THE DAILY TIMES. Publishad Evary Afternoon (Except San' day) t 413 Tiyettevllle Street NOTIGO TO OONTKIBTJTORS. Communications and Items of news Intended for publication in The Daily limes should not be addressed to Individ ual members of the staff, but simply to The Daily Times. - . UIMBS TELEPHONES. Buataeas Office ............... 1190. Editorial Room 900 BE DAILY TIMES Is served by carriers in the city and suburbs for 6 CENTS PEE WEEK. By mail, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents a year, payable in advance. It-AEED TUESDAY, - - - 1-Vbruary 22, 1898. WHAT NEWSPAPER MEN LEARN Editors are the first to hear of gosisp or scandal, indiscretions of men or wo men, things unfit for publication, dn trigues, clandestine meetings, night buggy rides, young girls gone astray. flirtations of married women, amours of nuirried mm, and in fact all the neigh borhood scandal. Editors generally know all the naughty doings ini a com nwntity, no mater how secret. If only half they hear were published, divorce suits would follow in some cases, ostra cisms in others, shot-guns and gore, im prisonment, Jynchmgs, desolated homes. shame, hmimiliation and misery. The editor learns inuchi of the Shame and hypocrisy of life, and it is a wonder Ihe believes inT anything on earth, in hea ven or the hereafter. People who abuse the editor the loudest sometimes owe their standing in society to his forbear' ance. lush Journal. PINEHURST GOLF LINKS. A nine hole golf course has been laid out after the famous St. Andrews, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Tuft is giv ing his personal attention to the con struction and we may expect as fine links as there are in the country. The spot selected is an ideal one, situated upon the hill south of the A'illage Com mon. The grounds cover sixty acres of thoroughly cleared land, well fenced in, and covered with a thick groth of rye, which will be kept short by a flock of more than a hundred sheep. A large force of men have been at work on the links, which are now in good condition. Many good golfers are with us and anx iously awaiting the opening day. Pince- hurst Outlook. The citizens of Concord, N. C, are enjoying a rich robin harvest. The rob- ius roost in the canebrakes where, ac cording to an exchange, "they were so thick that they could le picked off the canes as fast aa a man could use 'his hands, it is said; that hunters caught the birds and bagged them just like picking cotton." Another exchange says they arc "thicker than -cotton." We shall expect to hear soon that laborers have been em ployed to pick them at 30 cent. per liun- dred. Exchange. Anthony Hope has disavowed the statements recently credited to him in regard to this country. But who cares? All this country sks of Mr. Hope is that he shall continue to write good stories. Nobody cares what he thinks of the country. A WORN OUT WORD. " (Contributed.) There is a man in Klondike, Not upon pleasure bent. When lie writes any kind) of head He uses the word "anent." It Is "anent" this, "anent" that, Andi "nnent" all around; Until it has become so common of late, It's the talk of all the town. If you wish to see the word used, Look in the "Klondike Slide," And there you'll find it in all its glory 'Tis the "head" man,' greatest pride. The other papers "copy" it too, And never give any credit, ' They see it in the "Midnight Sim," day, And swear they never read it. The printers in that office. Whenever tihey see the -word, Talk together in excited groups, . ' And nothing else is heard. Would it not be a good thing, The "common" people to tcil, The meaning of that much-used word, So they could quote it well. My friend, if you want to use "anent," . In ita proper place, Never tiw it in "big bead," Nor write it to aave pace. The word "about" or 'In regard to,"! Is last m good that that. And thten you will not always cause The boy to have a, "pat" .... i. . . " . ' And so, fare hee well "aneat," It W time that you wers played out, j And I'll write no more about yon, Unlet I're got the goat 2SJMra PHANUEL'S MORMONS. Bloodshed Narrowly Averted Last Sun day at the Church. Several days since we mentioned that two converts had been made to Mormon- ism n thei Phannel church neighbor hood. It seems that these converts eaone near causing senous trouble in their neighborhood last Sunday. In speaking of the 'iaffir" this week's China Grove Record says: "Hie Mormons, it seems, are creating a great deal of disturbance at Phanuel ihuirch,'iiear Gmeberstown. . On last Sunday members of this church and come recent converts to Mbrmonasm were arguing and discussing the Mormon fnitih and, tout for the presence of cooler heads, blood anight have 'been shed upon the church grounds. Our people should not 'tolerate these 'Mormons ini their uuidst. Let tihem 'be driven out from among us with "their floroieiou doe trine." '.. We 'might say in this Hinneetion that the ministers of Salisbury are getting up a tract which sets forth the evils of the Mormon doctrines. These tracts will be distributed to counteract any In fluence that might be made by th ddt ciples of the "latter day saints." Salis bury Sun. " Tarbell's Cheese 12V.e. at J. W. San derford's. 'Phone 184C. Four Year Old Apple Vinegar, 20c. per gallon, , at J. W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 184C. East Hargett Street. Tarbell's Cheese 12Vde. at J. W. San- derford's. 'Phone 184'C. East Harget Street. Best table Peach, 10c. per can, at J. W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 184C. East Hargett Street Good Green Coffee 10c. per noundi at J. W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 184C. East Hargett Street Dried Apples, 6c, per pound, at J W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 184C. Bast Hargett Street SPECIAL RATES VIA SEABOARD AIRLINE. Department of Superintendence Na ' tional Educational Association, Chat- tanooga, Tenn., Feb. 22ndr-24th7l89S. On account of the above occasion the S. A. L. will sell round trip tickets from all stations to Chattanooga, Tenn., at rate of one first class fare for the round trip. Tickets to bi sold February 21t and 22nd, with final limit February 28th, DAMPNESS FLUNG OVER US. The Reverend Ransom Johnson, form erly our Second head Porter, has left us. The Degree of E. A. A. E. conferred by the Garner Station College and the offer of four churches by the Unanimous vote of (all) the Sisters shook his faith iu the concern, after humming for two days the following improvisition: My Bosses sell Pickle They sell them so low. They'll never make money At the Business I know. He tendered his resignation to take effect so soon as The Rev. Wm. At- water, the Head Porter, could secure an assistant capable of Singing in 'tint son, "There's a better day a coming," and in accord as to the true interpreta tion of t lie 'Senega uibia n word "Baptizo." Dr. Johnson's successor is with us. Jske marriages of the present day, he is a failure. His name is Sam. and like other Sams and Tsalms, he docs not seem to care a wither he is in accord with Melody or noy thing. llenee, or whence. "Dans- the Gram. mar" (Dry Jones of Petersburg), we arc under a cloud of Dampness, stumbling along, selling Groceries at all sorts of prices, sometimes to the advantage of cuNiuiuers. Now i your time. Go i n or com a nmi win, ami "iJeil tak the hiuraost." W. C. STRONACH & SONS, EATING TIME COMES Three timet a day, but thatii tw reason why you should c to tk Market three times a day. THE BEST MEALS Can only be gotten tip treat 1a ehoioest grooeriee and pantry tut : plies. THE HOME IS HAPPTl When ihe larder ClaZmppUsd If. ttese neoetsltiea SMALL PRICES HOW Bar the best the world prMuoet and the best la always founs at THOMAS PESCUD'S 'aaeraaa Fauny erootr, lit rayetterin auvei. fne and qclek teUvwr. ' , Fsoae a, L 4 "ST: MUSCLE RAISERS and strength-givers are to be fonnd here in plenty. F&ne Juicy Steaks and Roasts, Succu lent Lamb and Mutton Chops, Should ers and Logs, Toothsome Pork Loins and Hams, and tender Veal for Outlets, Stews or Roasts are some of tQie many delicious cuts we offer. We buy the choicest meats the mar kets afford and sell it at pricea which are only slightly higher than the infe rior grades are sold for. CENTRAL MARKET AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY, Raleigh, N. C. 1697 Mid-Winter 18 Wo would call attention to the redaction we have made in all Millinery, especially all tiimmed Hats and Bonnets. A big reduction in INFANT'S and CHILDREN'S CAPS. Oar Xtnas goods are useful aa well a ornamental, and at prices to enlttht times. ' ". MISS MAGGIE REESE. 209 FayetteTille Streot, Raleigh, N. 0. FOR THE LADIES. Best American and Foreign Perfumery . . . ' NUNNALLY'S CANDY. 10 cent packages to $3.00 baskets. We have received a fresh lot of this Oandy evory week since the first. Bt rare and see it. HLNRY T. HICKS, Ftaacrlptloa DraggM. JMETROPOLITAN ITl HPFRA HHI1QP i iiw utrft ONE WEEK, EUQINNINfl MONDAY, FEBRUARY Return of the Favorite SUSIE KIRWIN. 70 PEOPLE 70 WILBUR OPERA CO. LIVING PICTURES. Entire new Renrtoii of Oiuiru filnna leaving Raleigh the theatret have been packed to the doort at every performance. Greatest luootta in yean. Pricet.25c.85o, 60c A PALM : : for EVERYBODY Having a large stock of Palmt on hand. and wishing to make room, I shall from now on greatly reduce prices on them, a weu as one trier lanta. FRESH 8TJPPLY1 Hvanotntha. Tnlina. Off IMPORTED 1 Nartlssu, FreesTa BULBS f Chinese, Saored and ARRIVED. J Batter Lilliea for Forcing and Outdoor Planting. CHOICE (TtTT K,l;arnstIons, eta FLOWERS i I1 Df'gnpd Fow wi ur u oooasiona a . ALL TIMES. Evergreens and Shade Treat, ; , H STEINMETZ, Jggg: Halifax 81, near Peaos Inatitnt, Phone, US, 4 200 FINE, FAT CHRISTMAS TURKEYS. Alive and keeping up a lively Will kill and dress if deeirod by - -customer. Prices resonable. Christmas Candies NUT8, RAISINb, FRUITS., ETC, ETC. A nice line of Groceries an Oonr.try Prodnce (always on hauu. FAT CHICKEN8, FRESH BUTTER, FRESH EGGS. W. H. ROGERS, li lehange Place. LAM The nicest assortment of plair andfanoy Lamps just received, from 20a to $9. Din ner jett, 100 pieces, $8, $10 and $15. Every thing In the way of House Furnishing goods. STOVES AND HARDWARE. The bett Oil Heater made. Two pattemt t each. The "Trilby" sheet iron Btovt eping every day. In my new store. Respectfully, J. C. S. 1UM3DEN. FRANK HARVEY, M. D.f Physician t Surgeon, Residence: Yarboro House. 'Phone 101: Office: Bobbitt's Drug; Store.' Phone 230 PS ROOM WANTED- CROSS & LIN EH AN'S Odd Lot February Sale. Fortunately for ns and for nil our patrons iwe got a bulge on business early in the Mason. We told our frionds solid, trutljs, ond they Mieved therni and together w made winter goods scatter. We knocked tuo top off of pricea in the be ginning ami put SUITS, SHOES and MEN'S FURNISHINGS down where everybody could re.tch them. Thoy moved you lM?t thoy moved. Our experience is thnt the right kind of prices will move goods any time, and low prices these days are aooiit 'the only thong that will move them. We liave no big piles of winter goods on our tables, but we -have a few suits or tuc different grades left, ond they must get out of our way. Our spring shipments will soon be arriving and these few ant fa ind odd pants must -get amove on them. V STiIiotb'!,otoni ?,12,50 wer6 ?2,5 t0 cneaP now g(et $10.00; SUITS worth $18.00, our former prices, $15.00 now go lor 14.W 8J per cent off on SHOES and we need all the room possible in our shirt department, for spring goods, so .those left on hand now must get a move oa them also. From one-half to two-thirds of their former value buys them this week. An for OVERCOATS wbait we have left don't cut much figure.but if you hapen to want one to keep out the eifora or early spring come and get it at your own price. These goods ore all just as good and atylish as they ever were, but cold weather ih leaving ut and they must leave wifli St DUN LAP HATS. Spring Opening February 26, J 898. CROSS & LINEHAN "Swept - Stock-takinc oiicrhttnintprt 01 tne broom. "A 1 the broken lines." "nflf1; and PnHc " elp yourselves at prices that pay no attention to cost, let StOCk. Are all throutrh. Wevf "matrhpri and Vests that have no pants for the r.lnth. Rrtth carte ond t 4U , v.iw uiia ot the very best styles of the ANOTHER FIND-400 - They lost their Coats BE SURE :TO GOME ,TFDS WEEKae If you want a Suit or Ovtoat at 2$ per'cenVoft. Thisls the last Week. 5o-Cent Club Ties and Bows for 25c. Be quick for your selection, s. All the mid-seasnn rpnnirpmpntc ond nr styles for spring. Glad to rTav DRY GOODS AT TUCKER'S STORE, 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street Our buyer, Mr. T W Dobbin, is now in New York making selections for the spring season Every article purchased will be select ed by him in person, and this is a guarantee mat our spring showing of Dress Goods, Em broideries and Trimmings will be the most se lect ever shown in our capital city Before our new goods come in the house we want to close out the remainder of the Tucker stock Not much of it is left, but there are some mighty good things in the lot Come and look for them DOBBIN & FERRALL. 1i'jt?lci,l"ff" m ill FOR STEADY NERVES ANB GOOD SLEEP USE , Gocelih Nerve Tonic. ' IT IS AN EFFECTIVE PREPARATION WHICH CORRECTS " ALL NERYOHS TROUBLES. 'T?J' Up-to-date Clothiers Down" that match 'em. The nrice frn-bc dnnkla U.j : i n As o 1 nwmo, uyuuic auu OllllC UJCailCU, III UIC LUllCLllUIl. OUIIlC choicest patterns we have had this season. ' - PAIRS OF PANTS and Vests. What we've 'done' vou see 'em. S. &. D. BERWANGER. . Always in the Lead. liil UAJ inn ; u u u u NEW SHOES In New Quarters at New Prices , We are now in our new quarters, at 131 Fay etieville street, just across tne street from old stand, a house three times the size of the for mer. We will carry douole the stock we formerly carried so as to better accommodate our ever increasing trade. We are now every day re ceiving new goods, and are marking them on the principle that -'imall profits make quick sales.". Our few remaining fall shoes are now being sold at a big reduction. Customers shoes dressed free of cLarge. A boy always on hand who does nothing but dress ladies' and gent's tnoes ouen as aenreu. POOL'S SHOE STORE. 1 Wl Pnees ! nro cupnt- Mrrothor on1 im.i alone to profit. We've taken thev are marked wouldn't nW with the price you can seeat