNtcrfpttoa DrsifMi A PALM : for EVERYBODY Having a large stock of Palms on hand, and wishing to make room, I shall from now on greatly reduce prices oa them, as well as on other lants. FRESH SUPPLY Hyanclnths, Tulips, OF IMPORTED lNarelssu, Freesla; BULBS f Chinese, Sacred and ARRIVED. J Easter Lillies for Forcing and Outdoor Planting. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS Of Roses, Carnations, eta Floral Designs and Flow ers for all occasions at ALL TIMES. Evergreen! and Shade Trees, H STEINHETZ. gggg N. Halifax St., near Peace Institute. 'Phone, 119. WANTED. Books ot all kinds bought, exchanirnd or sold oit commission. Special prices will he paid for library editions of N. C. Historic WAKW FOREST hOOR' BUYERS' UNION, Wake Forest N. 0. 200 FINE, FAT CHRISTMAS TURKEYS. Alive and keeping up a lively Will kill and dress if desired by customer. Prices resonable. Christmas Candies NUTS, RAISINS, FRUITS., ETC, ETC. A nice line of Groceries and Country Produce (always on hand, FAT CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, FRESH EGGS. W. H. ROGERS, 12 Exchange Place. LAMPS! The'nlcest assortment ot plair and fancy Lamps just received, from '20c. to $9. Din ner jets, 100 pieces, S, $10 and $15. Every thing In the way of House Furnishing goods. STOVES AND HARDWARE. The best Oil Heater made. Two pattetni $ each. The "Trilby" sheet Iron Stove cping every day. In my new store. Kcspectlully, J. C. S. L0M8DEN. FRANK HARVFY, Physician Surgeon. Resident's: Yarhoro House. 'Phone 230 Oilicc: Uoll)itt's Ilrug Store' I'lion cKU BERWANGER'S - We are still flourishing the knife. We shan't let up on this losing business until we get the stock down to the bare boards, watch out and see that you supply yourselves before the halt is called ! Qualities loom up like giants beside the poor crippled prices. Every Man's Suit Every Man's Overcoat Every Boys' Long and Short Pants Suit Every Boys' Overcoat, Ulster and Reefer go at a discount of 25 per cent, for this entire week yet, and if possible wc may continue longer, it depends on condition of the stock. , We have no hidden treasurers. Every winter SUIT and OVERCOAT is within the limits of this extraordinary sale; we want to lay special stress on the importance that you buy known qualities for less than manufacturing cost. 1 NEWS -New Dress Shirts, Top Overcoats, Derbys and Fedoras, Mid-Season Neck wear Novelties. . . . s. & CROSS & LIN EH AN MID-WINTER After the stoat successful year hi oar reduced prices. Wt don't offer odds and goes. This Includes the up-to-date clothe half dollor u big aa a dollar usually fa. Choico Materials, -Correct Trimmings Perfect Tailoring, Matchless Prices Are all embodied In our Stock of (Nothing and (or the next few day' Ton ean get them at a sacrlfiee. , We have sold a treat many et them since our Overcoat Bale, Vat have plenty yet for you to select from. How ever, yon had best come early. Bespectfufly, ; , DOBBIN -& TUCKER'S STORE, J23 and 125 Selling out the Stock from the W. H. & R. S. It is our intention to entirely dispose of tliis stock, and to do so the clearing sales will be continued for the next few days. Notwithstanding the immense last week's sales, many of the very cles yet remain to be bargains. Yours for DOBB TOR STEADY ?:tRVES AND GOOD SLEEP USC Co-cel-in Nerve Tonic. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE PREPARATION W ALL NERVOUS TROUBLES. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE PREPARATION WHICH CORRECTS BA SH G D. BERWANGER, f One Price and Up-to-date Gothiers busbies career, we be to offer the bal enda hi this frost sale, reaerrlng the pi that hare made friends for oa every OVERCOATS. CROSS & FERRALL -AT- Fayetteville St. .' ' of Dry Goods bought Trustees of TUCKER & CO. success of best arti- sold These are great the seeking. PRICE, 60 CENTS AT DRUGGIST SALE ance of our immense stock at greatly ck at the same old price, but everjtihli where, and just now 70a can make a , LIN EH AN Up-tCMtete Clothiers FERRALL