THE DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY. . i . .'April C, 1898. TWO COltPOKATIOXS TO-DAY. Concord 1. Ac L. Association- Incor porated by Secretary of State. The Secretary of State to-day in rorporuted the '-O.iburru County Build jiili and Loan Association," with .Lihn C. Wadsworth, 1. It. Coletrane, .1. M. Odell. W. 11. OdeH. F. L. HubbiiiK. 1. P. Ilayraiilt. V. II. hilly. 1. 1. John-1 the plaintiff, on. a inwriHu-itoix I Cny vs. Commissioners, from Curaber- The capital stock is to be not more j ,'"'a: ,l" "rror- . . . 1 ! oushee vs. Owen, from (.nnthnm; no than 125.(100. and the principal of I f,.;., Imsiness is Concord. I Jones vs. Benbow. from Yadkin; new THE SUPREME OOUBT. Opinions" were handed down by the Supreme court as follows on yesterday afternoon: Wees vs. Mineral Co., from. Cherokee; reversed. Howard- vs. Railroad, from Rowan; affirmed. - (Whitley vs. Railroad, from Cabarrus; new trial. iOartor vs. Slocomb, from Cumberland'; reversed. Willis vs. Railroad, from Caswell; af firmed. Johnson vs. Railroad, from Rowan; new trial. Ram-hill v. Thompson, from Bladen; reversed and judgment entered here for T. lloffmaii. X. R Janes, and A. M. McDowell, all ot llalilax eon in .v. have been incorporated into a corporation to 1m known as the .Scotland Neck Jelo- tinone roiup.iny. i 1 he charter is granted for .ill years, and capital stock of .Vt.tsOO. with the 7rlvileirv to increase to MO.00O. trial. . Patterson vs. Calliher, froin Iredell; a i tinned. Rear vs. Commissioners, from Bruns wick: reversed. Houston vs. Thornton, from Chatham; '2 cases), af tinned. Kornegay vs. Morris, from Wayne; reversed. ppeals from the Tenth district will OUR FK1 HXUS ARB MANY. Everv dav J(.:e 1 inns receives loi ters of commendation lroiu- its renders, and such as the tiiH-uwing are greatly (appreciated: SAXDFORD. X. ('.. April ti. ISIIIS. ticnili'inen: 'ion will please accept (lie enclosed sum from this place. I am so well pleated w:th my paper that I am trying to get. it in the homes of -all mv friends. Yours. -I). J, KMKKSOX. 'Willi this conies the names of three now subscribers, Willi the cash ,u ad vance tor each. ilMy;C 'WANT W-Alt. Kule:tfi. X. ('.. April 4 'jo the Editor Daily '1 lines: .Our reading people TcmciniUcr that President (.rant would not cipnate a war with Spam durin udniinisIraUon. and Cleveland woin IS! IS. well d loit allow hi rile between the two nations, because of the dissensions in Cuba. Xow McKinlcv is in the chair ami the war fanatics think to make a iool or hum but. lo! they Imd him lo he another lieru. McNiiilcv has served in one .war and he knows loo well what a war does tori a country. Some grow immensely rich, others get tl.ieir names enrolled upon the page ot lame, lioih at the expense of our best citizens our good people will be taxed to pnv about M.I MO lor each man slain, which the ni-iiiey sharks seize -and in after rears oppress the poor laborers, whilst t lie heroes names arc extolled according to the blood tliev shed, the dying groans laat are .heard about tfaeni. and the widows and orphans ihnt. are reduced to wretchedness. If the Maine was blown up by order ot the ljueon t Spain or her Cabinet, in- one of their commanding generals. Then forty (4(U seconds shoulil be lull tune lor our President to declare war. but for our nation s head to plunge us into a long and cruel war. that he can sensrblv avoid. -would prove to all tli:nk- lie called on' next Tuesday, April '12th ' :n the following order; l Rradley vs. Railroad. (ireenloe vs. ' Railroad. ' lluiitisiniin vs. Lunilier Co. : Morrison vs. Morrison...: Hamilton vs. Waugh. Presncll vs. Garrison. .1one ts. Insurance Co. Cases from the Xinth district argued yesterday. Kolhchild vs. McXich; argued by Wntson; Burton and atson for dcten ilo ut appellant. Williams vs. Gill, argued by C. O. McMichucl: Scott and Reid for plaintiff, J. T. Morohead for defendant. Ma bo vs. Mabe, argued by Jones and I itterson; A.M. Stack, R. L. Haymow by brief for plaintiff. J. T. Morchead, Scott and Reid for defendant. Rank vs. Taylor, argued by Watson. 1'iirtnu and Wiitwou for plaintilT. Glenn and Manly-for defendant. Levi vs. Marsha, argued by L. M. j Sw-.nk for plaintiff; atson, Burton ami Watson for defendant. Cromer vs. Marsha, argued 'by Glenn and Manlv I.. ' M. . Swink for plaintiff. Watson, Burton and Watson for defen- ! dant. . . - ' I Tulp vs. Railroad, argued by Watson. I Burton and Wntson for defendant. I Rank vs. Ireland, argued by E. E. Griy for plaintiff, Glenn and Manly for defendant. iMila vs. Tuginnn. continued. APRIL 7, WE WILL OFFER The Biggist Lot of Bargains Ever Given in this City. LISTEN TO THEM: ! LADIES' TAILOK-MADH SUITS (SAMPLES) AT HALE PRICE. 10 YARDS BEST SHIRTING PIMM'S FOR 25c. TOWELS FROM 2U EACH UP. A SMALL LOT OF GEXTS' HAN DKER CHIEFS. REC.l'LAR r.c.liOODS. THURSDAY THEY CO 4 KOU 5.-. ' BEST BLEACHED SHEETING. 2Vi 'YARDS WIDE, FOR 17c. (BEST BLEACHED SHBETIXG. 2U. YARDS WIDE, FOR l!)e. BEST I'.NBLBAl'HED SHEETIXli. 2 YARDS WIDE. FOR BEST UNRLEACI1KD SHEETING. 2Vi YARDS WIDE. FOR 15c. BEST UNBLEACHED SHEETING 2',i YARDS WIDE. FOR 17e. BLEACHED SHEETS. READY II KM MED, SI BY SM AT -14c, EACH. BLEACHED SHEETS, SAME AS ABOVE, ONLY !H) BY 00, AT 40c. EACH. , READY-MADE HLEA(HEI) PILLOW CASES AT Oc. AND 10c. EACH. XAPKIXS FROM 24e. EACH. WE OFFER ANOTHER TASE OF THOSE ELEGANT 1 He. ORGAN DIES. SAME AS AYE HAD SUCH A BIG -itVX OX BEFORE. AT 5e. PER YARD. . , NOW WE WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE AT THESE BARGAINS ONLY FOR ONE DAY-REMEMBER THE DAY TIIURSDA Y.APRIL 7. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. OOLLCOn & SONS. Stronach. Florida Oranges at Dughi's. EASTER OUTFITTING. TAILOR MADE SUITS, TAILOR MADE SKIRTS, - TAILOR MADE WAISTS, SILK UNDERSKIRTS, LACE AND CLOTH MANTLES, NOVELTY BELTS, RIBBOXS AXD TIE, ETC., ETC. WAIST SILKS, PATTERN SljBTS. SKIRT DRESS LENGTHS,' PLAID HOSIERY. NOVELTY GINGHAMS, FANS GLOVES, PARASOLS. PLAID HOSIERY, ETC., ETC. i , . . i EASTER - ! I - :..' v i 1 U - f-i W 1 ENTHUSIASI. . WE SEEM TO HAVE SOUXXEIK- " WITH OUR EASTER ANNOUXCE- -, ,!.,-.:.'. -,. :,.. MEXT-A KEYNOTE WHICH HAS 'EVOKED' A MOST ENTHUSIASTIC AXD HAllMOXiIOUS CHORUS. . THE STORE FAIRLY SWARMED . ALL DAY WITH ADMIRING CUS TOMERS. EAGERLY MAKING SE LECTIOXS FROM THE WOX DROUS KHOWIXG OF SEASOXA RLE XOVELT1ES. THE XEW PARASOLS CAME IN FOR A LION'S SHARE OF THE APPROVAL SO FREELY EXIPRESS ED, BUT GLOVES,, RIBBONS, LACES, MILLINERY. EASTER CAPES, COSTUMES AND THE THOUSAND AND ONE SMALL THINGS RE QUIRED FOR EASTER OUTFITTING ,1IAD NO LACK OF ATTENTION. 7, ...'. . .': -f-'.- Annual Display Parasols. of Latest It you want telegraphic and local news hot subscribe to The Times. Buy Shad from Britton Tearce and save money. Big lots received daily. 'Photic 2200. Thomas & Campbell are making spe cial prices on Chiffonier this week. Store and good will for sale center of city. Apply to J. A, Spence. : SALE OF CITY PROPERTY, In pursuance of authority given ns in three orders of the Superior court of i ake county made on the' 4th day of November, RS07, the 14lh day of Jan uary. 18!N, and the 25th day of Feb ruary, '-JS08. in the special proctvdiug entitled AV. II. H. Chcathain and others, against M. .L Parhnin and others, we will on the 2nd day of May, 1S0S, M the court house door, in the city of llalci'li. nffor for sale at nulilic auction. ing men mat ne is cither a tanalic or j , tht! i,i,ider for cash, the iol a sillv bloclihead. lowing lot of land, in the pleadings in I am a Deuioera-t ,,f ihe deepest dv.laul proceedings mentioned, to-wit: A lot of laud on the corner of Martin and Swain streets, which is fully described I in a deed from R. T. Gray, Trustee, to Init can endure inueh rui'.-.or than -war. ll-.'l iil licaniMn ' .1. C McLENDON. THE DANGER'S .UNDER THERE, (Bv Mrs. Rebecca C. 1 licks, lust at tins prcNcui iiKOiH-nt 1 is u very serious thing. 'J hough von feci as blithe and As a bird upon the wing: Contemplate the dangers Winch will. inert von there. Just consider lo yourself 1 lie dnugens iimler there. .1. F. and B. F, Cheatham, and record cd in Book (7. page "II". in the office of Register of Iccds of Wake county; said lot is known as the Cheatham Ralelgh-M House Place, and is a part of the e-s-'I late of t'.:e late B. F. Cheatham and I is sold for partition among his heirs at liw. ' This April 1st. 1S08. .. A. A. HECKS. ALEX. J. FEI Ll. ! Commissioners. April 2nd to May 2nd. EASTER SHOES AND OXFORDS. The newest, nobbiest and latest in toes, styles, shapes, etc N A NUTSHELL. We have what you want at a price you can afford to pay. Better values, better selec tions and lower prices than you will find elsewhere Not elsewhere in Raleigh will you find ninny 'of the exclusive. Parasol crea tions which are arranged here for view ing to-day. The Parasol has superseded (he fan as an article of feminine witchery ami coiiuellishness. -and Ihe de signs of flic period seem well calculated to aid the modem: belle in 'her con ijucsls. China Silk Parasols, in red. while and black, with double ruflles of veiling and chiffon and edged with black satin. Price $i$o Coaching Parasols, all t'"1 .newest shade, in solid colors, with long Dresden handles, beautifully decorated. Princess tassel. Price $2.00 Couching l'arasols. in Princess las- Canopy To plaids and checks, all -sill sol and fancy handles, Price. $4.75 Parasols in Dresden effects of China. Princess tusseld, all colors., Price $1.50 FRESH FISH . For the Lenten Season I licit' is danger everywhere.'. When the evil one comes in. W hitewar-hod 111 beauty hiding all the Even 111 every ending II will meet vim there. I iir I lie danger wails to meet us A aitn.g under there. J here is danger at the harb ir, 'I here, is danger nl the bar, 1 here is danger wailing in 11 ship. And riding in n car. 1 wonder how much longer Well stand the wear and tear. Willi nil these dangers round us. Lurking iiuiler there. Danger m rife 111 Cuba. In America s land: Danger waits lo seize us, fo prey upon the man: ' J is only our duly W lulc m this laud so fair. Ji know tluit we're protected From Ihe dangers under there. ! ' ' . ' ' - FlistoKTitrhud . -grSa ttom Ufa .It B.1. 1 J Sou df HINDIPO RESTORES VITALITY C5r3h Made a Well Man the A'TS;. ot me. GREAT FRENCH REMEDY pralucca the above result In 30 days. Cntes Nrrvous Debility. Jmtotency, Varicocele, Jailing Memory. Stops an drains and 10 es caused by errors of youth. It wards off In sanity and Consumption. Young Men regain Man hood and Old Men recover W.ihful Vigor. It gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and fits a eian for busineis or marriage. Easily carried in file vest pocket. TicaCfl fTC 6BoxSi..w 11 Mail, in plain park-OU U lOtUgc, with wriiteu guarantee. OR. JEAN O'HARKA. Pari HEAIiTT & 1IE.VUTT, Ha!.-igh, N. C. Country hanw. Miioked or nusniokcd. 0c. per pound, il.'ountry tdioidders N'.-jc. ler pound. Puiv hog lard, 7c. New cut heiTiiigs, 1c. each. ArbueklcV 'Of fee, lie. Ta-y W'ood'H high grade roasi vd coffee, only U.c. ikt pound. B. W. CPCIIL'ltCII. 4-5-2 t Britton Itarce w Helling lino Koe ond Buck Shad cheaper -than any other deal er In the city. Thorn, 220C. tho city. 'Phone 21.W. BUILD YOU A HOME. 2 Building Lots SI 23 each. 2 Building Lota $115 each. 4 Buildtflir Lots $100 each. Each of the Jot ore 00 x 10B feet edge of elty. O. O. McDONALD. P. S. You van flmiy these on uiouthly paymuuts if desired. . MUSCLE UA.ISEKS nnd ptrengtli-givers re to be found bere In plenty. jVine Juicy Steaks and Roasts, Rnccn lent Lamb and Mutton Obxyps, Should er and Less. Toothsome Pock Loins and Hams, and tender Veal for Outlets. Stews or Roasts are some of the many delicious cuts we offer. - We buy the ehoietwt meets the mar kets afford and sell it at prices which are only slightly higher than the infe rior rrndes are sold for.' CENTRAL MARKET AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY. IUIcagb, N. O. Fi?h are to some a necessity and others a luxury. When fresh and nice to all a wholesome diet Our facilities for getting them are superior to those of any dealer in the shipping business. Our experience with the wants of the local trade dates back fifteen years. We know what yon want. We have all kinds, consequently have what you want Prices as low as any one can tell similar stock. Geo. N. Ives & Co. Thone 2??B. A PALM : for EVERYBODY Having a large stock of l'alms on hand, and wishing to make room, I shall from now on greatly reduce prices on them, as well as on other lants. FRESH eUPPLY-l Hyanclnths, Tulips, OF IMPORTED I Narshwu, Freesia, BULBS ARRIVED. f Chinese, Sacred and J Easter Lilliet for Forcing and Outdoor Planting. -anrrw rrtT I 01 Ko,e, Carnations, eta CHOICE CTJT Flor4l Vv-lKntlkull jlow. f ers for all oocaslous at ALL TIMES. . Evergreens and Shade Trees, H STEINHETZ, SSffi N. Halifax 8t, Bear Peace Institate. 'Phone. 118. .New Firm and New Goods. Albert S. Womble having asociatet himself in business with L. D. Womble will be glad to hare his friends and ac qtiaintnaces call on us. We have first-class groceries with many other goods and will make prices us low as any house according to quality. Have iubt received a lot of finest makes of Pocket Knives and large lot of extra quality fishing tackle. Best to be had in the city. Come and sec for yourselves. Free delivery on all goods. L. D. Womble & Son. Cor. Hurgett and Wilmington street M I C, HERRING, OIVK U A TRIAL. We are now receiving daily consign inciilx direct -fnuin t.he hnhericd, and as we are soiling for sonic of the largest packer, we are prepared to quotn to the trade tho Lowest Cash Prices These huh ore well known they need no deticriptiun and u the price is eorirrlantly changing tu receipts in it lurc. 'raffcta Silk I'lirasidx. in .'checks, plaids and changeable: also complete line of plain while China and children's Parasols. Higgs' Charming Easter Mil linery. liaij been a delightful revela tion of stylo and bounty to 'feminine Raleigh. We never had such an expert corps of designers and trimmers, or ones who so deftly Americanized iin IRjrted models. The creations of our own workrooms this season are Irimuii-lis of style and good taste. Our hats arc not excelled by Puris made hats, in the opinion of smart dress ers. And tney etwt less by naif. Enster cho wing is best done now. Your stylish Easter hat is her at a dis tant saving. Coming to-day V-.- Shirt Waist Extra Forty nine Cents. We have arranged one tabic of shirt, waists, sizes .'!!! to MIS, mostly ,'iil. 'J hey ure made of Madras, Lawns, Percals ami some White Dimities. 'Ihe values are 7."). So and .$1. but will be closed at one jiriciv- 49C Fetching Ribbons. An attraction for to-day i 1111 ail-silk Tafl'eta Hibhon. 4Vj inches wide, in nil the choicest of , the pretty colors, f;r driws trimming, millinery, sushes and neckwear. 26c yard siS. C. POOL'S EASTER k f , OFFERING. We will this week offer the Ladies and Children the most dainty and stylish line of high-class Oxfords and Shoes yet seen in Raleigh. We invite them all in to see our 10 different makes. Our cents shoes are beauties. Trunks and Valises of aH the latest Paterns at S. C. POOL'S SHOE STORE. RALEIGH, N. C. THE LADIES' PARLOR, iiiii s HOE TORE. Everything Lite.t in Spring 'totwear... This is the only Shoe Store in the State making Ladies' and Children's Shoes a Specialty. The only one in Raleigh sell ing nothing but footwear strictly. LtDIFS' tilHL'S BUY'S BABY'S HOSIERY and SHOES We have the ncatent line of medium price furniture In the city contdhtlng of crease it is useless to quote Parlor Suit Chamber Suits, -jjeti Parlor uit . vuanioer ..ouii,, ; . , .i ft 1 v, , tio.i h'lnieo it to any weoan, and will guurun Loungcff, Trunk, Cook Moves, Uedj , Steads nnd Chaim in endlesn varictii .tee our price to ,be low u flic low- MaltrHse rauiinfncliiiod in tho city by est, whetlier "yion want 100 or 10,000. one of the bet woTkinan In the State. I ( krd..r tnkpn to fit anv size bed. Term . Sl'1"1 tM "ur v.u...w - , -r- to ult custonieTH on weekly or monthly inntullmenW. 0. 8. TUCKER &. CO.. 12S Eat Martin Street Store at Baleuh nnd Wilson. N. C. d; T. JOHNSON, PHONE 28. AGENT HOSIERY Don't buy nntil yon have seen our lino of Lord & Taylor" La dies' and Children's Hosiery. Our prieoa will mtrprijc you when yon eo the quality of thene good. Mail ordurn promptly filled. Wm. T. Harding, Proprietor. Fred M. Walters, Manager. . . . -: HOW DOES THIS HOUSE STRIKE YOU? For fen, look at It. 7 room, all modern to) -.rovmentB, cor. Wilmirgton and JoaM (Hay wood); 6 rootm cor. Blount and J'eaca itreet, T rooinn, UKiunt, next to Dr. Knox; S roomt Halifax street. oppcilte Peace lmtliulo- Oaks; G room Cottage, corner Morgan ant Harrlng ton j Broome, corner Harnett, nd BloodwortU lare garden; 6 room fottare Johntoo attest; 8 room boute Wilmington etreet - J. M. ROUGHTON & CO., . i (., . 1 I W ' A . : Heal Estate Pralew, Raleigh, ,1

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