A RIGHT STORE SERVICE. We have aimed to build this business on the solid rock of public confidence, and it has been our earnest endeavor to have every statement true and free from misrepresen tation or exaggeration. To a generous public who made u,s a success we owe and extend our most grateful acknowledg ment. You will always find .us enterprising, progressive and aggressive in everything pertaining to businessliberal in our ways of dealing anxous to please glad to right any wrong, and ever ready to take back anything bought of us that isn't entirely satisfactory. How well we have served you is a matter of history; how well we shall do it is what concerns us. The look is always ahead. THE DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, - - March 1, 1898. THE WEATHER. For Raleigh, and Vicinity: Fair to night and Wednesday; warmer. Weather Conditions. Thp storm on the middle Atlantic coast has disappeared. A new depression extends from northern Texas to Minnesota, with the lowest pressure at Davenport. A little rain has fallen in Texas and snow in. the Lake Region. It was snowing this morning at Char lotte, but generally throughout the coun try east of the Mississippi the weather is clear and cold. "A GILDED FOOL." Mr. Edward P. Elliott will give the closing entertainment of the star course to-morrow evening. As an improvement of the latest plays Mr. Elliott stands at the head. It has been said that Mr. Elliott ds to the platform what Joseph Jefferson 'and Sol Smith Itunsell are to the stags. Prominently the best exiio ueiit. of pure, wholesome comedy. His work as an 'impersonator, and his pro ductions as mediums of entertainment, hve won etich universal praise from press, public, clergy and literate as to secure a position iiiiquestionel, and now rank with the great platform features of the day. Mr. Elliott impersonates all the characters in "Dollars and Sense" or a "Gilded Fool" and in so original and artistic a manner as to ever add otlwtiveness in the platform presenta tions, and to class them as creation identified with himself and impossible of 'litation or reproduction. ; Mr. Elliott will add two short humerous selec tions after the i'mpersonaltion of "A Gilded Fool." The Wilmington Messen ger says: "To give even a faint idea, of the pleasure of this kind of entertain ment when in the hands of one like Mr. Elliott Would be a vain task. Tis sud den transitions are too real to believe them capable of onep erson." To-morrow evening will lie the closing event, of the Course. Patrons may get their tickets at W. H. King's drug store. FROM POUT TAMPA AND KEY. . .WEST,' ;: Excursion to Jamaica by Plant Steam ship Co.'s Steamer Mascotte. The Plamt Steamship Co.'. Steainor Mascotte, will sail from Port Tampa. March 5th. touching at Key West. March Oth, and will then proceed to Tort Antonia, Jamaica, leaving Monteg'i Bay, retaurndng four days after arrival on Island. Rates from Tort Tampa to Jamaica will bo $42.50 one way, $75.00 round trip. The Mascotte is a first class ship, nnd the accommodations are all of the best. ; This is a most delight ful trip, especially at tfiis season of the year. Call on Seaboard Air Line Agents for further particulars and rates to Port Tampa in connection with this excur sion. '-.'-.'. MAY MODIFY RATES. Is Uie North Carolina Railroad Commis sion Weakening? The Seaboard Air Line system yester day, as printed in the Times, filed exceptions to the recent order of tlho Rairoad Commission fixing pas senger rates at 2 and 2 cents on the Raleigh and Augusta, Raleigh and Gas ton and Seaboard and Roanoke divis ions of its system. The exceptions are the same for each of these divisions. They set forth: 1. That rhe old rates (2 and 3V4) do not yeild more t'hian a sufficient return upon the capital invested, being bnrelj sufficient to pay the actual cost of oeratioti, reasonable interest upon thf funded debt, and not sufficient income to pay any dividend; and that the re duction will probably result in a defi cit. '-. . 2. That the determination of the Com mission substantially requires the road to carrry passengers without reward, un der pretense of - regulating fares, and amounts to taking private property for public use without just compensation and without due process of law. 3. That the reduction is Arbitrary and made without any complaint and without hearing any evidence to show that the old rates -were unreasonable or that those proposed to Ik- fixed w'erc reasonable and just; thait the determination was not only without evidence to support it, but in disregard of the evidence offered be fore the board, showing that the re duction was unreasonable, amounting to a confiscation of property. 4. That the new rates will lhave the effect of compelling the railroad to carry on its business of transporting passen gers at a loss. The otlher roads ou whicli reduction in rates were made the Wilmington and Wei don end the Southern have not yet filed exceptions. They have until Thurs day to do so. i It is expected that the Southern, it its exceptions are over-ruled, will sue nut an injunction in the Federal court, based on the ground tlhat the new rates amount practically to a confiscation of its property and t&erefore impairs the obligation of contracts. V It may be pretty safely predicted that, when, argument on the exceptions is heard, a material modification will be made in the new rates. They will be pui iback up ait least J4 of a cent and possi bly Vi a cent. It ta well known, that Dr. Albbott op posed any reduction at all. Commission er Pearson favored a reduction but lie thought the out (made was rather too deep. Chairman Caldwell for cut ting deep. His ideas Were adopted; but they will hardly allowed to stand if the railroads can how, as they clnim .tfhey can, that the reduction will malce it necessary to operate at a loss It is equally certain that tlhe old rate will not be restored, even MiOHgh (Jot. Russell wonts it done in order to makt It. possible for him to carry through (lit scheme for teasing the Atlantic and North Carolina 'Railroad to the South ern. ... " .. - . i-. - lis the Governor at last gone over to the Southern? v A PINE HEALTH RECORD. Only Three White Citizens of Raleigh Died During February. Already Raleigh has become famous for its wonderful health record. Few cities, of the same number of inhabi tants, can show a record equal- to that made by the 'City of -Oaks during the past year. And this year is starting out even better. Never was there a better January report than that made last month. The health of the people of the city during the' month just ended was aluo very good. Health Officer Sale has kept the city clean audi in excellent sanitary condi tion. His report for February shows 10 deaths t! white and 13 colored. Of those who died 4 were under five years of age and 5 were over seventy; in other words 50 .ver cent, of the total number of deaths occurred at the expected age. Of the six white deaths, three were not citizens of Raleigh, but were visit ing here and were sick when they ar rived. 1 1 will bo observed by reference to the reports for the fiscal yeans ending Feb ruary 28th, 1894,-'95-'96 and '97, that the aver.!.ge number of deaths for those years .was 292. wihiile for the last fiscal year, ending Feb. 28th. 1S98. we have had only 205 deaths. This is a de crease in our death rate of about thirty per cent. This is a very remarkable sibowing. and is something that this city should feel very proud of. Bit ths were reported for the month as follows: Whole number, 43 white, 2.'!; colored 20. Contagious diseases were reported as follows: .Measles 30 cases. Our Coat of Arms. A Sprig of Heather, a Skean-Dhu and a GROCER'SSHOP .: The Heather and Skean-Dhu are of the past. The Grocer's Shop plays a part In t lie present, assisted by it our Turnip. Faiart and Onion Crops we are able to live in rnr.il simplicity in tilt suburbs' of Geranium Valley. Neither Art, Poetry, Romance or Sen timent are possible in this business. .-We -'sell Coffee of acknowledged strength and most delieioits Arom i, ""lie No" Tea invigorating with a perfume more, delicate than violets. P.iuter of richest -'yellow, exceeding in fragaruep, .'ev .Mown Hay, Flour as White as snow. Fresh Tropical Fruits, Domestic Fruits and Vegetables. Fruits. Vegetables, . Fish, Flesh and ''owl in Tin and Glass. Food for Dyspeptics, I'Vxl for nypo lioiidriaes. Food for everybody. . We think we know something about wfhiit people should eat to "Live long in fhe Lund. If you have respect for our opinion ome and see us. ; W. C. STRONACH & RONS. Grocers. AUCTION SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power conferred upon me. by a certain mortgage deed, executed by Wyatt Dunn, and duly recorded in Reg 'stryWake county, lxxk 140 at page OH; I will offer for sale, at the court .lion to :loor, in the city of Raleigh, to the high est bidder for casih, on Thursday, March 31. 1K0S, at 12 o'clock m., the tract of land in said mortgage dfecribed, lying in Wake county, in Ncuse River township, bounded as follows:. Beginning at a co. r.er piiw, the dower comer in Jeffreys line, thence with the dower line S. 8" Jcgroes. K 52 P. to a strike corner of lot No. 2, thence w'th the line of I.iit Xo. 2, X. 2 degrees. E 90 " t,j a staue in ivey's line, thonee '.-with his lino and Norwood's line N. 87 degrees, AV. 3'i P io a coiner stake, thence N. S7 0egrp"s W. 17 P, to a corner stake, the place of a black jac, thence with the Jeffreys line S. 2 degrees W, 71 I' to the licginning, containing twenty-seven acres. Reing Lot No. 1 in the division of the lands' of J. H. Norwood, deceased. A. (?. MASSEY, Mortgagee. B. F. MONTAG-UE, Attorney. Raleigh, N. C. Felt. 28. TS!S. RALEIGH COTTON MAJtpT. ' Low grades A5. . Good cotton ?..545 Thomas & Campbell are making spe cial prices on Chiffoniers this week. A new line of Spring Matting and Floor Oil Cloth at Thomas & Camp bells'. ' Eggs 12c. per dozen, dressed chicKer.a and turkeys, beef, mutton, pork, sau sage, vegetables at Central Market and Cold Storage Company, 122 Fayetteville Street. Tartell's Cheese 12Vic at J. W. San derford'a. 'Phone 1S4C. East Hargett Street. Best table reach, 10c. per can, at J W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 184C. East Hargett Street Good Green Coffee loc. per pound at J. W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 18 1C. East Hargett Street. Dried Apples, C.c, per pound, at 3 W. Sanderford's, 'Phone 1840. East Hargett Street. SALE OF VALUABLE PERSON AT. PROPERTY FOR TAXES. By virtue of authority vested in mo by Section 52 of tlte Charter of the City of Raleigh, and in pursuance f a levy mnde by me February 11th, 1898, on the property hereinafter described, I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash on Thursday, March 3rd, 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the printing shop of E. M. L'zzell, in said city, the following personal property, to wit. Printing presses, type and bindery in said printing shop, the same being the property of said K. M. Uzisell, said sale lieing for taxes due said city by said E. M. Uzzell, for the year ISO", amounting to 57.35 and also for the penalty authorized by the Charter ot said city, and the costs of levy, scale and advertisement. C. F. LUMSDEN, Tax Collector. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 19, 1898. MUSCLE RAISERS and strength-givers are to be found here in plenty. . v F ine Juicy Steaks and RoasU,Succu lent Lamb and Mutton Ohops, Should ers and Legs, Toothsome Fork Loins and Hams, and tender Veal for Outlets, Stews or Roasts are some of the many delicious cuts we offer. We buy the choicest' meats' the mar kets afford and sell it at prices which are only slightly higher than the infe rior grades are sold for. CENTRAL MARKET AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY, Raleigh, N. C. SPECIAL RATES VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE. ''" Department of Superintendence Na tional Educational Association, Chat tanooga, Tenn,, Feb. 22nd-24th, 1898! On account of the above occasion the S. A. L. will sell round trip tickets from all stations to Chattanooga, Tenn., at rate of one first cinss fare for the round trip. Tickets to bs sold February 21st and 22nd, with final limit February 28th. 1808. - Nice, smoth, thin skin, meaty and WE HAVE A bargain to offer this week in fancy California NAVAL ORANGES Nice, smooth, thin skin, meaty nnd juicy, size 170. Since we cannot get Florida Oranges there are none better than California Navnls. ,' PRICE, .f!3.50 per Box. PRICE. 30 Cents per Dozen. PRICE, 2 for 5 Cents. Wo are still Selling Large Sized Prunes (50's) at 10 cents per pound. Yours for Standard Goods and Low Prices. D T JOHNSON Agt PHONE. 28. . . .... . i SALlS OF LANU IP? WAKE FOREST TOWNSHIP. By Virtue of authority, given me by a mortgage deed executed on the 29th of March, 1897, by J. T. Sanderford and wife, and recorded in Book 140 on page 4G2, I will sell by auction, for cash, at the Court House door of Wake County, on the 2Sth day of February, 189S, at 1 o'clock p. in., the leud conveyed in said mortgage deed, being the undivided in terest of said Sanderford and wife, in the following tract of land, situate in Wake Forest Township. Wake Count, nnd bounded on the North by the lands of Robert Freeman; on the East by the lands of J. B. Freeman; on the South by the lands of Patsy Clifton; on the West by the lands of Mrs. Sallie Pace, and said to contain sixty-two and a hall acres more or less. E. W. HARRIS, Mortgagee. Youngsville. N. C. 1-24-30 d FORTHELADES, Best American and Foreign Perfumery ... NUNNALLY'S CANDY. 10 cent packages to $3.00 baskets. We have received a f read 16t of this Car.dy every week since the first. Be turb and see it. HLNRY T HICKS, NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. --. On Monday, the 21st day of March, 1S0S at the railroad station on the Ra i leigii & Gaston railroad at Neuse, Wakt county, N. C, the undersigned will sell at public auction for cash, the following described unclaimed freight, which was shipped from Lincolnton, N. C, Novem ber 28, 1S94. by D. M. Oates to J. N. Holding, at Neuse Station; One large rag boiler, 2 iron, and 3 wooden boilers, eight pulleys,, one large stone and pulley attached, two runners, three beaters and pulleys attached, two heaters, two cast iron plates, two large cog wheels, two 'boxes for shafting, 7 pieces of shafting and, several small pieces of iron rods, etc. ; The amount due for freight on said ar tides is f 53.31. Also expenses of ad vertising and sale. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Com pany.". T. C. TILLEY, Agent. Turbell's Cheese 12c. at J. W. San derford's; 'Phone 184C. Four Year Old Apple Vinegar, 20c. per gallon, at J. W. Sanderford's. 'Phone 184C. . East Hargett Street. New Silks. Time was when the buying of a silk dress or waist was an event; now-n-days it is merely an incident. Price anil the wonderful progressiveness jot this great Nineteenth Century makes it impossible for these queenly fabrics to come within the reach of nil. Our prices will agree ably surprise yon. Black Plain Swiss Taffet Silk ,.,.49e Black Plain Swiss Taffeta Silk . . . .59c Plain Black French Taffeta 24in 75c Plain Black .French Taffeta 27 in 75c (Note width.) Plain Black French Taffeta 27 in. unusual value ................ .?1.00 Black Taffeta Coin Dots ......... .85c. Mora1 Velours Byadere Stripes 2 qualities ......... $1.25 and $1.50 Satin Duchess all Silk 20 in. Special ,59c. $1.00 a Yard. White Shot Taffeta with bars and stripes forming cheeks gray, reseda, cardinal nnd navy blue. A novelty. Glace Taffetas striped white with black splinters of color between green, brown, cardinal, navy. 75c a Yard. " Neat Pin Stripes and in Shepcrd Checks are the liest styles in (be fancy waist silks, but we are showing quite a quantity of the new spring shades combinations. At twenty-five cents. COLORED SPRING DRESS GOODS. The colored dress goods department is growing more in favor every day. All Wool Fancy Mixed Cheviots. Fancy ; Cheviots mixed with silk, all wool, solid colored color suitings. At thirty-nine cents. Fancy Mixed Suitings. At fifty cents. Fancy Woven Cheviots, Silk Mixed Fancy Suitings, pretty combinations. Covert Cloths, nnd Silk Mixed Armnros. At seventy-five cents. Oachemine Vigorcaux-, Silk Mixed Bro cades, Fancy Bourett Cheviots. Black Dress Stuffs. sr - Watching the markets as we do, there are often opportunities to buy reliable merchandise of many kinds at prices much lower than their normal value. Such aif opportunity has been taken ad vantage of in this black goods purchase. If at nil interested, an early inspection is advisable. Bicycles. It seems like reckless waste to pay more for any Chain Bicycle when $75.00 will buy "The Columbia" in all of its 1898 completeness. There are good Wheels -here at a less price, but there are no Lsitcr Wheels of the Chain Model here or clsr-Trhsre at any price. "IIARTFORiDS, here at $50.00 'HARTFORDS" here at $35.00 0 "VEDETTES" here at $40.00. . FOR. M I S'SES niid Youths $35.00 And the nnrivalled, unmatched "Col umbia Chainless" with all its wealth of Bicycle efficiency standing as the highest achievement in Bicycle construc tionand marking the extreme advance of Bicycle invention and development Men's or Women's, The price $125. ' In a good Wheel nt a low price we aie better equipped to meet the require ments of our customers than ever be fore. In fact, you'll find it cxtremelv difficult to match OUR " JACK AND JILL" Wheel at $29.00 and $30.00. For little foliar, we have the reliable "Williams," starting nt $20.00 for the 20-inch, and upwards. Responsible parties can arrange to buy Bicycles on a liberal plan. Sundries sold for cash only. H. ANDERSON, FANCY GROCER, EAST HARGETT STREET. prices advanced, and for that reason we can save you 15 to ij per cent, on Staple Gro ceries that you have to use on your table every day. We quote you' a few prices that you may compare with what you pay elsewhere : 500 lbs. sweet sugar-cured hams, small size, at 10c. the lb., regular price 1 2 1-2C, ioo dozen 3 lbs. cans tomatoes at 10c, or 3 for 25c. 100 dozen cans sugar corn at ioc, or 3 for 25c. This is the 12 1-2C kind. 4,000 lbs. fine grain granulated sugar at ? 3-4C the lb. in 20 lb. lots, or 6c. in small quantities. 2,000 lbs. pure hog fat at 7c. This lard is worth 9c the lb. Arbuckle's coffee at 12c the lb. Crescent City coffee at 12 ic. the lb. 4-year-dld apple vinegar at 20c. per gallon. This vinegar is the 40c. per gal. kind. Anything you buy from this store, if it is not as represented, we will refund your money. We sell for cash only. - , C. H. ANDERSON, EAST HlARGETT STREET. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity Tuesday: early; probably clearing during night. Rain was alive all day yesterday with wide awake shoppers, tak ing advantage of the great bargains this Big Store offers, and all were delighted as a good many expressed them selves. Our entire line of goods are new and the very latest in styles, and the prices much lower than ever be fore. EMBROIDERIES. . The sale of Embroideries yesterday was a hummer never such bargains offered. Just think 4 1-2 yards length of nice qualities in Edges and Insertings worth double the money for 19c the piece. We have decided to continue the sale today at the same astonishingly low price of 19c the piece for your choice. The Big Store is catering to your wants by having the best goods and lowest prices. Come to see the bargains that are waiting for you. Respectfully, " W. E. JONES. FRIDAY . MARCH 4th WE WILL OFFER 3,752 Yai3s new Shirting Prints gfi Yard. :p 2,000 yards heavy Domestics 4JC Yard . COME EARLY IN THE DAY! nOOLLCOTM son.

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